Subject: Cyberpunks Project FAQ From: Glenn Saunders Newsgroups: Here it is, all in one massive document, finally updated. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "CYBERPUNKS" Project FAQ Previously Atari 2600 VCS-STARPATH/ARCADIA FAQ last modified 5/6/97 by (Glenn Saunders) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION - WHO ARE CYBERPUNKS? ============================================================================ I. What is the Starpath Supercharger? II. Game list III. What happened to Starpath? IV. What was the hobby Starpath CD project? A. Why was it done? B. What was on it? C. How was it done? D. How do I get one?/How much? V. Can one program the Atari 2600 through the Supercharger? A. What you need B. Support--The Stella mailing list VI. Aftermath A. Preserving the integrity of the Starpath rights. B. The Press VII. The Future A. Long-range goals for the stella mailing-list programmers' coop E. The commercial run F. A 2600 side-project, the 20th anniversary 2600 documentary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION - WHO ARE CYBERPUNKS? Cyberpunks is a hastily named organization of four Atari 2600 enthusiasts, each with their own field of expertise, that came together about two and a half years ago to do the Starpath CD project, and continue to collaborate on Atari-related projects. Cyberpunks operate as an internet-based entrepreneurial skunkworks of sorts. Very grass roots, very casual, and very low-budget. In other words, whatever we will do right now will be by the skin of our teeth, and projects do take quite a long time from start to finish. It's a democracy in which I (Glenn Saunders) am considered the overall decisionmaker, but there have been times where I have been outvoted by the majority. We all have our "real lives" so to speak, so Cyberpunks activity is just a hobby, but that may not last long if the commercial CD and documentary project come to fuition. I've grown to trust and respect these people and hope to work with them in future projects if events allow. Even if not, I'll always feel part of the Cyberpunks club. RUSS PERRY Russ is a contributor to the Digital Press newsletter and has served Cyberpunks as the "man on the phone". He does the dirty work that most of us would prefer not to do, and as such earns my respect. He was responsible for doing the necessary detectivework to find out how to legalize the Starpath CD project, and then followed through from feelers to final written contract. In his work at Digital Press, he has come in contact with many ex-2600 programmers. As such he has and is assisting in gathering information and courting these figures for the documentary project. But most of all he's helping to negotiate royalty agreements for the commercial CD. A MAJOR TASK. DAN SKELTON Dan has been utilized as a graphic artist and archiver (scanner) for the Supercharger CD. He has much to be proud of for his great contributions to the CD, like the faux artwork to Polo, Sweat!, and Survival Island, the Excalibur>Sword of Saros conversion artwork, the graphical walkthroughs of Survival Island and Mindmaster, and so much more. Dan recently got a Net Yaroze and is devoting much of his time to learning to program the Playstation. Dan is very busy but I'm hoping he'll be able to contribute graphic art for the documentary when and if the time comes. JIM NITCHALS Jim is an Apple ][ programmer from way back who now does Mac software development, mostly sound-related. He helped unlock the mystery of the Starpath memory management and audio schemes. Through his affiliation with Steve Hales he was also the agent by which much of the original technical information and source code was rescued, and it was through his contacts that I first had the notion for a 2600 documentary. Jim is mostly serving in an advisory capacity for the commercial CD and the documentary. GLENN SAUNDERS I was responsible for determining the economic viability of the Starpath CD project, and being a liason between Cyberpunks and the public, and for distributing the product itself. I also acted as a production supervisor, often making hard decisions, cracking the whip, assigning deadlines, and setting the overall goal for the content of the CD and its aftermath, like forming the programmer's mailing list. I'm more of a filmmaker than a programmer, so while this may not seem as hands-on technical as the others, this will soon be rectified with the video documentary where I can use my own technical skills directly. I'm also serving as a liason between Cyberpunks and the developer (Bill Heineman) who is adapting our CD for commercial release. BILL HEINEMAN Until now I've kept the identity of this developer a secret because I wasn't sure the project would ever mature. I am more confident now and there is no reason not to start the hype machine a little bit. His name is Bill Heineman and he wrote 2600 games way back when for Avalon Hill but also wrote for many different systems. He's in charge of writing the new emulations, upgrading some of the dev software, doing the actual CD mastering, and shopping the CD around to distributors. Although Bill is likely to be an interviewee on the documentary, he probably won't be directly involved in other projects outside of the commercial CD run. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cyberpunks is a testament to the power of the internet and points towards the global village that is our future. If you can find a few talented people with a similar passion and persistence, you too can accomplish cool projects like this. It doesn't matter how far away they are. I've only met Jim in person once, and have only spoken to Russ over the phone. I've only seen Bill in person 3 times. Other than that it's been nothing but Email. Yet we've accomplished something really cool together and hopefully by year's end we will have helped finish 2 more projects. Below you can read the Starpath story, the hobby CD's evolution, it's aftermath, and what lies ahead... ====================================================================== I. What is the Starpath Supercharger? This post is from VGR, but I made a few edits. Hope he doesn't mind: The Supercharger was made by Arcadia (who was later forced to change their name to Starpath). It is an extremely long cartridge, longer than a Xonox double-ender. The Supercharger has a blue label on it. The end of the cartridge (the end which doesn't plug into the 2600) is a large handle. Coming out of one side of the cartridge is a cord, ending in a plug which can plug into any cassette player's earphone jack. Basically, then, the Supercharger is a giant cartridge which connects to any cassette player. The games for the Supercharger are not cartridges. They're normal audio cassettes. Needless to say, that allows for a lot more program space. The Supercharger cartridge interface itself has 6K RAM. Games have to run from RAM rather than ROM because the memory has to get written-to every time you load in new games. The result is twelve games which are superior to a lot of other 2600 games. Dragonstomper and Escape From the Mindmaster are two of the best. These two and Survival Island in particular take advantage of the ability to save portions of the Starpath memory and load in new data for new levels. These are known as 'multiloaders'. Since the games can be copied, we put them all on a single CD. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Game list / CD game contents Title Notes BoxID# Cat# -------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------- ----- Supercharger {Craig Nelson} + Phaser Patrol {Dennis Caswell} 1 AR-4000 Communist Mutants From Space {Steve Landrum} 2 AR-4101 Fireball {Scott Nelson} 3 AR-4300 Suicide Mission {Steve Hales, Steve Landrum} 4 AR-4102 Escape From The Mindmaster {Dennis Caswell} 1 5 AR-4200 Dragonstomper {STeve Landrum} 2 6 AR-4400 Killer Satellites {Kevin Norman} 7 AR-4103 Rabbit Transit {Brian McGhie} 8 AR-4104 The Official Frogger By Sega {Steve Landrum} 9 AR-4105 Party Mix {Dennis Caswell} 10 AR-4430 Sword Of Saros {Jon Leupp?} 11 AR-4201 Survival Island {Scott Nelson} 3 12 AR-4401 Sweat!: The Decathlon Game {Scott Nelson} 4 N/A N/A (Semi playable prototype included) Notes: 1 - originally named Labyrinth 2 - originally named Excalibur 3 - originally named Jungle (no PAL found) 5 - Contains at least 2 loads, at least 2 events. This is the most complete Sweat! in existence. (NTSC only) Bonuses include: All known "preview" demo versions: Commie Mutants Fireball Suicide Mission Mindmaster Dragonstomper Killer Satellites Rabbit Transit Frogger Party Mix * Legally included Polo proto * Dragonstomper beta "Excalibur" * Suicide Mission beta "Meteroids" * + Ed Federmeyer's SoundX utility * * = NTSC only + = closest thing to vector asteroids you'll get on the 2600. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. What happened to Starpath? Company was originally Arcadia until Emerson released their Arcadia 2001; made change to avoid potential legal troubles (and probably needn't have bothered). Starpath Demo Unit -- advertised in Electronic Games, apparently for store use but apparently unreleased. These demo versions were more elaborate than the demo portions of the tapes, perhaps imposing the time limit restriction commonly used today? The end of Starpath: apparently some "firm commitments" for sales didn't come through, and they ran out of money. At roughly the same time Epyx lost a lot of staff who formed another company. Since they shared some common investors, the two companies merged in Nov 83. Later Epyx went bankrupt too, and were bought by Bridgestone Multimedia. No Starpathers seemed to go this far... Bridgestone owns the copyrights, but Atari was given exclusive usage rights on all Epyx games written for Atari systems when they bought the Lynx. This therefore may retroactively include Starpath games since Epyx owned those after the merger. What happened to Sweat? The market was crashing, Starpath didn't have any $$, Eventually inspired Epyx's Summer Games but only a few basic Starpath routines were kept. The mail order games: At the end, Starpath needed to get rid of stock (to pay bills no doubt), so they sold everything to A&B Sales, who got the up-til-then unreleased Swords Of Saros and Survival Island. These never had boxes or "normal" instructions and were shipped in a baggie. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. What was the hobby Starpath CD project? A. Why was it done? Supercharger tapes are uncommon to rare yet easy to copy, in a state of deterioration after more than a decade, and Arcadia/Starpath has long passed away. So was about about time, in light of what good happened with the Vectrex, to look into a preservation effort by transferring the tapes to an audio-CD. Not only that, but the Supercharger interface can conceivably be used as a development system once the audio encoding scheme is understood, therefore the prospects of new game development and easy internet distribution was too exciting to ignore. There was talk on the net about this, and finally it was decided to organize this project. As time went on, I really became more interested in the odds of encouraging further programming of the 2600 so that this project shifted beyond mere preservation to a big experiment to see whether there is any enthusiasm left to push the boundaries of the 2600, since this system is absolutely ideal in the 90's to program and distribute 2600 games. With this system, it is truly possible to develop easy-to-distribute shareware games on the internet just as easily as for other home computers: through traditional binary files. The 2600 has now become an "open" system, as programmable as any [less than 8K] home-computer. Even more "open" than the Astrocade with it's crippled 1800 byte basic implementation w/tape. Multiloads open the possibility for more complex games than are possible in just 6K RAM. Random-Access (CD or via computer) make mega-load (dozens or hundreds of loads) finally practical and less painful to play. Imagine complex RPGs, Lode Runner clones, multi-wave scrollers, and so on. The title for this project??? "STELLA GETS A NEW BRAIN" Named after the internal Atari codename of the 2600 VCS chipset. B. What was on it? Every Starpath/Arcadia game released, in PAL and NTSC formats (except Survival Island for which no PAL version was found) and an NTSC version of the most complete SWEAT! extant. Also, SoundX, a great Asteroids-clone pre-release version of Suicide Mission, and Carol Shaw's unreleased 1978 game POLO are present. This CD acts as a standalone audio-CD, but also has an ISO-9660 data portion readable by a CD-ROM. Included on this data portion are a lot of image files as well as some development software which allows you to talk to the Supercharger to write your own games. A Vectrex portion includes all of high-quality cleaned-up overlay scans and ROM dumps, and more. And don't forget the booklet. It is 4.25x5.5" in size, with an intro from Steve Hales, instructions, reviews, color cover and backcover, and more. The first 100 or so booklets were hand-initialed by Steve Hales. The pressing was limited to 400 units, about 350 of which were sold to consumers, the rest reserved as personal backups by the "Cyberpunks". This CD is not for use with emulators. This is not an emulation! This CD is primarily an audio-CD to replace original Arcadia/ Starpath audio tapes and MUST be used with a genuine Starpath Supercharger cartridge and Atari 2600-compatible console (2600, 2600 jr., most 7800s, and so on). There is a data portion which requires a computer w/CD-ROM to use, but the computer will always only be a cross-compiler and file-server for the actual Atari 2600 hardware. Neat, huh? C. How was it done? This whole project was organized on the internet. Calls went out for 'tape donators' and a special hook was put into my email address to collect names onto a list of people interested in the CD once it is done. Eventually I gathered a team of people to help me. Russ Perry handling rights negotiation, Dan Skelton handling CD artwork, Jim Nitchals handling the initial tape remastering. Believe me, it's a long story and I don't even remember the whole thing. D. How do I get one?/How much? The CD has been sold out for a long time now. It _was_ sold for only plus shipping. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V. Can one program the Atari 2600 through the Supercharger? A. What you need Software was included on the CD for PC and MAC to encode audio from 6502 ML into Starpath audio .WAVs for playback (bin2tape), as well as decode the Starpath audio signal and put it back into 6502 ML. The PC version of Bin2Tape was not properly beta-tested and was DOA but was rereleased by Bill Heineman in a working form on the net. Still, for now, Bob Colbert seems to have the lead in making the better program (see below). These tools, combined with a 6502 cross assembler, can be used to write 2600 games. The Supercharger has 6K RAM onboard which, due to it being more than the 4K ROM limit, and it being RAM, opens up a lot of doors for the 2600 which writing for ROM simply keeps shut. Jim also included some hints on 2600 and Starpath programming to get you started, as well as sourcecode to many of the games. I think any 16-bit or greater machine with at least 8-bit sound should be able to run the software. Bob Colbert (hatchets buried permanently, knock on wood) is currently supporting his own standalone freeware program called "makewav". If you are an Amiga owner like myself, makewav is the only choice for you. If you are a PC owner, you may also want to use makewave over bin2tape. For instance, due to CD pressing concerns, most the .BINs on the data portion of the Supercharger CD are padded to 32K. I don't believe the current version of bin2tape will read these effectively. Makewav will! Makewav has other compatibility enhancements and optional flags as well. Check it out. Both bin2tape and makewav can be used to send preexisting 2 and 4K ROM dumps of commercial cartridges to the supercharger, although I do not endorse this if it is used for piracy. Bob Colbert's Cheetah program can be used in conjunction with this to modify games for infinite lives, etc similar to Game Genie. Since some commercial games bang on the Supercharger bank select register, causing crashes, Bob Colbert designed a hardware modification which write-protects the Supercharger RAM and allows most incompatible games to run. Relevant 2600 programming information and support files to be found at this URL: B. Support--The Stella Mailing list Subscribe via post to This is an Atari 2600 programming cooperative and discussion group. Beta-test source code and binaries are often published here. Past archives are available at this URL: There is also a way to subscribe via the above pages. So, if you wanna code, get a Supercharger, get the software, and get onto the stella list. Even if you plan on coding via an emulator a Supercharged 2600 is important to verify the integrity of your games. Many games will run fine on emulators but screw up on authentic 2600s. Even if you intend to distribute via cart it's much more convenient to debug with a Supercharger. No more test-EPROM burns... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VI. Aftermath A. Preserving the integrity of the Starpath rights It took some subtle negotiation to get the permission to produce this CD legally and by the book. This CD does not signal that the games are suddenly public domain or freely distributable, therefore I will frown upon any effort to upload the Starpath games onto web sites (we've had some close-calls of late, with lots of nasty email exchanges to boot.) Other ROM images, it's really too late to do anything, but the rights of these games have been well established. Considering that there is now an active effort to rerelease this CD commercially with a new emulator, trading these games openly on the net may hurt me in the pocket book and suddenly it will get personal. It is in the best interest of the "classic community" to respect these rights to facilitate the commercial release. (For details of the commercial release read on.) Also the developer software should not to be used as a pirating device. This would defeat the purpose of including "DEVELOPER" software. B. The Press The CD was written up in the following periodicals: Digital Press had a blurb on it 2600 Connection devoted a whole issue on it Replication News, a CD manufacturer's trade journal, had a piece on it (I have yet to see this one, BTW) Wired magazine had a collumn on it (January 1997, p. 171) VIII. The Commercial Run The premise was that 300-350 units was enough to satisfy this niche market. Maybe 500 would have been more like it as I got a slow but steady stream VII. The Future A. Long-range goals for the stella mailing-list programmers' coop A poll conducted a couple months ago revealed that about a half dozen people are planning to have completed a mature game in one year's time. Since then I've seen steady progress in at least a few individuals. I am hopeful that there will indeed be some interesting software by the spring of 1998. Although I was hoping that this software would be distributed as .BINs, most of the programmers are going the route of 4K ROM as the final distribution method so they can get physical carts made. This raised a whole "cart vs. bin" debate on the mailing list. However, at least one person is planning to release a multiload Supercharger game. I hope others follow as the Supercharger environment is much nicer to work with thank the constrained 4K ROM workspace. If enough software is written, a followup Stella CD is a possibility with deluxe manual et. al. Should economics permit, a prize will be offered by Cyberpunks for the best new game written by March 1998 . E. The commercial run Current status 5-6-97 Negotiations with Bridgestone are complete. Negotiations with Atari continue. We are attempting to license the ENTIRE Atari catalog including prototypes. As for distribution, if we go through Activision we'd likely put the entire Activision, Absolute, and Imagic catalog on it. The small Avalon Hill catalog will be represented. Coleco, Parker Brothers, and 20th Century Fox are possibilities. Curios like Tooth Protectors and Chase the Chuckwagon are also likely. Due to the huge volume of games, not all of them will receive the deluxe multimedia treatment the Starpath catalog had. The games will likely be sorted in order of importance with the best games getting the deluxe treatment, and the rest put in a no-nonsense basic .BIN drawer. Dan will hopefully update the manual and it will NOT be cheapened for mass-production. The cover is likely to change, though. Plus, the price is going to be higher. Cross your fingers and hope. This is potentially a real mass-production mainstream product on the lines of Activision's Action Pack that you may see on your store shelves this fall or winter, and with the superior emulators, the larger catalog, and the nicer production, it may do quite well. F. A 2600 side-project, the 20th anniversary 2600 documentary Current status 5-6-97 This on-again-off-again idea is now on again--bigtime. It is going to be a birthday party for Stella, and a coming-together of many famous figures in Atari past where they discuss their groundbreaking work. The current schedule is to shoot in the beginning of June in the SF Bay area. I will try to frantically edit something together by the end of the year. Potential end product could be cable broadcast, PBS broadcast, and/or direct video sales. Broadcast version will be either 1 hour (PBS), 1 hour minus commercial breaks (cable) and the home version will likely be expanded to 2 hours. I still need an assistant or two to help me interview. If you know a lot of 2600 trivia and think you can come up with some good technical or design questions, email me at I also need someone who knows about BetaSP camerawork, video lighting, and decent audio production to help me with the technical aspects. -fin
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