1. Double click trainer.exe to run (you can do this from anywhere)
2. Load game
3. Use the option keys below
When you have this fine option enabled you will have to reload your current weapon
1. When u start a new level
2. When you pick up a new weapon
If you have unlimted ammo selected with this option on and you pick up a new weapon
It will display 0 but you will still be able to fire :)
Just turn the ammo off and reload if you like,whatever turns you on really
NOTE 2.. Jump
We decided to add a 'Jump' option in the game so u can now gain access to the top of
vehicles/bookshelves/walls to gain a better vantage point
F1:Player Health
This option enables infinite health to your main character
Toggle the key to turn off/on
F2:Team Health
Once you have activated this option your Team Mates have unlimited health
Toggle the key to turn off/on
F3 Unlimited Bullets
Unlimited ammo for your Side arm/machine guns etc etc
F4 Enemy Weapons Jam
Now this is a very handy option, When enable your foes will be unable to
return fire , So you can pick them off at will
F5 Unlimited grenades/smoke bombs
Gives you Unlimited grenades/smoke bombs/whatever else is in that slot
F7 one hit kill
This will enable you to kill any enemy that you have your aim on with one shot
You can shoot him in his little toe if you like :P
F8 TeamMate Teleport
Ok this is how it works your key aim at your TEAM MATE and
you will instantly teleport to his location
You will need to press ther key every time u want to do this
as it has an auto turn off feature after one use
F9 Enemy Teleport
Ok this is how it works your key, aim at your ENEMY and
you will instantly teleport to his location
You will need to press the key every time u want to do this
as it has an auto turn off feature after one use
F10 save your position
SAVE your position in the game whenever u want
F11 restore
RESTORE your position in the game whenever u want
J Jump
This option when turned on will introduce a new option to the game 'Jump'
Gain a better firing position on top of a Vehicle/wall etc
Just hold your forward key and hit the jump button and u will jump on top of
most vehicles/walls/bookshelves etc
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