              / __                               ___
             / /_/ /             __              |   |
            / ____/___________ _/ /____  _____    ---
           / /    /_/ ___/ __ `/ __/ _ / ___/    ___
          / /    / / /  / /_/ / /_/  __/___    |   |
         /_/    /_/_/   __,_/__/___/ /____/    ---

     ________              ___                            __
    /_  __/ /_  ___       /  / ___  _________  ____  ____/ /
     / / / __ / _      /  / / _ / __  / _ / __ / __  /
    / / / / / /  __/    /  / /  __/ /_/ /  __/ / / / /_/ /
   /_/ /_/ /_/___/    /  /  ___/__  /___/_/ /_/__,_/
                      /  /____   ___/ /
                     /_______/  /____/

                          ______ ______
                         / __  // ____/
                        / / / // /___/
                       / /_/ // /

        ____                            _   _
       / __                  _        | | / /
      / /_/ / __   ____ _____| | __    | |/ /          __
     /  ___/ / /  / __ `/ ___/ |/ /    |   <    ____ _/ /_
    /  __  / /  / / / / /   |   <     | |   / __ `/ __/
   /  /_/ // /__/ /_/ / /___ | |     | |  / /_/ / /_
   _____//____/__,_/____/ |_| _   |_|  ___,_/__/

Pirates: The Legend of Black Kat FAQ/Walkthrough For Playstation 2

Authors: Chris Sisk and Jerry Sisk Jr.
E-Mail: thetitan21@hotmail.com
System: Playstation 2
Version: 6.0
Last Updated: 9:15 AM 5/24/04

   This Document is Copyrighted 2002.
   This FAQ/Walkthrough is meant for private and personal use
   only. It was written and is owned by us, Chris Sisk and Jerry
   Sisk, Jr. (thetitan21@hotmail.com). This FAQ/Walkthrough is a
   free document that cannot be used for profitable/promotional
   purposes; this includes being used by publishers of magazines,
   guides, books, etc. or being incorporated into magazines, etc.
   in ANY way. All copyrights and trademarks that are not
   specifically mentioned in this FAQ/Walkthrough, are

   This FAQ/Walkthrough is composed from the Pirates: The Legend
   of Black Kat game. This FAQ/Walkthrough has SPOILERS from the
   game. If you don't want to know what the SPOILERS are *STOP*
   reading this FAQ/Walkthrough now.

   This FAQ/Walkthrough has some Typos from the Pirates: The
   Legend of Black Kat game. The Typos are the chests types. The
   chest type typos are in our FAQ/Walkthrough because some of the
   chests look similar. If you find a chest that not correct in
   the FAQ/Walkthrough, E-mail us and tell us which chest has the
   wrong chest type and we will change it.

Update History
Version: 1.0
This FAQ was made on 10:14 PM 8/22/02.

We have added a whole lot of Information for the Pirates: Legend
of Black Kat game for PS2.

Version: 2.0
This FAQ was Last Updated on 4:00 PM 9/1/02.

We have added more Information under Buccaneer Bay.
We have added more Information for the COPYRIGHT INFORMATION.
We have changed the typo under Bay of Tears, Head Hunter Mask # 1,
and the typo under Section 3: Easy Reference Guide, The Quest the
first Head Hunter Mask.

Version: 3.0
This FAQ was Last Updated on 6:28 PM 9/8/02.

We have added more Information under Buccaneer Bay.
We have added more Information under Fjords of Frost.
We have fixed the Crystal Hearts Information.
We have added another Section to the TABLE OF CONTENTS, Section 4:
The Credits/Thanks.

Version: 4.0
This FAQ was Last Updated on 7:50 PM 10/18/02.

We have changed the Version Numbers in the Update History.
We have added more Information under Buccaneer Bay.
We have added more Information under Jack's Reward.
We have added more Information under Section 3: Easy Reference
Guide, The Ship Upgrades.

Version: 5.0
This FAQ was Last Updated on 1:09 PM 7/11/03.

We have changed the Heading of our FAQ/Walkthrough.
We have added more Information under Buccaneer Bay.
We have added more Information under The Lonely Tombs.
We have added more Information under Ape Island.
We have added more Information under Fjords of Frost.
We have added more Information under Winter Wolf Ridge.
We have added more Information under Skull Cove.
We have added more Information under Section 3: Easy Reference
Guide, The Crystal Hearts.
We have added more Information under Section 3: Easy Reference
Guide, The Keys.
We have added more Information under Section 3: Easy Reference
Guide, The Sword Upgrades.
We have added more Information under Section 3: Easy Reference
Guide, The Quests.

Version: 6.0
This FAQ was Last Updated on 9:15 AM 5/24/04.

We put our FAQ through Spell Check to fix some misspelled words.
We have added more Information under Buccaneer Bay.
We have added more Information under The Lonely Tombs.
We have added more Information under Scoundrel's Pit.
We have added more Information under BlackBeard's Lair.
We have added more Information under Ram's Rest.
We have added more Information under Buccaneer's Haunt.
We have added more Information under Hero's Rest.
We have added more Information under Ghost Ship Battle.
We have added more Information under Dark Isle.
We have added more Information under Raven's View.
We have added more Information under Gull Reef.
We have added more Information under Vulcan's Belly.
We have added more Information under Fjords of Frost.
We have added more Information under Glacial Gulf.
We have added more Information under Winter Wolf Ridge.
We have added more Information under Jack's Reward.
We have added more Information under Hade's Pyre.
We have added more Information under Forgotten Forge.
We have added more Information under Skull Cove.
We have added more Information under Section 1: Getting Started.
We have added more Information under Section 3: Easy Reference
Guide, The Chartstones
We have added more Information under Section 3: Easy Reference
Guide, The Figureheads
We have added more Information under Section 3: Easy Reference
Guide, The Maps.
We have added more Information under Section 3: Easy Reference
Guide, The Price List
We have added more Information under Section 3: Easy Reference
Guide, The Ship Upgrades
We have added more Information under Section 3: Easy Reference
Guide, The Quests.

For the (PS2) Playstation 2

Section 1: Getting Started
(1) - How To Operate The Controller
(2) - Main Menu Options
(3) - Sea Battle (Main Menu)
(4) - Scrapbook (Main Menu)
(5) - The Save Parrot
(6) - Cast of Characters
(7) - Having Trouble/Tips

Section 2: The Walkthrough
(1)  - Buccaneer Bay
     - The Lonely Tombs
(2)  - Ape Island
(3)  - Scoundrel's Pit
     - BlackBeard's Lair
(4)  - Bay of Tears
(5)  - Forlorn Straits
     - Ram's Rest
(6)  - Buccaneer's Haunt
(7)  - Hero's Rest
(8)  - Ghost Ship Battle
(9)  - Dark Isle
(10) - Isle de La Garra
(11) - Raven's View
(12) - Gull Reef
(13) - Vulcan's Belly
(14) - Parrot's Cove
(15) - Crescent Island
(16) - Blue Shark Bay
(17) - Fjords of Frost
(18) - Glacial Gulf
(19) - Winter Wolf Ridge
(20) - Frigid Plateau
(21) - Jack's Reward
(22) - Neptune's Reach
(23) - Molten Labyrinth
(24) - Hade's Pyre
     - Forgotten Forge
(25) - Yellow Dog Anchorage
(26) - Isle of Living Fire
(27) - Duncan's Story
(28) - Skull Cove

Section 3: Easy Reference Guide
(1) - The Chartstones
(2) - The Crystal Hearts
(3) - The Figureheads
(4) - The Keys
(5) - The Maps
(6) - The Price List
(7) - The Ship Upgrades
(8) - The Sword Upgrades
(9) - The Quests

Section 4: The Credits/Thanks
(1) - Ioncannon

                    Section 1: Getting Started

How To Operate The Controller

In this game, you have to Master the controller to beat the game.

In the Land Mode Controls section, you will see (W.P.U.). This
stands for, (When Powered UP).

In the Land Mode Controls and Ship Mode Controls sections, you
will see (W.O.A.). This stands for, (When an Orb Appears). The
Orb will appear in the Upper-Left corner of the screen.

Special Actions: The L2 button is use for opening chests, digging
                 up buried treasure chests, talking to people who
                 give you quests, getting on and off the ship when
                 you dock, and docking at a Liberated town fort.

Land Mode Controls

|                       Land Mode Controls                       |
|  Directional Buttons (D-Pad)   |  Moves Katarina on the Land   |
|  Square Button                 |  Sword Power Attack (W.P.U.)  |
|  Triangle Button               |  Use Selected Inventory Item  |
|  Circle Button                 | Jump, Jump-Roll (Double Jump) |
|  X Button                      |         Swings Sword          |
|  L1 Button                     |         Sword Block           |
|  L2 Button                     |   Special Actions  (W.O.A.)   |
|  R1 Button                     |  Cycle Through Item Inventory |
|  R2 Button                     |  Cycle Through Item Inventory |
|  R3 Button                     | Center Camera Behind Katarina |
|  Select Button                 |  Map Screen/Captain's Log     |
|  Start Button                  |  Pause the Game/Game Options  |
|  Left Analog Stick             |  Moves Katarina on the Land   |
|  Right Analog Stick            |  Moves The Camera Manually    |


Ship Mode Controls

|                       Ship Mode Controls                       |
|  Directional Buttons (D-Pad)   |    Moves the Ship at Sea      |
|  Square Button                 | Power Attack (When Powered UP)|
|  Triangle Button               | Use Selected Inventory Item   |
|  Circle Button                 | Wind Boost (When Powered UP)  |
|  X Button                      | Fires the Ship's Cannons      |
|  L1 Button                     | Wind Boost (When Powered UP)  |
|  L2 Button                     |   Special Actions  (W.O.A.)   |
|  R1 Button                     | Cycle Through Item Inventory  |
|  R2 Button                     | Cycle Through Item Inventory  |
|  R3 Button                     | Center Camera Behind The Ship |
|  Select Button                 | Map Screen/Captain's Log      |
|  Start Button                  | Pause the Game/Game Options   |
|  Left Analog Stick             |    Moves the Ship at Sea      |
|  Right Analog Stick            |  Moves The Camera Manually    |


Main Menu Options

Main Menu Options

New Game
This is where you can start a new game.

Sea Battle
This is where you can practice your sailing skills.

This is where you can continue your saved game.

This is where you can change the options in the game.

Each scrapbook shell you find in the game, you will unlock
pictures for the Scrapbook.

Sea Battle (Main Menu)

In this game, Katarina de Leon will use her ship alot. At the
Main Menu screen, you can practice your sailing skills. In Sea
Battle at the Main Menu screen, there are three different battle
types: Quick, Ladder, or Fleet.

Quick: In this battle type, it ship vs. ship. The first one to
       sink the other will win.

Ladder: In this battle type, you have to go through the cycle of
        ships. If you have been sunk, you will advance to the next
        biggest ship. When you sink your opponent, your opponent
        will advance to the next biggest ship. You won't be able
        to win until you sink your opponents Man O' War ship.

Fleet: In this battle type, it your ship vs. a Fleet of CPU ships.


Sea Battle (Main Menu)

Battle Type: Quick, Ladder, or Fleet

Player 1: Human
Player 1 Ship: Gunboat, Buss, Sloop, Merchant Trader, Schooner,
               Privateer, Caravel, Brigantine, Carrack, Galleon,
               Frigate, or Man O' War.
Player 1 Sail Colors: Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Orange, Purple,
                      Grey, or Black.

Player 2: Human or CPU
Player 2 Ship: Gunboat, Buss, Sloop, Merchant Trader, Schooner,
               Privateer, Caravel, Brigantine, Carrack, Galleon,
               Frigate, or Man O' War.
Player 2 Sail Colors: Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Orange, Purple,
                      Grey, or Black.

Scrapbook (Main Menu)

Scrapbook Shells
In this game, Katarina de Leon will find scrapbook shells in the
game. Each scrapbook shell you find in the game, you will unlock
pictures for the Scrapbook.

The Save Parrot

In this game, Katarina de Leon will find a save parrot on some of
the islands. In this game, this is how you save your game. When
you have found the save parrot; the save parrot will be sitting
on the perch. When you get close to it, the parrot will fly above
the perch. When you are close enough, a green icon will appear.
After it has appeared, press the L2 button. After you have pressed
the L2 button, you will have 4 slots to save your game.

Cast of Characters

Katarina de Leon
Katarina de Leon is the governor daughter. Katarina de Leon is
the daughter of Marcus de Leon and Mara Rousseau. She is a pirate
trying to take control of the Five Seas from Captain Hawke rule.

Marcus de Leon
Marcus de Leon is the governor of the Pirate Isles. Marcus de Leon
has a wife and a daughter. He is trying to stop Katarina de Leon
from being a pirate. He does not want her to die at sea like her
mother did.

Mara Rousseau
Mara Rousseau has a husband and a daughter. Mara Rousseau was a
pirate captain who fought Captain Hawke, but she failed to stop
him from taking control of the Five Seas.

Old Salty
Old Salty is the story teller telling the story of Katarina de
Leon's Adventure of the Five Seas. Old Salty is a old pirate that
knew Katarina de Leon's mother, Mara Rousseau.

Duncan Moriz
Duncan Moriz is an enemy/friend of Katarina de Leon. Duncan Moriz
is scoundrel and rogue pirate of the game. Duncan Moriz knew
Katarina de Leon's mother, Mara Rousseau when she was a pirate.

Captain Hawke
Captain Hawke is the main enemy of this game. Captain Hawke is in
control of the Five Seas. Captain Hawke has to stop Katarina de
Leon from taking control of the Five Seas. Captain Hawke hates
Katarina de Leon's whole family.

Having Trouble/Tips
The most frequent questions in our e-mail are answered below.

Finding Ape Island
After you find the Ape Island map but, you can't find it on the
map. After you have gotten the Ape Island map, sail away from all
the Islands. After you have sailed away from all the Islands, an
Orb will appear in the Upper-Left corner of the screen. When the
Orb Appears on the screen, Press the L2 button to take you to a
large map. The map will have Buccaneer Bay and Ape Island on it.
You can now go to the Ape Island or back to Buccaneer Bay. When
you find more maps in the game, you unlock more Islands on the
large map.

                    Section 2: The Walkthrough

Buccaneer Bay
Treasure Chests  = 23
Scrapbook Shells = 10

Battling The Two Enemy Ships
When you start a new game, there is a FMV. After the FMV plays,
you will be in a battle with two enemy ships. After you have
defeated these two ships, there will be another FMV. After the
FMV plays follow the "From The Buccaneer Bay Island To Your Ship"
Guide Below.

>From The Buccaneer Bay Island To Your Ship
After the second FMV plays, follow the stone path on the island.
There is a regular treasure chest near the stone path that has
+100 Doubloons inside it. After you have opened the regular
treasure chest; continue following the stone path on the island.
The stone path will lead you to a gate, but before you get to the
gate there are two pirates guarding the gate. After you have
killed these two pirates, the gate will open. After the gate has
been opened, go through the gate. After you have went through the
gate; continue following the stone path on the island. You will
see a gate guarded by three pirates. After you have killed all
three pirates, continue following the stone path on the island.
This gate won't open until you have found and opened a regular
treasure chest. This regular treasure chest can be found at the
end of the stone path near the gate. This regular treasure chest
has +500 Doubloons inside it. After you have opened this chest,
the gate will open. After the gate has been opened, go through the
gate. After you have went through the gate, there is an Iron chest
inside the gate. This Iron chest has +3,500 Doubloons, and +100
Doubloons inside it. After you have opened the Iron chest, you
will see an open teleporter ring. The teleporter ring will lead
you to the Lonely Tombs. After you have found the teleporter ring,
you will see four pirates guarding the gate. After you have killed
all four pirates, the gate will open. There is a regular treasure
chest sitting in front of the gate. This regular treasure chest
has +1 Scrapbook Shell, +500 Doubloons, +150 Doubloons inside it.
After you have went through this gate, you will see your ship and
a save parrot to save your game.

After You Have Found Your Ship
After you have went through the three gates on the island, you
will see your ship. After you have found your ship, there is a
save parrot to save your game. After you have saved your game,
continue following the stone path on the island past your ship.
After you have went past your ship, there is a hill near a gate
that has a chest on it. This chest has +1,000 Doubloons, +200
Doubloons, and +1,000 Doubloons inside it. There is also a
Scrapbook Shell near this chest. After you have found this chest,
slide down the hill. After you have slid down the hill, go through
the gate. After you have went through the gate, there is a Iron
chest that has +2,500 Doubloons, +3,500 Doubloons, +1,000
Doubloons, +1,500 Doubloons inside it. After you have opened the
Iron chest, there is a Stone chest. This Stone chest has +25
Throwing Knives, +15 Mini Kegs, +5,000 Doubloons, +2,500 Doubloons
inside it. After you have opened the Stone chest, there is a
regular chest. This regular chest has +1,500 Doubloons, +1,500
Doubloons inside it. A teleporter will open when you have killed
all the enemies inside the gate. The teleporter will take you back
to your ship.

Finding The Lonely Tombs Entrance
Before you find your ship, you will see a teleporter with (Pink)
dots. This means that it is open and will give you entrance to
the Lonely Tombs by pressing the (L2 Button) when you are on it.

The Island in Front of the Fort
Sail to the Island in front of the Fort, and dock there. After you
have docked there, there a patch of grass on this Island. There is
a buried treasure chest near this patch of grass. This chest
contains +1 Scrapbook Shell, +1,000 Doubloons, and +1,000
Doubloons. On this Island, there is a turret which guards the
fort. After you have blown it up, an Iron Chest will appear. This
Iron Chest contains +1 Scrapbook Shell, +500 Doubloons, and +1,000
Doubloons. There a Stone Chest on this Island which contains +3
Ice Tikis, +3,500 Doubloons, +3,500 Doubloons, +5,000 Doubloons,
+1,500 Doubloons.

The Smuggler Island
Sail to the (North Eastern) dock and dock there. This is the
island that the Smuggler is on. After you have docked there, there
is a save parrot to save your game. After you have saved your
game; follow the stone path on the Island until you see a chest in
the distance near some palm trees. This chest is a Crystal chest
which contains +3,500 Doubloons, +1,500 Doubloons, and +1,500
Doubloons, +5,000 Doubloons. There is a buried treasure chest in
between the two palm trees near the Crystal chest. This chest
contains +1 Scrapbook Shell, +1,000 Doubloons, +200 Doubloons.
After you have found the buried treasure chest, walk back to the
stone path. You will see yellow sand and green grass hill with
two palm trees on it. After you have found this hill, walk in
between the two palm trees. After you have walked in between the
two palm trees, you will see three pirates guarding a regular
chest. This regular chest contains +2,500 Doubloons, +500
Doubloons. There a Scrapbook Shell behind the regular chest. There
is a stone path on the Island. After you have followed the stone
path, the stone path will lead you to the Smuggler's shop. There
is a Scrapbook Shell behind the Smuggler's shop.

The Three Scrapbook Shells Island
Sail to the (South Eastern) dock and dock there. After you have
docked there, turn left from your ship. After you have turned left
from your ship, you will see a Scrapbook Shell near the water.
After you have gotten the Scrapbook Shell, look for a hill with
green grass on top of it. After you have found the hill, climb the
hill. After you have climbed the hill, you will see three pirates
on top of the hill. After you have killed all three pirates, you
will see a regular chest. This chest has +1 Scrapbook Shell,
+2,000 Doubloons inside it. After you have opened the regular
chest, turn right. After you have turned right from the regular
chest, you will see a scrapbook shell floating near a green grass
covered hill. After you have gotten the Scrapbook Shell, head back
to your ship.

Finding The Ape Island Map
Sail to the (South Western) island and dock there. After you have
docked there, follow the path of stones on the island. There is a
chest that has +10 throwing knives and +10,000 Doubloons inside
it, but it not in that chest. There are about three pirates kill
them then you will see a gate; there is a buried treasure chest
that has the Ape Island Map inside it. The buried treasure chest
is near a gate near a palm tree.

The Lonely Tombs
Treasure Chests  = 3
Scrapbook Shells = 1

Getting The Iron Key
After you have teleported into The Lonely Tombs, head straight
head on this Island. After you have headed straight, you will see
a regular chest in between two graves. This regular chest contains
the (Iron Key), +1 Fire Tiki, and +1,000 Doubloons. There is a
regular chest on a hill near the two graves. This regular chest
contains +3 Magic Sands, +100 Doubloons. There is a buried
treasure chest on the other side of the stone platform near a
tree. This buried treasure chest contains +1 Scrapbook Shell,
+500 Doubloons. After you have found these three regular chests,
use the Fire Tiki near the teleporter. The teleporter will be
activated, then press the L2 button to return to the Buccaneer Bay

Ape Island
Treasure Chests  = 15
Scrapbook Shells = 5

Getting The Mermaid's Quest
Sail to the (North Eastern) Island "the small island" and dock
there. After you have docked there, talk to the mermaid. She will
give you a quest to find 5 orchids and bring them back to her. If
you look behind her, there is a Scrapbook Shell hidden in some
grass. On this island, there is a Skeleton chest. This Skeleton
chest contains +14,000 Doubloons and +7,500 Doubloons.

Mermaid's Orchid # 1
Sail to the Large Island "the main island" and dock there. After
you have docked there, follow the stone path on the island. The
stone path will lead you to a turret. When you see the turret, the
stone path will go into two different directions (Left or Right).
Take the (Right) stone path, it will be there laying on the

Crystal Heart # 1
Sail to the Large Island "the main island" and dock there. After
you have docked there, follow the stone path on the island. The
stone path will lead you to a turret. When you see the turret, the
stone path will go into two different directions (Left or Right).
When the stone path goes into two different directions, stop
following the stone path. After you have seen the turret, go past
it. After you have gone past the turret, you will see a gate.
After you have went through the gate, there is a chest near the
hill. This chest is on the (Left) side of the hill. This chest
has the first Crystal Heart inside it.

Finding The Ape Idol Hill
Sail to the Large Island "the main island" and dock there. After
you have docked there, follow the stone path on the island. The
stone path will lead you to a turret. When you see the turret, the
stone path will go into two different directions (Left or Right).
When the stone path goes into two different directions, stop
following the stone path. After you have seen the turret, go past
it. After you have gone past the turret, you will see a gate.
After you have went through the gate, there is a chest on the
hill. This chest has +1,000 Doubloons, +1,500 Doubloons, +3,500
Doubloons, +200 Doubloons inside it. There is a Scrapbook Shell
behind the Ape Idol on Top of the Hill.

Climbing The Ape Idol Hill
After you have found the Ape Idol Hill, try climbing it first.
After you have tried to climb the hill, you will leave slide marks
on the hill. After you have left the slide marks on the hill, try
climbing it again. When you climb the hill this time, jump before
you get to the top of the slide marks that you have lefted on the
hill. When you land after you have jumped, tap jump two time(Fast)
to do a double jump/roll jump. When you land after you have double
jump/roll jump, do another double jump/roll jump. After you have
done the jump and the (2) double jumps, you should be on top of
the hill. It is (** Very Hard **) to do. You got to use the
right-center of the hill, when you are doing the jump and the (2)
double jumps to climb the hill.

Finding The Scoundrel's Pit Map
After sailing to Ape Island on the map, liberate the Ape Island
town fort. After you have liberated the Ape Island town fort, then
dock there. After you have docked there, there will be a FMV.
During this FMV, you will get the Scoundrel's Pit map.

Scoundrel's Pit
Treasure Chests  = 15
Scrapbook Shells = 3

Getting The Lion Figurehead
Sail to the only dock and dock there. After you have docked there,
turn (Right) from your ship. After you have turned (Right) from
your ship, follow the sand all the way around the base of the
island. After awhile of searching, you should start to see a path
of stones. The stone path should lead you to a turret. After you
have seen the turret, blow up the turret. After blowing it up, a
chest will appear. This chest has the Lion Figurehead inside it.
After you have gotten the Lion Figurehead, use the teleporter to
return to the ship. This Figurehead can be attached to your ship
at any time by pressing the (Triangle Button).

Finding BlackBeard's Lair Entrance
Sail to the only dock and dock there. After you have docked there,
follow the stone path on the hill. This stone path will lead you
to a gate with two pirates in front it. After you have killed
these two pirates, the gate door will open. After the gate door
opens, go through the gate. After you have went through the gate
door, music will start to play. After the music starts to play,
kill all the enemies. After you have killed all the enemies, a
teleporter will open. After you have teleported, you will be in
BlackBeard's Lair.

BlackBeard's Lair
Treasure Chests          = 4
Scrapbook Shells         = 1
BlackBeard's Life Skulls = 6

Battling BlackBeard
When you are in the BlackBeard's Lair, you will fight BlackBeard.
When you are fighting him, use your sword, throwing knifes, and
sword power attacks  the (Square Button). After you have defeated
him, You will get the Haunted Isles Chart Stone. After you have
defeated him, a teleporter will open. This teleporter will take
you back to Scoundrel's Pit.

The first chest (from the Left) of the open teleporter contains
+2,000 Doubloons, +500 Doubloons.

The second chest (from the Left) of the open teleporter contains
+1,500 Doubloons, +100 Doubloons.

The third chest (from the Left) of the open teleporter contains
+1 Scrapbook Shell, +2,000 Doubloons, +250 Doubloons.

The fourth chest (from the Left) of the open teleporter contains
+5 Throwing Knives, +3,000 Doubloons, +5 Mini Kegs.

Bay of Tears
Treasure Chests          = 8
Scrapbook Shells         = 8
Giant Crab's Life Skulls = 4

Head Hunter Mask # 1
Sail to the (South Eastern) island, and dock there. After you have
docked there, there is a save parrot to save your game. After you
have saved your game, there is a Stone chest near a teleporter
on the island. This chest has the first Head Hunter Mask for the
Witch Doctor, +2 Earth Tikis, +1,000 Doubloons inside it. The
teleporter will take you back to your ship.

Mermaid's Orchid # 2
Sail to the most (North Western) island, and dock there. After you
have docked there, climb the hill. After you have climbed the
hill, you will see a set of tombstones. After you have seen them,
go past them to a second set of tombstones. In the second set of
tombstones, you will see a Crystal chest. This chest has the
second Mermaid's Orchid, +3 Ice Tikis, and +2,000 Doubloons inside

Getting The Stone Key
Sail to the (North Eastern) island "the largest island" and dock
there. After you have docked there, follow the stone path to a
save parrot. After you have saved your game, follow the stone path
to a gate. After you have went through the gate, you will
encounter a Giant Crab. To defeat the giant crab, hit him in the
eyes until stars appear over his head . After you have gotten the
stars over his head, throw a mini keg at him to turn him over.
After you have gotten him on his back, attack him until he flips
over again. You should be able to defeat the Giant Crab after the
fourth time. After you have defeated the Giant Crab, you will get
the Stone Key. After you have gotten the Stone Key, a teleporter
will open. The teleporter will take you back to your ship. After
you have defeated him, explore this area there should be two
Scrapbook Shells near the water.

Forlorn Straits
Treasure Chests  = 9
Scrapbook Shells = 8

Getting The Ghost Captain's Quest
Sail to the (South Eastern) island and dock there. After you have
docked there, follow the stone path. The stone path will lead you
to the Ghost Captain's beached ship. When you go to his ship, you
will see the Ghost Captain. After you have seen the Ghost Captain,
talk to him. He will give you a quest to find the yellow sail
ships and defeat them. After you have defeated them, return to
the Ghost Captain. The Ghost Captain will give you the Skeleton
Key for doing this for him.

Fallen Star # 1
Sail to the (South Western) island, and dock there. After you have
docked there, follow the stone path to a save parrot. The stone
path will go into two different directions (Left or Right). When
the stone path goes into two different directions, take the (Left)
path of stones to a gate. After you have went through the gate,
continue following the stone path to a skeleton chest. This chest
has the first Fallen Star, +3 Fire Tikis, and +5,000 Doubloons
inside it. There is a teleporter that will take you back to your

Finding The Ram's Rest Gate Entrance
After sailing to Forlorn Straits on the map, liberate the Forlorn
Straits town fort. After you have liberated the Forlorn Straits
town fort, then dock there. After you have docked there, a gate
will open on the (North Eastern) island. Which leads to Ram's
Rest, it is close to the Forlorn Straits town fort.

Ram's Rest
Treasure Chests  = 11
Scrapbook Shells = 10

Getting The Ram Figurehead
After you have liberated the Forlorn Straits town fort, a gate
will open on the (North Eastern) island. Sail to that island and
dock there. There is a save parrot on the island to save your
game. After you have saved your game, there is a gate on that
island. After you have went through the gate, there is a
teleporter inside. The teleporter will take you to Ram's Rest. On
Ram's Rest, there is a gate with a closed gate door. To open the
door of the gate; kill all enemies around the gate. After opening
the gate door, go through the gate. After you have went through
the gate door, there is a teleporter that (NOT) open inside. After
you have went through the gate door, stand on the teleporter that
(NOT) open. After standing on it, you will be attacked by alot of
skeletons with swords. After you have killed all the skeletons
with swords, the teleporter will open. The teleporter will take
you to the small island in Ram's Rest. After you have teleported,
you will be on the small island in Ram's Rest. On this island,
there is a teleporter that (NOT) open. After you have killed all
the enemies on that island, the teleporter will open. The
teleporter will take you to a chest. This chest has the Ram
Figurehead, +1,000 Doubloons inside it. After you have gotten the
Ram Figurehead, a teleporter will open. The teleporter will take
you back to Forlorn Straits. This Figurehead can be attached to
your ship at any time by pressing the (Triangle Button).

Buccaneer's Haunt
Treasure Chests  = 12
Scrapbook Shells = 7

Head Hunter Mask # 2
Sail to the (North Western) island, and dock there. After you have
docked there, follow the stone path to a save parrot. After you
have saved your game, continue following the stone path on the
island. The stone path will lead you to a Smuggler and a
teleporter that is open. After you have seen the Smuggler, go
behind his shop. After you have went behind his shop, look for a
stone path. The stone path will lead you to a Stone chest. This
chest has the second Head Hunter Mask for the Witch Doctor, +3
Earth Tikis, and +1,000 Doubloons inside it. There is a Scrapbook
Shell behind the Stone chest near the water. After you have went
behind his shop, there is a turret. After you have seen the
turret, blow it up. After you have blown the turret up, a
Scrapbook Shell will appear. After you have gotten the second Head
Hunter Mask, use the open teleporter near the Smuggler. The
teleporter will take you back to your ship.

Finding The Hero's Rest Map
Sail to the (South Eastern) island, and dock there. After you have
docked there, there is a save parrot to save your game. After you
have saved your game; follow the stone path on the island. The
stone path will lead you to a grave with a chest in front of it.
After you have found the chest, open the chest. After you have
opened the chest, a FMV will play. During this FMV, you will get
the Hero's Rest Map.

Hero's Rest
Treasure Chests               = 11
Scrapbook Shells              = 8
Skeleton Pirate's Life Skulls = 7

Finding Mara's Grave FMV
Sail to the (North Western) island, and dock there. After you
have docked there; follow the stone path on the island. The stone
path will lead to a save parrot. After you have saved your game,
there is a gate. After you have went through the gate, you will
encounter the Skeleton Pirate. After you have defeated the
Skeleton Pirate, a gate door will open. After you have went
through the gate, continue following the stone path. After you
have followed the stone path, a FMV will play.

Getting The Boneshank Sword
Sail to the (North Western) island, and dock there. After you
have docked there; follow the stone path on the island. The stone
path will lead to a save parrot. After you have saved your game,
there is a gate. After you have went through the gate, you will
encounter the Skeleton Pirate. After you have defeated the
Skeleton Pirate, a gate door will open. After you have went
through the gate, continue following the stone path. After you
have followed the stone path, a FMV will play. After the FMV has
played, you will be at a chest. This chest has the Boneshank Sword
which is a sword upgrade, +500 Doubloons, +500 Doubloons inside
it. There is a teleporter that will take you back to your ship.

Crystal Heart # 2
Sail to the (South) island "Largest" Island, and dock there. After
you have docked there; there is a save parrot on the island. After
you have saved your game, follow the stone path on the island. The
stone path on the island will lead you to a stone platform. After
you have found the stone platform; you will see the second Crystal
Heart on it. After you have gotten the second Crystal Heart, there
is a chest on the stone platform. This chest has +1,000 Doubloons,
+3,500 Doubloons, and +1,500 Doubloons inside it. After you have
gotten the second Crystal Heart, follow the stone path to a gate.
After you have gone through gate, you will be at your ship.

Ghost Ship Battle
Treasure Chests  = 0
Scrapbook Shells = 0

Battling The Ghost Ship
After the Mara's Grave FMV, sail to open seas and press L2 Button.
After going to open seas, sail to any of the other haunted Isle
islands. After sailing to another haunted Isle island, you will
see the Ghost Ship. The Ghost Ship will fade in and out of
physical existence. You got to shoot the Ghost Ship when it fades
in to defeat the Ghost Ship. If you shoot the Ghost Ship when it
fades out, you will miss and you will waste your ammo. After you
have defeated the Ghost ship, you will get the Voodoo Isles Chart

Dark Isle
Treasure Chests             = 7
Scrapbook Shells            = 5
Voodoo Master's Life Skulls = 6

Meeting The Voodoo Master
Sail to the only dock, and dock there. After you have docked
there, there is a save parrot to save your game. After you have
saved your game, there is a gate on the island. After you have
went through the gate, you will meet the Voodoo Master. He will
curse you, and you won't be able to defeat him. After he his put
a curse on you, your controller will be backwards. If you turn
your controller (Upside Down), now you should be able to leave
with out confusion. After you are curse, leave by going back
through gate. After you have left the Voodoo Master, your
controller will be normal. After you have left the Voodoo Master,
head back to your ship.

Defeating The Voodoo Master
After you are curse by the Voodoo Master, you got to complete the
Headhunter's Masks quest to defeat him. You won't be able to
defeat him until you complete that quest. When you have collected
all the (5) Head Hunter Masks, go to Raven's View Island. After
you are on the Raven's View Island, take the (5) Head Hunter Masks
to the Witch Doctor. The Witch Doctor will give you a voodoo doll
that destroys the curse. After you have the voodoo doll, return to
the Dark Isle. After you are back on the Dark Isle, return to the
Voodoo Master. When you return to the Voodoo Master with the
voodoo doll, you can defeat him. After you have defeated him, you
will get the Winter Isles Chartstone.

Finding The Raven's View Map
After you have found the Voodoo Master. He will curse you, and you
will not be able to defeat him. After you have been cursed, your
controller will be backwards. If you turn your controller
(Upside Down), now you should be able to leave with out confusion.
After you are curse; leave by going back through gate. After you
have left the Voodoo Master, your controller will be normal. After
you have left the Voodoo Master, head back to your ship. After you
are back on your ship, you will unlock the Raven's View voodoo
isle on the Map.

Finding The Isle De La Garra Map
Sail to the only dock, and dock there. After you have docked
there, there is a save parrot to save your game. After you have
saved your game, there is a regular chest on the island. This
chest has the Isle de La Garra map, +1,000 Doubloons, +1 Scrapbook
Shell inside it.

Isle de La Garra
Treasure Chests  = 7
Scrapbook Shells = 12

Head Hunter Mask # 3
Sail to the only dock, and dock there. After you have docked
there, there is a save parrot to save your game. After you have
saved your game, follow the stone path on the island. The stone
path will lead to a gate with a closed gate door. After you have
killed all the spiked idols in front of the gate, the gate door
will open. After you have went through the gate, continue
following the stone path. The stone path will lead to two chests.
The chest (on the Right) has +1 Scrapbook Shell, +500 Doubloons,
+2,500 Doubloons, +5,000 Doubloons inside it. The chest
(on the Left) has the third Head Hunter Mask inside it. After you
gotten the third Head Hunter Mask, a teleporter will open. The
teleporter will take you to a high hill.

Fallen Star # 2
Sail to the only dock, and dock there. After you have docked
there, there is a save parrot to save your game. After you have
saved your game, follow the stone path on the island. The stone
path will lead to a gate with a closed gate door. After you have
killed all the spiked idols in front of the gate, the gate door
will open. After you have went through the gate, continue
following the stone path. The stone path will lead to two chests.
The chest (on the Right) has +1 Scrapbook Shell, +500 Doubloons,
+2,500 Doubloons, +5,000 Doubloons inside it. The chest
(on the Left) has the third Head Hunter Mask inside it. After you
gotten the third Head Hunter Mask, a teleporter will open. The
teleporter will take you to a high hill. After the teleporter is
open, teleport to the high hill. After you have teleported, head
straight up from where the teleporter has landed you. After you
have headed straight up, you will see a chest in front of a rock
that looks like a crab. This chest has the second Fallen Star for
King Neptune inside it. After you have gotten the Fallen Star,
Crabs will appear all around you.

Raven's View
Treasure Chests  = 24
Scrapbook Shells = 7

Getting The Witch Doctor Quest
Sail to the only dock, and dock there. After you have docked at
the only dock, there is a save parrot to save your game. On this
island, there are three teleporters. Take the teleporter that has
the Spears around it, this teleporter will take you to the Witch
Doctor Island. After you have teleported, there is a save parrot
to save your game. After you have saved your game, head straight
up from the save parrot. After you have headed straight up from
the save parrot, three teleporters will appear. Take the Most
(Right) teleporter, this teleporter should take you to the Witch
Doctor (FAST). After you have teleported, you should see The Witch
Doctor now. After you have seen the Witch Doctor, talk to him. He
will request that you bring him (5) Head Hunter Masks. Go back
through the teleporter, it will take you to a chest. This chest
has a map inside that leads to three other islands. After you have
gotten the map, (DON'T) use the teleporter. You got to slide down
the hill to leave with out confusion. After you have slid down
the hill, There is a teleporter that will take you back to the
island where your ship is docked. The teleporter that you need to
take is near a save parrot.

Finding The Gull Reef Map
Sail to the only dock, and dock there. After you have docked on
this island, there are three teleporters. Take the teleporter that
has the Spears around it, this teleporter will take you to the
Witch Doctor Island. After you have teleported, there is a save
parrot to save your game. After you have saved your game, head
straight up from the save parrot. After you have headed straight
up from the save parrot, three teleporters will appear. Take the
Most (Right) teleporter, this teleporter should take you to the
Witch Doctor (FAST). After you have teleported, you should see The
Witch Doctor now. After you have seen the Witch Doctor, talk to
him. He will request that you bring him (5) Head Hunter Masks. Go
back through the teleporter, it will take you to a chest. This
chest has a Map inside that leads to three other islands. After
you have gotten the map, (DON'T) use the teleporter. You have to
slide down the hill to leave with out confusion.

Fallen Star # 3
Sail to the only dock, and dock there. There is a save parrot on
the island. If you turn (Left) from your ship, you can save your
game. If you turn (Right) from your ship, you will see a hill near
the water. After you have climbed the hill, you will see some mini
kegs on top of the hill. After you have climbed the hill, slide
down the hill so it looks like you are sliding into the water.
After you have slid down the hill, you will slide to a Skeleton
chest. This chest has the third Fallen Star, +3,000 Doubloons
inside it.

Crystal Heart # 3
Sail to the only dock, and dock there. There is a save parrot on
the island to save your game. After you have docked on the island,
head straight up over two hills and turn (Left). After you have
turned left, you will see a turret. If you go behind the turret,
you will see a Crystal chest on a stone platform. This chest has
the third Crystal Heart inside it.

Head Hunter Mask # 4
Sail to the only dock, and dock there. There is a save parrot on
the island to save your game. After you have docked on the island,
head straight up until you see three teleporters. Take the
teleporter that in near the tree, this teleporter will take you to
the (South Eastern) island. After you have teleported, there is a
save parrot on the island to save your game. On this island, there
is a Regular chest somewhere near a gate. This chest has the
Fourth Head Hunter Mask inside it.

Gull Reef
Treasure Chests  = 14
Scrapbook Shells = 9

Captain Hawke's FMV
There is a FMV when you sail to the (Gull Reef) Island on the map.

Two of Captain Hawke's Ships
After the FMV, you will be in a battle with (2) of Captain Hawke's

Finding The Voodoo Isles Map
Sail South to a "smallest" Island, and dock there. After you have
docked there, there is a crystal chest on the island. This chest
has +1 Scrapbook Shell, +3,000 doubloons, +2,000 doubloons, and
+7,000 doubloons inside it. After you have killed all the enemies
on that island, a teleporter will open. The teleporter will take
you to a chest. This chest has the Voodoo Isles map inside it.

Vulcan's Belly
Treasure Chests  = 9
Scrapbook Shells = 12

Getting The Sword of the Loa
Sail to the only dock and dock there. After you have docked, turn
(Right) from your ship. You should see a turret with a red flag,
keep climbing the hill. After awhile of exploring, you should see
another turret with a red flag. After the (2) turrets, there is a
gate with four pirates in front of the gate. After you have killed
all four pirates, the gate door will open. After the gate door
opens, there is a teleporter inside the gate. The teleporter will
take you farther up the hill. After you have teleported, look for
another gate. This gate will have five pirates in front of it.
After you have killed all five pirates, the gate door will open.
After the gate door opens, there is a teleporter inside the gate.
After you have teleported, look for another gate. This gate will
have three pirates in front of it. After you have killed all three
pirates, the gate door will open. After the gate door opens, there
is a regular chest inside the gate. This chest has the
(Sword of the Loa), which is a sword upgrade inside it. After you
have gotten the sword; alot of skeletons with swords will appear.
After you have killed all them, a teleporter will open. The
teleporter will take you back to your ship.

Parrot's Cove
Treasure Chests  = 10
Scrapbook Shells = 1

Getting The King Neptune Figurehead
Sail to the only dock, and dock there. After you have docked
there, there is a save parrot to save your game. After you have
saved your game, look for a red flag turret near a gate. After
you have killed all the enemy pirates near the gate, the gate will
open. After you have went through the gate, head straight up.
After awhile of heading up, music will play letting you know you
are close to alot of spiked Idols. After awhile, there will be
(4) turrets with a red flags. If you blow up the turrets, nothing
will appear under any of them. After that, there will be a chest
near a teleporter. The chest has the King Neptune Figurehead
inside it. The teleporter will take you back to your ship.

Crescent Island
Treasure Chests  = 5
Scrapbook Shells = 4

Mermaid's Orchid # 3
Sail South to the only dock and dock there. On this island, there
is a save parrot to save your game. There is a teleporter on the
island. When you teleport, you will be attacked by Spiked Idols.
After you are attacked, head straight up and slide down the hill.
After you have slid down the hill, there is a crystal chest. This
chest has the third Mermaid's Orchid, +244 Doubloons, +3,000
Doubloons inside it. After you have gotten the third Orchid kill
all the enemy pirates, so a teleporter will open. The teleporter
will take you back to your ship.

Blue Shark Bay
Treasure Chests  = 7
Scrapbook Shells = 10

Head Hunter Mask # 5
Sail (North Western) to the only dock and dock there. After you
have docked there, there is a save parrot on the island to save
your game. After you have saved your game, you will see a gate.
After you have went through the gate, there is a chest inside the
gate. This chest has +15 Throwing Knives, +10 Mini Kegs, +1,500
Doubloons, +2,500 Doubloons, +1 Scrapbook Shell, +429 Doubloons,
but it not in that chest. After you have opened that chest, there
is another gate. After you have went through that gate, there is
a stone chest inside the gate. This chest has the fifth and final
Head Hunter Mask, +1,000 Doubloons, +1,500 Doubloons, +1 Scrapbook
Shell inside it.

Fjords of Frost
Treasure Chests        = 10
Scrapbook Shells       = 8
Valkyrie's Life Skulls = 10

Crystal Heart # 4
Sail to the (Center) Island, and dock there. After you have docked
there, there a save parrot on this Island. After you have saved
your game, travel straight head from the dock. After you have
traveled straight head from the dock, you will see a (Pink)
teleporter. After you have found this (Pink) teleporter, press the
(L2 Button) when on it. This teleporter will take you to a small
Island. After you have teleported to this small Island, there is a
Scrapbook Shell and another teleporter on that Island. After you
have collected the Scrapbook Shell; use the other teleporter to
teleport to the next small Island. After you have teleported to
the next small Island, use the same teleporter that you used to
come to this Island. You got to use the same telporter (6 Times)
to come to a small Island with an Ice Sculpture. After you have
found this Island with the Ice Sculpture, the fourth Crystal
Heart is in front of it. After you have collected the fourth
Crystal Heart, use the teleporter on the Island. The teleporter
will take you back to the Island where your ship is docked. You
will use (8) teleporters to get the Crystal Heart and (1)
teleporter to get you back to your ship.

Getting The Crystal Key
Sail to the (South Western) Island, and dock there. After you have
docked on the island, you will see a beached Viking boat. This
means you are on the right island. On this island, there is a save
parrot and a gate. After you have saved your game, then go through
the gate. After you have went through the gate, you will encounter
Valkyrie. After you have defeated Valkyrie, you will get the
Crystal Key. There is a Crystal chest inside the gate. This chest
has +5 Throwing Axes, +1,500 Doubloons, and 1,000 Doubloons inside
it. After you have defeated Valkyrie, a teleporter will open. The
teleporter will take you back to your ship.

Valkyrie's Cheerleader Dance
On this island, there is a save parrot and a gate. After you have
saved your game, then go through the gate. After you have went
through the gate, you will encounter Valkyrie. Valkyrie will do a
Cheerleader Dance when she kill you without taking any damage. If
she kills you with damage; she will just run away.

Glacial Gulf
Treasure Chests  = 9
Scrapbook Shells = 10

Fallen Star # 4
Sail to the (North Western) Island, and dock there. There is a
save parrot on the island to save your game. After you have saved
your game, keep heading that way. There is a Skeleton chest on
that island. This chest has the Fourth Fallen Star, +1,500
Doubloons, +5,000 Doubloons, +1,000 Doubloons inside it.

Losing Your Chartstones FMV
Sail to the (North Eastern) Island and dock there. There will be a
teleporter on that Island. The teleporter will take you to a High
hill. After you have teleported, slide down the hill to a chest
and teleporter. This chest has +5 Throwing Knifes, +5 Mini Kegs,
+1,200 Doubloons inside it. The teleporter will take you back to
your ship. When you are back on your ship, a FMV will play. During
this FMV, you will lose all of your Chartstones.

Defeating Duncan's Ship
After the FMV, you got to defeat Duncan's Ship. You got to sail
around (Glacial Gulf) to find Duncan's Ship. After you have found
Duncan's Ship, defeat his ship. After you have defeated his ship,
you will get all your Chartstones back. After you have defeated
his ship, a FMV will play.

Finding The Voodoo Isles Map
After you have defeated Duncan's Ship, a FMV will play. After the
FMV has played, you will get a map to the Winter Wolf Ridge.

Winter Wolf Ridge
Treasure Chests  = 6
Scrapbook Shells = 8

Getting The Jack Frost's Reward
Sail to the (South Western) island, and dock there. After you have
docked, climb the hill. After you have climbed the hill, look for
alot of Ice Peaks and an open teleporter. In the middle of the Ice
Peaks is Jack Frost. Jack Frost will ask you to bring him
something that is *WARM*. After you have talked to Jack Frost, go
through the teleporter. The teleporter will take you back to your
ship. After you are back on your ship, head to the nearest
smuggler. After you have found the nearest smuggler, buy the Fire
Crystal from the smuggler. After you have bought the Fire Crystal
from the smuggler, return to Jack Frost. After you have returned
to Jack Frost, he will give you a map to Jack's Reward.

Mermaid's Orchid # 4
Sail to the island that has (3) ? Marks docks. Sail to the Most
North ? Mark dock, which is on that island. After you have docked
there, There is a regular chest on the island. This regular chest
contains the fourth Mermaid's Orchid, +3 Storm Tikis, +2,000

Getting The FrostBane Sword
Sail to the island that has (3) ? Marks docks. Sail to the Most
South ? Mark dock, which is on that island. On this island, there
is a teleporter that will take you to the (South Eastern) Island.
On the (South Eastern) island, there is a gate. After you have
went through the gate, there is a regular chest inside the gate.
This regular chest contains the (Frostbane Sword), which is a
sword upgrade. After you have collected the sword, wolfs will
appear. After you have killed all the wolfs, a teleporter will

Getting The Spiked Boots
Sail to the island that has (3) ? Marks docks. Sail to the Most
South ? Mark dock, which is on that island. On this island, there
is a teleporter that will take you to the (South Eastern) Island.
On the (South Eastern) island, there is a gate. After you have
went through the gate, there is a regular chest inside the gate.
This regular chest contains the (Frostbane Sword), which is a
sword upgrade. After you have collected the sword, wolfs will
appear. After you have killed all the wolfs, a teleporter will
open. After you have teleported, you will see two Large rocks to
the Left. After you have found these two Large rocks, walk in
between them. After you have walked in between them, you will
slide to a chest. This chest is a regular chest, which  contains
+5,000 Doubloons, +1,500 Doubloons, +1,000 Doubloons. There are
three Scrapbook Shells and a teleporter on this Island. After you
have collected these three Scrapbook Shells, use the teleporter.
The teleporter will take you back to the place with the two Large
rocks. There is a regular chest, which  contains the
(Spiked Boots), +2,000 Doubloons. There is a teleporter on top
of a hill that will take you back to the island where your ship
is docked.

Frigid Plateau
Treasure Chests                = 3
Scrapbook Shells               = 8
Frozen Ice Beast's Life Skulls = 12

Mermaid's Orchid # 5
Sail to the (South Eastern) Island (The island that is under the
fort), and dock there. After you have docked there, there is a
Crystal Chest on that island. This chest has the Fifth and Final
Mermaid's Orchid, +3,500 Doubloons, +3 Spirit Bottles, Grog, +500
Doubloons inside it.

Battling The Frozen Ice Beast
When you have the Spiked Boots, sail to the (North Western)
island. After you have docked there, make your way to the slippery
hill. The spiked boots will let you climb the slippery hill. After
you have climbed the hill, there is a save parrot to save your
game. After you have saved your game, turn (Right) from the save
parrot. There is a gate on top of the hill. When you go through
the gate, you will see a Block of Ice with a Frozen Ice Beast
inside. After you have seen the Frozen Ice Beast, use a Fire Tiki
or something that has fire to melt the ice. After you have
defeated the Frozen Ice Beast, you will get the Volcanic Isles
Chartstone. After you have defeated him, a teleporter will open.
The teleporter will take you back to your ship.

Jack's Reward
Treasure Chests  = 7
Scrapbook Shells = 7

King Neptune's FMV
When you sail to the Jack's Reward Island on the map, There will
be a FMV where King Neptune wants you to collect (5) Fallen Stars.

Getting The Wolf Figurehead
Sail to the only dock, and dock there. There is a save parrot on
the island to save your game. After you have docked on the island,
head straight up. After heading up, you will see a Crystal chest.
This chest has +10 Throwing Axes, +10 Poison Darts, +10 Voodoo
Daggers, +10 Vampire Skulls, +10 Ice Tikis inside it. After this
chest, keep exploring the island. When you see two rows of idols,
some of the idols are enemies. After you have killed all the
enemies idols, slide down the hill. After you have slid down the
hill, there are some flying bugs and a teleporter. After you have
killed all the flying bugs, use the teleporter. The teleporter
will take you back to the place where you killed the idols, but
now there should be a teleporter that is open. Take that
teleporter, the teleporter will teleport you to more enemy idols.
After you have killed all the enemies idols, you will see three
giant Grey posts. (DON'T) go through these posts until you use a
Fire Tiki near them. If you don't use a Fire Tiki near these
posts, these posts will send you back to your ship. When you use
the Fire Tiki near them, you can go through them with out it
sending you back to your ship. After you have used the Fire Tiki,
go through the three giant Grey posts. After you have gone through
the three giant Grey posts, it will be awhile before a stone path
will appear. After the stone path appears, follow it until it
leads to a teleporter. There is a regular chest near the
teleporter. This chest has +2 Fire Tikis and +3 Vampire Skulls
inside it. After you have opened the chest, use the teleporter.
The teleporter will lead to a volcano. After you have teleported,
jump into the volcano. After you have jumped into the volcano,
the volcano will teleport you to a chest. This chest has the Wolf
Figurehead inside it. After you have found the Wolf Figurehead,
look for a teleporter. The teleporter will take you back to your

Neptune's Reach
Treasure Chests  = 0
Scrapbook Shells = 0

Fallen Stars Quest
After the King Neptune's FMV, he wants you to collect (5) Fallen
Stars. When you collect all (5) Fallen Stars, Sail back to
Neptune's Reach, King Neptune will give you Mara's Galleon Ship.

Molten Labyrinth
Treasure Chests  = 3
Scrapbook Shells = 8

Crystal Heart # 5
Sail to (North Eastern) dock and dock there. After you have docked
there, climb the hill and look for a stone path. The stone path
will lead you to the sixth Crystal Heart. The sixth Crystal Heart
is on a stone platform near a spiked throne.

Hade's Pyre
Treasure Chests  = 11
Scrapbook Shells = 8

Finding The Isle of Living Fire Map
Sail to the (North Eastern) Island, and dock there. After you have
docked there, follow the stone path to a gate. After you have went
through the gate, continue following the stone path to a chest.
This chest contains the Isle of Living Fire Map, +10 Hurling
Hammers, and +1,500 Doubloons. After you have gotten the map, the
gate will close. You won't be able to leave until you have killed
all the fire frogs.

Fallen Star # 5
Sail to the (North Western) Island, and dock there. After you have
docked there, follow the stone path on the island to a teleporter.
The teleporter will take you to the center of the (South Western)
Island. After you have teleported, turn (Right) until you see an
Anvil and Hammer. After you have went to Anvil and Hammer, turn
(Left) from the Anvil. After you have turned (Left), you should
see a skeleton chest. This skeleton chest contains the fifth and
final Fallen Star for King Neptune.

Finding The Forgotten Forge Entrance
Sail to the (North Eastern) Island, and dock there. After you have
docked there, there is a teleporter with (Pink) dots. This means
that it is open and will give you entrance to the Forgotten Forge
by pressing the (L2 Button) when you are on it. There is also a
Scrapbook Shell behind the teleporter.

Forgotten Forge
Treasure Chests  = 6
Scrapbook Shells = 7

Getting The Serpent Figurehead
There are (6) Treasure Chest in Forgotten Forge. The first chest
is on the right hand side. This chest contains +5 Fire Flasks, +3
Earth Tikis, and +1 Scrapbook Shell. There is an Anvil near the
bottom of the Forgotten Forge with five chests around it.

The first chest (from the Left) contains +10 Throwing Axes.

The second chest (from the Left) contains +10 Hurling Hammers.

The third chest (from the Left) contains the Serpent Figurehead.

The fourth chest (from the Left) contains +10 Voodoo Daggers.

The fifth chest (from the Left) contains +25 Throwing Knives.

There is a teleporter, which will take you back to Hade's Pyre.

Yellow Dog Anchorage
Treasure Chests  = 0
Scrapbook Shells = 0

Battling The Yellow Sail Pirate Ships
After you explore The Molten Labyrinth, sail to Hade's Pyre. When
you are done exploring The Hade's Pyre, sail back to The Molten
Labyrinth then you will see the (3) Yellow Sail Pirate Ships.
After you have defeated these ships, then return to the Ghost
Captain in Forlorn Straights. After you have returned to Ghost
Captain, he will give you the Skeleton Key.

Isle of Living Fire
Treasure Chests            = 2
Scrapbook Shells           = 8
Lava Monster's Life Skulls = 10

Battling The Lava Monster
There is a Square-Shaped Island in the middle of the Horse-Shoe
Shaped Island. Sail to the Square-Shaped Island, and dock there.
After you have docked there, there is a gate on top of the hill.
After you have went through the gate, you will encounter the Lava
Monster. You got to knock the Lava Monster back into the lava to
defeat him. To do that, you got to have lots and lots of Mini Kegs
and Mega Kegs. Use the Mini Kegs and Mega Kegs to knock him over
(3) or (4) edges until he is back in the lava. After you have
defeated him, you will get the Skull Cove Chart Stone. After you
have defeated him, a teleporter will open. The teleporter will
take you back to your ship. After you are back on your ship, a FMV

Duncan's Story
Treasure Chests  = 0
Scrapbook Shells = 0

Duncan's Story FMV
After you collect all (5) Chartstones, you will unlock the Skull
Cove on the map. When you try to go to Skull Cove, a FMV play.
The FMV tells you the story of Duncan The Blade. After the FMV
plays, sail to open seas and press L2 Button and go to Skull Cove.
When you get to Skull Cove, You (CAN'T) Leave. You better have all
the weapons you can get (Land Mode and Ship Mode Weapons), You
Will Need Them!!!

Skull Cove
Treasure Chests                       = 7
Scrapbook Shells                      = 7
Captain Hawke's Life Skulls (On Land) = 10
Captain Hawke's Life Skulls (At Sea)  = 20

Captain Hawke's FMV
When you try to go to the only dock, a FMV plays. After the FMV,
you will be in a battle with Captain Hawke's ship.

Crystal Heart # 6
After you have defeated Captain Hawke's ship, dock at the only
dock. There is a save parrot on the island to save your game.
After you have saved your game, follow the stone path on the
island. The stone path on the island will go into two different
directions (Left or Right). After the stone path goes into two
different directions, take the (Left) path of stones. The stone
path will lead you to a stone platform. The seventh Crystal
Heart is on the stone platform. There is also 1 Scrapbook Shell
behind the stone platform. There is 1 Scrapbook Shell near two
palm trees near the save parrot.

The Ring of Seven Chests
After you have defeated Captain Hawke's ship, dock at the only
dock. There is a save parrot on the island to save your game.
After you have saved your game, follow the stone path on the
island. The stone path on the island will go into two different
directions (Left or Right). After the stone path goes into two
different directions, take the (Right) path of stones. The stone
path will lead you to a Ring of Seven Chests. There is also
5 Scrapbook Shells around these chests.

The first chest (from the Left) contains +1 Earth Tiki, +1 Fire
Tiki, +1 Ice Tiki, +1 Storm Tiki.

The second chest (from the Left) contains +10 Lumber, +10 Sail

The third chest (from the Left) contains +5 Mini Kegs, +5 Throwing

The fourth chest (from the Left) contains +10 Throwing Knives, +3
Poison Darts.

The fifth chest (from the Left) contains +3 Voodoo Daggers, +3
Vampire Skulls.

The sixth chest (from the Left) contains +3 Throwing Axes, +3 Fire

The seventh chest (from the Left) contains +3 Hurling Hammers, +3
Mega Kegs.

Getting The Serpent's Tooth Sword
After you have defeated Captain Hawke's ship, dock at the only
dock. There is a save parrot on the island to save your game.
After you have saved your game, follow the stone path on the
island. The stone path on the island will go into two different
directions (Left or Right). After the stone path goes into two
different directions, take the (Left) path of stones. The stone
path will lead you to a Skull Cave. When you get to close to
the Skull Cave, a FMV plays. During this FMV, you will get The
Serpent's Tooth Sword.

Battling Captain Hawke (On Land)
When you get to close to the Skull Cave, a FMV plays. After the
FMV plays, you will be in a battle with Captain Hawke.

Another Captain Hawke FMV
After you have defeated Captain Hawke (on Land), another FMV

Battling Captain Hawke (At Sea)
After you have defeated Captain Hawke(on Land), a FMV plays. After
the FMV plays, you will be in a battle with Captain Hawke(At Sea).

Ending FMV
After you have defeated Captain Hawke (At Sea), the Ending FMV
will play.

                  Section 3: Easy Reference Guide

The Chartstones

The Chartstones is a mystic object that allows safe passage from
one world to another. The Chartstones will have an image on it
that will show you what Isle it is for. The Chartstones was
specially made for Mara Rousseau and seems to be apart of a
larger Chartstone. After you have collected all (5) Chartstones,
the (5) Chartstones will make a map to Mara's Treasure Trove.


The Chartstones

Haunted Isle Chartstone
What Island: BlackBeard's Lair
Location: Scoundrel's Pit
Information: After you have liberated the Ape Island town fort,
             and dock there. After docking there, there will be a
             FMV. During this FMV, you will get the map to
             Scoundrel's Pit. On the Scoundrel's Pit island, you
             got to find BlackBeard's Lair. To find BlackBeard's
             Lair, you got to follow the stone path on the hill.
             The stone path will lead you to a gate. After you
             have went through the gate, music will start to play.
             After the music starts to play, kill all the enemies.
             After you have killed all the enemies, a teleporter
             will open. After you have teleported, you will be in
             BlackBeard's Lair. After you have defeated
             BlackBeard, you will get the Haunted Isle Chartstone.
Islands Unlocked: Bay of Tears, Forlorn Straits, and Buccaneer's
                  Haunt. You got to find a map to go to the final
                  Haunted Isle: Hero's Rest.

Voodoo Isle Chartstone
What Island: Ghost Ship Battle
Location: Hero's Rest
Information: After the Mara's Grave FMV, sail to open seas and
             press L2 Button. After going to open seas, sail to
             any of the other haunted Isle islands. After sailing
             to another haunted Isle island, you will see the
             Ghost Ship. The Ghost Ship will fade in and out of
             physical existence. You got to shoot the Ghost Ship
             when it fades in to defeat the Ghost Ship. After you
             have defeated the Ghost ship, you will get the Voodoo
             Isles Chartstone.
Island Unlocked: Dark Isle

Winter Isle Chartstone
What Island: Dark Isle
Location: Sail to the only dock, and dock there.
Information: After you are curse by the Voodoo Master, you got to
             complete the Headhunter's Masks quest to defeat him.
             You won't be able to defeat him until you complete
             that quest. When You have collected all the (5) Head
             Hunter Masks, go to Raven's View island. After you
             are on the Raven's View island, take the (5) Head
             Hunter Masks to the Witch Doctor. The Witch Doctor
             will give you a voodoo doll that destroys the curse.
             After you have the voodoo doll, return to the Dark
             Isle. After you are back on the Dark Isle, return to
             the Voodoo Master. When you return to the Voodoo
             Master with the voodoo doll, you can defeat him.
             After you have defeated him, you will get the Winter
             Isles Chartstone.
Islands Unlocked: Fjords of Frost, Glacial Gulf, and Frigid
                  Plateau. There will be a FMV on the Glacial Gulf
                  island that will give you the last Winter Isle:
                  Winter Wolf Ridge.

Volcanic Isles Chartstone
What Island: Frigid Plateau
Location: North Western Island
Information: You got to have the Spiked Boots. After you have
             gotten the Spiked Boots, dock at the North Western
             Island. After you have docked there, make your way to
             the slippery hill. The spiked boots will let you
             climb the slippery hill. After you have climbed the
             hill, There is a gate on top of the hill. When you go
             through the gate, you will see a Block of Ice with a
             Frozen Ice Beast inside. After you have seen the
             Frozen Ice Beast, use a Fire Tiki or something that
             has fire to melt the ice. After you have defeated
             the Frozen Ice Beast, you will get the Volcanic Isles
Islands Unlocked: Molten Labyrinth, Hade's Pyre. You got to find
                  a map to go to the final Volcanic Isle:
                  Isle of Living Fire.

Skull Cove Chartstone
What Island: Isle of Living Fire
Location: Sail to the Square-Shaped Island, and dock there.
Information: After you have docked there, there is a gate on top
             of the hill. After you have went through the gate,
             you will encounter the Lava Monster. You got to knock
             the Lava Monster back into the lava to defeat him. To
             do that, you got to have lots and lots of Mini Kegs
             and Mega Kegs. Use the Mini Kegs and Mega Kegs to
             knock him over (3) or (4) edges until he is back in
             the lava. After you have defeated him, you will get
             the Skull Cove Chartstone.
Island Unlocked: Skull Cove (This is the Final of the Five Isles.)

The Crystal Hearts

In this game, Katarina de Leon can get six crystal hearts. This
heart-shaped container increases Katarina de Leon's maximum
health. Each crystal heart increase the amount of damage that
Katarina de Leon can take on land. The three ? marks on the
fourth Crystal Hearts means that we are still looking for it.


The Crystal Hearts

Crystal Heart # 1
What Island: Ape Island
Location: Sail to the Large Island "the main island", dock there.
Information: After you have docked there, follow the stone path on
             the island. The stone path will lead you to a turret.
             When you see the turret, the stone path will go into
             two different directions (Left or Right). When the
             stone path goes into two different directions, stop
             following the stone path. After you see the turret,
             go past it. After you have went past the turret, you
             will see a gate. After you have went through the
             gate, there is a chest near the hill. This chest is
             on the (Left) side of the hill. This chest has the
             first Crystal Heart inside it.

Crystal Heart # 2
What Island: Hero's Rest
Location: Sail to the South island "Largest" Island
Information: After you have docked there, follow the stone path on
             the island. The stone path on the island will lead
             you to a stone platform. After you have found the
             stone platform, you will see the second Crystal Heart
             on it.

Crystal Heart # 3
What Island: Raven's View
Location: Sail to the only dock, and dock there.
Information: After you have docked on the island, head straight up
             over two hills and turn (Left). After you have turned
             left, you will see a turret. If you go behind the
             turret, you will see a Crystal chest on a stone
             platform. This chest has the third Crystal Heart
             inside it.

Crystal Heart # 4
What Island: Fjords of Frost
Location: Sail to the (Center) Island, and dock there.
Information: After you have docked there, travel straight head
             from the dock. After you have traveled straight head
             from the dock, you will see a (Pink) teleporter.
             After you have found this (Pink) teleporter, press
             the (L2 Button) when on it. This teleporter will take
             you to a small Island. After you have teleported to
             this small Island, there is a Scrapbook Shell and
             another teleporter on that Island. After you have
             collected the Scrapbook Shell, use the other
             teleporter to teleport to the next small Island.
             After you have teleported to the next small Island,
             use the same teleporter that you used to come to this
             Island. You got to use the same telporter (6 Times)
             to come to a small Island with an Ice Sculpture.
             After you have found this Island with the Ice
             Sculpture, the fourth Crystal Heart is in front of
             it. After you have collected the fourth Crystal
             Heart, use the teleporter on the Island. The
             teleporter will take you back to the Island where
             your ship is docked. You will use (8) teleporters to
             get the Crystal Heart and (1) teleporter to get you
             back to your ship.

Crystal Heart # 5
What Island: Molten Labyrinth
Location: Sail to North Eastern dock and dock there.
Information: After you have docked there, climb the hill and look
             for a stone path. The stone path will lead you to the
             sixth Crystal Heart. The sixth Crystal Heart is on
             a stone platform near a spiked throne.

Crystal Heart # 6
What Island: Skull Cove
Location: Sail to the only dock, and dock there.
Information: After you have docked there, follow the stone path
             on the island. The stone path on the island will go
             into two different directions (Left or Right). After
             the stone path goes into two different directions,
             take the (Left) path of stones. The stone path will
             lead you to a stone platform. The seventh Crystal
             Heart is on the stone platform.

The Figureheads

In this game, Katarina de Leon can get six different Figureheads.

The Figureheads can be attached to your ship at any time by
pressing the (Triangle Button). After you have attached the
Figurehead to your ship, you got to build up your orb at the
bottom left of your screen. After you have gotten it filled up,
pressing the (Square Button) to fire the special power that
Figurehead has. Each Figureheads has a different colored orb at
the bottom left of your screen that got to be filled up.


The Figureheads

Dolphin Figurehead
What Island: Buccaneer Bay
Location: Buccaneer Bay Island
Special Power: This Figurehead fires all the ship cannons at once.
Information: When you start a new game, you start with it.

Lion Figurehead
What Island: Scoundrel's Pit
Location: Sail to the Only Dock and dock there
Special Power: Wind (This power fires from the front of the ship.)
Information: After you have docked there, turn (Right) from your
             ship. After you have turned (Right) from your ship,
             follow the sand all the way around the base of the
             island. After awhile of searching, you should start
             to see a path of stones. The stone path should lead
             you to a turret. After you have seen the turret,
             blow up the turret. After blowing it up, a chest will
             appear. This chest has the Lion Figurehead inside it.

Ram Figurehead
What Island: Ram's Rest
Location: Forlorn Straits
Special Power: This Figurehead increases the damage your ship does
               when ramming an enemy ship, while minimizing the
               damage you take. The Ram Figurehead does not need
               to recharge.
Information: After you have liberated the Forlorn Straits town
             fort and a gate will open on the (North Eastern)
             island. Which leads to Ram's Rest, it is close to the
             Forlorn Straits town fort. On Ram's Rest, there is a
             gate with a closed gate door. To open the door of the
             gate, kill all enemies around the gate. After you
             have went through the gate, there is a teleporter
             inside the gate. The teleporter will take you to the
             small island in Ram's Rest. On the small island in
             Ram's Rest, there is a teleporter on the island. The
             teleporter will take you to a chest. This chest has
             the Ram Figurehead, +1,000 Doubloons inside it.

King Neptune Figurehead
What Island: Parrot's Cove
Location: Sail to the Only Dock and dock there
Special Power: Lightning
Information: After you have docked there, look for a red flag
             turret near a gate. After you have killed all the
             enemy pirates near the gate, the gate will open.
             After you have went through the gate, head straight
             up. After awhile of heading up, music will play
             letting you know you are close to alot of Spiked
             Idols. After awhile, there will be (4) turrets with a
             red flags. After you have went pass the four turrets,
             there will be a chest near a teleporter. This chest
             has the King Neptune Figurehead inside it.

Wolf Figurehead
What Island: Jack's Reward
Location: Sail to the Only Dock and dock there
Special Power: Ice
Information: After you have docked on the island, there are two
             rows of Idols on the island. After you have killed
             all the enemies idols, slide down the hill. After
             you have slid down the hill, there are some flying
             bugs and a teleporter. After you have killed all the
             flying bugs, use the teleporter. The teleporter will
             take you back to the place where you killed the
             idols, but now there should be a teleporter that is
             open. Take that teleporter, the teleporter will
             teleport you to more enemy idols. After you have
             killed all the enemies idols, you will see three
             giant Grey posts. (DON'T) go through these posts
             until you use a Fire Tiki near them. After you have
             used the Fire Tiki; go through the three giant Grey
             posts. After you have gone through the three giant
             Grey posts, it will be awhile before a stone path
             will appear. After the stone path appears, follow it
             until it leads to a teleporter. The teleporter will
             lead to a volcano. After you have teleported, jump
             into the volcano. After you have jumped into the
             volcano, the volcano will teleport you to a chest.
             This chest has the Wolf Figurehead inside it.

Serpent Figurehead
What Island: Forgotten Forge
Location: Hade's Pyre
Special Power: Fire
Information: There is a teleporter on the Hade's Pyre island that
             will take you to Forgotten Forge. There is an Anvil
             near the bottom of the Forgotten Forge with five
             chests around it. The third chest (From the Left) has
             the Serpents Figurehead inside it. This chest is near
             the teleporter at the bottom of the Forgotten Forge.

The Keys

In this game, Katarina de Leon can get four different keys. Each
key corresponds with a chest for example:
(The Crystal Key corresponds with the Crystal Chest.)

This means that the chest can only be open by a corresponding key.


The Keys

Iron Key
What Island: The Lonely Tombs
Location: Buccaneer Bay
Information: There is a teleporter on the Buccaneer Bay island
             that will take you to The Lonely Tombs. After you
             have teleported into The Lonely Tombs, head straight
             on this Island. After you have headed straight, you
             will see a regular chest in between two graves. This
             regular chest contains the (Iron Key), +1 Fire Tiki,
             +1,000 Doubloons.

Stone Key
What Island: Bay of Tears
Location: North Eastern island, "the largest island"
Information: There is a gate on this island. After you have went
             through the gate, you will encounter a Giant Crab.
             After you have defeated the Giant Crab, you will get
             the Stone Key.

Crystal Key
What Island: Fjords of Frost
Location: South Western Island
Information: There is a gate on this island. After you have went
             through the gate, you will encounter Valkyrie.
             After you have defeated Valkyrie, you will get
             the Crystal Key.

Skeleton Key
What Island: Forlorn Straits
Location: South Eastern Island
Information: You got to find and talk to the Ghost Captain in
             Forlorn Straits first. After you have talked to him,
             he will want you to find and defeat the yellow sail
             pirate sails. To find the yellow sail pirate sails,
             you need the Volcanic Isles Chart Stone. After you
             have gotten this Chart Stone, explore The Molten
             Labyrinth. After you have explored the Molten
             Labyrinth, sail to Hade's Pyre. When you are done
             exploring The Hade's Pyre, sail back to The Molten
             Labyrinth then you will see the (3) Yellow Sail
             Pirate Ships. After you have defeated these ships,
             then return to the Ghost Captain in Forlorn
             Straights. He will give you the Skeleton Key.

The Maps

In this game, Katarina de Leon can get Maps. Maps that lead to
new places on the World Map to explore.


The Maps

The Ape Island Map
What Island: Buccaneer Bay
Location: Sail to the South Western island and dock there.
Information: After you have docked there, follow the path of
             stones on the island. There is a chest that has +10
             throwing knives and +10,000 Doubloons inside it, but
             it not in that chest. There are about three pirates
             kill them then you will see a gate, There is a buried
             treasure chest that has the Ape Island Map inside
             it. The buried treasure chest is near a gate near a
             palm tree.

The Scoundrel's Pit Map
What Island: Ape Island
Location: Sail to the Ape Island town Fort on the Main Island.
Information: After sailing to Ape Island on the map, liberate the
             Ape Island town fort. After you have Liberated the
             Ape Island town fort, then dock there. After you have
             docked there, there will be a FMV. During this FMV,
             you will get the Scoundrel's Pit map.

The Hero's Rest Map
What Island: Buccaneer's Haunt
Location: Sail to the South Eastern island, and dock there.
Information: After you have docked there, follow the stone path
             on the island. The stone path will lead you to a
             grave with a chest in front of it. After you have
             found the chest, open the chest. After you have
             opened the chest, a FMV will play. During this FMV,
             you will get the Hero's Rest Map.

The Isla de la Garra Map
What Island: Dark Isle
Location: Sail to the only dock, and dock there.
Information: After you have docked there, there is a save parrot
             to save your game. After you have saved your game,
             there is a regular chest on the island. This chest
             has the Isle de La Garra map, +1,000 Doubloons, +1
             Scrapbook Shell inside it.

The Raven's View Map
What Island: Dark Isle
Location: Sail to the only dock, and dock there.
Information: After you have found the Voodoo Master. He will curse
             you, and you will not be able to defeat him. After
             you have been cursed, your controller will be
             backwards. If you turn your controller (Upside Down),
             now you should be able to leave with out confusion.
             After you are curse; leave by going back through
             gate. After you have left the Voodoo Master, your
             controller will be normal. After you have left the
             Voodoo Master, head back to your ship. After you are
             back on your ship, you will unlock the Raven's View
             voodoo isle on the Map.

The Gull Reef Map
What Island: Raven's View
Location: Sail to the only dock, and dock there.
Information: After you have docked on this island, there are three
             teleporters. Take the teleporter that has the Spears
             around it, this teleporter will take you to the Witch
             Doctor Island. After you have teleported, there is a
             save parrot to save your game. After you have saved
             your game, head straight up from the save parrot.
             After you have headed straight up from the save
             parrot, three teleporters will appear. Take the Most
             (Right) teleporter, this teleporter should take you
             to the Witch Doctor (FAST). After you have
             teleported, you should see The Witch Doctor now.
             After you have seen the Witch Doctor, talk to him. He
             will request that you bring him (5) Head Hunter
             Masks. Go back through the teleporter, it will take
             you to a chest. This chest has a map inside that
             leads to three other islands. After you have gotten
             the map, (DON'T) use the teleporter. You have to
             slide down the hill to leave with out confusion.

The Voodoo Isles Map
What Island: Gull Reef
Location: Sail South to a "smallest" Island, and dock there.
Information: After you have docked there, there is a crystal chest
             on the island. This chest has +1 Scrapbook Shell,
             +3,000 doubloons, +2,000 doubloons, +7,000 doubloons
             inside it, but it not in that chest. After you have
             killed all the enemies on that island, a teleporter
             will open. The teleporter will take you to a chest.
             This chest has the Voodoo Isles map inside it.

The Winter Wolf Ridge Map
What Island: Glacial Gulf
Location: Sail to the North Eastern Island and dock there.
Information: There will be a teleporter on that Island. The
             teleporter will take you to a High hill. After you
             have teleported, slide down the hill to a chest and
             teleporter. This chest has +5 Throwing Knifes, +5
             Mini Kegs, +1,200 Doubloons inside it. The teleporter
             will take you back to your ship. When you are back
             on your ship, a FMV will play. During this FMV, you
             will lose all of your chartstones. After you have
             lost chartstones, You have to defeat Duncan's Ship.
             You have to sail around (Glacial Gulf) to find
             Duncan's Ship. After you have found Duncan's Ship,
             defeat his ship. After you have defeated his ship,
             you will get all your chartstones back. After you
             have defeated his ship, a FMV plays. After the
             FMV plays; you will get a map to the Winter Wolf

The Jack's Reward Map
What Island: Winter Wolf Ridge
Location: Sail to the South Western island, and dock there.
Information: After you have docked, climb the hill. After you
             have climbed the hill, look for alot of Ice Peaks and
             an open teleporter. In the middle of the Ice Peaks is
             Jack Frost. Jack Frost will ask you to bring him
             something that is *WARM*. After you have talked to
             Jack Frost, go through the teleporter. The teleporter
             will take you back to your ship. After you are back
             on your ship, head to the nearest smuggler. After
             you have found the nearest smuggler, buy the Fire
             Crystal from the smuggler. After you have bought the
             Fire Crystal from the smuggler, return to Jack Frost.
             After you have returned to Jack Frost, he will give
             you a map to Jack's Reward.

The Isle of Living Fire Map
What Island: Hade's Pyre
Location: Sail to the North Eastern Island, and dock there.
Information: After you have docked there, follow the stone path
             to a gate. After you have went through the gate,
             continue following the stone path to a chest. This
             chest contains the Isle of Living Fire Map, +10
             Hurling Hammers, and +1,500 Doubloons.

The Price List

In this game, Katarina de Leon can get items to use on the enemies
in the game. The items in the list are listed in alphabetical
order, to make it easy to look up. Some of the items you can't get
until later in the game.

When the "Where To Get More" says it from The Smuggler, it is an
item for the Land Mode.

When the "Where To Get More" says it from The Fort, it is an item
for the Ship Mode.


The Price List

Black Powder Mines
Price: 400 Doubloons
Where To Get More: The Fort
Information: Large devices filled with black powder. The mines are
             launched from the aft (the back part) of the ship,
             and explode when anything gets too close to them.

Brigantine Ship Upgrade
Price: 110,000 Doubloons
Where To Get More: The Fort, but you can (only) get one
Information: Upgrade your current ship to the Brigantine (all
             current cannons and cargo are transferred to the new
             vessel). A medium sized two-mast ship with good
             speed. 6 cannons per side. Hull Health: 8

Price: 3,000 Doubloons
Where To Get More: The Fort
Information: The tried and true weapon of seafarers everywhere.
             Each ship can hold a set number.

Carrack Ship Upgrade
Price: 200,000 Doubloons
Where To Get More: The Fort, but you can (only) get one
Information: Upgrade your current ship to the Carrack (all
             current cannons and cargo are transferred to the new
             vessel). A large four-mast ship with improved speed
             and cargo space. 11 cannons per side, 2 at the bow.
             Hull Health: 9

Chain Shot
Price: 150 Doubloons
Where To Get More: The Fort
Information: A length of spiked chain welded to a cannonball.
             Used to shred the sails of your enemies. Heavy
             damage to sails, minimal damage to hull.

Fire Crystal
Price: 10,000 Doubloons
Where To Get More: The Smuggler, but you can (only) get one
Information: A mysterious crystal of unknown origin. It seems to
             radiate great heat.

Fire Flasks
Price: 500 Doubloons
Where To Get More: The Smuggler
Information: A flask of fiery materials that busts into flames
             upon hitting the ground. Will burn for several
             seconds, damaging anyone in the flames. Short

Fire Pots
Price: 500 Doubloons
Where To Get More: The Fort
Information: Ceramic pots filled with a highly flammable and
             sticky substance. Causes fire to ignite on deck and
             in sails. Medium damage to sail and hull.

Full Ship Repairs
Price: Varies
Where To Get More: The Fort, but (Only) when your ship has damage.
Information: By using the town dry dock, you can completely
             repair your hull and sails no matter how damaged.
             The current damage of your ship sets the price.

Hurling Hammers
Price: 300 Doubloons
Where To Get More: The Smuggler
Information: A heavy, enchanted hammer balanced for throwing that
             will knock your enemy backwards. Heavy damage,
             Medium range.

Price: 500 Doubloons
Where To Get More: The Fort
Information: Material used by the crew to repair your ship's

Mega Kegs
Price: 600 Doubloons
Where To Get More: The Smuggler
Information: An upgrade of the Mini Keg, it bursts apart after
             the initial explosion causing four more minor
             explosions. Massive damage, Short range.

Mini Kegs
Price: 150 Doubloons
Where To Get More: The Smuggler
Information: Small kegs of black power with a fuse. Heavy damage
             in an area, short range. Used against enemies of all
             kinds including turrets. Can be thrown singly or in

Poison Darts
Price: 500 Doubloons
Where To Get More: The Smuggler
Information: Small darts dipped in poisons brewed deep in the
             Voodoo Isles. Does continuous damage to your foe
             over time. Medium range.

Privateer Ship Upgrade
Price: 55,000 Doubloons
Where To Get More: The Fort, but you can (only) get one
Information: Upgrade your current ship to the Privateer (all
             current cannons and cargo are transferred to the new
             vessel). A medium sized three-mast ship with good
             cargo capacity. 4 cannons per side, 1 Aft.
             Hull Health: 6

Sail Cloth
Price: 250 Doubloons
Where To Get More: The Fort
Information: Material used by the crew to repair your ship's

Sloop Ship Upgrade
Price: 25,000 Doubloons
Where To Get More: The Fort, but you can (only) get one
Information: Upgrade your current ship to a Sloop (all cargo is
             transferred over). A small, single-mast ship with
             good maneuverability. 2 cannons per side. Hull
             Health: 4

Spirit Bottles
Price: 250 Doubloons
Where To Get More: The Smuggler
Information: Trapped spirits of the restless dead are released
             when these flasks are opened. Instills fear into the
             hearts of your enemies.

Stink Bombs
Price: 250 Doubloons
Where To Get More: The Fort
Information: Causes the crew of the enemy ship to choke and gag.
             Making cannon aiming impossible for a short

Throwing Axes
Price: 200 Doubloons
Where To Get More: The Smuggler
Information: A lightweight axe balance for throwing. Medium
             damage, Medium range.

Throwing Knives
Price: 100 Doubloons
Where To Get More: The Smuggler
Information: Well-balanced knives made for throwing. Light
             damage, Medium range. One to Three can be thrown at
             a time.

Vampire Skulls
Price: 800 Doubloons
Where To Get More: The Smuggler
Information: A skull containing the undead spirit of a vampire.
             Upon impact, It drains the life from your enemies
             and offers it to you. Light damage, Short range.

Voodoo Daggers
Price: 600 Doubloons
Where To Get More: The Smuggler
Information: Multi-bladed daggers enchanted by the power of the
             Witch Doctor to bounce from foe to foe until its
             magic runs out. Light damage, Medium Range.

The Ship Upgrades

In this game, Katarina de Leon can get ship upgrades. There are
five ship upgrades in the game. After you have bought the ship
upgrade, you have to buy more cannons for the ship. Each ship can
hold different amounts of cannons. The list below has the amount
that ship can hold at one time. Each Hull Health orb increases the
amount of damage that Katarina de Leon's ship can take at sea.


The Ship Upgrades

Sloop Ship Upgrade
Price: 25,000 Doubloons
Hull Health: 4
Cannons: 4
Information: Liberated the Buccaneer Bay town fort, and then dock

Privateer Ship Upgrade
Price: 55,000 Doubloons
Hull Health: 6
Cannons: 9
Information: Liberated the Bay of Tears town fort, and then dock
             there. You have to liberate these town forts:
             Buccaneer Bay, Ape Island, and Scoundrel's Pit, so
             it will be there.

Brigantine Ship Upgrade
Price: 110,000 Doubloons
Hull Health: 8
Cannons: 12
Information: Liberated the Parrot's Cove town fort, and then dock
             there. You have to liberate these town forts:
             Buccaneer Bay, Ape Island, Scoundrel's Pit,
             Bay of Tears, Forlorn Straits, Buccaneer's Haunt,
             and Hero's Rest, so it will be there.

Carrack Ship Upgrade
Price: 200,000 Doubloons
Hull Health: 9
Cannons: 24
Information: Liberated the Frigid Plateau town fort, and then
             dock there. You have to liberate  these town forts:
             Buccaneer Bay, Ape Island, Scoundrel's Pit,
             Bay of Tears, Forlorn Straits, Buccaneer's Haunt,
             Hero's Rest, Parrot's Cove, Blue Shark Bay, Crescent
             Island, and Vulcan's Belly, so it will be there.

Galleon Ship Upgrade
Price: You (CAN'T) buy this ship upgrade.
Hull Health: 12
Cannons: 32
Information: Complete The King Neptune's Fallen Stars Quest and
             return to Neptune's Reach.

The Sword Upgrades

In this game, Katarina de Leon can get Sword upgrades. There are
four Sword upgrades, but there are five swords in the game.


The Sword Upgrades

Original Sword
What Island: Buccaneer Bay
Location: Buccaneer Bay Island
Information: When you start a new game, this is the sword that
             Katarina de Leon starts with.

BoneShank Sword
What Island: Hero's Rest
Location: North Western island
Information: There is a gate on this island. After you have went
             through the gate, you will encounter the Skeleton
             Pirate. After you have defeated the Skeleton Pirate,
             a gate door will open. After you have went through
             the gate, follow the stone path inside the gate.
             After you have followed the stone path, a FMV will
             play. After the FMV has played, you will be at a
             chest. This chest has the Boneshank Sword inside it.

Sword of the Loa
What Island: Vulcan's Belly
Location: Sail to the Only Dock and dock there
Information: There are three gates on this island. The first gate
             has a teleporter inside the gate that will take you
             farther up the hill. The second gate has a teleporter
             inside the gate that will take you farther up the
             hill. The third gate has a regular chest inside the
             gate. This chest has the Sword of the Loa inside it.

FrostBane Sword
What Island: Winter Wolf Ridge
Location: Sail to the island that has (3) ? Marks docks. Sail to
          the Most South ? Mark dock, which is on that island.
Information: On this island, there is a teleporter that will take
             you to the (South Eastern) Island. On the
             (South Eastern) island, there is a gate. After you
             have went through the gate, there is a regular chest
             inside the gate. This regular chest contains the
             (Frostbane Sword), which is a sword upgrade.

Serpent's tooth Sword
What Island: Skull Cove
Location: Sail to the Only Dock and dock there
Information: When you are on the Skull Cove island, Take the
             (Left) stone path on the island, it will lead you to
             a Skull Cave. When you get to close to the Skull
             Cave, a FMV will play. During this FMV, you will get
             The Serpent's Tooth Sword.

The Quests

In this game, Katarina de Leon will meet some people that will
give her quests. Katarina de Leon will need to complete these
quests to go farther in the game. When you have completed the
quest, return to the person who gave you that quest. After you
have returned to that person, you will get a reward for doing
this for them.

The five Fallen Stars are for King Neptune. After you have
collected all five Fallen Stars, sail to back to Neptune's Reach.
After you have given the five Fallen Stars to King Neptune, he
will give you the Last Ship Upgrade.

The five Headhunter Masks are for Witch Doctor in Raven's View.
After you have collected all five Headhunter Masks, sail to
Raven's View Island. After you have given the five Headhunter
Masks to the Witch Doctor. The Witch Doctor will give you a Voodoo
Doll. The Voodoo Doll will destroy the curse that the Voodoo
Master has put on you. The Voodoo Doll will let you defeat the
Voodoo Master in the Dark Isle.

The five Mermaid's Orchids are for the Mermaid in the Ape Island.
After you have collected all five Mermaid's Orchids, sail to North
Eastern island in the Ape Island. She will give you a Golden Harp.
This Golden Harp is a gift from the Mermaid, the song from this
Harp temporarily makes Katarina and The Wind Dancer immune to all
damage. It's power only lasts a few seconds, and must recharge
after each use.

The Spiked Boots will help Katarina de Leon walk on slippery
patches of ice in the Winter Isles.


The Fallen Stars

Fallen Star # 1
What Island: Forlorn Straits
Location: South Western island
Information: After you have docked there, follow the stone path on
             the island. The stone path will go into two different
             directions (Left or Right). When the stone path goes
             into two different directions, take the (Left) path
             of stones to a gate. After you have went through the
             gate; continue following the stone path to a skeleton
             chest. This chest has the first Fallen Star, +3 Fire
             Tikis, and +5,000 Doubloons inside it.

Fallen Star # 2
What Island: Isle de La Garra
Location: Sail to the only dock, and dock there.
Information: After you have docked there, follow the stone path on
             the island. The stone path will lead you to a gate.
             After you have went through the gate, continue
             following the stone path. The stone path will lead to
             two chests. The chest (on the Left) has the third
             Head Hunter Mask inside it. After you gotten the
             third Head Hunter Mask, a teleporter will open. After
             the teleporter is open, teleport to the high hill.
             After you have teleported, head straight up from
             where the teleporter has landed you. After you have
             headed straight up, you will see a chest in front of
             a rock that looks like a crab. This chest has the
             second Fallen Star for King Neptune inside it.

Fallen Star # 3
What Island: Raven's View
Location: Sail to the only dock, and dock there.
Information: After you have docked there, turn (Right) from your
             ship. After you have turned (Right), you will see a
             hill near the water. After you have climbed the hill,
             you will see some mini kegs on top of the hill. After
             you have climbed the hill, slide down the hill so it
             looks like you are sliding into the water. After you
             have slid down the hill, you will slide to a Skeleton
             chest. This chest has the third Fallen Star, +3,000
             Doubloons inside it.

Fallen Star # 4
What Island: Glacial Gulf
Location: North Western Island
Information: There is a save parrot on the island to save your
             game. After you have saved your game, keep heading
             that way. There is a Skeleton chest on that island.
             This chest has the Fourth Fallen Star, +1,500
             Doubloons, +5,000 Doubloons, +1,000 Doubloons inside

Fallen Star # 5
What Island: Hade's Pyre
Location: North Western Island
Information: After you have docked there, follow the stone path on
             the island to a teleporter. The teleporter will take
             you to the center of the (South Western) Island.
             After you have teleported, turn (Right) until you see
             an Anvil and Hammer. After you have went to Anvil and
             Hammer, turn (Left) from the Anvil. After you have
             turned (Left), you should see a skeleton chest. This
             skeleton chest contains the fifth and final Fallen
             Star for King Neptune.

The Headhunter Masks

Headhunter Mask # 1
What Island: Bay of Tears
Location: South Eastern Island
Information: After you have docked there, there is a Stone chest
             near a teleporter on the island. This chest has the
             first Head Hunter Mask for the Witch Doctor, +2 Earth
             Tikis, +1,000 Doubloons inside it.

Headhunter Mask # 2
What Island: Buccaneer's Haunt
Location: North Western Island
Information: After you have docked there, follow the stone path on
             the island. The stone path will lead you to a
             Smuggler and a teleporter that is open. After you
             have seen the Smuggler, go behind his shop. After you
             have gone behind his shop, look for a stone path. The
             stone path will lead you to a Stone chest. This chest
             has the second Head Hunter Mask for the Witch Doctor,
             +3 Earth Tikis, and +1,000 Doubloons inside it.

Headhunter Mask # 3
What Island: Isle de La Garra
Location: Sail to the only dock, and dock there.
Information: After you have docked there, follow the stone path on
             the island. The stone path will lead you to a gate.
             After you have went through the gate, continue
             following the stone path. The stone path will lead to
             two chests. The chest (on the Left) has the third
             Head Hunter Mask inside it.

Headhunter Mask # 4
What Island: Raven's View
Location: Sail to the only dock, and dock there.
Information: After you have docked on the island, head straight up
             until you see three teleporters. Take the teleporter
             that in near the tree, this teleporter will take you
             to the (South Eastern) island. After you have
             teleported, there is a save parrot on the island to
             save your game. On this island, there is a Regular
             chest somewhere near a gate. This chest has the
             Fourth Head Hunter Mask inside it.

Headhunter Mask # 5
What Island: Blue Shark Bay
Location: North Western Island
Information: After you have docked there, you will see a gate on
             this island. After you have went through the gate,
             there is an another gate inside the gate. After you
             have went through the second gate, there is a stone
             chest inside the gate. This chest has the fifth and
             final Head Hunter Mask, +1,000 Doubloons, +1,500
             Doubloons, +1 Scrapbook Shell inside it.

Mermaid's Orchids

Mermaid's Orchid # 1
What Island: Ape Island
Location: Sail to the Large Island "the main island"
Information: After docking there, follow the stone path on the
             island. The stone path will lead you to a turret.
             When you see the turret, the stone path will go into
             two different directions (Left or Right). Take the
             (Right) stone path, it will be there laying on the

Mermaid's Orchid # 2
What Island: Bay of Tears
Location: North Western Island
Information: After you have docked there, climb the hill. After
             you have climbed the hill; you will see a set of
             tombstones. After you have seen them, go past them to
             a second set of tombstones. In the second set of
             tombstones, you will see a Crystal chest. This chest
             has the second Mermaid's Orchid, +3 Ice Tikis, and
             +2,000 Doubloons inside it.

Mermaid's Orchid # 3
What Island: Crescent Island
Location: Sail South to the only dock and dock there.
Information: On this island, there is a teleporter on the island.
             When you teleport, you will be attacked by Spiked
             Idols. After you are attacked, head straight up and
             slide down the hill. After you have slid down the
             hill, there is a crystal chest. This chest has the
             third Mermaid's Orchid, +244 Doubloons, +3,000
             Doubloons inside it.

Mermaid's Orchid # 4
What Island: Winter Wolf Ridge
Location: Sail to the island that has (3) ? Marks docks. Sail to
          the Most North ? Mark dock, which is on that island.
Information: After you have docked there, There is a regular chest
             on the island. This regular chest contains the fourth
             Mermaid's Orchid, +3 Storm Tikis, +2,000 doubloons.

Mermaid's Orchid # 5
What Island: Frigid Plateau
Location: South Eastern Island (The island that is under the fort)
Information: After you have docked there, there is a Crystal Chest
             on that island. This chest has the Fifth and Final
             Mermaid's Orchid, +3,500 Doubloons, +3 Spirit
             Bottles, Grog, +500 Doubloons inside it.

The Spiked Boots

The Spiked Boots
What Island: Winter Wolf Ridge
Location: Sail to the island that has (3) ? Marks docks. Sail to
          the Most South ? Mark dock, which is on that island.
Information: On this island, there is a teleporter that will take
             you to the (South Eastern) Island. On the
             (South Eastern) island, there is a gate. After you
             have went through the gate, there is a regular chest
             inside the gate. This regular chest contains the
             (Frostbane Sword), which is a sword upgrade. After
             you have collected the sword, wolfs will appear.
             After you have killed all the wolfs, a teleporter
             will open. After you have teleported, you will see
             a regular chest which contains the (Spiked Boots),
             +2,000 Doubloons. There is a teleporter on top of a
             hill that will take you back to the island where your
             ship is docked.

                   Section 4: The Credits/Thanks


We would like to thank: Ioncannon :for reporting the chest type
typos under the Bay of Tears, Head Hunter Mask # 1, and the chest
type typo under Section 3: Easy Reference Guide, The Quest: the
first Head Hunter Mask.
