---------------- Grandia Extreme: ---------------- ------------------------------------------- A Word Before We Get Down To The Real Talk: ------------------------------------------- This faq is only for the two endings. So if anybody have anything to add, please do so. Otherwise... do not bother. ======================================================= --------- Ending 1: --------- Quanlee: How could I, the ultimate being, have lost? How could this happen? Haven't I envolved enough? That's not possible! In a world of serenity, there will be absolute truth. Evann: You still don't get it, do you? there is no ultimate or perfect being! It's all in your head! Quanlee: Why do you reject me so strongly? I only tried to bring the peace people wanted. Why do you so stubbornly challenge me? Evann: You are the one who's being stubborn! Trying to stop war by erasing feelings is the same as erasing our existence. No one wants to live in a world where there is no self, where one's words have no meaning! Quanlee: Heh heh heh. So, who is right? You, or me? Since you won, I suppose you are. Evann: No! You still don't get it! It's not about me being right, it's about you not understanding! What if everyone lost their feelings and everything were to become one whole? Wouldn't that be lonely? Quanlee: Ah, that must have been it. I was lonely, now I understand for the first time. I never had that when I was born. Instead, I chased ideals that were fed to me. I don't belong in this world. Goodbye, Evann. I enjoyed talking to you. Evann: No, don't just leave! We've just begun understanding each other! If you can recognize your feelings, then you're one of us now! We'll be able to understand each other. Quanlee: No, it's impossible to understand for us to understand one another. I was not made like a human being. Evann: Don't isolate yourself! I'll try to understand you! We can coexist! Quanlee: I admire your compassion. People must fill this world with the beautiful sounds of their indiviual hearts in harmony. That's the future you have won, the future you wanted. It's better this way, I'll finally be relieved of others ideals and the burden of my so-called destiny. Evann: Hey, QUANLEE! Quanlee: I only wish that I, too, had dreams of my own. Evann: ..... QUANLEEEEEEEEEEEE.... All: ..... Evann: Am I dreaming? Brandol: :) Evann: HEYYYYYY! Brandol: Hey! Stop daydreaming! Snap out of it, you little twerp! Evann: Ugh! Ok, enough with the "little twerp" stuff! I've had it! Sheesh! Lutina: You are certeinly relaxed. Aren't you excited about having accompilshed something? Jaid: Well, what a switch from the nervous wreck you were just a while ago, Lutina! Lutina: How dare you? Anyone would worry! He's our leader, after all! Myam: Evann! Evann! Evann! Hey, can I do it now? Huh? Can I? Please, please! Evann: Ahh... what? Uh, do what? Myam: Hee hee. Ok, here I go. Yay! We did it! ^_^ All: Yeah! Ha ha ha ha ha! Ulk: Well, everything seems to be back to normal. Evil has vanished from the world, and this town once again at peace. Is it because the evil force is goen? Is that why the wind smells so fresh? When I breathe, my heart jumps for joy! Titto: So, it's finally over! I'm so happy! We finally got our world back. Carmyne: So, what do you think? We Nortis people are not so worthless after all, huh? Still, don't follow his reckless example. We would be in big trouble if there were more like him running around! Titto: Yeah. :) Evann: Hey! What do you mean "Yeah"?! Lutina: This is what we get with Evann. He is reckless and slow-witted, but those may be his best qualities! Evann: Not you too, Lutina! How can you say that with a straight face? Oh, that's right! I'm too dumb to notice! Brandol: So, what do we make this whole thing? First was the Elementel Disorder, then the ruins, then Quanlee. I don't get it! Jaid: Ancient people wanted human evolution world peace and unity. There's a lot to learn in that. Evann: In theory. The Ancients tried to analyze these things, and lost sight of their feelings. That must be why they wanted to unify the world. Quanlee was like them. They were all lonely deep inside. Myam: Yeah, that's it. When you are all alone. Even if you find something yummy. There is nobody to share it with! Hey, I've got an idea! Let's get something yummy to eat! I really love the fish they have here! Fish, fish, fish... ^_^ Titto: Yes, yes! All: :) Diene: I felt at ease in that world, but at the same time, emptiness was growing inside. Never before had I felt so lonely. Thank you, Evann. You saved me, as well as Escarre. Evann: Come on. I could never let Quanlee get away with what he did to us. Besides, you're the one who told me to think carefully and think things through. In the end, I just did it my own way. Diene: A supreme being controls the world and brings eternal peace. All must become one. That's a frightening thought. Evann: .... Diene: What's that? Evann: His heart, or a piece of it, I guess. Diene: "His"? Quanlee's heart? Evann: I guess Quanlee lived what he believed. Unfortunately, that drove him to insanity. Diene: I wonder if a time will come when we, like the ancients, will ever wish for a supreme being like Quanlee. Hehe, I don't think I want to lose control of my mind again. Evann: Hey! Let's not think about it too much. We chose this path. We just have to keep going and make the best out of it! Brandol: Evann! They're going to have a concert! Guess what? It's just for us! Lutina: Hurry up. Come on, Evann! Evann: I'm glad there are people like them. Hey! Here I come! All: Ha ha ha ha ha! Diene: You still don't get it, do you? You made them who they are! When will you ever learn? --------- Ending 2: --------- Evann: I guess this is it. This is must be the manifestation of Qualee's true intentions. Diene: I heard what you did to Quanlee. That was great! When I got back, I was amazed! Hey, Evann. Are we disbanding just like that? We should all sit together and talk about the future. Evann: We did everything we needed to do. We've all learned about many things. Diene, wasn't you who said that when it came time for all of us to part the future would be bright? Diene: Right, but now it's difficult. We've worked together for a long time and have grown very close. Evann: It's true, we're all friends now. What do you suppose forged our bond? Diene: Hmm. Trust, I guess, along with mutual respect and shared beliefs. Evann: You think so? I just wanted to find out more about Quanlee. I thought I could understand more by connecting with Quanlee's heart. Is that feeling I have different from bonds I have with my friends? Diene: That's a tough question. However, I guess without those feelings we wouldn't be friends and cohorts. This is Quanlee's heart. A song is born from that Sound Bite. Evann: It makes me happy to know that Quanlee actually had feelings like this. Trust? Respect? I don't know. The meaning of these words is not all clear to me. Diene: Yes, I guess you're right. The heart and mind are beyond words. Evann: ..... Waitress: Evann, there is so much to thank you for. I was able to do so little. Brandol: Hey, it's ok! Just you being there for us was pienty. Waitress: Brandol! Straighten up! Brandol: See ya! Carmyne: Come visit whenever you can. I promise to be nice to you. Bye! Evann: ..... Myam: Evann, bye bye! Ulk: If you ever visit Hazma, I'll teach you the secrets of fishing! Evann: ..... Jaid: Are you sure you won't visit Arcada? I would welcome the chance to publicly praise your achievements. Titto: Evann doesn't care about all that. Well, come visit us soon anyway, ok? Lutina: We'll be waiting. By then... I'll be more attractive to you. Evann: ..... Diene: Well, this is good-byethen. I'll contact you if I need you. Evann: Say, Diene! How will we manage to meet again? Diene: No need for such a sad face. I'll write to you soon. Evann: What?! Don't kid me! I don't want to see a letter ever again! Diene: Huh? What do you mean? Evann: I don't want to be kidnapped and made to do all that work again! Once is enough! Diene: Goofball!! That's not what I meant! Why you little... Evenn: Ha ha ha ha ha! Diene: Ahhh ha ha ha ha! ====================================================== ---------------- Last Words: ---------------- There you have it. If anything is wrong, just send me an E-Mail. Hope there will be some respect for the hard work. --------------- Special Thanks: --------------- 1)To Game Arts. 2)To Gamefaqs. 3)To all my friends for the encouragement. ======================================================= Grandia Extreme is Copyright Game Arts and Enix Crops. This document Copyright 2003 Basel If you need to contact me to add or ask me about anything, E-Mail me at Mr_Basel@yahoo.com or Mr_Geese@hotmail.com Credits for GameFAQs and Game Arts Crop.
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Grandia Extreme :: Walkthrough / Ending Guide
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