2  That's right BLIMBING 
3  Build to success FANAGALO 
4  It's a run around DRICKSIE 
5  Bounce bounce KURTOSIS 
6  It's a blast GREGATIM 
7  Candy cane climber WALLAROO 
8  Lemmings inside AVENTAIL 
9  Short cut through forest GAZOGENE 
10 Castle Lemmalot JINGBANG 
11 It's a classic DIALLAGE 
12 Alpine assault course BUNODONT 
13 Tower of stone NAINSOOK 
14 Slippery maze YAKIMONA 
15 The Maze FUMITORY 
16 Down the middle we go CINGULUM 
17 Hole in ten BESLAVER 
18 Corkscrew digger ANABLEPS 
19 Attack of 50 lemmings QUINCUNX 
20 Aliems TARLAZAN 
21 Sugar climber KAMACITE 
22 Which exit GUMMOSIS 
23 This is the army PRODNOSE 
25 Breakou COTTABUS 
26 Lemmhanger BEDAGGLE 
27 Follow the yellow brick road EPICALYX 
28 All around watch tower HOMALOID 
29 Land ahoy LALLYGAG 
30 Tooten Lemming BILABIAL 
31 A head above the rest CACOFOGO 
32 Dot to dot METAVURT 
33 Shadow maze SLOWBURN 
34 Oh no more pyramids PELLUCID 
35 Chocolate drop MAKIMONO 
36 Lemilab KHUSKHUS 
37 Garden maze DISPLODE 
38 Play time RACAHOUT 
39 Stilt walkers ORGULOUS 
40 King Coder's tomb DUNCEDOM 
41 Spaghetti Junction CABOCEER 
42 Picky platform GEROPIGA 
43 Let the race begin BONTEBOK 
44 Poles apart EMPYREAL 
45 3D A Lemming Oddyssey LANGLAUF 
46 Ricochet NANNYGAI 
47 If the timing is right SARATOGA 
48 Rescue team QUINTAIN 
49 Which trampoline! MUSQUASH 
50 The name of the game ZOMBORUK 
51 Chaos maze SKILLING 
52 Team work WOBEGONE 
53 Motherboard BINDIEYE 
54 Away team FRAXINUS 
55 Birthday cake LINDWORM 
56 The arena CURLICUE 
57 T minus 5 and counting HANEPOOR 
58 Snake IDEMQUOD 
59 Lemmtris BLANDISH 
60 Death slide MALAGSY 
61 The five arches CHORIAMB 
62 Brechin's staircase GARGANEY 
63 Tower of Lemlab KAOLIANG 
64 Skijump MAROCAIN 
65 The prisoner OBTEMPER 
66 Family tree TASTEVIN 
67 Driving range VELLOZIA 
68 Fife towers BORACHIO 
69 Over the top JACKAROO 
70 The hangar COOLAMON 
71 Across the network BANAUSIC 
72 Raiders of lost lemming FABURDEN 
73 The catacombs RECKLING 
74 Sweet tooth teleporter MIRLITON 
75 Hole in one; two; three OPAPANAX 
76 Fun fair BIMBASHI 
77 Critical path CAATINGA 
78 Castle Peralus PENSTOCK 
79 Tuther circus level SPRINGAL 
80 Final maze BABIRUSA