Darkest of Days v 1.0 Invisible Assassin ---------------- Weapons ---------------- Colt Pistol A decent weapon in the Civil War Springfield Musket Awful Henry Rifle The best gun to use in this time period Morgan James Rifle You almost never, ever find this sniper in the game C96 Mauser An automatic pistol with decent power Nagant Pretty good single shot rifle Geweher 98 Best weapon you can get for this time period, a semi-automatic rifle Future Pistol Burst fire, good damage Future Sniper Rifle HAL + Enemy at the Gates = this gun M34 Available in the one WW2 mission, it's a really good gun. Grab it. AMP60 You get this once in the game, it auto-targets and is awesome AR55 Similar to the AMP60, except no autoaim C07 Shotgun Very powerful, tons of fun, can take down multiple enemies MA22 Rocket Launcher Laser guided artillery, whee FMG Heat Gun Flamethrower. -------------------- Walkthrough -------------------- *************** Little Big Horn *************** When you get up, follow the other two soldiers until you meet up with Custer and the rest of the group. Fire away at the Injuns. You will eventually get cut down but will still be able to fight. Keep firing away until Custer gets shot down and an Agent from the future comes for you. ************* KronoteK Base ************* Listen to Mother. Step up and listen to her speech. When she's done, turn around and enter the portal. This is a training area. Go down the path and pick up the rifle and pistol. Fire away at the helmets and the soldiers in the trench to the right. Listen to Dexter as he teaches you how to reload and zoom in. Proceed down the path to learn how to use grenades. Keep going down the path to learn how to use the cannon. Farther on down the path, Dexter will explain the blue aura enemies. Once all this is done, go through the portal. Back in the mission room, you'll learn you'll have two missions. You can pick either but I'll go in order they're displayed. ****************** Germans on the Run ****************** Proceed down the linear trenches towards the objective. Once your each it, it will tell you to check your map for your next waypoint. Just keep running towards it, it will be indicated on your HUD and the trenches are linear. When you get there, you will see Dexter who will tell you to use the machine gun. Get on it and just start spraying at anyone wearing grey. Watch out for the heat. Dexter will tell you to get off, so follow him down the path directly behind the gun and head uphill. The path isn't as clearly defined so check your map if you have to. You will eventually stumble upon a battle, listen to Dexter and climb to the top. Defend the hill from the waves of Germans until the mustard gas comes in. Run to the waypoint and then keep running down the path to the next objective. There will be a few Germans along the way with auras, remember to shoot them in the leg or use Chasers on them. There will be a huge battle at one point, just fight your way through and keep going after Petrovich. Soon, there will be artillery fire on the path. Go right and take the path uphill to avoid it and continue along. Run along and head inside the mill, then meet Dexter outside and follow him to the portal. ************* KronoteK Base ************* They finally explain why you shouldn't kill the blue aura soldiers. Upgrade your weapons then go to the Mission Screen. I'm going to go with the same missions for consistency but feel free to go your own path. ******************* Onward to Frankenau ******************* This map is much more open. Take a look at your map and make your way to the gray circle. You will fight many Germans by yourself but it is not much trouble I highly suggest picking up one of their Gewehers for yourself. Once you reach the farmhouse, helpful Russians will come. Make your way to the waypoint, in the church, for a futuristic shotgun. Then go to your next waypoint all the way up north. There will be lots of fighting but your shotgun should give you the advantage. Meet up with Dexter and then go into the trenches, grab a machinegun and let loose. Once that's all done, go up and meet Dexter who hands you a new toy. There's really nothing more to say now except let loose on the German side. It's beautiful. The rockets this thing fires are laser guided so be sure to keep aiming where you want things to die. Meet up with Dexter when that's all done and proceed to the next waypoint and into the portal. ************* KronoteK Base ************* Upgrade and select your next mission. ********* Night War ********* Go along the path and meet up with the Union squad. Make your way to the waypoint and when you pass through the swap, you'll see the Confederates. I wouldn't even bother with the Musket, just use the Colt. Swap the Musket for the Henry Rifle ASAP. When you get near the waypoint, duck down in the trees to the right with the other Union boys to avoid the mass of Confederates coming down the road. Wait for them to pass and then make your way up the hill farther down. Take out the Confederates on the left if they notice you, otherwise you can slip past them. When you get up, go down the other wise and fight your way through the enemy camp to the next waypoint. Go through the barn and cornfield and make your way towards the manor. Clear out all the Confederates from around the manor and check out the cliff. Then make your way back to camp and then to the portal west of it. ************* KronoteK Base ************* Upgrade and select a mission. ******************** A Harvest of Carnage ******************** Meet up with the Union troops and join formation. You'll move by yourself when you get close. Shoot down the Confederates at the gully, then drop down into it and head left. Make your way to the house, through all the Confederates. Once you get there, defend it from more of the greys. Then go and meet Dexter and get a fun new toy. Make your way to the waypoint and then fight at the cornfields. Once the attack stops, fight through the cornfield and break their defense with your assault rifle. Make your way to Welsh on the right and defend him from the Confederates. He'll tell you that there's a push, so fight to the next waypoint while he follows you until you're clear of the farmlands and in a forest. Get through the forest to the portal but you will be ambushed again. Get to the next waypoint with Dexter and use the portal. ************* KronoteK Base ************* Upgrade and choose the only mission available. ******** The Trap ******** Follow Dexter to the blue lasers, where he sets the trap, then follow him back to the right and up the hill where you'll get a good view of the map before you're ambushed by Injuns. Fight your way up north, taking them all out. Watch out for the ones on horseback. Go through the stable and up to the house where the Union and Injuns are fighting. Behind the house, you will find your target, a blue aura soldier. Kill him to lure the Opposition and run back to your trap, where you started. You can't kill them but they can die if they get caught in an explosion but don't count on it. Once you lure one into the trap, go to Dexter and through the portal. ************* KronoteK Base ************* This visit is much more interesting. You can upgrade and choose your next mission but Dexter fills you in on some more interesting story. ********************* Stairway to Petrovich ********************* Go down the path just behind Dexter and take out the Germans at the checkpoint. Then go uphill and you'll see... a zeppelin?! Huh. You'll have to clear out the airfield. Keep left and take out the machinegun first and you'll be free to kill everyone else in the base and then into the gondola of the zeppelin. On this thing, you'll have sniper rifles, two machineguns on either side and bombs Enjoy yourself. The zeppelin takes a surprising amount of damage so be careful, but at least you have plenty of ammo to get things dead. Make sure to snipe any MGs before they take you down. After a ton of bombing runs, you'll spot Petrovich being chased by a truckful of Germans. Take them out with your sniper and take out any mortar teams on the way. Eventually, you'll get a portal spawned right on top of you. ************* KronoteK Base ************* Upgrade and choose your mission. ********************** Eye on the Competition ********************** Dexter will fill you in on what to do. I know he recommends a bit of stealth but it's really not worth the effort since the AI is rather inconsistent and you don't get any stealthy way to kill anyone. All you have to do is visit each location and mark the area by holding the Use button for about five seconds. Save the artillery guns for last since they have the best defence. Once the last objective is marked, you have fifteen seconds to get out of Dodge. Then meet up with Dexter for a fun little scene. ************* KronoteK Base ************* Get told, get upgraded, get a job. ********************** Battle for Holy Ground ********************** Meet up with the Union forces while fighting the Confederates. When you do, a large unit will pass by. Hold off whoever decides to fight until more Union soldiers come to help, then meet up with Welsh and then destroy the battery. On your way there, you'll come across a TON of greys. Shoot, shoot, shoot. Try and get the blue aura soldiers in the leg for some extra upgrade points. Anyone else is just a waste of ammo. Soon, you should see a Confederate leader on a horse. Snipe him off and then continue shooting any blue aura soldiers for a bit. Soon, they will start charging and there will be an explosion. When you come to, fight off a TON of them until you reach the battery. Then you have to secure the church area. Once again, fight TONS of greys until you have to meet up with Dexter in the church. You finally get a decent weapon and you get to defend the church. Yay. Once that's taken care of, run to your portal. ************* KronoteK Base ************* Same old, same old. ************* Hide and Seek ************* Fight your way through all the Confederates to Welsh and protect him from any more greys and then follow him through the forest. Then fight your way to the Union farmhouse, through all the Confederate patrols. When you reach, you will be ambushed by a group of Confederates. Escape through the forest and you will come across a corn field. Fight your way inside and you'll find Potter's body and the plans, surrounded by a few greys. Grab it and then fight your way to waypoint near the bridge, then run along the path north to meet Dexter. Rebels will once again cut into your fun so take control of the cannon near Dexter's window and shoot them down. You will have to aim REALLY low, since the cannon fires at a huge arc. When that's done, run north to French. You'll have another battle on your hands, where you're the attackers. Run to the fence and start shooting the greys, then lead the flank which means run to another point and start killing. Then you have to disrupt support which, again, means running to another point and killing everyone. Eventually, you have to go back to the road you passed and take out a TON of greys. After that's done, follow Dexter and Walsh into the forest, then go into your portal. ******* ??????? ******* WHA?! Plot twist! WTF? ************* KronoteK Base ************* Same old, same old? ***************** Trestle Goes Boom ***************** You have to secure three points. I recommend the trainyard first so you don't have to travel farther than you need to. Kill the Germans around the trains and then on the little encampment on the nearby hill. The middle area has many MGs but they're not positioned well so they are easy targets. This area is probably the hardest to clear out because of all the trees and foliage. The last area, the lake, is a cakewalk in comparison, especially since many Russians help. Run alongside the river north to the next waypoint. Once you meet up with your squad, fight the Germans at the bridge and break into the building by the bridge and check out the explosives cache. Fight onto the bridge and plant C4 on three supports. Then get the hell of the bridge and into the cliffside path. Fight your way south into the farmhouse in an attempt to find Petrovich. He's not there. Jerk. Follow Dexter into the barn where Petrovich is. Go upstairs and jump on the MG and blast down any Germans. Keep sweeping left to right, the game has a nasty habit for forcing a Mission Fail at this point for some unknown reason. After a while, follow Dex and Petrovich to the next building over and use the portal. ************* KronoteK Base ************* A bit more story. Fuel up and choose your next mission. ******************* A Burnsides Too Far ******************* Follow Dexter and his orders for the first part of this mission. He guides you safely behind cover while under fire. After you get between the tree and wheel, go uphill and take out a small Confederate patrol and use the cannon to take out the grey shooters. Take a few potshots at them until Dex tells you it's all clear. Make your way across the bridge and fight against the two huge groups of Confederates, then follow the road for a little scene. Kill all the greys at the bridge up ahead, then follow their retreat until you get another scene. Follow Dex down into the valley. The rest of this level is a long waypoint run, riddled with Confederates. Fight your long way down to the Union base, to the point where you find Jon Walsh. The Opposition will enter at this point. If you or Dex manages to kill one, grab their gun, and fight your way back to the portal. ************* Kronotek Base ************* Stock up. **************** Been Here Before **************** Get up on the MG and start firing away. Be careful not to shoot the blue aura soldiers too much or the Opposition comes in and starts causing problems for you. When the bridge blows, fight your way to the German camp and take out the Russians. There will be a lot of them, but there is also lots of cover. Fight your way north to the train tracks, then west. You will see some explosions. When you get close, Opposition agents spawn in. Take them out and grab their weapons. Run to the artillery battery as fast as you can, but the Opposition has already killed everyone. Follow Dex to the Howitzer and shoot the targets he spots. To hit the house, aim at about a quarter of the bar to your upper left on the HUD. From there, you should be able to smash everything else he points out. After you get them all, take out the Opposition and then run down to the fields below you. Fight into the farm and then get into the farmhouse and into your portal. ************** KronoteK Base ************* More plot. Upgrade, do your missions. **************** The Thin Red Dot **************** This is probably the best mission in the game. Enjoy it. You also get a sweet new sniper rifle. Follow Dexter to the sniper point. Remember to lock onto a target before you start firing. This isn't Call of Duty, there's actually bullet drop and wind resistance in this sniping. The gun will calculate it for you. Snipe the two targets in this fashion to get the ball rolling. Repeat this at the second and third sniper points. It's a lot of fun, huh? Fight your way into the tower and then snipe the two targets quickly, then the other bunch moving with Petrovich. Fight through the Germans who come to get you to the waypoint and snipe out all the targets here. Then go to the next position and take point. Dex gets knocked down so you have to cover him by killing all the targets before they kill him. Once he's clear, you have to destroy your rifle (Awww) and then escape. Try it. Heh. ************ The Gauntlet ************ Follow the other prisoners in and through the camp. Once you come out into an open compound, enter into the buildings on the opposite side. Inside one building in the second row, you will see many prisoners, including Petrovich who is glowing. It is the only building where the front is lit up so it should not be hard to find. Approach Petrovich and he will speak to you. The Germans somehow sneak up on you again. Now, you're at his execution. Dexter will come and hand you a toy. Use it to take out the Commandant quickly. Follow the prisoners to the armory while fighting the Germans and grab whatever weapons you can. Climb the tower and use the MG to blow up the execution podium and kill whatever Germans are around. Go down and cross the bridge, where the waypoint is and fight through all subsequent waypoints while protecting Petrovich. Blow up the main gate with C4 and run out. Fight into the forest. A large group of Germans will pop up but your M34 should make short work of them. If not, a large group of friendly KronoteK soldiers comes to save you. Make your way uphill for a scene and then go into the portal. **************** Make Your Escape **************** Stick with your fellow time cops at the beginning, there are TONS of Germans here who are out to get you. Move up and go through the buildings on the right for a scene. Kill the Germans heading for the tower. They don't fire back so they are easy to take down. Once they're gone, jump in the back of the truck and Dex will drive it. While enjoying the ride, take some shots at any Germans you pass by. It's a long ride. When the truck stops, jump off and go downhill and set up your flare, then go back to the truck for a portal. ************* KronoteK Base ************* Boot up. ************ A Rebel Yell ************ Move up and secure the area, then a scene will occur. Shoot and then chase after the idiot with the future gun and then fight your way to the rendezvous point. The future gun has some crazy sort of autoaim so make use of it as you go to the resupply area, there are tons of Union enemies around. Fight your way to Toombs. Once you do, you'll get another scene. After it's done, get on the cannon across the road and fire at the Union boys. After the initial few waves of Union boys, it is better to get off the cannon and use your fancy gun. After a bit, you have to cover Toombs escape and then meet up with Dexter. The Opposition makes an appearance. Fight your way to the little gulley and then follow the waypoints while fighting off the Union and Opposition. You'll come across one of their devices and Dex will task you with descyning their laser things to bring your own guys across. When that's all done, use the portal. ************* KronoteK Base ************* You know the drill. **************** The Vesuvian Man **************** You meet that weird guy again. Listen to his spiel for some PLOT TWISTS! Eventually, you'll be teleported out... into Pompeii? What the...? Anyways, meet up with Dexter by following the path into the city and through a courtyard Disable the three Opposition telesyncs near you and, when you round the next corner, an autoturret will be there. Run in a zigzag from the courtyard with the last telesync and you should get right up to it. Plant the C4 and run. Up ahead are three more telesyncs. Get them too. There's a third round of this exact same thing. After that's done, you have to breach Opposition perimeter. Plant the C4 at the waypoint and enter through your breach. Inside, you'll get a scene. When it's over, activate the three generators Bob points out and enjoy the show. Use your shotgun to make quick work of the Heavies that come in. When that's all done use the portal. Kill the Opposition at the start, then run down the path and you will finally find Koell. After the scene, run down the path and take out the Opposition. Dex gives you a neat heat gun thing so have fun with that as you make your way to the Arena, fighting off Opposition. On the way, you'll have to take out some telesyncs but they're not really a problem. To actually get into the Arena, you have to go to the right of its main side, up a dirt ramp. There will be many Opposition in this area. Plant C4 on the wall to get access into the Arena. Climb the tower in the centre and get rid of the turret, then kill all Opposition in the area. Look up and you will see Koell. Make your way up by way of stairs and approach him for a scene. ************* KronoteK Base ************* Lots and lots of plot here. Sit back and enjoy it. Congrats. It's the end of the game. Hope you liked it. ************ Secret Level ************ During the finale, go directly opposite all the characters and Use the wooden door. The level will unlock after all the action is done. This is just a fun mission where you protect the developers from enemies. Turn on your subtitles for some extra fun! -------------- Legal -------------- This guide is Copyright (2009) to Invisible Assassin You have permission to print this guide as long as credit is given to me. Do not plagiarize please. I have worked hard on this guide and I would not like it to be passed off as somebody else's.
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