
Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince

  If you are running Windows Vista, please make sure to run the
  trainer in administrator mode.
  To do so, Right click the trainer -> Properties -> Compatability and
  choose to run it as administrator.
  Please also be careful with modern firewalls. They now also have
  several protections against code injection which is needed for a
  trainer to work. Make sure you disable it while playing or it might
  stop the trainer from running.

      #    Hotkey              Option
      1    F1                  Toggle Freeze Potion Time
      2    F2                  Add 100 Mini-Crests
      3    F3                  Add 1 Hogwarts Crest
      4    F4                  Toggle Invincibility
      5    F5                  Toggle One Hit Kill
      6    F6                  Toggle Freeze Seeker Time

  F1 - Freeze Potion Time
  Press the hotkey to stop the time from decreasing when mixing 
  potions. Toggles On/Off.

  F2 - F3 - Add 100 Mini-Crests/Add 1 Hogwarts Crest
  Press the hotkey once to increase the number of your accumulated
  This option's effect will be recorded when you hit 
  the ESCAPE key to go to the menu.

  F4 - Invincibilty
  Press the hotkey to become impervious to damage and death. 
  Toggles On/Off.

  F5 - One Hit Kill
  Press the hotkey to make all opponents die with one attack hit.
  Toggles On/Off.

  F6 - Freeze Seeker Time
  Press the hotkey to stop the time allowed to catch the snitch
  during training or a Quidditch match from decreasing.
  Togges On/Off.

  Install Notes
  1. Unpack the release with WinRAR or equivalent
  2. Run the trainer from any directory
  3. Launch the game
  4. Toggle desired Options on/off