Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars Walkthrough/FAQ
By: Kasey (DiabloZZq)

Table of Contents:
1 Copyright Info
2 Controls
3 GDI Units, Structures, and Powers [GUSP]
4 Nod Units, Structures, and Powers [NUSP]
5 Scrin Units, Structures, and Powers[SUSP]
6 Neutral Units and Structures [NUAB]
7 Advanced Tactics * [TCTS]
8 GDI Only Tactics * [TCTS]
9 Nod Only Tactics * [TCTS]
10 Scrin Only Tactics * [TCTS]
11 Campaign Walkthrough * [CAMP]
12 Contact Information [CNTC]
13 Version History [VERS]

*(under construction)

Use the control + f function to find the sections much faster. The
codes following the section are what you want to type.

1.  Copyright Information: [COPY]

I will allow anyone to copy anything here and put it on any site so
long as they give me full credit for this work and do not change
anything in this guide. You may not make a profit off of this work or
charge money to view it under any circumstances.

2. Controls [CTRS]

The controls in CnC3 are quite simple, but they have changed a little
bit since past CnC games.  The main things that have changed are the
ability to formation preview and you must now right click to give units
commands.  I suppose this was done to help micromanagement and most
other RTS games use this system of right clicking.  At first this
confused me, but I got used to it and found this to be a very effective
control scheme.

Note: These are the default controls. You may change them by going to
settings in the game menu.

Left Click: This controls basically everything in the game that
requires a click of the mouse button.  Anything from selecting units,
deploying structures, or building units require you to use this button.
Right Click: This is used to give commands such as moving to your units
and also to cancel and hold units and structures in the build tab.
Mouse Wheel Up/Down:	 Zooms the in game camera in and out.
A + Right Click: Attack move. Tells any units you have selected to move
to the desired location attacking hostile base defenses and units along
the way. They will not attack enemy buildings.
S: Stop units.  Immediately stops the selected units.
D + Right Click: Reverse move.  Forces the units to move to the desired
location backwards.  This is used to prevent enemies from hitting your
vehicles unarmored side and to speed up retreat.
F + Right Click: Assault move.  This tells the selected units to move
to the desired location while attacking any hostile buildings or units
along the way.  This is useful to clear out entire bases without having
to tell them what to attack.
G + Right Click: Force move.  This forces your units to move to the
location even if units happen to be in the way.  This is used to crush
enemy units if possible.
H: Primary construction yard camera. This is used to jump to your
construction yard with the press of a button.  If destroyed, it will
jump other construction yards then to cranes.
Ctrl + J, K, L, or ; Sets a camera bookmark. By pressing both Crtl and
one of the following buttons you may set a camera bookmark.
J, K, L, or ; Jump to camera bookmark.  These jump to the set camera
bookmark. Useful to jump back and fourth from key spots in the game
' : Toggles unit health bars
~: Selected structure or unit tab (known as contextual tab).
Q: Selects all combat units.  This is used to select everything you
have.  Useful to throw everything you have at the enemy at once and to
see how many units you have.  Double tapping Q selects everything on
the map.
W: Selects all units of the type currently selected. This is used to
get all the units of a specific type or types together for an assault.
Double tapping W selects all the units of the types currently selected
across the entire map.
E: Structure tab.
R: Defense tab.
T: Infantry tab.
Y: Vehicles tab.
U: Aircraft tab.
I: Intel database (single player)/Messenger (multiplayer)
O: Objectives (single player)/Player status (multiplayer)
Z: Sell mode
Ctrl + Z: Planning mode:  This mode allows you to make multiple
commands to a unit.  Press it again to have the unit complete the
commands in order.
X: Power mode.  This turns off and on power to a structure.  Useful to
direct power to vital structures.
C: Repair mode.
V: Voice chat.  Press this key to talk with a microphone.
Ctrl + V: Toggle either global voice chat or team voice chat.
B: Place beacon
N: Next harvester. Used to jump between harvesters.
>: Fast forward button (only during replays)
0-9: Selects grouped units. Simply press the number to select your
entire group without worrying about manually selecting all of them. It
is very useful to group assault forces to control them much easier.
Ctrl + 0-9:	Sets the selected units to a number.
Backspace: Opens up chat to all teammates.
Enter: Opens up chat to everyone.
Alt + A: Changes stance to aggressive.
Alt + S: Changes stance to guard.
Alt + D: Changes stance to hold ground.
Alt + F: Changes stance to hold fire.
Ctrl + A: Uses unit power in slot one.
Ctrl + S: Uses unit power in slot two.
Ctrl + D: Uses unit power in slot three.
Ctrl + F: Uses unit power in slot four.
F1-F10: Selects the unit or building in slot 1-10 respectively.
Ctrl + F1-F8: Uses support powers in slots 1-8 respectively.
Delete: Deletes the beacon.
Keypad 5: Reset camera.  Keypad 5 is on the right side of the keyboard.
Hold Alt: Waypoint mode.  This allows you to select multiple commands
for the selected unit(s). They will start the commands upon receiving
the first one.
Hold Ctrl + Right Click: Force fire.  This forces you unit to fire at
the location no matter what.
Hold Shift + Left Click: Adds unit/structure to selection.
End: Toggle HUD.
Tab: Next sub tab.
Ctrl + Tab: Previous sub tab.

3. GDI Units, Structures, and Powers. [GUSP]

GDI is a powerful army that can be great in either late or early game.
It has no real weaknesses in any point in a fight and can crush
opponents with their advanced technology and powerful units. Although
not as advanced as the Scrin, GDI can hold up against nearly anything
and its units have plenty of armor to back them up.  Their units are
more expensive then Nod's but they are also more powerful.

GDI Units

Rifleman Squad
Rating: **
Abilities: Dig a fox hole, Call for Transport.
Upgrades: Composite Armor
Summery: They are very weak to almost every unit in the game except the
rocket infantry and the other rifle infantry.  The only real use for
these is to counter early infantry rushes and scouting.  The reason
these get a two star rating is because the fox hole ability and their
ability to be upgraded.  With the upgrade they are still very weak
though.  You should almost never have to use these guys unless you need
a cheap counter to other infantry units.  The fox hole ability is quite
useful in campaign and also in very rare circumstances in multiplayer
where you need a defense structure that uses no power or you lost all
ability to build structures.

Missile Squad
Rating: ***
Abilities: Call for Transport
Upgrades: Composite Armor
Summery: Only useful against early game tank rushes, cheap anti air,
taking down walker units, and to put in an APC.  These are very weak,
but very useful as a cheap unit to back up your early game forces.
Never use these in mass against any air units except the Orca and
Firehawk.  Your money is better spent building other anti air vehicles
and structures because most air units rip infantry to shreds really
quickly.  Always remember to garrison them against tanks when possible
and if that is not possible, make sure to micromanage them to make sure
they don't get ran over.  This unit can be used in mass to take down
walker units easily.  Followed up by an engineer, this can be very
useful, cheap, and effective.

Rating: *****
Abilities: Call for Transport
Summery:  These are the most useful early game infantry. They can be
used to capture buildings which can turn the tides of any battle very
quickly. Even during late game, these infantry are still used proving
they deserve the five star rating. These can be a commander's worst
nightmare if caught running into a base that is undefended.  Just
remember, these guys are very slow and the weakest unit in the game so
protect them if possible. Load them up in APCs and you can engineer
rush them unlike any of the other factions in the game. Also, don't
forget they can repair bridges, your structures, and resurrect fallen
walkers.  They cannot repair garrisonable buildings as in the past
games though.

Grenadier Squad
Rating: ***
Abilities: Call for Transport
Upgrades: Composite Armor
Requirements: Command Post
Summery: These guys would be more useful if infantry were more common
in the game.  As it stands right now, Grenadier Squads are semi-useful
against vehicles but they really shine as another superior anti
infantry unit. Their grenades kill almost any infantry in one hit, and
clear out garrisonable buildings with ease.  In urban combat areas,
load one into an APC and start the rampage.  They will clear an entire
city in seconds, reducing enemy infantry to bits and pieces.

Sniper Team
Rating: ****
Abilities: Call for Transport
Requirements: Armory
Summery: These guys kill infantry in nothing flat. They are useful to
have around to keep pesky Engineers, Commandos, and Shadow Teams away
from your base.  They have stealth capabilities and the ability to spot
targets for Juggernauts. What more could you want from an anti infantry
unit? Nothing really, except for the fact that you hardly ever see
enough infantry in this game to build more then a couple of them.
Their ability to spot for Juggernauts is great, except it can be tough
to get close enough to an enemies base without getting detected with
all the stealth detection in this game.  To use their ability to spot
for Juggernauts, you simply move the sniper within sight of the target
and then go to your Juggernauts and click the Bombard Target button.

Rating: **
Abilities: Jump Jets and Call for Transport
Requirements: Armory and Tech Center
Summery: This unit is basically a waste of money. The only use of this
infantry is to sneak into an enemy base and blow some stuff up.
Although it is great against infantry and walkers, there are a lot
better units that are more useful to take those down. I guess if you
ever see an undefended side of a base you might be able to do a little
damage.  Don't expect to do much because this unit is easily countered
by a simple anti infantry turret or two.  It's a nice unit, but other
units tend to be better for the job then this guy.

Zone Trooper
Rating: ****
Abilities: Jump Jets, Call for Transport
Upgrades: Scanner Packs, Power Packs
Requirements: Tech Center
Summery: These guys are the best late game infantry the GDI have. Their
only true weakness is air, but with a couple of Mammoths backing these
guys up, they are pretty much unstoppable against anything short of a
Sniper Team or Shadow Team.  They can easily do more damage then a
Commando if they find a cliff or river to Jump Jet across and they can
do damage faster.  Their armor is superior for infantry units, and
their rail guns can pierce through even the heaviest of armor.  When
upgraded, they have the ability to regenerate health while idle and
detect stealth units.  Basically, these guys are the infantry you want
to be using at all times once you tech up to them.

Rating: ***
Upgrades: Mortars
Summery: This is the fast recon/anti air unit the GDI has.  It works
wonders against aircraft (except Scrin's heavy aircraft) because of its
speed and power.  These can easily be destroyed so don't use them
versus Scrin's heavy aircraft, instead use other aircraft.  If your
base is getting assaulted with air units, this is a great unit that is
cheap and fast to build.  Other then scouting and anti air, it also has
one more advantage, which is stealth detection.  Early game these are
great against Shadow Teams.  Besides the uses mentioned before, there
is not much reason to build these in mass.  A couple around the base
will do quite nicely and other then that, these are horrible at
assaulting the enemy.  Since it has quite a bit of speed, it can be
used to effectively run over enemy infantry.

Predator Tank
Rating: ****
Upgrades: Railguns
Summery:  The main battle tank of the GDI is also the most powerful
light tank in the game.  With its railgun upgrade, it can easily punch
a hole in a base against light defenses and armor.  The downside to
this is that they are not very good against late game units.  Use these
if you plan on tank rushing early game, or if you just need a cheap
diversion late game.  Although these cost more then the other light
tanks, they are a lot stronger and more durable.  Also remember to run
over any infantry you see, they don't stand a chance against a tank of
this size.

Rating: ** (without infantry) **** (with infantry)
Abilities: Lay Minefield
Summery: Without any infantry on board, this unit is more or less a
waste of time. Early game it's not bad at taking out infantry, but even
then I would prefer using a Predator and just crushing infantry.  It
can also take on air units out even though a Pitbull does that job much
more effectively.  As for with infantry, this unit can pack a serious
punch.  Rocket infantry are the most effective overall to put in here.
This makes the cost at exactly that of one Predator tank except that
it's good against any unit.  Other infantry such as Engineers are also
very useful to put in one and then rush the enemy base.  Zone Troopers
also make this unit pack a serious punch with hit and run capabilities.
A great unit if infantry are placed inside, otherwise this is just a
below average unit. Also, their minefield ability is nice to deploy at
choke points because most of the time it will kill several units before
the mines are used up.

Rating: *****
Requirements: Refinery
Summery:  Just another harvesting unit from the past games. These are
vital to your economy so protect them at all costs.  GDI's harvesting
unit happens to have an anti infantry weapon attached.  It is kind of
useless since it could just run over infantry anyways, but it does help
protect your harvester so I can't really complain.

Rating: *****
Summery: Deploys into another Construction Yard. Great for base rushing
and to have another one handy in case yours happens to get destroyed.

Rating: ***
Requirements: Command Post
Summery:  This is a great unit to send along with your troops to repair
them during battle.  Another great use is for an expensive defense that
uses no power and can repair you units.  These used with a Surveyor can
create expansion bases that are immediately defended. These should
never be used in mass and just one in an area holds that ground very

Mammoth Tank
Rating: *****
Upgrades: Railguns
Requirements: Tech Center
Summery:  This is the mother of all tanks.  It can hit both ground and
air targets and has TONS of armor.  The Mammoth is awfully slow so be
prepared to take a few casualties just on the way to the enemies base.
This tank is effective against everything in the game even infantry.
Spamming them late game is often all people will do because of their
might.  These combined with Zone Troopers make a VERY effective late
game assault force that can take on even the heaviest of armor or
defenses. Be sure to research the railgun upgrade as soon as you start
building them because it increases their power against all ground units
by a large margin.  If you spam any ground unit in the game, this is by
far the best one.  Some go so far as to say people are noobs when they
spam them because "they take no skill."  This is very true, unless he
also has other units supporting them.

Rating: ***
Abilities: Bombard Target
Requirements: Tech Center
Summery:  This is a great unit to support your main forces with. These
walkers are very slow and not heavily armored so remember to defend
them.  Combined with a sniper, they can fire bomb something from
anywhere on the map.  Unfortunately the hard part is actually getting
the Snipers to the enemy's base without having them get killed.
Building a couple of these and having them behind your main forces can
really help if the enemy is heavily defended. Finally, they also leave
walker husks so if they do get destroyed simply capture the husk with
an Engineer.

Rating: **
Summery:  These are slow, very weak, and defenseless.  Most of the time
you only need to build one or two at the beginning to make expansion
bases at the other Tiberium fields.  Other then that, these are
horrible at rushing someone unless they can remain unseen.  They take
20-30 seconds to deploy so be sure to defend them.

Rating: **
Abilities: Deploy Sensor Pod, Pulse Scan
Upgrades: Sensor Pods
Summery:  Orcas are considerably less effective then other light
aircraft.  The only thing that they can do better then Firehawks is
take out vehicles.  These tend to be very weak to anti air and are slow
to unload their missiles.  Orcas are very useful early game when your
enemy might leave his harvesters open for attack.  Also they can be
used to stop incoming tanks and walkers effectively.  Because it takes
so long to unload their missiles, you should almost never bomb enemy
bases with them unless they are undefended.  If they had a lot more
armor Orcas might be useful, but since they are easy to take down, use
Firehawks instead.  Orcas also have the added ability to detect stealth
and drop sensor pods on enemy units and structures once upgraded.

Rating: ****
Abilites: Missile Loadout, Bomb Loadout
Upgrades: Stratofighter Booster
Requirements: Tech Center
Summery:  Firehawks are the best units in the game for taking out a
super weapon.  The reason I say that, is because with the Stratofighter
Booster upgrade then can actually teleport instantly across the map and
then bomb their target.  Unfortunately this has a cool down so there
won't be any coming back if you enemy has plenty of anti air.  They can
also be loaded with anti air missiles at the Airfield for free.  Be
sure to make 8 or so as an emergency attack force against heavy armor
and super weapons.

GDI Structures

Construction Yard
Summery: Used to start your base. It can be undeployed and sent over to
the enemy's base to rush him.  If you are planning to do this, you
should build a Power Plant or Crane first.  This building also controls
your radar, so if you lose it you won't have any radar.  Remember to
protect this at all costs.

Power Plant
Summery:  Supplies power to your base. It can also be used to build a
string of buildings to your enemy's base.  Don't forget to upgrade them
once you get your Tech Center up.

Summery: Provides you with an additional structure build tab.  You
should always have one handy.

Summery: This building is the heart of your economy and its Harvesters
supply it with plenty of Tiberium. Building an extra Refinery and then
selling it once the harvester appears is a good way to get a free
scouting unit and a Harvester early in the game.  Using this method
does not cost additional cash though.  In fact this gives you 1 free
infantry unit everything you do it.  Only build one per Tiberium field
and keep 2-3 Harvesters per Refinery at all times.  Remember to protect
these otherwise you might find your self with no money if you enemy
keeps destroying them.  Also Refineries increase your maximum reserve
of cash.

Summery: Builds infantry units. Additional Barracks provide an
additional infantry build tab.

Summery: Advanced infantry technology building.  Also it can heal your
infantry that you send in.

War Factory
Summery:  Builds vehicle units (except the Surveyor, which is made in
the Construction Yard.  Additional War Factories provide additional
vehicle build tabs.  Make sure if you are spamming vehicles to build
multiple of them.

Command Post
Summery: The lesser technology building that is a requirement to build
late game units and structures.

Tech Center
Summery:  The greater technology building that allows for the most
advanced units and structures the GDI has to be built.

Summery:  Builds aircraft units. Additional Airfields provide
additional landing pads and aircraft build tabs.  Each Airfield has 4
landing pads that hold one Orca or Firehawk each.

Space Command Uplink
Summery: Allows the GDI to use Shockwave Artillery and call for Zone
Troopers.  This is not a requirement for units or structures to be

Summery:  The anti infantry defense tower.  Great against infantry,
useless against anything else.

Guardian Cannon
Summery:  The anti tank defense cannon.  Only useful against light

AA Battery
Summery:  The only anti air defense structure GDI has.  Useful against
all aircraft and make sure to keep some at your base at all times.

Tiberium Silo
Summery: Increases your maximum reserve of cash by about 2000 per silo
built. Make sure to build these if you are stock piling money otherwise
your Harvesters will stop until you spend some money.

Sonic Emitter
Summery: This is the ultimate ground defense system GDI has.  It can
pierce multiple targets and continues until it cannot go any further.
It is slow to reach its target and can be avoided by fast units so back
these up.  Against massive armies these are the most effective defense
in the game.

Ion Cannon Control
Summery:  The GDI super weapon that once built will start a countdown
until it is ready.  Keep it well defended and use it to put a giant
hole in the enemy's base.  Useful for ending matches that seem to have
no end.  Don't worry about others opinions about them, build one if
your enemy is being a turtle otherwise the game goes on forever.

GDI Support Powers

Radar Scan
Deployed from: Command Post
Summery: Allows you to reveal the shroud anywhere on the map.  Useful
to reveal the shroud to use other powers or to spy on the enemy

GDI Airborne
Deployed from: Armory
Summery: Several GDI Rifleman Squads and Missile Squads are delivered
by air as veterans.  Probably the worst support power there is.  Being
only useful when combined with the Bloodhounds power to give your APCs
some rocket infantry.

Sharpshooter Team
Deployed from: Tech Center
Summery: Drops a few Sniper Teams on the battlefield as veterans.
Useful to put snipers near the enemy base for Juggernauts to bomb.  It
is also useful if you see hordes of infantry being sent to your base or
if you have a loose Commando running around your base.

Orca Strike
Deployed from: Airfield
Summery: A few Orcas bomb the target.  Relatively weak, but it is cheap
and can be used to finish off something you didn't kill.

Deployed from: Airfield
Summery:  Some Pitbulls and APCs are deployed as veterans at the
target.  When used in conjunction with GDI Airborne, this can be used
to deploy an assault force anywhere on the map.

Zone Trooper Drop Pods
Deployed from: Space Command Uplink
Summery:  A few squads of Zone Troopers as veterans come crashed down
in drop pods.  Very useful to attack anywhere in the battlefield
because it sends them to the target almost instantaneously.

Shockwave Artillery
Deployed from: Space Command Uplink
Summery: Bombs the target with weak EMP artillery.  Very useful to stop
late game assaults because it disables anything it hits.

Ion Cannon
Deployed from: Ion Cannon Control
Summery: A massive ion cannon burst is unleashed wherever you please.
This will easily destroy anything in the radius except for a
Construction Yard.

4. Nod Units, Structures, and Powers. [NUSP]

Nod is a hit and run faction with cheap, but fast units.  Most of their
units are not very well armored and take more micromanagement then the
other factions. If you are good at rushing or using hit and run
tactics, then this is the faction for you.  Never try to directly
engage other units with Nod because they have less firepower and armor
then other units.  Make sure you attack vehicles backsides to get the
50% bonus to damage.  Try to find ways around enemy defenses and hit
them where it hurts the most.  Always try to harass their economies
otherwise you might drag the game on long enough that they can build up
a huge army of heavy units that will wipe you out.  Nod is great early
game, but they start to show their weaknesses late game when the other
sides get extremely powerful units while Nod still has to find ways to
attack from where they have the least defense.  To be successful with
Nod, you must never let the enemy come to you with an army the size of
Texas.  Keep bombing them and harassing them and victory will be yours!

Nod Units

Militant Squad
Rating: *
Abilities: Call for Transport
Upgrades: Tiberium Infusion, Confessor
Summery:  These guys are the worst unit in the game. You should never
have to rely on these units for anything except as really cheap
scouting units.  If you need anti infantry this early in the game,
simply build a Shredder Turret or if you have a War Factory just build
a Raider Buggy.  You shouldn't even have to build them to scout with.
By selling your Refineries you should be able to get some of them for
free. Don't bother with the upgrades for this unit, the upgrades are

Militant Rocket Squad
Rating: **
Abilities: Call for Transport
Upgrades: Tiberium Infusion, Confessor
Summery: Worse then the GDI Missile Squads and the Scrin
Disintegrators, they are still a decent unit for countering early
vehicles.  These guys have less armor then either of the two other
early anti tank infantry.  Although these do have a longer range then
the Disintegrators, they are easily ran over and do not explode when
ran over. The only advantage these guys have over the other anti tank
infantry is speed. Another use is for anti air but it is better just to
build Stealth Tanks for that.  Don't build them unless you have no
other options.

Rating: *****
Abilities: Call for Transport, Booby Trap
Summery: These are the most useful early game infantry. They can be
used to capture buildings which can turn the tides of any battle very
quickly. Even during late game, these infantry are still used proving
they deserve the five star rating. These can be a commander's worst
nightmare if caught running into a base that is undefended.  Just
remember, these guys are very slow and the weakest unit in the game so
protect them if possible. Also, don't forget they can repair bridges,
your structures, and resurrect fallen walkers.  They cannot repair
garrisonable buildings as in the past games though. Nods Saboteur can
also plant booby traps on neutral buildings.

Rating ***
Abilities: Call for Transport
Upgrades: Tiberium Infusion
Reqiurements: Operations Center
Summery:  Much better to use then Militant Rocket Squads against tank
rushes in the early game.  These guys are suicide bombers that are
quite expensive considering you lose the unit no matter what. If enemy
vehicles are packed together, Fanatics can take out a few of them with
just one unit.  It may appear to be cost inefficient, but actually they
end up being about the same as building one Scorpion tank because they
can take out at least one tank if they don't have any anti infantry.
Don't use them too often, they are better to use to stop tank rushes
and that's about it.

Black Hand
Rating **
Abilities: Call for Transport
Requirements: Operations Center
Summery: These are nearly useless in every way.  By the time you have
even one of these, you can have Shadow Teams or Flame Tanks.  Flame
Tanks do the exact same thing as these guys, but for a little more
money you get a faster unit that has more armor and is less likely to
die while clearing garrisoned buildings.  For taking out infantry,
Shadow Teams are much more useful, stealthed, and can fly around very
fast.  These would be worth building, but there are other units just as
high up on the tech tree that are better.

Shadow Team
Rating: *****
Abilities: Call for Transport, Glider Pack, Explosive Charge
Requirements: Secret Shrine
Summery: This is the perfect unit for both anti infantry and taking out
a base.  These guys can take out infantry nearly as well as a sniper.
Their stealth and gliders allow them to sneak into enemies bases
unharmed and blow up buildings.  Their only disadvantages are the long
cool down on their explosive charges and it takes multiple charges to
take down buildings. Use these every chance you have to harass your
enemy into building worthless anti infantry defenses and blow up his
refineries to slow down his economy.  With all the money they are
spending on stealth detection and anti infantry, you will have 20
Scorpions at their base.  Make sure to take out expansion enemy bases

Rating **
Abilities: Call for Transport
Requirements: Secret Shrine, Tech Lab
Summery:  Commandos in this game are much worse then in previous CnC
games.  The main reason being that they can't take out vehicles
effectively.  The Nod Commando is especially worthless because it can't
even go over cliffs or other obstructions.  Although it may be able to
take out a building in one hit, it isn't stealthed (unless standing
still) so it is extremely easy to take down.  Shadow Teams are a
superior unit that can do the same thing as a Commando better.

Raider Buggy
Rating: ***
Abilities: EMP Burst, Call for Transport
Upgrades: EMP Coils, Laser Capacitors
Summery: The standard light anti infantry vehicle.  Better then the APC
without infantry because of its speed, price, and upgrades.  The EMP
burst ability is devastating when used in conjunction with a Cloaking
Field to make it an anti vehicle unit also.  Great for a cheap scouting
unit and I'm pretty sure it can even fire at air targets too.  Laser
Capacitors upgrade its damage slightly and just increase its
effectiveness against infantry.  When well micro'd, this has the
ability to keep infantry out of range while firing on them.

Attack Bike
Rating: ***
Abilities: Call for Transport
Summery:  This is a versatile unit that is good against armor and
aircraft.  It is the best scouting unit in the game due to its speed
and it is very cheap.  Unfortunately with its speed comes its only
disadvantage... lack of any armor.  These are probably the weakest
vehicle in the game but they are also the fastest.  These are not to be
used in head to head battles, only hit and runs.  Although the Attack
Bike can take out aircraft, their weak armor allows most aircraft to
kill them faster then they can be killed.

Scorpion Tank
Rating: ****
Abilities: Call for Transport
Upgrades: Laser Capacitors, Dozer Blades
Summery: A great light tank. Faster then the Predator but weaker and
cheaper, this unit is perfect for tank rushes.  Its dozer blades not
only allow it to run over all infantry but also give it additional
armor in the front.  Even though this tank is available the minute you
get your War Factory, you will find you will still use them to absorb
damage late game while you put your supporting units behind them such
as the Avatar.  Because it is 300 cheaper then the Predator, this is
the perfect unit to spam.

Rating: *****
Requirements: Refinery
Summery: Just another harvesting unit from the past games. These are
vital to your economy so protect them at all costs.  Nods harvesting
unit happens to have stealth.  It is very useful in protecting you
harvesters from enemy attack since they can't find them.

Rating: *****
Summery: Deploys into another Construction Yard. Great for base rushing
and to have another one handy at all times in case yours happens to get

Flame Tank
Rating: ***
Requirements: Operations Center
Summery: This is a vehicle version of the Black Hand.  It's flame
throwers can clear garrisonable buildings, kill infantry, and destroy
buildings efficiently.  Unfortunately it has semi weak armor and a very
short range so be prepared to back them up with Scorpions.  Also it
cannot attack air units and its flame throwers are weak against armor
so it is not a good idea to just spam these.  Back Flame Tanks up with
Scorpions and all you will have to worry about are air units and

Stealth Tank
Rating: ****
Requirements: Operations Center
Summery: Stealth Tanks are the best anti air ground unit in the game.
They can't serve as a main battle tank but they do hit and runs very
well.  Don't take these head on with other battle tanks as these will
die.  Most people complain that these are weak but if they had more
armor then Scorpions would be useless and they would be very powerful.
Build some of these to accompany your Flame Tanks and Scorpions for
anti air.

Beam Cannon
Rating: ****
Abilities: Reflector Beam, Charge Defenses
Requirements: Tech Lab
Summery:  This artillery unit is much better to take behind your main
forces then the slow Juggernauts.  Not only do these fire instantly,
they have the ability to reflect their beams off of Venoms to reach
over cliffs and extend their range even further.  Also another useful
ability is that these can charge your Obelisks of Light to increase
both their power and range.  Always include these behind you army of
tanks to help take out defenses and buildings.  These are fast moving
artillery so you can use them to hit and run.  Beam Cannons also are
great against vehicles.

Rating: ***
Abilities: Commandeer Technology
Requirements: Tech Lab
Summery:  A decent walker support unit.  Avatars have the ability to
upgrade their weaponry by sacrificing other Nod units such as Flame
Tanks and Beam Cannons.  This destroys the unit so it can be very
costly to upgrade an Avatar.  The good thing is that the upgrades stack
so that you can get some really powerful but expensive Avatars.  They
have no anti air so be sure to protect them with some Stealth Tanks.  I
would rate these higher but their price is too high for the amount of
armor they have. Not much else to say except DON'T spam them.  They are
a support unit, not an assault unit.

Rating: **
Summery: These are slow, very weak, and defenseless.  Most of the time
you only need to build one or two at the beginning to make expansion
bases at the other Tiberium fields.  Other then that, these are
horrible at rushing someone unless they can remain unseen.  They take
20-30 seconds to deploy so be sure to defend them.

Venom Patrol Craft
Rating: ****
Abilities: Signature Generator
Upgrades: Laser Capacitors, Signature Generators
Summery: Venoms are a great light aircraft unit. They can reflect Beam
Cannons beams and don't need to run back to base to reload.  Although
their main gun is weak, they are cheap, don't take up an air pad, and
their damage can be upgraded.  The signature generator is mostly
useless, but can trick the enemy and is only 0 so you might as well
get it.  These can be spammed very easily, but also have paper thin
armor.  Just make sure to spread them out otherwise splash damage form
anti air rockets will rip through your units very fast.  Venoms are
also great for anti air, especially against Scrin.

Vertigo Bomber
Rating: ****
Requirements: Tech Lab
Summery: These are the ultimate bombers in CnC3. Vertigos often can
remain unseen all the way to the enemy base, bomb them, and then return
home without losing a unit.  Unless on a suicide mission, don't send
them deep into an enemy base otherwise they won't come back home.
Vertigos can also take out Mammoth tanks very well and are Nods #1
counter unit against the Mammoth.  They can also attack other air units
with a very weak machine gun but it is just better to build some Venoms
to take care of air units.

Nod Structures

Construction Yard
Summery: Used to start your base. It can be undeployed and sent over to
the enemy's base to rush him.  If you are planning to do this, you
should build a Power Plant or Crane first.  This building also controls
your radar, so if you lose it you won't have any radar.  Remember to
protect this at all costs.
Power Plant
Summery: Supplies power to your base. It can also be used to build a
string of buildings to your enemy's base.  Don't forget to upgrade them
once you get your Tech Lab up.

Summery: Provides you with an additional structure build tab.  You
should always have one built.

Summery: This building is the heart of your economy and its Harvesters
supply it with plenty of Tiberium. Building an extra Refinery and then
selling it once the harvester appears is a good way to get a free
scouting unit and a Harvester early in the game.  Using this method
does not cost additional cash though.  In fact this gives you 1 free
infantry unit everything you do it.  Only build one per Tiberium field
and keep 2-3 Harvesters per Refinery at all times.  Remember to protect
these otherwise you might find your self with no money if you enemy
keeps destroying them.  Also Refineries increase your maximum reserve
of cash.

Hand of Nod
Summery: Builds infantry units. Additional Hand of Nods provide an
additional infantry build tab.

War Factory
Summery: Builds vehicle units (except the Emissary, which is made in
the Construction Yard.  Additional War Factories provide additional
vehicle build tabs.  Make sure if you are spamming vehicles to build
multiple of them.

Operations Center
Summery: The lesser technology building that is a requirement to build
late game units and structures.

Secret Shrine
Summery: Advanced infantry technology building.

Tech Lab
Summery: The greater technology building that allows for the most
advanced units and structures the Nod has to be built.

Air Tower
Summery: Builds aircraft units. Additional Air Towers provide
additional landing pads and aircraft build tabs.  Each Air Tower has 4
landing pads that hold one Vertigo Bomber each.

Tiberium Chemical Plant
Summery:  This allows Nod Power Plants to be upgraded and gives Nod
additional support powers.  This is not a requirement for any unit or
structure to be built.

Tiberium Silo
Summery: Increases your maximum reserve of cash by about 2000 per silo
built. Make sure to build these if you are stock piling money otherwise
your Harvesters will stop until you spend some money.

Shredder Turret
Summery: The anti infantry defense turrets.  Great against infantry,
useless against anything else.

Laser Turret
Summery:  The anti tank defense turrets.  Only useful against light

SAM Turret
Summery:  The only anti air defense structure Nod has.  Useful against
all aircraft and make sure to keep some at your base at all times.

Disruption Tower
Summery: This generates a massive area of stealth covering anything in
its radius. This is great to prevent enemies from seeing what units
your buildings or where and what your defenses are.  Always cover your
base in these.

Obelisk of Light
Summery: This large spike fires a laser beam that kills most units in a
single hit.  Its range is much greater then that of normal defenses and
can be increased further with Beam Cannons charging it.  When Beam
Cannons are charging it, the power of the laser beam also increases
considerably.  The more Beam Cannons charging a single Obelisk of
Light, the greater and more noticeable the effect will be.  Make sure
to build these to defend you base against ground units with.

Temple of Nod
Summery: This is the home of Nods nuclear missile.  Build this
structure and a countdown will appear until its ready to launch.  It
doesn't leave any radiation and acts the same as the other super
weapons in that it destroys everything in its radius. Be sure to follow
this up with units to finish them off.  Also unless you have a great
computer, never have your screen over the target while the nuclear bomb
hits or for about 10 seconds afterwards.  During this time it will
cause major lag on any normal computers.

Nod Support Powers

Radar Jamming Missile
Deployed from: Operations Center
Summery:  This is a cheap power that simply shuts down the enemy's
radar for 10 seconds.  During this time you should roll in your forces
to attack to prevent him from be able to react fast.

Decoy Army
Deployed from: Operations Center
Summery:  This creates a mirror imaged of your units that you selected.

Cloaking Field
Deployed from: Operations Center
Summery:  This will make all units in the radius of the target become
stealth.  This is very useful to use on Raider Buggies so that you can
drive them close to enemy vehicles and use the EMP burst to shut them
down.  This power also kills all infantry it is used on.

Shadow Strike Team
Deployed from: Secret Shrine
Summery:  This deploys several Shadow Teams at the selected location.
They fly their on their gliders so they will be shot at by any stealth
detecting anti air before they reach their target.

Mine Drop
Deployed form: Air Tower
Summery:  An aircraft will deploy a mine field at the targeted area.
This aircraft is very vulnerable so be sure not to deploy it near any
anti air.

Tiberium Vapor Bomb
Deployed form: Tiberium Chemical Plant
Summery:  This will bomb the targeted area with the Tiberium Vapor
Bomb.  The bomb causes only slight damage to everything in its radius
and kills infantry.  This is a power that should be used on an area
that is concentrated in enemy troops for maximum effect.

Seed Tiberium
Deployed form: Tiberium Chemical Plant
Summery: This drops Tiberium at the selected target and speeds up the
Tiberium growth rate across the map.  Seed Tiberium can be used with a
Catalyst Missile to cause massive damage.

Catalyst Missile
Deployed form: Tiberium Chemical Plant
Summery: This missile detonates any Tiberium instantly destroying
Harvesters, Refineries, and Tiberium Silos.  Anything near Tiberium
when the missile hits will also take massive damage.

Master Computer Countermeasures
Deployed from: Temple of Nod
Summery: This is a back up power supply.

Nuclear Missile
Deployed form: Temple of Nod
Summery: This launches Nods Nuclear Missile destroying anything but a
Construction Yard that is caught in the blast radius.

5. Scrin Units, Structures, and Powers [SUSP]

The Scrin are a very powerful faction with many heavy hitter units.
They have the most powerful air force I have ever seen in any Command
and Conquer series.  Their aircraft are very heavily armored and the
Devastator can even outrange anti air.  The Scrins main weakness is
their early game.  If you can make it past the rushes and manage to
tech up then you should easily be able to crush the enemy.  Rushing
with the Scrin is a lot more risky because they have weak early game
units.  The Scrin are the only faction with another tier of units then
the others.  The Planetary Assault Carrier and the Mothership show off
Scrins dominance of air.  Scrin's ground units are also very powerful
with the Tripod being the best walker unit in the game.  Also note that
all of Scrins aircraft defense goes up in an Ion Storm and their units
can heal using Tiberium.

Scrin Units

Rating: ****
Abilities: Combine with Vehicle
Summery: The best of the tier 1 infantry in the game.  These can take
out infantry in one hit, are only 200 a piece, very fast, and can even
combine with vehicles!  For only 200, you couldn't want a better unit!
These are easily spammable and great scouting units.  The only
downsides to this unit are its horrible armor and it cannot kill
anything but infantry effectively.  This has the least amount of armor
in the game out of any single unit so be sure to make them in mass.
Buzzers ability to attach to vehicles makes it a great unit to use with
vehicles such as Devourers to make them also great against infantry.

Rating: ***
Summery: These are the early game anti tank infantry of the Scrin.
They explode when ran over so they are better to use against tanks then
the others.  Their only downside is that they have a much shorter range
then the other anti tank infantry making them easy to avoid.  Make sure
to make some of these in the early game if you see tanks headed your

Rating: *****
Summery: These are the most useful early game infantry. They can be
used to capture buildings which can turn the tides of any battle very
quickly. Even during late game, these infantry are still used proving
they deserve the five star rating. These can be a commander's worst
nightmare if caught running into a base that is undefended.  Just
remember, these guys are very slow and the weakest unit in the game so
protect them if possible. Scrins Assimilators also have the advantage
of being stealthed while standing still. Also, don't forget they can
repair bridges, your structures, and resurrect fallen walkers.  They
cannot repair garrisonable buildings as in the past games though.

Shock Troopers
Rating: *****
Upgrades: Plasma Disc Launchers, Blink Packs
Requirements: Nerve Center, Stasis Chamber
Summery: This is a very powerful late game infantry unit.  Shock
Troopers with their Plasma Disc Launchers can even target air units!
These guys should always accompany your main forces and you should
always produce some to protect your base.  They are good against any
unit in the game but they are very weak to Snipers, Commandos, and
Shadow Teams.  I can't stress enough how great these infantry are.
Blink Packs allow your Shock Troopers to teleport short distances
around anything. If you force fire your Mothership on them, you can
teleport into the enemy base and start the super chain reaction.

Rating: ****
Abilities: Manipulator Device, Teleport Units
Requirements: Stasis Chamber, Technology Assembler
Summery:  This is the best of the best when it comes to the commando
type units.  It can not only mind control both structures and units, it
can also teleport your units across the map in single player.  In
multiplayer it can also teleport your units short distances.  Using
this together with the Signal Transmitter can nearly instantly put a
Mothership in the heart of the enemy's base.  Simply mind control a
building, build a Signal Transmitter in the build space, sell your old
one, and summon the Mothership.  Masterminds can also teleport some
Assimilators into the enemy's base past defenses and beyond cliffs.

Rating: ***
Abilities: Combine with Buzzers
Summery: The Seeker isn't really even a tank although that is what the
game calls it.  This is more of a powerful APC with more armor, cannot
hold infantry, detects stealth, and is much better against armored
units.  This is a fast unit that cannot battle head to head with other
tanks.  Because of this, it has both stealth detection and can fire at
anti air units making it a very useful unit. Although you can spam
these, I recommend that you only build them as some backup forces kept
around your base.

Gun Walker
Rating: **
Abilities: Combine with Buzzers
Summery: This is a decent unit made useless by the fact that Seekers
are better against aircraft and Buzzers are better against infantry.
Rather then making these, simply outfit some Seekers with a few
Buzzers.  You shouldn't have to make any, but if you do keep in mind
that these are only good against infantry and aircraft.

Rating: *****
Abilities: Combine with Buzzers
Requirements: Nerve Center
Summery: Just another harvesting unit from the past games. These are
vital to your economy so protect them at all costs.  Scrin's Harvesters
happen to leave behind deadly Ion Storms when destroyed to destroy the
forces that killed them.

Devourer Tank
Rating: ****
Abilities: Combine with Buzzers
Requirements: Nerve Center
Summery: These are a great medium tank.  They can charge their cannons
with Tiberium making them much stronger.  Unfortunately this depletes
Tiberium and also only lasts for 10 shots.  Make sure that when you
enter an enemy's base to make a quick stop by his Tiberium fields
instead of using them on your Tiberium fields.  The Devourer is great
against vehicles and decent against infantry.  This is the unit that
you should be spamming as a light tank rather then the much weaker
Seeker.  You should put some of these in your mix of a late game
assault force.

Rating: ***
Requirements: Nerve Center
Summery:  This is exactly like a Flame Tank except that it can also
heal your own units.  It has a short range and is not good against
armored vehicles so back them up with Devourers and other units.
Corrupters can destroy enemy infantry and buildings with ease.  To heal
your units with the Corrupter, just force fire them on your own units.
Their main weakness is that you must micro them a ton to heal your own

Annihilator Tripod
Rating: *****
Upgrades: Forcefield Generators
Abilities: Combine with Buzzers
Requirements: Technology Assembler
Summery: Like the Mammoth Tank, this can crush enemy vehicles under its
three feet.  It has three beam weapons but only two can fire at one
target.  The third one will fire at another enemy unit while the first
two are attacking the target in front of it.  The Tripod can crush
small vehicles underneath it so if you see a line of enemy light tanks,
force move it on top of them to easily destroy them all.  This has a
massive amount of armor that is increased even further with the
Forcefield Generators.  It is great against all ground units but has no
anti air so back this up with some Shock Troopers and aircraft.

Rating: **
Summery: These are slow, very weak, and defenseless.  Most of the time
you only need to build one or two at the beginning to make expansion
bases at the other Tiberium fields.  Other then that, these are
horrible at rushing someone unless they can remain unseen.  They take
20-30 seconds to deploy so be sure to defend them

Drone Ship
Rating: *****
Summery: Deploys into another Drone Platform. Great for base rushing
and to have another one handy in case yours happens to get destroyed.
This version of the MCV flies instead of moving on the ground.

Rating: **
Summery: This is a constantly moving version of the Venom.  It can hit
both ground and air units but isn't great against either.  The only
real use of this is to harass the enemy in the early game and to take
down other Scrin PACs fast.  Because they take up a landing pad, it is
impossible to spam them so they are quite useless anyways.
Fortunately, they don't have to return to base for ammunition so you
can keep harassing the enemy until he gets some anti air up.  Also note
that all Scrin aircraft increase their defense in Ion Storms.

Devastator Warship
Rating: *****
Upgrades: Forcefield Generators
Requirements: Technology Assembler
Summery:  This is the heaviest bomber in the game and it doesn't' even
have to reload!  The Devastator can outrange all anti air defenses plus
it fires more bombs then can hit the target so it causes damage to
nearby units and structures.  With the upgrade it can take loads of
anti air bullets before it even will be destroyed!  In packs of 10+
units it can rip apart bases with ease.  Backed up with PACs, Shock
Troopers, and Tripods this can make an unstoppable force of units.
Devastators can also rip through Mammoth tanks armor easily.  Although
Devastators are heavily armored, they cost a lot and are slow.  Also
note that all Scrin aircraft increase their defense in Ion Storms.

Planetary Assault Carrier (PAC)
Rating: *****
Abilities: Ion Storm
Upgrades: Forcefield Generators
Requirements: Signal Transmitter
Summery: A PAC is probably the most powerful unit in the game that is
can be spammed.  It is great against all types of units and structures
and has heavy armor!  Their small fighters will regenerate over time
and like all of Scrins aircraft, they increase their defense in Ion
Storms.  You can create Ion Storms with these making them extremely
potent when coupled with Devastators.  With just a couple PACs I have
been able to destroy entire bases without losing a single unit.  The
only downside to this unit is that it is slow and expensive.  Other
then that, PACs do just about anything and can even detect stealth on
top of all that!

Rating: *****
Requirements: Signal Transmitter
Summery:  This is by far the most powerful unit that has ever existed
in a CnC game.  Only one Mothership is all that can be deployed at a
time and you must have 5000 to purchase it.  If you have less then
5000, you cannot purchase one because it is considered a power.  Once
deployed, it will spawn at your Signal Transmitter and you can send it
to wherever you wish.  It is the slowest unit in the game so be sure to
clear any anti air along the way.  The Mothership is easy to take down
provided the enemy has some decent anti air so try to avoid any anti
possible.  Its attack causes a chain reaction that can level entire
bases if the buildings are close enough together.  If hit by the blast,
your units will start to glow until they explode releasing another
shockwave that can turn other buildings and units glowing white.  Make
sure you contain the shockwaves by selling any buildings that will be
hit by the shockwave to save your base and money.  A cheap tactic is to
capture an enemy building, plop a Signal Transmitter next to it, and
sell the one in your base to spawn a Mothership in the enemy base
instantly.  Another cheap tactic is to use it on Buzzers then portal
those glowing Buzzers over into the enemy base starting the chain

Scrin Structures

Drone Platform
Summery: Used to start your base. It can be undeployed and sent over to
the enemy's base to rush him.  If you are planning to do this, you
should build a Reactor or Foundry first.  This building also controls
your radar, so if you lose it you won't have any radar.  Remember to
protect this at all costs.

Summery: Supplies power to your base. It can also be used to build a
string of buildings to your enemy's base.  Cannot be upgraded like the
other power plants.

Summery: This building is the heart of your economy and its Harvesters
supply it with plenty of Tiberium. Building an extra Refinery and then
selling it once the harvester appears is a good way to get a free
scouting unit and a Harvester early in the game.  Using this method
does not cost additional cash though.  In fact this gives you 1 free
infantry unit everything you do it.  Only build one per Tiberium field
and keep 2-3 Harvesters per Extractor at all times.  Remember to
protect these otherwise you might find your self with no money if you
enemy keeps destroying them.

Summery: Builds infantry units. Additional Portals provide an
additional infantry build tab.

Warp Sphere
Summery: Builds vehicle units (except the Explorer, which is made in
the Drone Platform.  Additional Warp Spheres provide additional vehicle
build tabs.  Make sure if you are spamming vehicles to build multiple
of them.

Nerve Center
Summery: The lesser technology building that is a requirement to build
late game units and structures.

Gravity Stabilizer
Summery:  Builds aircraft units. Additional Gravity Stabilizers provide
additional landing pads and aircraft build tabs.  Each Gravity
Stabilizer has 4 landing pads that hold one Stormrider each.

Stasis Chamber
Summery:  Advanced infantry technology building.

Technology Assembler
Summery: The greater technology building that allows for the more
advanced units and structures the Scrin has to be built.

Signal Transmitter
Summery:  This allows additional Scrin powers and units to be built.
This is required to build the most advanced aircraft the Scrin have.

Summery:  Provides you with an additional structure build tab.  You
should always have one built.

Buzzer Hives
Summery:  The anti infantry defense tower.  Great against infantry,
useless against anything else.

Growth Accelerator
Summery:  This structure is built in the center of Tiberium fields and
increases the Tiberium growth rate of that field.  Also this requires
no build radius to be built.

Storm Column
Summery:  This creates a massive Ion Storm that tears apart any enemy
units that might get in range.  As with all Ion Storms, it increases
the defense of all Scrin aircraft in the radius.  This is the only one
of the top ground defenses that can attack aircraft also.

Photon Cannon
Summery:  The anti tank defense turret.  Only useful against light

Plasma Missile Battery
Summery:  This can only target enemy aircraft.  Make sure to keep some
at your base at all times.

Rift Generator
Summery:  When you build the Rift Generator a countdown timer will
appear until it is ready.  Once the Rift Generator is ready to use,
target the enemy's base and watch as it blows up everything in its
radius except Construction Yards and other super weapons.  Remember to
protect it because it will be the enemy's number one priority once

Scrin Support Powers

Reconstruction Drones
Deployed from: Warp Sphere
Summery:  Deploy repair drones anywhere on the battlefield that you
target.  It is very useful to use while your forces are engaging enemy
forces to help keep your units alive.

Lightning Spike
Deployed from: Nerve Center
Summery: This drops a Lightning Spike defense anywhere that you have
revealed on the map.  It is useful to deploy these behind enemy forces
or near enemy Harvesters to distract them while your main forces attack
somewhere else.  Also it is a defense that can be immediately deployed
to stop units that may be behind where your normal defenses can't

The Swarm
Deployed from: Nerve Center
Summery: This instantly deploys Buzzers at the target.  Very useful to
take out any infantry that may be headed your way or that is bunched

Vibration Scan
Deployed from: Never Center
Summery:  The Vibration Scan instantly reveals all Tiberium fields,
units, and structures.  This includes Refineries, Harvesters, and other
units and structures that have Tiberium.

Stasis Shield
Deployed from: Stasis Chamber
Summery:  The Stasis Shield shuts down everything caught in its radius.
This also makes the structures and units immortal to everything while
shutdown.  It is best used to shutdown enemy units that are assaulting
your base to thin their numbers for its duration.  If built early
enough, it is very useful to stop tank rushes.

Phase Field
Deployed from: Technology Assembler
Summery:  Phase Fields make the units caught in its radius unable to
attack and immortal.  I'm not sure if this can only be used on your
units or not.  It is very useful to send you units behind enemy
defenses unharmed.

Deployed from: Signal Transmitter
Summery: The Wormhole instantly creates a two way portal between the
selected points for a short time.  Very useful to send glowing units
from the Motherships blast directly into the enemy's base starting a
powerful chain reaction.  Also it is useful to send Assimilators and
Masterminds behind enemy lines.  Remember this is a two way portal so
the enemy's can use it against you.

Deployed from: Signal Transmitter
Summery: This spawns a Mothership at your Signal Transmitter.

Deployed from: Rift Generator
Summery:  This creates a giant Rift at the target.  Once the Rift
Generator is ready to use, target the enemy's base and watch as it
blows up everything in its radius except Construction Yards and other
super weapons.

6. Neutral Units and Buildings [NUAB]

Mutant Marauder
Rating: ****
Requirements: Mutant Hovel
Summery: This is a very powerful infantry unit that can target both air
and ground units.  They are moderately armored and semi fast so they
are great all around infantry.  These can also heal in Tiberium like
Scrins units.

Tiberium Spike
Summery: Provides a steady flow of cash.

Expansion Point
Summery: Provides build radius.

Reinforcement Bay
Summery: Provides additional reinforcements.

Subway Hub
Summery: This allows your infantry to travel instantly through Subway
Entrances across the map.

Subway Entrances
Summery: Allows 3 infantry at a time to travel through to other Subway
Entrances across the map.

EMP Control Center
Summery:  Capturing this provides you with EMP strike capabilities.

Mutant Hovel
Summery:  This allows Mutant Marauders to be built.

Defensive Tower
Summery:  This defense once captured requires no power and defends the
location from enemy forces.

Tiberium Silo
Summery:  By capturing this, you will gain a bonus of funds that is
only one time.

7-10 All the tactics are here for now [TCTS]

For now I'll just copy my forum post for a few days while I have time
to finish the rest of the strategies section.

"Alright, I'm tired of seeing so many people obviously confused about
how to start out their economy and just plain survive in CnC3.  This
thread is to help all those people who just can't seem to get their
stuff together for the first 5 minutes and also to help those late game
rushes and or turtles.

First off I'm going to list a common way to get your economy up ASAP.
Feel free to modify this or specify what you believe to be a better

Crane --> Power Plant/Refinery --> Refinery/Refinery -->
Refinery/(usually a Barracks, war factory, or another refinery) -->
whatever you wish.....

With the troops gained from selling the refineries use to scout around
the map and counter his tactics. Selling refineries is an easy way to
jump start your economy early. Also build a mini-construction vehicle
to get to Tiberium fields that are out of reach of your build radius.
You deploy your first refinery and second refineries at the nearest
Tiberium field and sell the second refinery then proceed to deploy the
third and fourth refineries near the second Tiberium field and sell the
fourth.  Also, you should almost never need to build the Tiberium silos
because you should always being producing units.

The perfect ratio of harvesters and refineries is 3 harvesters per 1
refinery.  This is if and only if the refinery is right next to the
Tiberium field. You will require more harvesters as the distance
between the field and refinery increases to make sure you have a
constant supply of cash to that refinery. This prevents an idle
refinery but also prevents too many harvesters trying to use the same
refinery. You should build one refinery next to each field that you
control and at the very minimum have a spare harvester per field. I
sell refineries since I mainly play Scrin I don't build war factories
to build harvesters to save money.  It also helps production speeds
because if you aren't teching up or building other buildings as it
frees up your war factories to pump out units.  Also selling refineries
has two more benefits which are increasing your economy fast early game
and giving you scouting units to use even though you may not have a
barracks built.

The build order I always use online and works with great efficiency if
I don't make a mistake is this:

Crane (with Outpost if necessary) --> Power Plant --> Refinery -->
Refinery --> Barracks --> Refinery --> Nerve Center --> Refinery -->
Stasis Chamber --> Power Plant.

Usually then I build another Barracks if I have scouted that he is tank
spamming and I begin to spam Shock Troopers while making sure I build
the Technology Assembler and get the Plasma Disc upgrade from the
Technology Assembler ASAP.  As soon as you get that upgrade even a few
Shock Troopers decimate all tanks even Mammoths.  Remember adjust if
necessary and this is not a one size fits all strategies build order,
it's only meant for anti tank spam.

Nod: Scorpions > Fanatics > Anti tank infantry > Anti tank turrets. It
seems that fighting tanks with tanks is the best defense coupled with
the other counters.
GDI: Predators >APC (loaded with a Missile Squad) > APC mines > Anti
tank infantry > Anti tank turrets. It seems that fighting tanks with
tanks is the best defense coupled with the other counters.
Scrin: Shock Troopers > Tanks > Anti tank infantry > Anti tank turrets.
Shock Troopers are an easy way to counter them, just tech up fast and
use the Stasis Shield on their tanks. Shock Troopers absolutely
decimate anything. In my opinion they are the best infantry in the game
with their upgrade.
Tank spam is the MOST complained about spam in the game. It's not hard
to counter but you have to make sure that you build a great economy.  I
don't know how many people I have seen just sit there with one refinery
and wonder how they heck they build that many tanks that fast. Also
another key is to keep your anti tank infantry AWAY from his tanks at
all costs, and if possible garrison them.  Anti tank turrets get
destroyed far too easily for their cost, consume power, and are sitting
ducks if they decide to go around them and aim for your power.  Rocket
infantry do need some improvements in the next patch though and I have
a feeling that's all that needs improving to change the balance of the
game significantly.

Nod: Vertigo Bombers > Fanatics > Scorpion Tanks > Obelisk of Light >
All I can say is use TACTICS when dealing with mammoths. Attack from
behind; harass their early game economy, and most of all USE COMMON
SENSE. Nod doesn't fight tank to tank, they fight in the shadows using
hit and run tactics. Don't let the GDI just sit their and build tanks
HARASS them, BOMB them, and most of all do NOT put yourself in a
position where there is 20 mammoths headed your way, that's not EAs
fault, it's yours. Also Avatars are NOT a good weapon to use against
them, just support your other units with them.
GDI: Mammoths > Zone Troopers > Firehawks > Emitter. GDI can fight
Mammoths quite well just remember to use the Shockwave Artillery and
bomb them with your Firehawks.
Scrin: PAC > Shock Troopers > Devastators > Devours > Storm Columns.
Scrin are VERY effective using a combination of Planetary Assault
Carriers, Shock Troopers, and the Stasis Shield.

Nod: Venoms > well.... pretty much anything else isn't good if they
micro manage them right, but Venoms SLAUGHTER the Devastators. Just
build Venoms and you will be safe.  Make sure you have at least four on
hand though, the more the better.
GDI: Fire Hawks > Mammoth Tanks > Pit Bulls. GDI Fire Hawks absolutely
OWN these things. Use Mammoths and Pitbulls with heavy casualties.
Scrin: Strom Riders > Planetary Assault Carrier.  Along with the other
2 factions, the most effective anti air in the game is air.

The same as above applies for the PACs.  The only difference is that
your air units might incur some casualties because PACs can attack air
units.  Also ground anti air units and structures work much better
against PACs then they would a Devastator.  This is because PACs must
get in range of anti air to attack them and can't do as much damage to
ground units.

This is basically the same for each side in that you scout early and if
you see an engineer rush build an anti infantry turret or unit and your
100% safe. They catch you by surprise that's your fault for not
scouting early. Also, engineer rushes are quite fun =) and semi hard to
scout against. But most of the time it is quite predictable where they
might be coming.

Basically the same as above, be smart about placement of anti infantry
objects though.... good micro managers can get past a lot of misplaced
defenses.  But as always, if you weren't scouting and weren't
prepared.... that's not balance issues its YOU. Scout early, and if you
lose watch the replay and see what you did wrong. Most of the time it's
you, not an overpowered unit. There is always something you could have
done to prevent the defeat.... ALWAYS (except for cheaters/exploiters
but those are another story.....

I forgot to mention, most shadow team build orders revolve around not
building any refineries and getting a secret shrine ASAP. If you see
the shrine with scouting, simply deploy some spread out stealth
detecting anti infantry and they cannot win.  Also counter rush this
and they will be defenseless and will often quite because of their
terrible start.

Like I have said before early scouting is key to victory.  Chances are
if their base is right next to yours, you should have the advantage.
First, you know that their economy is much weaker by spamming defenses,
and thus if you get some units and get past their defense they will
retreat.  Second, their base is obviously very vulnerable because it
takes tons of extra build time to make their base next to yours.  Tier
1 defenses in this game are very weak and can be countered easily by
tanks or artillery units.  Finally, unless they have anti infantry up,
use engineers to capture their undefended Tiberium refineries which
absolutely cripple his economy.

This base rush is slightly different then using the normal mini MCV to
build an expansion base.  But this one is the hardest to counter if you
get caught by surprise.  As with all things make sure you scout early.
If you see this coming build 1 engineer and a anti infantry turret.
This way you should be able to capture his very command center
delivered to your base.  Just keep in mind, MCV rushes cripple his
economy, sell your buildings before being destroyed or captured.  A
true MCV rush only builds a single power plant before coming into your
base.  He has NO extra money, NO way to build constantly, and NO way

Learning to scout properly and starting a good economy are two of the
most important things you can possibly learn while playing this game.
Scouting requires you to simply send a really cheap unit to his base
ASAP.  This is most easily done if you use my early economy method
because you get two free units to scout with.  One unit should be used
to scout his base and the other should be at his Tiberium fields then
use them to scout around places you might think his real base is if
it's not actually in his base.  If you see a base rush or a very odd
build order, keep having them scout, but pull back one to scout the
shroud nearest your base.  One other thing you need to keep in mind, if
using infantry to scout avoid GDI harvesters and try to hug the side of
his base to get past any defenses he might have.  If you have a good
economy while scouting, it's much harder to be defeated early game.

You can use the mastermind or engineers in combination with the
Mothership to achieve a massive blast in a base. First tech up to the
Mothership, then build another Signal Transmitter but don't deploy it
yet, wait for your engineer/mastermind to capture an enemy building
then sell your old Signal Transmitter and deploy your second in their
base. You should also be able to just not make the first Signal
Transmitter and be able to immediately deploy the one you have built in
their base.  I'm unsure if this works because I think you have to wait
for the Mothership to be ready.   Finally summon the Mothership and
attack the nearest target to decimate their forces.

Another Mothership tactic is to use the mother ship on your own Shock
Troopers and then teleport them into their base. I haven't tested this
out though so use it at your own risk.

Devastators can out range enemy defenses to make them obsolete.  If you
build up enough of them, you can wipe out bases extremely fast with
little attacks from anti air units or structures.  Make sure you build
some PACs to support them; it also doesn't hurt to build some Shock
Troopers to help take out air defenses.

Devourers can charge up their main cannon with Tiberium, always
remember to do this to massively upgrade their power.  Also Buzzers can
be used to combine with your tanks and other vehicles to make them
great against infantry, they will auto attack any infantry so don't
worry about micromanaging them.

Scrin's powers can devastate the enemy if used right.  Use the stasis
shield to stop tank rushes and the Mothership as a secondary super
weapon.  The buzzer swarm also is the best anti infantry
power/unit/structure in the game because it can be deployed anywhere
you need it and it will instantly PWN all infantry in the area
including snipers, commandos, and Shadow Teams. Just make sure the
units aren't stealthed otherwise this may not work.  The Tiberium
scanner is VERY effective at finding where the enemy's supplies are
immediately.  Use it to know where to plan strikes to harass their
economy.  Also the Phase Field can protect units your units long enough
to get past enemy defenses unharmed to get to their vital structures.
Finally don't forget to use the Reconstruction Drones to regenerate
tanks that are taking heavy damage.

Look at replays and find out what he did to beat you (by the way...
tank spam at the 4 minute mark or so begins to increase significantly."

11. Campaign Walkthrough (under construction)[CAMP]

12. Contact Information [CNTC]

You may contact me through the following e-mail address: Make sure to put CnC3 or something similar so
I can be sure to read it.  For the next few weeks I will check my e-
mail daily until the final version is posted.

13.	Version History [VERS]

Version: 0.90 This is the first version with Campaign to start and
Tactics sections to finish.