++City of Heroes++ +Tourist Guide to+ +++Paragon City+++ By: UnSub (evilasahobby@graffiti.net) Version: 0.65 Date: 28 April 2004 CONTENTS: 1.0 Introduction .1 Fair Use and Email Policy .2 Beta Warning 2.0 Paragon City Zones .1 Atlas Park .2 Galaxy City .3 Kings Row .4 Steel Canyon .5 Skyway City .6 Perez Park .7 Talos Island .8 Sewer System .9 Boomtown .10 Faultline .11 Independence Port .12 Dark Astoria .13 Brickstown .14 Terra Volta .15 Crey's Folly .16 Founders's Falls .17 Eden 3.0 Places to See .1 Statue of Atlas .2 Galaxy Girl's Statue .3 Paragon Police Department .4 Talos Statue 4.0 Monsters, Mobsters, Mercenaries - Oh My! .1 Hellions .2 The Skulls .3 Clockwork .4 Vahzilok .5 Outcasts .6 Circle of Thorns .7 The Lost .8 Fifth Column .9 The Tsoo .10 Trolls .11 Hydra .12 Warriors .13 The Family .14 Sky Raiders .15 Devouring Earth .16 Banished Pantheon .17 Freakshow .18 Prisoners .19 Crey .20 Rikti 5.0 Final Notes .1 Thanks .2 Contributors .3 Other Bits ------------------------------ 1.0 INTRODUCTION ________________ Welcome to Paragon City! Below is a guide to help you get around the various zones in the Birthplace of Tomorrow, a list of special places to see and a bit of a look at the unsavoury characters who may cross your path in your travels. This is not an all-inclusive guide and certainly hasn't been written to 'ruin' people's experiences of discovering Paragon City for themselves. Instead, this should be seen as merely an aid to the hero seeking to orientate himself in the big City and assist in combating crime. 1.1 FAIR USE AND EMAIL POLICY _____________________________ As collator and creator of this guide, I have no problems with its use and distribution provided that 1) it is distributed in an unaltered state and 2) that access to it is free (ie you do not need to pay an access fee of any type to purchase use of this guide). If you wish to alter this guide and / or charge for it's use, permission must first be sought from the creator (ie me ;-). If you wish to email me, PLEASE put something in the subject line about City of Heroes. I tend to delete emails with no subject line on the grounds that it is spam. Also, all submissions will be credited to their contributors, so if you send me info that gets included in this guide you will have your name put next to it. Please include a name (any name or nic) for me to use as I dislike putting contributor email addresses in guides. 1.2 BETA WARNING ________________ Launch is April 28 2004, but those with pre-order disks can get in on April 25. This guide (to this point) was predominantly written during beta, so some information may no longer be valid. Please be patient when playing and don't take this guide as gospel! ------------------------------ 2.0 PARAGON CITY ZONES ______________________ All heroes have access to a map (default key 'm' or at the top of the ui) they can look at to find out where they or their team mates are. Apart from the zone they start in, these maps will not have their suburbs named. You can see the suburb perimeters on the map as the coloured lines around the edges of certain areas - these colours give some small indication of how hard core the criminals of that area are. As you run around each zone, you will see that you leave behind an unshadowed trail on the map. Once you have travelled enough through a suburb, the name of the suburb will appear on the map for future reference. The location guide will list a suburb name (eg 'Downside') and its location on the zone map (eg 'South'). Some estimation has been used here - some zones stretch for several directions or are small and closely packed - but hopefully this info will be enough to get you around. You can travel between zones either through use of the Monotram System or by moving through the zone gates. If you use the Monotram, you will be given a list of zones that the line (either Green or Yellow) runs through - from this list you can select your destination. If you use the gates, be aware there are two types - the green gates (you can freely pass through these no matter what level you are) and the secured gates (that require a hero have a minimum security level before entry). Within each zone a list of villain groups and their approximate strength (ie Lvls) can be found. These should be used as only guidelines rather than absolute rules - you may find villains of higher or lower Lvls than indicated or find a location crawling with a particular villain group one day only to find it deserted the next. 2.1 ATLAS PARK ______________ Atlas Park is probably the most well-known location of Paragon City and one of two areas where heroes will start in the city after being dropped off by the out-of-town bus. With a skyline dominated by a huge statue of Atlas, this area is under siege from a street gang called the Hellions who can be found everywhere assaulting citizens and causing trouble. TRAINER: Miss Liberty (in Atlas Plaza) MONOTRAM: - Yellow Line HOSPITAL: Chiron Medical Centre (Located in The Promenade) MAIN CRIMINAL ELEMENT: Hellions NEIGHBOURHOODS: Atlas Plaza (Centre): Lvl 1, 2 Hellions Hyperion Way (South / South-East): Lvl 3, 4 Hellions - There is an underpass in Hyperion Way that is just filled with Hellions picking on citizens. The Promenade (North-East): Lvl 3, 4 Hellions - Contains the gate to Steel Canyon Prometheus Park (South-West): Lvl 3, 4 Hellions Downside (South): Lvl 5, 6 Hellions - Downside also contains a Sewer Entrance - Contains the gate to Skyway City Argosy Industrial Area (North-West): Lvl 5, 6 Hellions - Lvl 6 Clockwork can also be found in the garbage filled areas of this suburb - Contains the secured gate to Perez Park 2.2 GALAXY CITY _______________ The sister zone to Atlas Park and the other place a hero will start in Paragon City. Galaxy City is rife with crime caused by the Hellions - it is impossible to go more than a block without seeing them involved in some illegal activity. TRAINER: Back Alley Brawler (in Freedom Court) MONOTRAM: Located in Freedom Court - Yellow Line HOSPITAL: Cygnus Medical Centre (Located East of Freedom Court) MAIN CRIMINAL ELEMENT: Hellions NEIGHBOURHOODS: Freedom Court (Centre West): Lvl 1, 2 Hellions Orion Beltway (North / North-East): Lvl 3, 4 Hellions Equinox (Centre North East): Lvl 3, 4 Hellions - Lvl 2 Vahzilok have also been seen skulking around in abandoned factory yards and back alleys Nebula District (South West): Lvl 3, 4 Hellions - Lvl 4 Clockwork and Lvl 4 Vahzilok have been reported to hide in isolated areas Constallation Row (South): Lvl 5, 6 Hellions Gemini Park (South East): Lvl 5, 6 Hellions - Gemini Park is absolutely full of tough Hellions; beware the low-Lvl hero who attempts to run through it! - Lvl 5 - 7 Vahzilok make Gemini Park an unpleasant place to linger in - Near Gemini Park are links to Kings Row and Perez Park 2.3 KINGS ROW _____________ Kings Row will come as a shock to the hero coming out of Galaxy City or Atlas Park - gone are the green grasses and clean buildings of these safe areas, replaced with dilapidation and industrial decay. The Skulls dominate the streets in this zone, with other villain groups secreting themselves away in alleys and abandoned lots. TRAINER: Blue Steel (in Freedom Plaza) MONOTRAM: Located east of The Gish, west of Aqueduct - Yellow Line HOSPITAL: Crowne Memorial (Located West of Freedom Plaza) MAIN CRIMINAL ELEMENT: Skulls NEIGHBOURHOODS: Aqueduct (East): Lvl 6 - 9 Skulls - Lvl 6 - 9 Lost can be found in back alleys, often listening to a Boss preach - Lvl 6 - 9 Vahzilok can be found in isolated areas Freedom Plaza (Centre South): Lvl 6, 7 Skulls - Lvl 6 Clockwork can be found in the garbage areas of Freedom Plaza The Gish (Centre): Lvl 6 - 9 Skulls - Lvl 6 Clockwork can be found in the more industrial areas, in garbage tips or near power lines in the Gish - Lvl 6, 7 Vahzilok can be found in isolated back alleys and areas; you will have to search them out High Park (North): Lvl 8 - 10 Skulls - Lvl 10 Trolls can also be found in High Park, often discussing the immoral with Skull members - Lvl ? Circle of Thorns can be found on rooves or in alleyways; look for the green glow their ceremonies create to find them - Lvl 6 - 7 Lost have been reported preaching in this area Industrial Avenue (South): Lvl 6, 7 Skulls - Lvl 6 - 7 Clockwork can be found throughout this area; look in garbage tips, power lines or near disused heavy machinery - Lvl 6 - 7 Vahzilok can be found in isolated areas like behind large containers or in alleys King Garment Works (West): Lvl 6, 7 Skulls - Lvl 6 Lost can be found in isolated areas, often listening to a Boss preaching Royal Refinery (Northeast): Lvl 6 - 9 Skulls - Lvl 6 - 9 Clockworks can be found in isolated areas - Lvl 6 - 9 Lost can be found in openly preaching on street corners 2.4 STEEL CANYON ________________ A mass of skyscrapers forms the basis for this zone, with long corridors running between massive buildings. At the centre you will find a giant statue of a hero sacrificed in the Rikti conflict. TRAINER: Valkyrie (in Blyde Square, in front of the large statue) - Positron (for Task Force missions) is next to her MONOTRAM: HOSPITAL: Steel Canyon Medical Centre (Located ...) STORES: :Image Inc: in Gimry Ridge :Cooke's Electronics: in Blyde Square, west of the large statue :Pandoras Box: is immediately north of hospital :Orion Labs: is in the North East section of Steel Canyon; look for an small octagonal building on the map - it is near there :Subgenetics: is about 333 yards west of the Yellow Line Tram station between Bronze Way & Copper District (on the lower level street) :Freedom Corps: is in Bronze Way (next to the map thumbtack) MAIN CRIMINAL ELEMENT (In order of largest population): Outcasts, Clockwork (rooftops), Fifth Column, Circle of Thorns, Tsoo, Trollkin, Family. NEIGHBOURHOODS: Gimry Ridge (South East): Lvl 10 - 12 Outcasts - Lvl 10 -12 Fifth Column can be found attempting to recruit new members here - Lvl 11 Circle of Thorns can be found in the parks in this area Copper District (Centre South): Lvl 10 - 12 Outcasts - Lvl 11-14 Fifth Column can be found attempting to recruit new members here - Lvl 9-12 Vahzilok have been known to lurk in back alleys in this area, often accompanied by Lvl 12 Skulls Blyde Square (Centre North): Lvl 10 - 12 Outcasts - Lvl 14-15 Tsoo can be found here, talking to Outcast members The Fools Gold District (East): Lvl 11-13 Outcasts - Lvl 9 - 12 Vahzilok have been known to lurk in back alleys in this area, often accompanied by Lvl 12 Skulls - Lvl 11-14 Fifth Column can be found attempting to recruit new members here Platnium Lake (West / South West): Lvl 11-13 Outcasts - Lvl 15 Fifth Column can be found attempting recruitment on the streets Silver Lake (North East): Lvl 13-16 Outcasts - Lvl 16-20 Family can be found here leaning on Outcast members - Lvl 13-16 Vahzilok can be found between the zone walls and the buildings - Lvl 15 Tsoo can be found here talking to Outcast members 2.5 SKYWAY CITY _______________ A mass of concrete pillars greets the earth-bound hero on arrival in Skyway City - those that can fly will have a much easier time getting around this zone. For those heroes on foot, prepare to race along side cars on the many motorways that dominate Skyway City's landscape. Although ordinary citizens do live in this zone, it belongs to the Trolls who can be found on nearly every corner peddling Superdine to those who want it. TRAINER: Mynx (turn right off the Monotram, she's in a small park) - Synapse (for Task Force Missions) is next to her MONOTRAM: Aerie Way - Yellow Line HOSPTIAL: Lagrange Medical Centre (Located in Aerie Way, not far from the Monotram) STORES: :Cookes Electronics: is on the east side of the Perez Park gate in Astral Way :Orion Labs: is on the north-west corner of this zone where Vista Plaza and Astral Way meet MAIN CRIMINAL ELEMENT: Trolls, with a strong presence of Lost and Clockwork. NEIGHBOURHOODS: Aerie Way (Centre South): Lvl 13-15 Trolls Astral Way (West): Lvl 14-15 Trolls - This neighbourhood contains the gate to Perez Park Vista Plaza (North West): Lvl 14-15 Trolls - Lvl 13 Clockwork can be found in numerous locations in this neighbourhood - This neighbourhood contains the gate to Atlas Park The Gruff (East-to-West Centre): Lvl 14-15 Trolls - Lvl 13-16 Clockwork can be found in carparks, near roads and other abandoned areas - Lvl 15 Lost can be found on the east side of this neighbourhood Hide Park (South East): Lvl 15-16 Trolls - Lvl 18 - 19 Clockwork lurk in areas where scrap metal can be easily found Land of the Lost (South): Lvl 15-16 Trolls - Lvl 18 Lost can be commonly found on street corners preaching their ideologies - Lvl 19 Clockwork can be found bunched together near roads and car parks 2.6 PEREZ PARK ______________ [Minimum Security Level: 7] Once a beautiful place to spend a day at a picnic, Perez Park is now infested with villains to the point that no sane citizen would attempt a walk through this park. Even heroes need to think twice before venturing into these woods - dark supernatural entities have been seen in the trees, performing rituals for unknown purposes. Outside of the park the zone is dominated by street gangs - the Skulls rule the west side while the Hellions control the east. TRAINER: None MAIN CRIMINAL ELEMENT: Skulls and Hellions, with a strong presence of Lost, Circle of Thorns, Clockworks and Hydra NEIGHBOURHOODS: Boneyard (West): Lvl 7-10 Skulls in large numbers - This neighbourhood contains the gate to Galaxy City. Bettis Hills (Centre West): - Lvl 7-10 Clockwork - Lvl 7-10 Skulls - As you get near and into the forest, you will likely run into Lvl 7-10 Circle of Thorns and Lvl 7-10 Hellions Perez Park (Centre East): - Lvl 7 - 10 Hellions - Lvl 12 - 14 Lost - Lvl 10 - 13 Vahzilok - As you near and into the forest, you are likely to run into a mixture of Lvl 9-11 Circle of Thorns, Lvl 7-10 Hellions and Lvl 10 - 13 Vahzilok Everett Lake (South): - Everett Lake is teeming with Lvl 13 -15 Hydra Gaiman Woods (South East): Hell's Highway (East): Lvl 7-10 Hellions in large numbers. - This neighbourhood contains the gate to Atlas Park. 2.7 TALOS ISLAND ________________ Talos Island is a zone with only a little inhabited land - the majority of this zone consists of open water. While this can make for some impressive sunsets, it also means that non-flying heroes might find themselves getting a bit wet if they attempt to travel to the unpopulated northern islands. Talos Island itself is a busy (and crime-filled) area - the Tsoo, Freakshow and Warriors can be seen battling it out on the streets for dominance. The natural areas are not much safer - Devoured Earth creatures can commonly be found outside of the civilised neighbourhoods. TRAINER: Luminary (in New Troy, just off the Monotram) - Bastion (for Task Force missions) can be found nearby MONOTRAM: New Troy - Green Line HOSPTIAL: Phoenix Medical Centre (located in New Troy) MAIN CRIMINAL ELEMENT: Tsoo, with a strong presence of Freakshow and Warriors, some Circle of Thorns and Devouring Earth NEIGHBOURHOODS: New Troy (South East of Talos Is.): - The streets of New Troy are populated by Lvl 22 - 27 Warriors, Lvl 23 - 24 Freakshow and Lvl 22 - 25 Tsoo New Corinth (North East of Talos Is.): - New Corinth is home to Lvl 22 - 25 Tsoo and Lvl 26 Warriors New Sparta (North West of Talos Is.): Lvl 20-27 Tsoo New Thebes (South West of Talos Is.): - Lvl 20-22 Freakshow and Lvl 20 Warriors can often be seen on the streets of this neighbourhood Scylla Island (North): Lvl 25 - 27 Devoured Earth - Lvl 27 Circle of Thorns can be found performing unholy rituals on this island Circe Island (Centre North): Lvl 23 - 25 Circle of Thorns Ithaca Island (Centre South): Lvl 20 - 22 Circle of Thorns Serpent's Teeth (West North West): Lvl 25 - 27 Devouring Earth Helen Point (West): Lvl 20 - 27 Tsoo - This neighbourhood contains the gate to Skyway City Argo Highway (South / South West): - Lvl 21 - 24 Warriors and Lvl 23 - 24 Freakshow can be found dotted along the highway - The occasional Lvl 22-23 Banished Pantheon can also be found here - This neighbourhood contains the gate to Founder's Falls Eleusis (East): Lvl 25 - 27 Devouring Earth - This area contains a secured gate to Dark Astoria 2.8 SEWER SYSTEM ________________ Several Paragon City zones have a sewer access port where heroes can enter the Paragon Sewer System. Numerous criminal elements have taken to the underground to hide from justice, meaning that any hero who ventures down here must be ready for almost anything. You can enter the sewers from Atlas Park, Boomtown, Kings Row, Steel Canyon and Skyway City. The Sewer System also contains links to the Abandoned Sewer System, a much more dangerous place for heroes... TRAINER: None MAIN CRIMINAL ELEMENT: Hellions, Vahzilok and the Lost NEIGHBOURHOODS: Underworld: 2.9 BOOMTOWN ________________ [Minimum Security Level: 10] For heroes used to the populated environment of Paragon City's other zones, Boomtown will come as a shock - this zone is a scene of destruction. Debris litters the streets and few buildings remain standing upright. Along with this destruction has come an influx of villain groups, looking to use this area for their own illicit purposes. TRAINER: None MAIN CRIMINAL ELEMENT: None. The zone is divided into regions for Trolls, Outcasts, Vahzilok, Clockworks, Lost, and Fifth Column in effectively equal numbers NEIGHBOURHOODS: Powderkeg (East): Outcasts (Lvl 12 - 16) - The Lost (Lvl 12 - 16), 5th Column (Lvl 12 - 14), Clockwork (Lvl 14) and Vahzilok (Lvl 10 - 16) can be found gathered in this neighbourhood The Fuse (South): Clockworks (Lvl 11 - 14) - Trolls (Lvl 12 - 14) can be found when moving North through this neighbourhood - Outcasts (Lvl 11 - 13) can be found in the South East section of this neighbourhood - Fifth Column (Lvl 12 - 14) can be found training in the South West section of this neighbourhood - The Fuse contains the gate to Skyway City The Cannonade (North East): - Mostly Lost (Lvl 14 - 19) and Vahzilok (Lvl 10 - 19) with some 5th Column (Lvl 12 - 15) training groups - A tunnel runs through part of The Cannonade that Lvl 13-15 Vahzilok inhabit Grenadier Village (West): - Lvl 17-19 Lost and Vahzilok. Lvl 15-19 Clockwork. - Beware! This region is reportedly the home of Babbage (the Clockwork Monster)! Primer (Centre): - Trolls (Lvl 14-15) and Clockwork (15-17) can be found raiding this area for scrap 2.10 FAULTLINE ______________ [Minimum Security Level: 14] Another decimated zone, Faultline makes Boomtown look positively inhabitable. Large cracks scar the earth in Faultline, making travel difficult while also providing shelter for numerous villains. TRAINER: None MAIN CRIMINAL ELEMENT: Vahzilok and Clockworks on the surface, Circle of Thorns in the cracks NEIGHBOURHOODS: Subduction (North): - Lvl 13 - 15 Vahzilok and Lvl 13 - 15 Clockwork can be found scavenging in this area. Vahzilok tend to stick to the West side of this neighbourhood while Clockwork can be located in the East side. 2.11 INDEPENDENCE PORT ______________________ As a centre of trade and industry for Paragon City, Independence Port attracts more than its fair share of criminals, looking for a piece of the action. The Family are currently the dominant power, but given the number of Tsoo and Fifth Column in the area, any hero attempting to clean up this area will certainly find their hands full. Independence Port also contains the entrance to Terra Volta. TRAINER: Malaise MONOTRAM: Crey Cove - Green Line HOSPTIAL: Bell Medical Centre (located in Crey Cove) STORES: :Future Dynamics: located on the corner of Wave Landing and Industry Pier :Freedom Corps: can be found in the North West section of Industry Pier by hugging the North Wall MAIN CRIMINAL ELEMENT: The Family NEIGHBOURHOODS: Crey Cove (East): - The open presence of Lvl 22 - 24 Family, Lvl 22-24 Tsoo, Lvl 22 - 24 Fifth Column and Lvl 23 Freakshow means that conflict is never far away in Crey Cove - Crey Cove contains gates to Kings Row and Steel Canyon Wave Landing (North East): - Lvl 22 - 25 Family, Lvl 22-24 Tsoo, Lvl 23 Freakshow and Lvl 23 Sky Raiders can be found in this neighbourhood Industry Pier (North West): - Lvl 25 - 27 Family, Lvl 26 - 27 Tsoo, Lvl 26 Fifth Column and Lvl 26 Sky Raiders can be found interfering with Paragon City's legitimate shipping businesses here Bell Point (East North East): - Lvl 22 - 24 Fifth Column, Lvl 22 - 24 Family and Lvl 22 - 24 Tsoo dominate this neighbourhood - This neighbourhood's bridge is dotted with groups of Lvl 22 - 25 Tsoo and Lvl 22 - 25 Family Patriot Wharf (West): Lvl 25 - 26 Family exist here, often in large numbers - Lvl 25 - 27 Fifth Column can also be found here Steel Pier (East South East): - Lvl 26 - 27 Tsoo, Lvl 25 - 27 Family, Lvl 24 - 25 Fifth Column and Lvl 25 Sky Raiders openly congregate in this neighbourhood Liberty Quay (West to South West): Lvl 27 - 29 Tsoo, often in large numbers - Lvl 27 - 29 Fifth Column are also located here - Lvl 26 - 29 Family and Lvl 27 Sky Raiders tend to limit themselves to the South West of Liberty Quay Valour Bridge (Centre West): Lvl 25 - 27 Family, often in large numbers - Lvl 27 - 28 Fifth Column, Lvl 25 - 27 Tsoo and the occasional Lvl 25 Freakshow can also be found on and below the bridge Power Island (Centre South): - Lvl 25 - 27 Devouring Earth, Lvl 27 - 28 Tsoo, Lvl 26 - 27 Family and Lvl 26 - 28 Fifth Column can be found around Power Island - The secured gate to Terra Volta can be found in this area Justice Quay (South): - Lvl 27 - 29 Family, Lvl 28 - 29 Fifth Column and Lvl 29 Sky Raiders openly operate in this area - This neighbourhood contains a gate to Brickstown 2.12 DARK ASTORIA _________________ [Minimum Security Level: 21] TRAINER: MAIN CRIMINAL ELEMENT: The Banished, with Circle of Thorns in the back NEIGHBOURHOODS: 2.13 BRICKSTOWN _______________ Brickstown is perhaps most infamously known for being home to the Ziggurat, Paragon City's prison. The absence of heroes and lack of available police resources has seen numerous convicts escape the Zig's confines and makes travel through this area dangerous. Complicating factors are other criminal groups that are also operating in this area, but hopefully the introduction of private security forces from the Crey Corporation will soon have things back under control. TRAINER: Swan (located in The Mashu Bridge) - Manticore (for Task Force Missions) stands next to her MONOTRAM: Between The Mashu Bridge and The Crescent - Green Line HOSPTIAL: Brickstown Infirmary (located in Seven Gates) MAIN CRIMINAL ELEMENT: The Prisoners, especially in areas surrounding the Ziggurat NEIGHBOURHOODS: The Mashu Bridge (North West): - Lvl 30 - 32 Freakshow and Lvl 35 Crey operate in this area - This area contains a gate to Independence Port The Crescent (North North West): - Lvl 30 - 35 Crey and Lvl 30 - 32 Freakshow are abundant in this area Prison Power Station (Centre North): - Lvl 30-32 Freakshow and Lvl 35 Fifth Column can be found in and around the Prison Power Station The Chasm (North East): - Large number of Lvl 31 Prisoners can be found in The Chasm, alongside Lvl 31 - 35 Freakshow, Lvl 35 Fifth Column and Lvl 33 - 35 Crey Seven Gates (South West): - Lvl 34 - 35 Fifth Column, Lvl 33 - 35 Crey and Lvl 30 - 32 Freakshow can be found throughout Seven Gates - This area has the secured gate to Crey's Folly located in it The Ziggurat (Centre to South East): Lvl 34 - 35 Prisoners - Lvl 33 - 35 Crey and Lvl 35 Freakshow can be found on the edges of the Ziggurat 2.14 TERRA VOLTA ________________ [Minimum Security Lvl: 23] TRAINER: MAIN CRIMINAL ELEMENT: NEIGHBOURHOODS: 2.15 CREY'S FOLLY _________________ [Minimum Security Lvl: 30] TRAINER: MAIN CRIMINAL ELEMENT: NEIGHBOURHOODS: 2.16 FOUNDER'S FALLS ____________________ Founder's Falls is Paragon City's most upmarket address, where anybody who's anybody can be seen walking along the jetties or tending to their yachts. All this prestige has a down side, however - Founder's Falls also attracts the most elite criminals to it's pristine waterways. Experienced heroes need only apply to the task of cleaning up this area - without the right combination of experience and luck, any hero operating in Founder's Falls will be risking a quick trip to the local hospital. TRAINER: Infernal (in Williams Square) HOSPITAL: M. Harvey Medical Centre (just north of Red River) MAIN CRIMINAL ELEMENT: A mixture of Crey, Devouring Earth, Fifth Column, Rikti and Circle of Thorns NEIGHBOURHOODS: Williams Square (North North West): - Lvl 35 Fifth Column inhabit this community centre Louis Forest (West North West): - Lvl 35 - 37 Circle of Thorns can be found here performing their unholy rituals Hutchison Park (South to West): - Lvl 37 - 40 Devouring Earth can easily be seen roaming around this area Blackstone Hills - Lvl 38 - 40 Devouring Earth are commonly sighted in the Blackstone Hills neighbourhood Liberty Town (Centre West): - Lvl 36 - 37 Crey, Lvl 33 Fifth Column and Lvl 34 - 35 Rikti openly operate in Liberty Town Red River (Centre): - Lvl 33 - 35 Circle of Thorns have been seen around this location The Gaspee (Centre East): - Lvl 34 - 40 Crey and Lvl 39 Circle of Thorns are known to operate in this area 2.17 EDEN _________ [Minimum Security Lvl: 36] TRAINER: MAIN CRIMINAL ELEMENT: NEIGHBOURHOODS: ------------------------------ 3.0 PLACES TO SEE _________________ Below are just a sample of things you _can_ see while you are in Paragon City, but stand out for one reason or another as things you would be poorer for missing while in the Birthplace of Tomorrow. 3.4 STATUE OF ATLAS ___________________ Perhaps the first major statue that many heroes see on arriving in Paragon City, the statue of Atlas is eternally burdened with the weight of the world - a strong symbol that new heroes would be wise to remember. 3.1 GALAXY GIRL'S STATUE ________________________ Located in in Galaxy City (just outside Freedom Corps HQ), those who wish to learn about fallen heroes would do well to visit this statue dedicated to Galaxy Girl. 3.2 PARAGON POLICE DEPARTMENT _____________________________ Located in Kings Row's Freedom Plaza, the Paragon Police Department is the centre of police operations in Paragon City. Of particular note is the large coin that sits at the front of the PPD - both heroes and citizens have been known to use it as a backdrop for their portrait photographs. 3.3 TALOS STATUE ________________ The statue of the fallen hero Talos is an awesome sight, arising as it does in the waters near Talos Island. It serves as both a testimonial to the contribution Talos made to the people of Paragon City and as a symbol of safety - that heroes like Talos will always watch over the people of Paragon City. Young lovers and sight seers have been known to spend time on the bridge in Helen's Point watching the sun rise over the Talos statue's shoulder. ------------------------------ 4.0 MONSTERS, MOBSTERS, MERCENARIES - OH MY! ____________________________________________ Entering Paragon City almost ensures a tourist of seeing some form of organised crime gang, supernatural entities or superpowered miscreants at work. Below is a list of the bad guys who inhabit Paragon City and brief guide to the different types of villains you might run into. Heroes on missions should expect to come across Named villains. These villains (usually Bosses, but sometimes Lieutenants) have come to prominence within their group and often lead the group during illegal activities. These Named villains will be mentioned within their villain groups below as a "Most Dangerous and Wanted" list for heroes to watch our for. Minions are often classified by the type of attacks they can make. Here are some of the minion suffixes you may run into and what they mean: Brawler - brawling Slugger - bat Gunner - machine gun Slammer - sledge hammer Assault - Assault rifle Inferno - Flame thrower Chopper - axe Buckshot - shotgun Slicer - dagger Bruiser - super strength Muscle - power punch Smasher - morning star Rifleman - rifle Grenadier - grenade launcher Launcher - missile launcher Stunner - stun rifle Martial Artist / Fist - martial arts Slasher - broadsword Hewer - battle axe Swordsman - katana Fire - flamethrower 4.1 HELLIONS ____________ Found in Atlas Park and Galaxy City, the Hellions are a gang that seek power through black magic and involvement with demons. Although not very powerful when in early zones, they are numerous, and an unprepared hero can find himself overpowered if not careful. More powerful Hellions can sometimes be seen near Circle of Thorns rituals, perhaps indicating a link between the groups. TYPES: Minions* - Blood Brothers Lieutenants* - Fallen *Attack Pre-/Suffixes - Brawler Smasher Slicer Gunner Buckshot Bosses - Damned [they use fire based attacks] Named - Burnscar Battalion Matchstick Pyro Revenant Enforcer 4.2 THE SKULLS ______________ The Skulls are a death-obsessed street gang. They are easily recognisable from the prominence of bones and skulls on their outfits. Skulls may sometimes be found in the company of Vahzilok, indicating some sort of relationship between the two groups. Skulls can also occasionally be seen beating on Hellions - a rivalry obviously exists between these two street gangs. TYPES: Minions* - Gravediggers Lieutenants* - Deaths Head *Attack Pre-/Suffixes - Brawler Smasher Slicer Gunner Buckshot Bosses - Bone Daddy [they use darkness based attacks] Named - Compound Fracture Marrowsnap Kneebreaker The Strong Man BoneCrusher Marrow Drinker 4.3 CLOCKWORK _____________ Found in a number of zones, Clockwork are robotic constructs that have been made from garbage. Occasionally they can be seen working on building more of themselves and can appear in large numbers in abandoned buildings or scrapyards, which is of concern to any hero. TYPES: Underlings - Gears [emerge from fallen Princes] Minions - Sprockets Oscillator* Cogs *Attack Pre-/Suffixes - Prototype Advanced Perfected Line Lieutenants+ - Knight Duke Bosses+ - Lord Prince +Attack Pre-/Suffixes - Tesla Cannon Assembler Named - Howitzer Foreman Powderkeg Volt Click Coil Suppressor Clockwise Mecha Badaboom Smoothbore Gearknight Piston Cables Boresight Gearteeth B'shink P'knork Monster - Babbage Arch-Villian - Clockwork King 4.4 VAHZILOK ____________ Vahzilok are dead flesh, animated by some perverse power. It is possible that the ranks of the Vahzilok are bolstered by citizens abducted from the streets of Paragon City, but little is currently known about who or what is behind the actions of these zombies. TYPES: Minions - Cadavers* Abominations* Reapers *Attack Pre-/Sufixes - Embalmed [explode if they get too close] Lieutenants - Mortificators [can raise dead Vahzilok back to life!] Bosses - Eidolon+ +Attack Pre-/Sufixes - Murk Mire Insidious Luminous Named - Digger Slaughter Viscerator Vivisector Dr. Morben Epidural Harvester Stitcher Butcher Carver Mayhem Patchwork Slicer Hunter Patient Zero Arch-Villain - Dr Vahzilok 4.5 OUTCASTS _____________ The Outcasts are a gang of elementally-powered youths who, instead of using their power to help rebuild the City, choose to hinder it. Despite having many powers and abilities similar to heroes, they have instead chosen to use them against the citizens of Paragon City. It is this disregard for the welfare of others that mean the Outcasts need to be stopped whenever and wherever possible. TYPES: Minions - Outcasts *Attack Pre-/Suffixes - Brawler Smasher Slicer Gunner Buckshot Lieutenants - Shockers Bricks Scorcher Freezers Bosses - Lead Scorcher [fire based attacks] Lead Brick [earth based attacks and super strength] Lead Shocker [lightning and storm-based attacks and flight] Lead Freezers [cold based attacks] Named - Snow-Pac Magma 4.6 CIRCLE OF THORNS _____________________ Mysterious magic users, the Circle of Thorns regularly attempts to abduct citizens for use in their dark rituals. These rituals can be seen from a distance, emitting an eerie green glow. Accompanying these magic users can be ghosts and spectres that will attack any hero who attempts to halt the Circle of Thorn's evil ceremonies. TYPES: Minions - Guards Thorn Wielders Archers Spectral Knights Defender Guide Thorn Caster* *Attack Pre-/Suffixes - Air Earth Lieutenants - Mage Spectral Daemon Lord Behemoth +Attack Pre-/Suffixes - Life Energy Force Soul Death Ruin Bosses - Madness Mage Behemoth Overlord Named - Alejas Tarses Oratamu Aldegeron Palenti 4.7 THE LOST ____________ Another street gang, the Lost seem almost religious about their illegal activities. It appears they are acting in the name of some great cause or ideal, but one that will certainly not benefit of Paragon City. The Lost is made up of Paragon City's homeless, perhaps held under some kind of thrall by an unseen power. Some heroes have commented about a possible link between the Lost and the Rikti, but no solid evidence appears to exist about their relationships with each other. TYPES: Minions - Scroungers* Lieutenants - Headman* Anathema Mutate *Attack Pre-/Suffixes - Brawler Smasher Slicer Swordsman Buckshot Gunner Rifleman Blaster Bosses - Aberrant Eremite [they use psychic attacks] Aberrant Rector [they use psychic attacks] Named - Leader Joe Unlucky Pete Smiling Max Pariah Anchorite Pariah Prelate Chief Genghis Hod Gul 4.8 FIFTH COLUMN ________________ A well-trained and well-equipped paramilitary operation, the Fifth Column can possibly draw its origins back to World War II, but little information about this organisation currently exists. The recent Rikti invasion has seen them emerge from the shadows and openly attempt to recruit new members from the dispossessed. TYPES: Minions - Launcher* Grenadier* Fire* Rifleman* Fist* Elite Fist* Gunner* Gunner Elite* Elite Rifleman* Mek Man Steel Valkyrie Vampyr Parasite Nightwolf Lieutenants - Unteroffizers* Elite Unteroffizers* Vampyr Adjutant Nightwolf Champion *Attack Pre-/Suffixes - Nebel Nacht Fusarei Bosses - Oberst Vampyr Commandant Mk II Wolfpak Robot Named - Maximillian Major Snyder Colonel Muller Hansich Capt. Ender Colonel Volger Wolfgang Chaney Col. Adler Education Officer 4.9 TROLLS __________ Another street gang, the Trolls are easily recognisable by their green skin - a side effect of the massive doses of Superdine they have ingested. Other side effects of their drug-taking include increased strength and fast regeneration of injury, making the Trolls a force to be reckoned with. Trolls have been seen selling drugs to other gangs, but have also been known to beat on members of other gangs who have arrived in their territory. Some rumours exist about a past relationship between the Trolls and the Hellions, but neither group appears eager to discuss it. TYPES: Minions - Trollkin Jotun Gygar Lieutenants - Gardvord Bosses - Ogre [super strength and regeneration] Caliban 4.10 THE TSOO ____________ This villain group poses a special danger to Paragon City. Not only do they perform illegal acts themselves, but the Tsoo also appear to be leaning on other villain groups in an attempt to make themselves rulers of the criminal underworld. Thankfully this move has been resisted thus far, but if this goal was ever achieved... heaven help the heroes! From the little intelligence about them, it appears the Tsoo are powered by mystical tattoos as well as specialist martial arts training - a deadly combination that make them both strong and versatile on the field of battle. TYPES: Minions - Defender Enforcer+ Ink Man*+ *Attack Pre-/Suffixes - Red Yellow Green Black White +Enforcer Prefixes: Eagle - Fights with a small scythe on a stick (called a kama) Serpent - fights with sai Tiger - fights with metal claws (like scrapper set "claws") Crane - fights with a bow Dragon - fights with a katana Lieutenants - Sorcerer [heal Tsoo members and self teleport] Ancestor Spirit [perform disorientating and knockdown attacks] Bosses - Crazy Phoenix Fire Dagger Lightning Blade Death Moon Crescent Swift Steel Ice Wind Far Fire Iron Hands Fire Lion Viridian Fear Iron Web Bronze Leopard Death's Head Lost Son Mad Thunder Herald Iron Reaver Storm Strider Red Viper Copperhead Dragon Fly Named - Mister Ting Mister Shin Bone Taker Yellow Cub 4.11 HYDRA __________ A mystery of nature, the Hydra appear to be creatures created from the slime and muck of Paragon City's sewers. Little is known about this villain group, other they are aggressive and very, very dangerous. TYPES: Minions - Spawn Lieutenants - Protean Bosses - Man'O'War Monster - Kraken 4.12 WARRIORS _____________ A street gang with an ancient world theme, the Warriors allegedly take their lead from the famed civilisations of the Romans, the Greeks, the Spartans and others of that time. In truth, this just means they have sought some justification for preying on society as they do, for despite the famed cultures that the Warriors have associated them with, they are just as barbaric as your common thug. TYPES: Minions - Warriors Lieutenants - Slasher Hewer Crusher Bosses - Pythagoras Smasher Elite Axe Master Sword Master Hewer Elite Named - Anton 4.13 THE FAMILY _______________ Organised crime has always been a part of Paragon City, despite the best efforts of heroes and police. The Family is probably the best representative of this fact - no matter what has been thrown at them, they have managed to survive, adapt and even prosper in the Birthplace of Tomorrow. In fact, the involvement of heroes in the affairs of the Family have made them worse than ever; not only do they know how to deal with superpowers, Family are increasingly using them as well. TYPES: Minions - Button-men Lieutenants - Capo Bosses - Underboss Consigliere Named - Joey Shirt Draco 4.14 SKY RAIDERS ________________ A group of high-tech thieves, the Sky Raiders have been known to associate with the Family. TYPES: Minions - Porter Assault Raider Wing Raider Lieutenants - Captain Wing Raider Officer Bosses - O.N.I. F.I.R.E. W.I.L.S.O.N. P.Y.R.O. K.E.N.D.A.L.L. Sky Skiff Jump Bot Incinerator 4.15 DEVOURING EARTH ____________________ A radical environmental group, Devouring Earth appear to have arisen from the Earth itself to fight against the encroachment of humanity. Found predominantly in untouched natural areas, the Devouring Earth can be seen helping nature to flourish while attacking those that disturb them or the habitat they care for. TYPES: Underling - The Swarm Minions - Bladegrass Fungoid Bedrock Lieutenants - Herder Tree of Life Guardian Bosses - Lesser Devoured Deathspore Razorvine Quartz Deathcap Blackrose 4.16 BANISHED PANTHEON ______________________ Little is known about this group. Whispers circulate about how the followers of this group converse with dark gods that seek to control all humanity, but little concrete evidence exists about the Pantheon's aims. Minions* - Husk Chamber *Attack Pre-/Suffixes - Desiccated Rotting Dry Lieutenant - Shaman+ +Attack Pre-/Suffixes - Avalanche Death Storm Boss - Spirit of Sorrow Ventiir Spirit of Pain A'taar Spirit of Death Spirit of Desire Totem Named - Tagaal Monster - Adamastor 4.17 FREAKSHOW ______________ A gang of drug- and cybernetically-enchanced thugs, the Freakshow preach a tale of anarchy and violence to its increasing number of converts. Those unlucky to cross paths with the Freakshow will find out that it's members don't feel pain, but just love inflicting it on others... TYPES: Minions* - Mad Freak Enforcer Metal Lieutenants* - Chief Champion *Attack Pre-/Suffixes - Stunner Swiper Juicer Bosses - Tank Battalion Trenton Shriek Screamer Axel Named - TeH OwNz0r! TeH PwNxxOrz 4.18 PRISONERS ______________ Highly visible in their orange prison clothes, the Prisoners are those who have escaped from the Ziggurat and now terrorise the citizens of Brickstown. They tend to gather in large numbers and have two hobbies: 1) beating up police officers and 2) beating up heroes who get too close. TYPES: Minions - Prisoner Lieutenants - Sean Brian Billy Vito Redd Doug Jackie Frankie Tommy Alex Mike Tony Jeremy Johnny Paco Bosses - Stevie Greene JP Mason Slick Needles Chains 4.19 CREY _________ Crey is a well-funded, highly visible corporation in Paragon City that provides many of the citizens that live here with jobs. Its agents are some of the best trained and equipped in the world and has provided incredible help in preventing the City from falling into chaos with the death of the heroes in the Rikti Invasion. From time to time a Crey agent is caught committing illegal acts such as extortion or robbery, but for the most part Crey does a fantastic job in protecting both heroes and citizens. TYPES: Minions - Crey Juggernaut Infiltrator Radiologist Medic Researcher Melee Specialist Vigilant Patrol Guard Riot Guard Mob Specialist Research Assistant Lieutenants - Field Agent Crey Eliminator Crey Infiltrator Crey Crisis Unit Elite Security Agent Chief Cryo Scientist Bosses - Crey Protector Paragon Protector 4.20 RIKTI __________ If there is one villain group that citizens and heroes alike both hate and fear, it is the Rikti. Responsible for the decimation of the world's hero population during their failed invasion, the Rikti is an ever-present threat to Paragon City. Currently stranded on Earth having failed in their invasion attempts, the remaining Rikti forces should never be underestimated - if they were ever able to re-open the link to their homeworld, it is almost certain that Paragon City would fall... TYPES: Underling - Rikti Monkey Minions - Improved Drone Infantry Communications Officer Guardian Lieutenants - Headman Bosses - Chief Soldier Chief Mentalist ------------------------------ 5.0 FINAL NOTES _______________ If I've got something wrong or left something out, please contact me and I will attempt to fix it. Currently this guide is pretty rough and any help given would be greatly appreciated. 5.1 THANKS __________ - To Cryptic Studios: This game rocks hard. What else is there to say? - To NCSoft: This has been the best beta test I've been in by far. - To the CoH community: I stuck around for CoH, but you guys made the time [sorta] fly by ;-) - To my gf: who realises what this game means to me and generally leaves me alone during test session. 5.2 CONTRIBUTORS ________________ Version 0.1 - Developed from some personal exploration, MacAllen's spawn and zone posts and Gaffer's trainer post in patch notes. Version 0.15 - Big thanks to: Macallen for filling in the Villain groups that I had missed along with some zone info; Cyberhero for a more detailed breakdown of Kings Row; Geist for doing the same bits as Macallen, only slower ;-) Version 0.18 - Added some more information about Villain groups names, added "Name" Boss information and added to Steel Canyon zone info. Version 0.20 - A big thanks to all contributors: Macallen, Circeus, Boodikka, Captain Amazing, Oni, Magni and Astartus. Lots of villain information added. Version 0.25 - Skyway City and Steel Canyon get some attention. Contributions from the forums include those by: Luger, NPG, Macallen, Astartus, Hellshot, Xanatos, Plasma_Wisp, Captain Amazing, circeus, Lil_Pips. Thankyouverymuch to all! Version 0.30 - Spent some time exploring Boomtown so I recorded what I saw there. Didn't manage to completely map the zone, but hope to do so shortly. Changed the layout for the Named villains to make them easier to read. This guide appeared at Gamefaqs from v0.30 onwards. Version 0.60 - With release and the character wipe coming, I thought I should get my butt into gear and look at some of the zones I hadn't visited yet. Died several times, but added information a heap of information to zones and to villain groups. Added in Talos Statue information. Thanks goes to Grey_Gaeru and Astartus for some more Named villain information as well as zone info. Version 0.65 - Changed the order of the villain groups to a more logical order. This may be the last update for a little while (from me, anyway) since I didn't manage to get a pre-order disk (thank you, Amazon!). Some AP / GC information was sent to me by Icereaver (Virture Server) - some bits of Paragon City have obviously changed since beta. Grave Digger provided some store information and Joeschmoe4ever provided some zone / security lvl info. 5.3 OTHER BITS ______________ Anybody got anything they want to see added? I'm open to suggestions. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Version 0.1 went out 4 Feb 2004 +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
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