
Das Passwort zum Entpacken der Datei lautet: cheatscorner

     Trainer Notes 
     Game Version:..Update 7 (v1.7)  Trained by:..sILeNt heLLsCrEAm
     Release:...............Skidrow  Tested on:...........Win 7 x64
     Chiptune:...............Heaven  Date:...............04/19/2013
     MD5 Hash:.....................4A7552E47F7CEF52776DC3B6AA921810
                 Trainer Design by:...sILeNt heLLsCrEAm            
     Available Options
     Hotkeys                     Funktion
     Num 0                       Infinite Health       
     Num 1                       Infinite Shields      
     Num 2                       Unlimited Ammo        
     Num 3                       Instant Demon Sight   

     Additional Notes  
     Virus Warnings

     First of all... I can't handle all possible       
     antivirus programs so far out there.              
     Some antivirus solution detects always a virus    
     in my trainers. All of my trainers are packed     
     and/or encrypted. On "" you can 
     see that some scanners report it as xxx Packed.   
     The best results i see with "VirusBuster".