Das Passwort zum Entpacken der Datei lautet: cheatscorner
Trainer Notes ============= Game Version:............Multi Trained by:.....iNvIcTUs oRCuS Release:.................STEAM Tested on:...........Win 7 x64 Chiptune:......Android Rupture Date:...............11/26/2013 Trainer Design by:..............................iNvIcTUs oRCuS Available Options ================= Hotkeys Funktion ========================================= Num 0 Infinite Health Num 1 Unlimited Ammo Num 2 No Reload Num 3 Unlimited Explosives Num 4 Unlimited Flashlight Num 5 Skillpoints (Life) Num 6 Skillpoints (Light) Num 7 Skillpoints (Warrior) Additional Notes Virus Warnings ============================ First of all... I can't handle all possible antivirus programs so far out there. Some antivirus solution detects always a virus in my trainers. All of my trainers are packed and/or encrypted. On "" you can see that some scanners report it as xxx Packed. The best results i see with "VirusBuster". About available cheats ====================== Num 1/2 - Unl. Ammo / No Reload =============================== When you activate the "No Reload" cheat option then you have to activate the "Unl. Ammo" option too. If you don't do so the ammo will still decrease... Num 5/6/7 - Get Skillpoints =========================== Simply activate your desired option and activate a statue to upgrade your skills. If all goes well 10 skillpoints will be added to your current amount.
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