Blade II Walkthrough
PS2 version

by Christian "BlackFurredBeast" Pohl 

Version 1.1, Feb. 11th 2004

        1. Preamble
                a. Version History 
		b. Credits
                c. Copyright
        2. My Review
	3. The Basics
                a. Controls
                b. Of Rage and War
                c. Weapons
                d. Pickups
                e. Enemies
        4. F.A.Q.
        5. Walkthrough
                a. Campaign I
                b. Campaign II
                c. Campaign III
        6. Cheats
        7. Thanks

* 1. Preamble *

Welcome to my Blade II FAQ/Walkthrough. I have to say "sorry" for my
crumpled english, since I live in germany and I am a bit out of 
practice. To make things worse, this is my very first FAQ ever, so be 
at least so friendly and don't flame outright, simply say what could 
be improved.

1.a - Version History	
      Version 1.0, hopefully initial Release
      Version 1.1, added 1 FAQ *smiles weakly*

1.b - Credits
      Done by me, Christian Pohl and people on the GameFaqs Blade II 	
      Message board

1.c - Copyright   
      Feel free to download this FAQ and use it personally. If you want
      to post it in it's entirety (with this message!) on your web page,
      please drop me a mail at

* 2. My Review *

When I first saw BLADE II the movie in my local cinema, I was not 
quite sure whether it was meant to be "serious" or not. I thought it 
will be something like "Interview with the vampire" with more action, 
but boy, I was wrong... 
The movie consisted mostly of hi-speed battles wrapped into a thin 
storyline. It was obvious that the violence level was WAY to high, but 
on the other hand the movie was simply "stylish", with its 
eastern-like high-speed battles and the typical hollywood line 
dropping. Not long after the game came out, and - no surprises here - 
it is a mission-based fighting game.

Story: 4/10
Its Blade versus an army of bloodsuckers, period. The only saving 
grace is  that the story is original, instead of a movie clone. 
Not the main reason to buy this game :-)

Graphics: 7/10
No "Metal Gear solid" quality, but I didn't really expect anything 
that grand. But the graphics aren't bad either. The character models 
are done with nice details (especially the tattoos are nice to look 
upon), there is good dynamic lighting (especially in the sewers) and 
blade carries the weapons you select prior to a mission visibly on his 
back/sides. The framerate is quite stable, as far as I can tell, and 
that's about it. Throughly solid work with small details (knock 
vampires into pillars in the asylum and they scatter chunks of rock 

Sound: 3/10, 
Music: 7/10
The sound effects are nothing to write home about. You hear your basic 
punches, kicks, grunts and screams, together with some (cool) weapon 
sounds. The MP Blade carries simply rocks. The voices are well done 
too, but Blade seems to know only the same three punch lines 
throughout the whole game. During his finishing moves he either says 
"Ah, how exciting" or "keep your friends close... keep your enemies 
closer" or "gotta love this gun". There could have been more!

The music on the other hand fits perfectly. A nice techno/rock-style 
soundtrack kicks in when the actions steps up, otherwise you have your 
standard gothic ambient sound. Well done all in all.

Gameplay: 6/10
The idea is quite cool. Instead of turning around and mashing buttons 
you simply point the right analog stick where you want to kick/punch. 
Do it slow & rythmically and Blade performs combos. Sounds nice in 
theory, but in reality it crumbles - a bit. Since the analog sticks on 
the ps2 controllers have quite some way to travel from the center to 
the rim, the controls feel sluggish. but this is countered by a rather 
generous amount of block time. Small things help, especially when 
you're surrounded by a horde of blood thirsty vampires.

Added to your hand-to-hand abilities is a host of goodies from the 
movie, including the shotgun, the mach pistol, the throwing knife, UV 
granades and others, which you unlock by collecting points. It's 
quite motivating. The downside to this is that at the end of Campaign I you'll
have nearly everything that is to unlock. They should have put more stuff
into it or spread the points more evenly. But you'll be glad you have the

The missions are rather unspectacular, usually boiling down to "go in 
and kill everything that moves", with a few escort missions thrown in 
for good measure. 

It is cool that the levels are rather large, but this adds to the 
difficulty of the game too, since you usually have to travel the level 
twice, once to get to your objective and back to the entrance/exit. 
And the enemies respawn on the way back out... The later levels 
compensate for that with save points, but its quite hard after all. 

Replay: 2/10
I know that you can unlock the "daywalker" difficulty setting, but if 
you get anything besides that escapes me... So, nearly no replay value 
except the fun factor :-)

To buy or to rent: rent first, buy later!
I was a fan of the old-school beat em ups like double dragon or final 
fight. this game reminds me a lot of the good ol' times. So, if you 
like beating up hordes of bad guys, don't mind the high difficulty at 
times and don't care about so-so graphics, then this is the game for 
you. All others should rent it first.

Interesting fighting engine
New story
motivationg unlock-for-points system
character design
fun factor

high difficulty
too less speech samples for Blade
gory (too much is simply boring)

Total: 7,5, 7 (rounded) for Gamefaqs

* 3. The Basics *

3.a - The Controls

The Manual covers most of the obvious control issues, but here's a 
quick summary:

D-Pad           : Switch Weapons
Left Stick      : left/right lets you turn, forwards lets you go forward, 
                  double pull back and you do a 180 degree turn. They should
                  have bound this to a button imho, since it takes way to
                  long to pull the stick back twice.
Right Stick     : Attacks in a 360 degrees circle. Although I have the feeling
                  that you have just 8 directions to go, it works more or
Triangle        : You reload your guns with this.
Circle          : not used (my favorite would be the 180 turn :-))
Square          : Jump. In conjunction with the Left Stick you may jump
                  in the four major directions. You can jump over railings
                  too, as long as they are about waist high.
L1              : Lock on & strafe (lock on with mach pistol only)
                  It centers the cam behind you too, quite helpful
l2              : Blocking. Unlike most fighting games you have approx. 2-3
                  secs when holding this.
R1              : Activate Rage mode. During play you charge the red bar in
                  your life meter. At certain intervals you receive messages
                  like "sword" or "shield". 
                  Pressing the R1 button activates the rage mode and 
                  Blade unsheathes his ... blade for some slicin' and
                  dicin' :-)
R2              : Weapon select. Hold this and use the right stick for 
                  changing your gadgets. Much too bothersome imho, 
                  use the d-pad instead.

One of the nice touches about this game is the ability to fight 
independent from your view direction. Its no prob to attack enemies 
to your sides while still looking ahead. Its just bad that your guns
usually fire in your view direction...

3.b - Of Rage and War

Every hand-to-hand fight charges Blade's Rage Meter a bit. At certain 
points you can get several Rage Levels. 

- Sword
  When tapping R1, Blade will get out his sword and use it in hand to hand
- Shield
  During his Rage Blade is nearly invulnerable. I don't know if this extends
  to fire/lightning, but it is likely.

- Strength  
  Blade becomes faster and knocks his enemies back. Usually one hit kills.

Obviously Rage is a good thing. Use it when you're surrounded. Don't waste 
it on anything under four enemies. Usually I prefer to charge the Rage Meter 
until I get Strength and use it then, but circumstances or preference may call
for a different way to use Blade's rage. 

When you tap R1 to activate the rage, you have about 15 to 20 seconds of
rage time, during whick you can humiliate your enemies. But watch out, since
Blade will simply pack his sword back when the Rage ends. Not a good thing
when surrounded by enemies.


As far as I know, finishers are a rather random thing. There are two borad
groups of finishers, those with weapon and those without. 

To have Blade perform a finisher, you first need to knock an opponent around
a bit, so that he appears "dizzy". That won't obviously work with some "1-hit-
kills"-moves like the uppercut. When the opponent is dizzy, your next hit will
usually result in a finishing move. (Staking w/o weapon, gut shots with

3.c - Weapons

I'll just cover each item as you acquire it in the game and give my 

Mach Pistol
A trusty handgun with auto fire. It can destroy the usual vampire punk 
with two to three bullets, better armored guys need more. You have 30 
bullets in a clip and this baby eats 'em like crazy. Very nice for 
cleaning enemies from long range. Watch the crosshair, when it's 
green, you can pop the enemy with a single shot.

It looks cooler than it is. You can charge this thingie up, lock on to 
enemies and let fly, hopefully cutting them heads off. The downside 
is, you are stationary while charging and throwing this sucker. No 

To quote Duke Nukem: "Suck my boomstick!". This thing packs quite some 
punch close up, but it suffers from a harsh lack of ammo (8 bangs 
compared to the mach's 30), it is damn slow and has no lock-on 
ability. In the earlier levels an item to lug around anyways, but I 
drop it for the Armor Vest instead.

Silver Knuckle Duster
Looks cool and is a MUST HAVE, especially later on. You can do about 
twice the melee damage with these. 

UV Grenade
Another MUST HAVE. These beauties come in threes (3 bangs for each 
slot) and you only may carry two slots worth of 'em. They act like a 
"smart bomb", blasting nearly all vampires out of existence within a 
given area. And they are the only weapons with which to kill the 
reapers, who will become a major pain in the sewers and onwards. I 
usually pack one slot of them.

Armor Vest
It may be bulky, but it will save your hide countless times. With this 
thing on, damage suffered will be cut in half (I think). But It WILL NOT
protect you from fire or lightning, so don't get cocky!

Straight from the Manual:
"Raises Blade's Serum Level which will allow Blade to regenerate his 
Energy (Life) and also increases the speed with which rage will 
accumulate." Too bulky to have around imho.

3.d - Pickups

Note: Pickups usually remain in play until you leave the level, so if 
you find a health kit at the beginning of a level and don't need it, 
you can go back later and grab it.

Ammo: Depending on your weapon. If you carry the pistol, you'll get 
Pistol Ammo, if you carry the shotgun you'll get shotgun ammo and if 
you happen to carry both, sometimes you'll get ammo for both. At least
when the designers intended a "drop point". Enemies who will have a pistol
only drop handgun ammo, though.

Health: Keep an eye out for these slim packages. They refill your 
health meter to the max.

Glyphs: The reddish-golden ones give 50 Points, the white 
Skulls'n'Bones give 200 and the brightly golden ones give 500 Points. 
Collect 'em all, especially in the earlier levels, since every point 
gets you closer to the next gadget.

Poison/Bomb Cylinders: In some missions you have to drop big canisters 
into certain areas.
These things are so heavy that even Blade needs both hands to carry 
'em, which makes fighting impossible. But you can set them down, slay 
the vamps and pick it up again. 

3.e - Enemies

Standard Vampires: Looking like "normal" people more or less, these guys are
your standard enemies in every mission. They look like punks, bikers, workers,
mafiosi or whatnot. Usually they are not such a threat, except that they come
in groups. Sometimes (mostly in the later missions, Campaign II and up) they
are armed, but still not much of a threat.

Guards: I don't know why, but these guys have me think of the body armor of
"Red Faction". These are not vampires, but humans, and they are heavily armed
and armored. The biggest problems with these guys are their sub-machine guns.
They are accurate and have long range. So try to silence them asap.

Assassins: Found in the last three missions of Campaign I, these ninja-style
enemies deal out some serious damage. They look like the vampire assassins
from the movies, but are humans, since the UV Grenades only blind them.

Ghouls: Except for their weird looks (deathly pale skin and black leathers)
these guys are not a real threat. Found in Campaign II and up.

Stinky-Corpses: I have no clue how the designers call them, but I think their
"new" name fits. They produce damaging fumes which can paralyze Blade. Worse
still: they come in packs, so drop a grenade into their midst or pick 'em
off with your handgun. 

Reapers: The major villains from the Blade II movies are reduced to a side-
note in this game. They are invulnerable to every weapon you have - save the
UV Grenades. So if you plan to battle these suckers (see the sewer missions)
have two slots of grenades ready for them.

Electro-Vamps: They come in two variants: Sleek and fast or fat, ugly and
damn tough. Both can easily be recognized by their toys, electrified weapons.
Take them out first, since these weapons can do some harm.

Arcan Vampires: These guys look more like aliens, but are no more dangerous
than your standard vampire punk. Just smash 'em and be done with it.

Exploding Vampires: These meanies have a bomb rigged to their vital functions.
Kill them and a beeper will be heard. A good sign for you to put some
distance between you and them, since they are about to blow up, causing some

Test subjects: Found in the later missions of Campaign III, these beasties
come in small and extra large. The small ones are rather weak, but they are
quick as hell and come in large packs.
The big ones dish out some big damage and can take it, too. So watch out.

* 4. F.A.Q. *

Q: Where's the coat? I want Blade's coat!!!
A: Short answer: No coat in the PS2 version. It's an XBOX exclusive, sadly. 

* 5. Walkthrough *

I am not a fan of "step-by-step" walkthroughs. Since the objectives 
are usually quite simple and - hey, they have BRIEFINGS at the start of 
each mission. 
These level strategies are for "Human", but notes on Daywalker will come
Some general tips:

- Difficulty: The only difference between Daywalker and Human is the
  number of enemies. In Mission I-1 on "Human" you have bikers and punks,
  who want some, but in Mission I-1 on "Daywalker" you'll have gunners as

- Follow the glyphs. They are not only bonus symbols, but the designers
  used them to show the way. Usually they are right, but straying from the
  path has its benefits, too.

- Look for secret areas. Starting with Campaign II some mission goals 
  are hidden behind fake walls. This is especially true with "The 
  Blood Donors" where one of the three switches is hidden behind a wall. 

- Blow Things Up!!! Honestly, if you destroy certain amounts of scenery
  you may get extra pickups. Try for example to destroy all server machines
  in the last levels of Campaign I. You will get extra glyphs or ammo pickups.

- A word of advice on equipment selection. Even if you take no extra ammo, you
  will have a clip of ammo in your weapons each. So if you want to take, say,
  the handgnu, the armor vest, the knuckles and the UV grenades, so do it. You
  will have one clip of handgun ammo slotted.

Start: Tutorial
Preferred Equipment: none

Simply do as you're told and it should be a breeze. You'll HAVE to do this but
once, so do it and go on.

Campaign I - Karkov Tower

Mission 1: The Exchange
Preferred Equipment: Handgun w/ammo

This is fairly straight-forward. Simply go in, kill everything that 
moves, blast the barrels and AVOID THE CARS. Since you have no Armor 
(yet), one hit will drain about half your health. On the ramps, keep 
to the walls, let the car(s) pass and get the glyphs AFTERWARDS.
Otherwise, just explore each park deck and destroy the red motorcycles 
as you see them. The last one is hidden in a stairwell at the end of 
the level. Should be a cake walk.
Oh, by the way, thrashing the white limo at the start of the mission yields
some bonus glyphs.

Mission 2: Horror Stories
Preferred Equipment: Handgun w/ammo

If you were busy in the last level, you should have the Glaive by now, but I'd
leave it in the drawer and take more handgun ammo instead. 
Don't shoot the barrels when you start the level. This will kill the sleeper
behind them and cost you big points. And keep avoiding the cars, keep to the
walls. When you enter the second parking deck, look for two red cycles
parking next to a chain-linked doorway. Behind that is one limo and some
pick-ups you don't want to pass up.
Some more straight forward stuff. The Comm Ports you have to destroy 
shine bright green and are usually easy to spot. If you have trouble
finding one, look in the stairwells and adjoining rooms.
The Sub-Objectives are the white limos. Simply thrash them with punches,
save your ammo for the punks :-)
And after thrashing limos and comm ports you have to get back to the
elevators - and there WILL be enemies coming to stop you. You have
been warned. Just conserve your ammo and RAGE when you can.

Mission 3: The Blood Club
Preferred Equipment: Shotgun and Pistol, with 1 ammo each

By now you should be sick of parking lots, right? Don't worry, just a few
more minutes and you'll get to see the whole decadence of vampiric luxury.
Before you start blasting happily around, just save your ammo and use the
punks to build up your rage meter as much as you can. You'll need it shortly.
Make your way through the parking space, avoid oncoming cars and look for
a blue exit. This is the entrance to the club. Still save your ammo as much
as you can and clear out the lounges and toilets. Look in the shithouses as
well, since there might be vampire elders around, which you have to eliminate
as well.
When you're done, enter the main dance hall and prepare to fight. This will
be one of the biggest battles yet, since all the vamps will come to you
when you touch one. Don't bother, simply start to rage, use your guns if
neccesary and clear out the small separee as well. When you have eliminated
the vamps, another wave will drop from the ceiling. Deal with them and clear
out the rest of this level. Find your way to the next set of elevators and
you're done.

Mission 4: Nth Phase
Preferred Equipment: Knuckles, Pistol w/ammo

One of my favorite missions. Advance slowly through the corridors, kill
everything that moves and destroy the hardware. Don't waste your ammo on the
surroundings, use fists and boots instead.
Something to think about: There are Cola machines scattered about the
rooms... I wonder what vamps do with coke :-)
After you thrashed their hardware, get back to the lift. Watch out for

Mission 5: Cover up
Preferred Equipment: same as above

This one will be a bit harder than the last. You not only get shot at on
a regular basis, but the level is a lot bigger and more twisted than the one
In the first large room be sure to collect all glyphs, since it will yield an
extra pack of handgun ammo.

Your main objective in this level is to get a thrice-locked door open. Follow
the glyphs and keep an eye open for reddish-glowing tube thingies which act
as switches. And be careful, some of the dragon heads lining the walls
actually breathe fire!
About halfway through the mission you'll find your first in-game savepoint.
Use it. Explore all rooms thoroughly and collect ammo packs, glyphs and health
packs. As long as you don't get careless everything will be alright.

After opening the thrice locked door you'll have a cutscene and then need to
destroy this reddish glowing machine. Simply aim your gun on the glass tubes
sticking out of this thing and let fly. Whey you manage to collect all glyphs
in this room, you'll be awarded a health pack - quite handy with this horde of
vamps, right?

Mission 6: Acid Rain
Preferred Equipment: 1 UV Grenade, Knuckles, Handgun/Ammo

The last mission is a slugfest per excellence. You'll have to fight your way
into the heart of this level, open the roof access, get the canister and
put it into the vent system near the starting point. Lots of walking, I
promise you. And it won't even help that you clear out all the vamps, since
on your trip back you'll meet resistance en masse. So conserve ammo, rage
when you can and use the UV bangs to your advantage.
When you have the roof access opened, you may save your game. I suggest you
do so, since it will be no sunday afternnon walk in the park from here on.
First, you'll have to walk and fight all the way back to the t-branch,
where one way will bring you back to the entrance. Continue onward and move
towards the heli sounds. When you reach the roof, head towards the helicopter
and grab the ammo and the medkit and then go and take the poison vessel from
the brightly colored storage bin.
Go back down and WATCH OUT, since the dragon heads on either side of the
corridor will start spewing flames. Head back to the entrance area and go
back into the vent system. Follow the glyphs and you're done.

Enjoy the rather morbid cut-scene, because here is the 

*** end of campaign I ***

Campaign II - Lairs of the Byron

General: The levels get bigger here, from about as large as "The Cover-Up"
to "insanely big" at the later stages. So keep conserving ammo all the way,
you'll need every extra bullet you can find.

Mission 7: DeLancey Street Subway
Preferred Equipment: Mach Pistol, Knuckles, Armor, 1 Slot UV Grenades

One Warning ahead: Listen to the Briefing (especially the part about subway
trains *g*). Usually one hit from those rolling coffins can kill you. And
this is particularly bad because you have about half of the level behind you.
Worse yet, there is no save point. So take care.
Your secondary objective is to "kill the ghouls". They are just like vampires,
but they have white skin and an all-leather outfit. One has hidden behind
a freshly repaired wall. It's fairly obvious.
The tricky part comes when you reach the platforms. The timing between the
trains is rather tight and you MUST NOT be on the rails when one comes.
That's particularly interesting when fighting the guards between two rails.
Afterwards follow the tunnel, clear out the vamps and you're done.

Mission 8: City Sewers
Preferred Equipment: Pistol, 2x UV Grendes, Armor

This is one of the trickier ones. You need to stay very close to Whistler.
One problem: Whistler DOES call out for help, but it's usually too late when
he does. And he has a shotgun, but a lousy aim.
Problem two: You CAN hurt Whistler while fighting. Especially bad when
using the sword to keep those vamps off his butt.
Third problem: While you fight, Whistler won't stop moving or help you,
no he simply goes on, thereby triggering more enemies who will hurt him.
And lastly, you need too much time whacking bad guys. So keep the vamps
off Whistlers back, blast 'em with your gun and when they come a-massin',
drop a bomb, literally. One nice thing about those Grenades is that Whistler
will stand still for a moment rubbing his eyes. Use this time to scout ahead
and eliminate any obvious threats. But do not get too far ahead, since
Whistler may walk away. But try to restrain yourself with those grenades,
since there are about five reapers you'll have to kill. 
Lucky for you, they come in pairs, as far as I can remember...
BTW, don't try to grab every bonus you see, you'll have a second chance next
level. Its more important that Whistler stays alive.
In short, this mission is a nightmare!

Mission 9: The Big Bang
Preferred Equipment: Handgun, Armor, 2x UV Grenades

This one is slightly less hard. You'll need to set off the bombs Whistler
planted before. So make your way through the sewers (down the hexagon-shaped
hallway) and find the control room. On your way collect all bonusses you'll
find (although you should have the serum by now, which concludes the unlocking
process, as far as I know) and detonate the bombs.
After pulling the switch, head out the second tunnel (the one with the glyphs)
avoid the flame jets while doing so and RUN to the exit. If you have built
your rage meter to "strength", you can give yourself an extra speed boost.
And did I mention that more reapers are on the list? But this time there
are ten of them... 

Mission 10: Quarantine
Preferred Equipment: Handgun, Armor and as much ammo as you can.

First off: You don't have any secondary objectives in this mission, so there
is absolutely NO reason to hang around.
Follow the small rats, use your rage when appliable and STAY THE HELL AWAY
from that big rat-vamp thing. Whenever you see a turning handle, use it.
(Hint: have the "Help Text" option turned on!) The flame jets produced
started will force the rat-thing to go another way, giving you more time.
Sooner or later you arrive at a ramp leading down. Follow it, then turn right
twice and look for another ramp, this time going up. Beware, when the ground
levels again, you will crash through the floor. TURN LEFT and run like hell.
DON't think about heading towards the branching corridor on your right,
because shortly after you fall down, the rat-vamp-what-the-hell monster
will appear and its game over... so HEAD left and run. Shortly thereafter
you should reach the exit.

Mission 11: The Blood Donors
Equipment: Handgun, Knuckles, Armor, UV Grenade

This one gets a bit more convoluted. To finish the mission (and to get the
sub objectives done) you have to shut off the electrical floors scattered
throughout the upper level. To do this, you have to look for three switches.
Unfortunately they are rather well hidden.
After you cleanse the first few rooms, head into the great hall with the
ground fog. Do NOT jump into the hole in the lower portion of the hall,
search the small room formed by pillars. To be more exact: Smash the back
wall in this small pillar-framed room. Behind it you'll find a secret area
leading towards the first switch.
Switch number two is found in the catacombs you arrive in after falling
through the hole mentioned earlier. Simply follow the path, blast the
stinky-corpses into dust and throw the switch.
Number three is rather obvious. Follow the path until you arrive in the
upper floors. Walk through the blue double doors in front of you. You are at
an intersection. Just go straight ahead into the room with the iron maidens.
The switch is on the back wall.
You'll have most of the electrical floors shut down, save two. But those ones
has "downtimes" long enough for you to sprint over 'em.
Make your way through the upper floor, releasing the patients as you go. 
From there on you'll just have to find the room with the really large
staircase and "unpress" the buttons on the upper floor. A pedestrial will
emerge, use it to open the door on the lower floor and you've done it.

Mission 12: The Jaws Of Doom
Preferred Equipment: Armor, Handgun, 2x UV Grenade

It's rather simple... go all the way back to the start. On your way back
you'll have to kill the "nurses", which wear nice black mini-skirts for your
viewing pleasure. So do as you're told and move it.
If you're badly wounded, re-visit the hidden room where the 2nd (in the
previous mission) switch was. The room holds a few vamps and glyphs and a
health pack.
When you get closer to the exit, you'll be greeted by a horde of reapers.
I hope that you didn't waste your UV-bangs yet...
When you have reached the room with the three normal doors and the "jaws"
door, use the newly opened one (hint: watch for gunfire :-)) and make your
way along the corridor and up the stairs. You'll find a BIG winch and can
open the jaws - finally...
Take a shortcut through the window on your left (jump down) and head into
the jaws and prepare for a kind of "survival match", because when you meet
Dr. Grant, she is bound to a chair with some vmaps in it. And since misery
loves company, the iron maiden things on the sides of the room will spit out
vamps by the dozen... have fun I say. Lucky if you have some UV-Bangs or a
high Rage level.

Mission 14: The Escape
Preferred Equipment: As above...

This one is a VERY long trip. First, you'll have to get the doc safely out
of the asylum (one long way, fraught with the same perils as the first escort
mission) and then you'll have to go back in and fight the BOSS. Well, you
should be used to the difficulty by now, so lets get going.
Right at the beginning you can just follow the doc, but you won't get far.
AMBUSH! Keep the vamps off the doc and you'll be fine. The doc'll try to
open the lock and you may go on. Just follow the glyphs or the doc and
eventually you will reach the exit. Make sure you'll visit each room, since
you'd miss either health, ammo or hostages.
When you reach the exit, the doc will tell you about the "project" and Blade
agrees to shut it down. So, all the way back. At least Whistler left some
stuff (a health pack and ammo for the weapons you have with you).
Kill the "welcoming party", save your game and check out the right-hand wall.
There is a secret room containing a hostage.
Then go back in and make your way back to the first spiral staircase. At the
bottom of it there is a 200 points bonus and a newly unlocked door. Go in and
follow the path. Try to keep some handgun ammo handy, because you'll meet
a bunch of stinky-corpses along the way. Just go along the corridors, kill all
who oppose you and when you arrive at an intersection, head first into the
right branch to open the door on the left.
Afterwards, when you get close to the door, the game takes over and you're

Mission 15: Project Vorpal
No Equipment, just the ol'Blade

This is another sick nightmare. The first half of this boss fight is easy
enough. You just have to slap open the bulging metal pipes in the floor while
avoiding the pack of ghouls thats after you. But after that it gets ugly.
The "boss" in this case is a vampire monstrosity hooked to a bunch of cables
that let him bounce like a yo-yo in semi-randomized places. The pattern is
rather simple. First it jumps to the 'cubator in the center of the room, after
that it jumps rather close to you and attacks with either a direct lightning
or a lightning wave. Either way, try to avoid the attacks and slash it, since
the timing is rather tight. Worse still, even if you manage to kill one pack
of ghouls, another one will re-spawn, so you never can fully concentrate on
the boss. By the way, don't step on the gratings around the incubator, they're
on fire. Try to persevere and you'll get another nice cut scene. After that
you have reached

*** End of Campaign II ***

Campaign 3 - Arcan Mountain Base

General: These levels are rather huge, bigger still than the last couple of
levels in Campaign II, so expect lots of walking. There will also be some
insanely difficult mass combats, so take some aspirin beforehand.
Well, on we hack, on we slay :-)

Mission 16: Into the Mountain
Equipment: Handgun, Armor, Knucks, UV Grenade

It's some kind of outdoor level. There isn't much that could go wrong. Simply
follow the path to the first intersection and try to stay alive. Watch out for
the grey guys with the spiky heads, they detonate when slain. The guys in
white with the yellow rubber boots are not such a big threat, except that
they can take some punishment and sometimes have guns. Be sure to inspect
the huts along the way for some helpful goodies.
Sooner or later you'll arrive in a cavern complex. Beware of the smoking
corpses. When you arrive at the intersection, head to the left.
At the end of the path you'll be greeted by a motley assortment of vamps.
Dispose of them and enter the hut. Get the ammo, flip the switch and get out.
Walk back to the intersection and follow the right path instead. Enter the
hut found at the end of the path and get onto the roof. Follow the path.
When you're inside the tunnels, look out for a huge pile of rocks. These can
be smashed to reveal an opening. Go inside, look for a switch (hint: the same
kind of switch that was used to free the prisoners in "blood donors") and
continue outside. Inspect huts, flip switches and follow the path until you
reach a sharp drop. Blade will hitch a ride into the base by jumping on a van.

Mission 17: The Energy Stores
Equipment: Handgun, Armor, Knucks, UV Grenade

To progress through here, you'll first have to switch on the lift power. Just
use the switch next to the big loading lift. Use the lift down, get the
health pack behind the green airlock and make your way through the blue one.
Follow the path, visit the embryo chamber behind the stairwell, drop an UV
Grenade to scare off the dwarf vampires and let the embryo pillar taste your
fury. Then go upstairs, kill the guard and pull the lever.
Make your way back up and enter the complex. Watch out, because a few feet
into the complex you'll be greeted by a sentry device. Just go around and
knock it off line. Follow the corridor, avoid/destroy the sentries until you
reach a chamber with some kind of tank/generator. Make your way to the second
airlock in this room and follow the path until you arrive in a huge storage
area. Search for a poison container (the same kind you used in the final
mission of campaign I) and carry it back to the dark energy tank. You know
the drill :-). Find the second chamber downstairs (best to bring the second
container along), get rid of the second embryo chamber and you should have
done this mission.

Mission 18: Out of the Fire
Equipment: Handgun, Armor, Knucks, UV Grenade

Okay, the first thing you'll notice when starting this mission are the
falling rocks. Try to avoid them and get moving. The path is fairly linear,
so there is little chance of you getting lost. AND you'll find glyphs along
the way. The hard thing about this mission is the massive amount of enemies.
Try to stay alive :-) Once you're outside, take the loading lift down.
As soon as you dispose of the first "welcoming party", you'll be greeted by a
liftful of bad guys, including one of the large mutant vampires with twin
axes. These guys look cool or what? Get rid of them and use the lift they
so graciously brought up. See? Done already :-)

Mission 19: The Blood Sucker
Equipment: Handgun, Armor, Knucks, UV Grenade

Ugh. Lotsa walking. Follow the path and the glyphs, dispatch the vampires
and take out the sentry devices... Not much to go wrong on this mission,
really. One nice touch is the large room with all the huge blood tanks. Find
the one with the open door, cross through it (yum, yum) and enter the
ventilation duct that will lead you to the landing site. A shot cutscene later
you'll have a refill on ammo and a save point. Use it! With the doc in tow,
just follow the glyphs. They will, ultimately, lead you to a switch with
which you will turn the bridge in one of the circular rooms. Make your way
there. When you've crossed the bridge, you'll see another save point. BAD
Feeling (did anyone play "Terra Nova"?) No, just kidding. A cutscene. After
that you'll have to dispose of another group of vamps and use the big round
door at the other end of the room. Mission Successful.

Mission 20: The Core
Equipment: Just bare steel!

This one is a nice finish. You've got to destroy the machine sustaining the
vampire ugliness. First, run up to the round seals and thrah'em. Careful:
the vents in the the floor spew damaging fumes. Don't bother with the vampires
around, if you keep moving, you'll just catch a few glancing blows.
After you've knocked open the holes, Whistler will appear.
Guard him as best as you can. Hopefully all the vamps are after you now :-)
But if you did as I say, all the vampires in this area will be surrounding
you, leaving a nice open path for Whistler. Finish the vampires. Whistler
should have prepped the first two holes by the time you are finished.
Occasionally a new vamp will drop by (literally!), but if you finished the
first big bunch, then the rest will be just a formality. After Whistler has
rigged the third bomb, get the hell outta there and enjoy the lame credits.

*** End Of Campaign III ***

* 6. Cheat Codes *

When you're done playing this game through, you'll might want to try out
these handy little codes for that "damn, I'm god!"-Feeling :-)

In-Game Codes:
Pause the game, hold L1 and input the codes:

Infinite Ammo
Left, Circle, Right, Square, Up, Triangle, Down, X

Infinite Health
Triangle, Square, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Circle

Infinite Rage
Left, Down, Left, Down, Right, Up, Right, Up

Invulnerable Friends (works only on "Excort-Missions")
Square, Circle, Triangle, X, Square, Circle, Triangle, X

These codes work in the Main Menu. Hold L1 and enter the codes:

All Weapons:
Square, Circle, Down, Left, Circle, Circle, Triangle

Daywalker Difficulty:
Left, Circle, Up, Down, Square, Circle, X

All Missions:
Down, Up, Left, Left, Circle, RIght, Down, Square

* 7. Thanks *

(in no particular order)

CJayC and gamefaqs, for hosting this FAQ
the guys at the Blade II messageboard - it's all because of you *G*
My girlfriend
Mucky Foot, for an interesting game