.N .. DDD... .DDNDNDN..ONNNNNNDD . ..... . ....? . N. ,:. .~DN7 . ..DDDDDNDNDDNNN8NDDNDDDNDDNZIN+ N, . ~NN...:~MDDD$:..,ND, .. .. :ND ND .,8MD .D. .IMM :=, .,NDNNNDOOOOOO .=D888D~. .8=..?DD. ~N .N. .ZMN,~~==N. ~7O. =I77??N =NNDO =. =ND ~DD ,M8 . NN. ,ZNDDDDDDN ..+D. ~ND..~MN =N=. =MN. =MD ~DD=..8N :DDO ,ZD$. ~M. +N. ~NN .=MN =DN =MD. =ND .~. :+MM ,N. ,ZNN ~$M. +N. ~MN .=MN =NN .,NN. =DD = ~NMN. D+ ,$MM .=$N. .+N. ~MD .=MN =ND .~$. =DD ~O..=ND NO ..=MN .=IN8 .~N. ~MD .=MN =ND .=DN .=DD ~D? ~$N. NO =MN .=$NDND~ ~MD.,~8N =NN =DD. =N,===MN: = NO .,~==, .=NN~. ?NNNZ~NDDDD.===INMD$$N .=MMMNNDDD . .N$=ZMMMMN= =MNZ .:8NDD7DD?====++I8NN$NNDN.+DDNDO.~ .NNM7... N =MNNO .=NNDN7 ,MDN8 ,,. .=MDI~.. . MDDND ND.. NM.=MD$NO =N:. :,. =D~ .?ND..=M= . ~=? 8N. ~ :D.$N,=MDO =M~..=DD. =N~..+NN..~M+ =MM =8D D,M$ .=MDO =M~..=ND .=D~..?D~. ~D+ =MM =8D DN8 =MNO =M~..=ND .=D~.....~MMN. =MM =8D NNDO. =N... =M~..: =?NN~..I..=MNN. =MM .=+MD .7 .D. . =M~..:~MMDDN~..I =NND= =MM =+ND N ~NNO =M~..=DNN.=M= +D =MN= =MM =MD N .=MDO =M~.., . =N~..?DD =DD+ =MM =MD. .N =MDO =MNDDI =ZNNN.=~=NN, =N~ .=NN =MN. N .=MDO =M8.:NDMNDDDDDNDNDN .IND?.. ...==MD. .D =MD,~=~=~N8..ND ... 8N. +NDD,.~=MNMM ,D =MNDDNNNNDNNN . . D+.====~MN . . ... .D88MMNNNDM$,. LEGENDS OF ROCK .OD8O+.. . October 28, 2007 FAQ/Walkthrough Console: PS2 Created 2007/08 okami5436 NOTE: I will not be excepting anymore questions for a while. _____________________________________________________________________________ (___ Table of Contents _______________________________________________________) |...........................................................................| |.....I. Introduction................................................(INTRO)| |.....II. Version History............................................(VSHST)| |.....III. Copyright Notice..........................................(CPYNT)| |.....IV. Walkthrough................................................(WKTOH)| |...........................................................................| |...........4.1 - Basics.............................................(BASIC)| |..............4.1.1 - Frets and the Strum Bar.......................(FATSB)| |..............4.1.2 - Star Power....................................(STRPR)| |..............4.1.3 - Whammy Bar....................................(WMYBR)| |..............4.1.4 - Rock Meter, Streaks, and Scoring..............(RMSAS)| |..............4.1.5 - Tutorials.....................................(TTRLS)| |...........................................................................| |...........4.2 - Easy Mode..........................................(ESYMD)| |..............4.2.1 - Career........................................(CARER)| |..............4.2.2 - Boss Battles..................................(BOSSB)| |..............4.2.3 - Tips..........................................(TIPS-)| |..............4.2.4 - Unlockables...................................(UNLOK)| |...........................................................................| |...........4.3 - Medium Mode........................................(MDMMD)| |..............4.3.1 - Intro to the Blue Key.........................(ITTBK)| |..............4.3.2 - Career........................................(CREER)| |..............4.3.3 - Tips..........................................(TIPS2)| |..............4.3.4 - Unlockables...................................(UNLOC)| |..............4.3.5 - Before Hard Mode..............................(BFHMD)| |................................................................. .........| |...........4.4 - Hard Mode..........................................(HRDMD)| |..............4.4.1 - The Orange Key................................(TOGKY)| |..............4.4.2 - Career........................................(CAEER)| |..............4.4.3 - Tips..........................................(TPS3-)| |..............4.4.4 - Unlockables...................................(ULCKS)| |..............4.4.5 - Hammer Ons and Pull Offs......................(HOAPO)| |...........................................................................| |...........4.5 - Expert Mode................................... ....(EXPRT)| |..............4.5.1 - Career........................................(CRER4)| |..............4.5.2 - Solo Tips.....................................(SOLOS)| |..............4.5.3 - Unlockables...................................(UCKLS)| |..............4.5.4 - Guitar Battle With Lou........................(GBTWL)| |..............4.5.5 - Through the Fire and Flames...................(TTFAF)| |.............................................................. ............| |.....V. Multiplayer.................................................(MULTI)| |...........................................................................| |...........5.1 - Cooperative........................................(CO-OP)| |...........5.3 - Pro-Face Off.......................................(PROFF)| |...........5.2 - Face Off...........................................(FACEF)| |...........5.4 - Battle Mode........................................(BTLMD)| |...........................................................................| |.....VI. List of Unlockables........................................(LSTOF)| |...........................................................................| |...........6.1 - Guitars and Finishes...............................(GTRS+)| |...........6.2 - Bass Guitars.......................................(CARCT)| |...........6.3 - Characters.........................................(OUTFT)| |...........6.4 - Outfits and Styles.................................(BASSG)| |...........6.5 - Venues.............................................(VENUE)| |...........6.6 - Videos.............................................(VIDEO)| |...........6.7 - Songs..............................................(SONGS)| |...........................................................................| |.....VII. Song List.................................................(SNGLT)| |...........................................................................| |...........7.1 - Starting Out Small.................................(STSML)| |...........7.2 - Your First Real Gig................................(YRFST)| |...........7.3 - Making the Video...................................(MKVID)| |...........7.4 - European Invasion..................................(EUROP)| |...........7.5 - Bighouse Blues.....................................(BGBLU)| |...........7.6 - The Hottest Band on Earth..........................(HTEST)| |...........7.7 - Live in Japan......................................(LVJPN)| |...........7.8 - Battle for Your Soul...............................(BTTLE)| |...........7.9 - Bonus Tracks.......................................(BONUS)| |...........................................................................| |.....VIII. 4+5 Star Cutoffs.........................................(CTOFF)| |...........................................................................| |.....IX. Co-op Song List............................................(COSNG)| |...........8.1 - Getting A Band Together............................(GTBND)| |...........8.2 - We Just Wanna Be Famous............................(WJWBF)| |...........8.3 - Overnight Success..................................(OVRNT)| |...........8.4 - Getting The Band Back Together.....................(GTBBT)| |...........8.5 - Jailhouse Rock.....................................(JLHSE)| |...........8.6 - Battle For Your Souls..............................(BTFYS)| |...........8.7 - Unlocked Songs.....................................(UNSNG)| |...........................................................................| |.....X. FAQ/Questions...............................................(F-A-Q)| |.....XI. Cheats.....................................................(CHEAT)| |.....XII. Contact...................................................(CNTCT)| |.....XIII. Credits..................................................(CRDTS)| |...........................................................................| |___________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________________________________________________ (___ I. Introduction ________________________________________________(INTRO)_) | | | Guitar Hero 3, the newest Guitar Hero game of its series has some | | pretty good stuff. A new multiplayer mode, new songs to play, and some | | new characters. 3 boss battles will also challenge your skills and make | | them go to their limit. Anyway, GH3 has more of things needed to make a | | great game. This Walkthrough includes coverage of all four levels: | | (easy, medium, hard, and expert); and has a complete list of all the | | unlockables and the shop items. All Cheats. Use Ctrl-F | | and search using (Gibberish). | |__________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________________________________________________ (___ II. Version History ____________________________________________(VSHST)_) | | | Version 1.0 - Started, October 29, 2007. Finished - ? | | First Version of Walkthrough. Every Original Thing in here. | | Version 1.1 - Added rest of Outfits and some cheats too. I also | | added some questions sent in. | | Version 1.2 - Added some more Questions. | | | | Version 2.0 - Added Guitar Battle With Lou Section (Coming Soon) and | | added to some sections. | | Version 2.1 - More stuff I guess with the addition of Cutoff Section.| | Version 2.2 - Cutoff Section almost completed. | | Version 2.3 - Battle With Lou section completed. | |__________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________________________________________________ (___ III. Copyright Notice __________________________________________(CPYNT)_) | | | GH3/Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock | | belongs to it's creator's trademarks. | | This FAQ/Walkthrough is in no way related to | | those specific TM's. | | | | All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by | | their respective trademark and copyright holders. | | | | This Walkthrough can only be used on these sites: Gamespot.com, | | and GameFAQs.com and CheatCC.com | |__________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________________________________________________ (___ IV. Walkthrough ________________________________________________(WKTOH)_) | | | This walkthrough starts at the basics, so if you've never played | | before, Start here. And for those of you who don't know. G = Green, | | R = Red, Y = Yellow, B = Blue, and O = orange. | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4.1 - Basics (BASIC) | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4.1.1 - Frets and the Strum Bar (FATSB) | | | | You should only be reading this first part if you are one of these: | | Someone who's never played GH before | | A guy with nothing to do | | or some critic | | | | To play - First off, you can't just press the fret keys and hope you | | get the note hit. You have to hold down what ever the correct keys are | | on the GH controller and then strum at the perfect timing. In other | | words, hold down the fret key then strum when the scrolling note gets | | to the first line on the board. This may sound confusing but eventually | | you'll get it. | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4.1.2 - Star Power (STRPR) | | | | Star power is mainly the power to make the crowd cheer for you and | | rack up some points. The key to star power is to play every single note | | that has a star shape to fill the bar 1/4 of the way. It needs to be | | atleast 1/2 way to use it. Star power allows a X8 multiplyer and also | | lets you go from red to green quickly. | | | | At the end of a song, when there are some long notes that will give | | you star power, try to use the whammy bar as much as you can without | | messing up. This will give you enough star power (if you didn't have | | any before) to get extra points than normal. | | | | If you haven't noticed by now, that when star power is being | | activated you have to tilt the guitar controller or press select; | | which ever you choose, the multiplyer will be double whatever it is | | normally. So, times 1 will become times 2, and so on. | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4.1.3 - Whammy Bar (WMYBR) | | | | The whammy bar, one way to get star power - when there is a long | | note that has a star shape, push the whammy bar in and out towards the | | guitar controller, the note on the screen will turn blue as you gain | | some star power. The whammy bar can also be used to make sounds as you | | move it in and out at a certain rate depending on how you like things | | to sound. | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4.1.4 - Rock Meter, Streaks, and Scoring (RMSAS) | | | | Rock Meter - Green is Good, Red is Bad. The more notes you hit, | | the higher it goes up (to green); the more you miss, the lower it gets | | (to red). Star Power will increase the the rock meter goes up, per | | note hit. If the rock meter flashes red, you are REALLY Low; and if it | | gets any lower, you will lose. | | | | Streaks - The amount of notes you hit, will up your streaks. The | | game will tell you it | | after you get 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 or 1000. | | Also under your score. The better streak, the more points. | | | | Scoring - Each single note is worth 50 points, every 2 note chord | | is 100, and 3 is 150. The higher the streak, the more points: starts | | at x1, after every set of 10 notes hit (in a row), it goes up to x2, | | x3, and x4. Star Power will double these multiplyers. x1 = x2, x2 = | | x4, and so on, until x8. | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4.1.5 - Tutorials (TTRLS) | | | | Go ahead, do em. | | | | Conclusion of Basics sections - practice until you can atleast get 5 | | star on one easy song. | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4.2 - Easy Mode (ESYMD) | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4.2.1 - Career (CARER) | | | | Start off by naming your band. Note: you also do medium, hard, and | | expert with the same band. After you got some catchy or not name, pick | | your character and guitar. There is a shop for easy mode, and you can | | still unlock 2 guitars. | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4.2.2 - Boss Battles (BOSSB) | | | | Ahhhh... bosses, the common battle of the video game franchise until | | Guitar Hero. In GH3, a new addition was added to the gameplay; you will | | now have to battle three bosses during your career. Including - Slash. | | | | When facing off against one of three; of these; the gameplay is very | | similar to multiplayer, with the exception of a few rules. These | | "rules" are of battle mode, the new multiplayer mode in GH3. | | (See Battle Mode Section). | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4.2.3 - Tips (TIPS-) | | | | Some tips to help in easy mode: May sound crazy. | | Keep your three fingers ready to play at green, red, and yellow. | | Hold down green always unless there are chords involving red and | | yellow. | | Don't use Hammer Ons and Pull Offs, this doesn't work in easy mode. | | Practice each speed of strumming. | | | | If these tips didn't help, go to the contact section and email me | | with your problem and I will try to help. | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4.2.4 - Unlockables (UNLOK) | | | | Moon Shot Guitar - Beat Easy Career | | Bat Guitar - 5 star every Easy song in Career | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4.3 - Medium Mode (MDMMD) | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4.3.1 - Intro to the Blue Key (ITTBK) | | | | First off, before even starting medium mode and using the blue key, | | try playing an easy song using your middle, ring, and pinky (fingers). | | If succesful, you can now play a key your pinky. This will help | | considering there are now four keys. To start off a medium mode song, | | have all four of your fingers placed on G - B. Now start playing those | | notes! | | | | It may seem a little hard to do at first but once you get the hang | | of it, there's no going back. If after a couple songs, you are still | | having trouble, try moving your three fingers (no pinky or thumb) from | | G to B. This also might help playing chords that include the blue key | | so it's not so hard. | | | | After a while, you should know how to work the thing. Now off to | | Career, if you didn't already. | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4.3.2 - Career (CREER) | | | | The Career mode for medium is mainly the same concept, except that | | you use the blue key and have to play more songs in order to move on. | | So this section of Career mode for medium is just a waste of space. | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4.3.3 - Tips (TIPS2) | | | | Some Tips: | | As said before, if you are having trouble playing, try moving and only | | using three fingers. Try to stretch your fingers or warm-up before | | playing. Using your index and middle fingers to play the G + Y chord | | helps later. | | | | If these tips didn't help, go to the contact section and email me | | with your problem and I will try to help. | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4.3.4 - Unlockables (UNLOC) | | | | Saint George Guitar - Beat Medium Career | | Jolly Roger Guitar - 5 star every Medium song in Career | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4.3.5 - Before Hard Mode (BFHMD) | | | | Just before you start hard mode and after you have beaten medium, | | try this (if you haven't already): Move your fingers and play atleast 3 | | medium songs without using your pinky. This will help alot considering | | the orange key is coming up. Also, try to stretch your fingers so you | | can play G + Y (chord) using your index and middle fingers; this will | | also help a lot so you don't have to reposition your fingers that much. | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4.4 - Hard Mode (HRDMD) | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4.4.1 - The Orange Key (TOGKY) | | | | Yeah, it's a mixture of red and yellow, but who cares. All you need | | to know is that this time, this momment, could change your life | | forever. Moving your fingers is basically what you need to do. Not | | hard. If you can't, go back to your little hole in the ground and wait | | another week or so. Anyway, why is this hard? It's not. Just pay | | attention. | | | | Whenever you start a song, on hard or expert, you should always | | start with your index finger on the red key (pinky on orange). If you | | still have trouble after a couple times, try to always go back to the | | start position after a green note. All other things about this | | could end up in the Question Section... | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4.4.2 - Career (CAEER) | | | | 2nd Hardest Career Mode, using the Orange Key and Getting Money like | | you're getting money after you play a concert, here... is Hard Mode. | | At first, the songs are pretty easy, you play 4, get an encore, play 4 | | more, get a Boss Battle and Encore; but it's really (in a way) more | | difficult than Medium and Easy Combined. The songs now include 3 fret | | chords, and it's takes even longer to complete because you are required | | to play 4 songs to get an Encore. | | | | But, don't worry. It'll work out. If you can get 5 stars on all Med. | | songs, you'll be fine. Just keep trying, and don't fail. Yet, it's also | | kind of like hyperspeed is on after you start a Hard Song, because the | | time frame switches and it seems everything comes faster. | | | | But anyway, if you get 5 stars on your first ever Hard Mode Song, | | you'll 5 star the next couple of Tiers. | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4.4.3 - Tips (TPS3-) | | | | Only 4 because I said mostly all the Tips before: | | 1 - Start with your pinky on Orange and your Index on Red. | | 2 - Use Up and Down strumming, and use Hammer on and Pull Offs. | | 3 - Don't use Ho's or Po's all the time. | | 4 - Use your Index and Middle Fingers to play the GY chord. | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4.4.4 - Unlockables (ULCKS) | | | | Rojimbo Guitar - Beat Hard Mode and Buy (00) | | Tiki Fortune - 5 star every Hard Mode Song and Buy ($N/A) | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4.4.5 - Hammer Ons and Pull Offs (HOAPO) | | | | First off, Ho's and Po's might seem hard if you've never done them | | before. They're basically ways to play notes without strumming but by | | strumming a note before them. All you do, is strum one note, and if the | | other single note is close enough, you'll be able to change frets on | | the controller to play that note (no strum on 2nd note). It's mainly a | | one strum method to play other notes by changing frets. | | | | You can only Hammer On or Pull Off, single notes, no chords. The | | fretboard in gameplay will tell you what you can Ho or Po by using | | notes that have "highlighted" or bigger centers. They are very notic- | | -able so don't worry. And, if you still have trouble understanding, try | | the Tutorial. | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4.5 - Expert Mode (EXPRT) | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4.5.1 - Career (CRER4) | | | | Basically the Same, except you play all the hard solos and every- | | -thing gets twice more difficult as hard mode. | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4.5.2 - Solo Tips (SOLOS) | | | | Mainly the same as Hard's Tips: | | 1 - Start with your pinky on Orange and your Index on Red. | | 2 - Use Up and Down strumming, and use Hammer on and Pull Offs. | | 3 - Don't use HO's or PO's all the time. | | 4 - Use your Index and Middle Fingers to play the GY chord. | | 5 - Hold down lower Frets when possible. | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4.5.3 - Unlockables (UCKLS) | | | | Distant Visitor Guitar - Beat Expert Mode and Buy (00) | | El Jefe Gutiar - 5 Star all Expert Songs ($N/A) | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4.5.4 - Guitar Battle With Lou (GBTWL) | | | | First off, here's some tips on how to beat Lou or other bosses: | | 1 - Use 3 different power ups at once | | 2 - Use a power after getting one | | 3 - Use a power up to stop your opponent from getting one | | 4 - Use a power after another used power up "runs out" or stops | | | | Okay, the main start of the song is easy, just some long notes and | | then it goes to some RG chords in which you should use UpDown Strumming.| | After that, they'll be many green notes and then that switching to a | | higher note and back down, again use UpDown Strumming. Once past the | | beginning of this, Lou will soon get his first power up while you just | | play through it. | | | | Now, the next part after Lou gets his power is alot of the "scaling"| | things when it goes from Orange to Blue to Yellow to Red and up again | | fast. If Lou got a Double Notes Power Up, you might lose. Hope he gets | | something else like a Whammy Bar or a Amp Overload due to the short | | recovery time. | | | | If you happen to make it through this section, you'll have you're | | own power soon right after some 3 Fret Chords. Get this power and save | | it. The best time to use power ups when facing Lou is to send them at | | him when he's about to get one to prevent the hassle. So, send it only | | when he's about to get one (mostly just for this first power). | | | | After sending the power, he should be in the yellow. Just keep pla- | | -ying and you should be fine. More power ups are soon but save 3 for | | later. Take one when he's recovering and send it when Lou has many not- | | -es and hopefully he'll be back in the yellow or orange. | | | | Here's the saved 3 power ups, use one when Lou is recovering, and | | when that one is finished, use another mostly at where he has a lot of | | notes or a hard part. When that wears off, use the second which could | | get him to the orange again or even the red. For the last one, make it | | so Lou has many notes to mess up and launch it. This should devastate | | him so he will lose. Yeah! Or not. | | | | For the finale, you have to finish the song on your own. If you're | | in the red, don't panic; just play the song normally. At the end of | | this short section, you should finally win. For one last sentence, it's | | okay if you lose sometimes; I lost about 9 times and then right after | | won, so keep trying and you'll eventually get it. | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4.5.5 - Through the Fire and Flames (TTFAF) | | | | This section is for Through the Fire and Flames on Expert: | | | | Mainly, the only hard part of the whole song is the intro. What you | | need to do to get success is tom get past this part. To do so, you need | | to either use Hammer Ons as the title of this part or cheat... kind of. | | | | If you choose to use Hammer Ons, then hold green this whole time, | | and strum the first red note use your two fingers held down. Then, use | | HO's and your leftover 3 fingers to change frets while quickly tapping | | each of the correct keys and lifting off from the frets. Sounds Hard? | | It is. If you don't want to do this, hold down green the whole time and | | strum up and down in the correct speed while changing the frets. | | | | If you choose to cheat... sort of, then get a rubber band, and strap | | it around the green key tightly so it gets held in place and keeps the | | green key down while you do the same as the last paragraph, HO's or the | | secondary part. I've also been given information on how to use a rubber | | band along with a bottle cap. Just place the cap top down on the key, | | and strap it down with string or rubber band of your choice. | | | | After getting through the first section, pause the game and remove | | what's holding down the green key, if something is. Then continue. From | | here, just hold green with your index finger (or if you want, leave the | | thing on the key) and strum fast enough, but not too fast, to match the | | strumming speed of the next section. Similar things will go on in the | | song in which you will have to do the exact same thing with different | | frets. Star power is very essential in this song, so use it only when | | you need it most unless you're going for 5 stars. One last tip, is to | | use HO's and PO's sparingly or not at all after the intro. | | | | 4 Star Cutoff - 404,670 | | 5 Star Cutoff - ?????? | | And as the game says, Good Luck. | |__________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________________________________________________ (___ V. Multiplayer _________________________________________________(MULTI)_) | | | If you've taken the time to go through every song and have nothing | | to do, chain your friend's leg to your couch and make him play GH with | | you; or you could just ask. | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 5.1 - Cooperative (CO-OP) | | | | If you and your friend don't want to lose against each other, then | | do Co-op; this way you both play, and you both lose/win at the same | | time. When playing a Co-op song, there will be 4 playing options | | depending on the song (2 choices on 1 song); Lead and Rhythem, or | | Guitar and Bass. You both can't be the same thing so one of you has to | | decide. I suggest that on each song, go back and forth when deciding. | | | | After choosing your playing method, you need to choose your | | difficulty. The same difficulties apply but you both can choose | | seperately. If you are the bass when choosing a guitar, you will choose | | basses. If you are any of the other 3, you will pick guitars. You | | can get more basses by buying them in the store. | | | | Unlockable: Nemesis 13 Guitar - Beat Co-op Career | | Beach Life Bass - Beat Co-op Career on Hard | | Pendul Axe Bass - Beat Co-op Career on Expert | | Neversoft Skateboard Guitar - 5 star every Co-op Song | | on Expert | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 5.2 - Face Off (FACEF) | | | | If you get bored of working toghether and just want to nail Co-op to | | the wall, then play some other mode. Anyway, Face Off; during Face Off | | mode you pick your character and guitar and then song. You choose your | | difficulty and then get ready to play. | | | | When playing Face Off, you play the song, except you switch back and | | forth. You play, they play, and sometimes you both play. But the main | | thing is that the one with the most points wins. It doesn't matter how | | many notes you hit or how many stars you get; so if you want Star Power | | and practice without losing, then play without your friend. If you | | don't have another guitar hero controller, just plug in a regular PS2 | | controller. | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 5.3 - Pro-Face Off (PROFF) | | | | Okay, mainly just read the Face Off section except that you both | | play the same difficulty and you both play all the notes. So just read | | the Face Off section and you'll be fine... ...no really... ...do it... | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 5.4 - Battle Mode (BTLMD) | | | | The new addition to GH, Battle Mode. There are 8 power ups which | | when activated, try to mess-up your opponent - | | | | - Amp Overload... makes the notes on the board blurry/flash | | - Broken String... makes the opponent have to repeadetly press a | | certain key to make it work. | | - Death Drain... makes your opponent's rock meter decrease gradually | | (Sudden Death) | | - Difficulty Up... makes the opponent's difficulty raise by one | | level for a short time, can't get it if opponent is on expert mode | | - Double Notes... makes the opponent have to play any single note, a | | 2 fret chord | | - Lefty Flip... makes the opponent's board flip so if they are | | right-handed, it makes it left-handed, and vice versa | | - Steal Power... steals the opponent's power-up | | - Whammy Bar... opponent has to use whammy bar before playing | | | | - To activate a power, you activate it exactly like star power | | (tilt the guitar upwards). | | - The first one to have their rock meter go all the way down loses. | | | | NOTE: You still play the regular song. | | - If both players complete the song, they will go to a sudden death | | round. | |__________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________________________________________________ (___ VI. List of Unlockables ________________________________________(LSTOF)_) | | | A complete list of all unlockables including characters, venues, and | | guitars. | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 6.1 - Guitars and Finishes (GTRS+) | | | | A full list of guitars (Bass guitars are in a different section): | | Not yet completed. | | | | Focus - 0 | | - Candy Apple Red - 0 | | | | Les Paul - 0 | | - Sunburst - 0 | | - Cherry - 0 | | - Black - 0 | | | | Explorer - 0 | | - Ebony - 0 | | - Cherry - 0 | | - Natural - 0 | | - Creamy - 0 | | - Black - 0 | | | | SG - 0 | | - Worn Brown - 0 | | - Ebony - 0 | | - Sky Burst - 0 | | - Black - 0 | | | | X-Plorer - $N/A | | Corvus - 0 | | Marauder - 00 | | DMZ60000G - 00 | | Synapse - 00 | | V-Factor - 00 | | | | Firebird - 00 | | - Alpine White - 0 | | - Ebony - 0 | | | | Les Paul Junior - 00 | | Les Paul Custom - 00 | | ES335 - 00 | | HD.6XPRO - 00 | | Super 400 - ,000 | | Axe - 00 | | | | Star - 00 | | - Metal Starfish - $N/A | | - Stars and Stripes - $N/A | | - Red and White - $N/A | | | | Message of Love - 00 | | Tiki Fury - 00 | | Rattus Norvegicus - 00 | | Highly in Vogue - 00 | | Card Sharp - 00 | | Enforcer - 00 | | Scratch 1000 - 00 | | GH Controller Black - 00 | | GH Controller Red - 00 | | Distintegrator - 00 | | | | Moon Shot - 00 (After Beating Easy) | | Saint George - 00 (After Beating Medium) | | Rojimbo - 00 (After Beating Hard Mode) | | Distant Visitor - 00 (After Beating Expert) | | Bat Guitar - 00 (After 5 starring all Easy songs) | | Jolly Roger - 00 (After 5 starring all Medium songs) | | Tiki Fortune - 00 (5 starring all Hard songs) | | El Jefe - $N/A (After 5 starring all Expert songs) | | Nemesis 13 - $N/A (After Beating Co-op Career) | | Neversoft Skateboard Guitar - $N/A (5 star every Co-op Song (Expert))| | | | Unfortunator - Get MetalHead | | 77 Solid Gold - Get Elroy | | Obliviaxe - Get Lou | | '59 Les Paul - Get Slash | | Arm the Homeless - Get Tom | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 6.2 - Bass Guitars (BASSG) | | | | A full list of bass guitars: Used for Co-op Career only. | | | | Axe Bass - 00 Les Paul - 00 Killer B - 00 Enforcer - 00 | | Girl Friday - 00 | | | | Beach Life Bass - $N/A (Beat Co-op Career on Hard) | | Pendul Axe Bass - $N/A (Beat Co-op Career on Expert) | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 6.3 - Characters (CARCT) | | | | A full list of GH3's characters: Total of 13: | | | | Johnny Napalm Casey Lynch Slash* - 000 Midori | | Lou!* - 000 Lars Umlaut Axel Steel Izzy Sparks | | Judy Nails Xavier Stone MetalHead - 000 | | Tom Morello* - 000 Elroy Budvis - 000 | | | | * - Beat in Career to Buy Later. | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 6.4 - Outfits and Styles (OUTFT) | | | | A full list of Outfits and Styles: | | | | Character Outfit Style | | | | Axel - Jeans $N/A - Black N'Blue $N/A | | - Black N'Red $N/A | | - Stonewashed 0 | | - Red Leather 0 | | | | - Shorts 00 - Black Vest $N/A | | - Brown Vest 0 | | - White Vest 0 | | - Stripes 0 | | | | | | Casey - Leather $N/A - Basic Black $N/A | | - Silver N'Black $N/A | | - Crimson 0 | | - Camo 0 | | | | - Mo' Leather 00 - Black N'Red $N/A | | - Black N'White 0 | | - Vast Purple 0 | | - Fiery 0 | | | | | | Izzy - Rockstar $N/A - Leopard $N/A | | - Lizard $N/A | | - Zebra 0 | | - Menagerie 0 | | | | - Peacock 00 - Fantasy $N/A | | - Florid 0 | | - Starry Night 0 | | - Neon Knight 0 | | | | | | Judy - Rocker Grrl $N/A - Shocking Pink $N/A | | - Tornado Blue $N/A | | - Jet Black 0 | | - Flame Orange 0 | | | | - Skool Grrl 00 - Purple Plaid $N/A | | - Dirty Yellow 0 | | - Stripes 0 | | - Riot 0 | | | | | | Johnny - Liberty Spikes $N/A - Pea Soup $N/A | | - Bloodshot $N/A | | - Spew 0 | | - Skeleton 0 | | | | - Mohawk 00 - Spinach $N/A | | - Pumpkin 0 | | - Two Tone 0 | | - Eggplant 0 | | | | | | Lars - Viking $N/A - Natural $N/A | | - Freedom 0 | | - Icy 0 | | - Barbaric 0 | | | | - Black Metal $N/A - Dyed Black $N/A | | - Bleach Blonde 0 | | - Phantom 0 | | - Thunda 0 | | | | | | Midori - J'popster $N/A - Amethyst $N/A | | - Ruby $N/A | | - Candy 0 | | - Jade 0 | | | | - Puffball 00 - Emerald $N/A | | - Cream 0 | | - Maroon 0 | | - Aqua 0 | | | | | | Xavier - Xavier Classic $N/A - Orchid $N/A | | - Tangerine $N/A | | - Azure 0 | | - Emerald 0 | | | | - Captain X 00 - John $N/A | | - George 0 | | - Paul 0 | | - Larry 0 | | | | | | Elroy - King Maker $N/A - Vegas $N/A | | - Nashville 0 | | - Hawaii 0 | | - Tijuana 0 | | | | | | Metalhead - Robotic $N/A - Pure Metal $N/A | | - Marx 0 | | - Super Atomic 0 | | - TV Head 0 | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 6.5 - Venues (VENUE) | | | | A full list of Venues: | | | | First - Backyard Bash | | Mitch's Moose Lounge | | Video Shoot | | Ye Olden Royal Odeon | | Shanker's Island | | Desert Rock Tour | | Kaiju Megadome | | Last - Lou's Inferno | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 6.6 - Videos (VIDEO) | | | | Da videos: | | | | The Sex Pistols - 00 - The European Band. | | Bret Micheals - 00 - Bret Micheals performs for the GH crew. | | Slash - 00 - How Slash got in the game. | | Tom Morello - 00 - Tom Morello's GH3 Experience. | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 6.7 - Songs (SONGS) | | | | An Endless Sporadic - Impulse 0 | | Backyard Babies - Minus Celsius 0 | | Bret Michaels Band - Go That Far 0 | | Die Toten Hosen - Hier kommit Alex 0 | | Dope - Nothing For Me Here 0 | | Dragonforce - Through the Fire and the Flames Beat Career | | Fall of Troy - FCP Remix 0 | | Gallows - In the Belly of a Shark 0 | | The Hellacopters - I"m in the Band 0 | | Heroes del Silencio - Avalancha 0 | | In Flames - Take This Life 0 | | Kaiser Chiefs - Ruby 0 | | Killswitch Engage - My Curse 0 | | LA Slum Lords - Down N Dirty 0 | | Lacuna Coil - Closer 0 | | Lions - Metal Heavy Lady 0 | | NAAST - Mauvis Garcon 0 | | Prototype - The Way It Ends 0 | | Revolverheld - Generation Rock 0 | | Rise Against - Prayer of the Refugee 0 | | Scouts of St - Sebastian- In Love 0 | | Senses Fail - Can"t Be Saved 0 | | The Sleeping - Don"t Hold Back 0 | | The Stone Roses - She Bangs the Drums 0 | | Superbus - Radio Song 0 | |__________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________________________________________________ (___ VII. Song List _________________________________________________(SNGLT)_) | | | All the songs in GH3: | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 7.1 - Starting Out Small (STSML) | | | | Foghat - Slow Ride | | Poison - Talk Dirty to Me | | Pat Benatar - Hit Me With Your Best Shot | | Social Distortion - Story of My Life | | | | Encore: Kiss - Rock and Roll All Nite | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 7.2 - Your First Real Gig (YRFST) | | | | Mountain - Mississippi Queen | | Alice Cooper - School"s Out | | Cream - Sunshine of Your Love | | Heart - Barracuda | | | | Boss: Tom Morello - Guitar Battle | | Encore: Rage Against the Machine - Bull"s on Parade | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 7.3 - Making the Video (MKVID) | | | | The Killers - When You Were Young | | AFI - Miss Murder | | The Who - The Seeker | | Priestess - Lay Down | | | | Encore: Rolling Stones - Paint It Black | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 7.4 - European Invasion (EUROP) | | | | Black Sabbath - Paranoid | | The Sex Pistols - Anarchy in the UK | | Sonic Youth - Kool Thing | | Weezer - My Name Is Jonas | | | | Encore: Pearl Jam - Evenflow | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 7.5 - Bighouse Blues (BGBLU) | | | | The Dead Kennedy"s - Holiday in Cambodia | | Scorpions - Rock You Like a Hurricane | | Aerosmith - Same Old Song and Dance | | ZZ Top - La Grange | | | | Boss: Slash - Guitar Battle | | Encore: Guns N Roses - Welcome to the Jungle | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 7.6 - The Hottest Band on Earth (HTEST) | | | | Santana - Black Magic Woman | | Smashing Pumpkins - Cherub Rock | | White Zombie - Black Sunshine | | Tenacious D - The Metal | | | | Encore: Stevie Ray Vaughn - Pride and Joy | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 7.7 - Live in Japan (LVJPN) | | | | Slipknot - Before I Forget | | Disturbed - Stricken | | Queens of the Stone Age - 3"s and 7"s | | Muse - Knights of Cydonia | | | | Encore: Living Colour - Cult of Personality | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 7.8 - Battle for Your Soul (BTTLE) | | | | Slayer - Raining Blood | | Eric Johnson - Cliffs of Dover | | Iron Maiden - Number of the Beast | | Metallica - One | | | | Boss: Lou - Guitar Battle (Song is The Devil Went Down to Georgia) | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 7.9 - Bonus Tracks (BONUS) | | | | An Endless Sporadic - Impulse | | Backyard Babies - Minus Celsius | | Bret Michaels Band - Go That Far | | Die Toten Hosen - Hier kommit Alex | | Dope - Nothing For Me Here | | Dragonforce - Through the Fire and the Flames | | Fall of Troy - FCP Remix | | Gallows - In the Belly of a Shark | | The Hellacopters - I"m in the Band | | Heroes del Silencio - Avalancha | | In Flames - Take This Life | | Kaiser Chiefs - Ruby | | Killswitch Engage - My Curse | | LA Slum Lords - Down N Dirty | | Lacuna Coil - Closer | | Lions - Metal Heavy Lady | | NAAST - Mauvis Garcon | | Prototype - The Way It Ends | | Revolverheld - Generation Rock | | Rise Against - Prayer of the Refugee | | Scouts of St - Sebastian- In Love | | Senses Fail - Can"t Be Saved | | The Sleeping - Don"t Hold Back | | The Stone Roses - She Bangs the Drums | | Superbus - Radio Song | |__________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________________________________________________ (___ VIII. 4+5 Star Cutoffs__________________________________________(CTOFF)_) | | | Here are the Cutoffs for Quick Play or Career Mode (Single Player). | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Tier 1 | | | | Slow Ride | | - Easy - 4 Star - 40,848 | | - 5 Star - 57,188 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 62,488 | | - 5 Star - 87,484 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 76,012 | | - 5 Star - 106,417 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 91,190 | | - 5 Star - 127,666 | | | | Talk Dirty To Me | | - Easy - 4 Star - 52,298 | | - 5 Star - 73,218 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 58,810 | | - 5 Star - 82,334 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 109,498 | | - 5 Star - 153,298 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 140,994 | | - 5 Star - 197,392 | | | | Hit Me With Your Best Shot | | - Easy - 4 Star - 28,604 | | - 5 Star - 40,046 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 46,864 | | - 5 Star - 85,610 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 77,038 | | - 5 Star - 107,854 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 80,718 | | - 5 Star - 113,006 | | | | Story Of My Life | | - Easy - 4 Star - 90,036 | | - 5 Star - 126,051 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 113,322 | | - 5 Star - 158,651 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 164,932 | | - 5 Star - 230,905 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 177,858 | | - 5 Star - 294,002 | | | | | | Rock And Roll All Nite | | - Easy - 4 Star - 38,802 | | - 5 Star - 54,323 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 52,288 | | - 5 Star - 73,204 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 73,816 | | - 5 Star - 103,343 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 89,862 | | - 5 Star - 125,807 | | | | Tier 2 | | | | Mississippi Queen | | - Easy - 4 Star - 23,160 | | - 5 Star - 32,424 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 38,042 | | - 5 Star - 53,256 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 49,240 | | - 5 Star - 68,936 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 52,622 | | - 5 Star - 73,671 | | | | School's Out | | - Easy - 4 Star - 35,958 | | - 5 Star - 50,342 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 47,106 | | - 5 Star - 65,949 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 64,120 | | - 5 Star - 89,768 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 67,564 | | - 5 Star - 94,590 | | | | Sunshine of Your Love | | - Easy - 4 Star - 44,900 | | - 5 Star - 62,860 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 75,738 | | - 5 Star - 106,034 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 94,488 | | - 5 Star - 132,284 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 106,218 | | - 5 Star - 148,706 | | | | Barracuda | | - Easy - 4 Star - 56,086 | | - 5 Star - 78,521 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 79,620 | | - 5 Star - 111,468 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 110,138 | | - 5 Star - 154,194 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 117,562 | | - 5 Star - 164,587 | | | | Bulls On Parade | | - Easy - 4 Star - 45,886 | | - 5 Star - 78,521 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 70,112 | | - 5 Star - 98,157 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 102,236 | | - 5 Star - 143,131 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 111,836 | | - 5 Star - 156,571 | | | | Tier 3 | | | | When You Were Young | | - Easy - 4 Star - 38,020 | | - 5 Star - 53,228 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 68,956 | | - 5 Star - 96,539 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 104,550 | | - 5 Star - 146,370 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 110,138 | | - 5 Star - 154,194 | | | | Miss Murder | | - Easy - 4 Star - 31,866 | | - 5 Star - 44,613 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 52,934 | | - 5 Star - 74,108 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 120,592 | | - 5 Star - 168,829 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 132,592 | | - 5 Star - 185,629 | | | | The Seeker | | - Easy - 4 Star - 39,934 | | - 5 Star - 55,908 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 54,034 | | - 5 Star - 75,648 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 102,220 | | - 5 Star - 143,108 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 126,218 | | - 5 Star - 176,706 | | | | Lay Down | | - Easy - 4 Star - 37,536 | | - 5 Star - 52,551 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 73,440 | | - 5 Star - 102,816 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 98,288 | | - 5 Star - 137,604 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 123,874 | | - 5 Star - 173,424 | | | | Paint It Black | | - Easy - 4 Star - 42,568 | | - 5 Star - 59,596 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 66,842 | | - 5 Star - 93,579 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 98,124 | | - 5 Star - 137,374 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 132,734 | | - 5 Star - 185,828 | | | | Tier 4 | | | | Paranoid | | - Easy - 4 Star - 34,858 | | - 5 Star - 48,802 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 53,082 | | - 5 Star - 74,315 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 124,612 | | - 5 Star - 174,457 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 133,854 | | - 5 Star - 187,396 | | | | Anarchy In The UK | | - Easy - 4 Star - 46,530 | | - 5 Star - 65,142 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 76,010 | | - 5 Star - 106,414 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 119,086 | | - 5 Star - 166,721 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 141,554 | | - 5 Star - 198,176 | | | | Kool Thing | | - Easy - 4 Star - 55,012 | | - 5 Star - 77,017 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 84,032 | | - 5 Star - 117,645 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 114,532 | | - 5 Star - 160,345 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 141,456 | | - 5 Star - 198,039 | | | | My Name Is Jonas | | - Easy - 4 Star - 46,752 | | - 5 Star - 65,453 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 76,652 | | - 5 Star - 107,313 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 113,750 | | - 5 Star - 159,250 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 133,350 | | - 5 Star - 186,690 | | | | Even Flow | | - Easy - 4 Star - 52,522 | | - 5 Star - 73,531 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 67,616 | | - 5 Star - 94,663 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 106,226 | | - 5 Star - 148,717 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 135,398 | | - 5 Star - 189,558 | | | | Tier 5 | | | | Holiday In Cambodia | | - Easy - 4 Star - 52,160 | | - 5 Star - 73,024 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 87,222 | | - 5 Star - 122,111 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 170,598 | | - 5 Star - 238,838 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 204,498 | | - 5 Star - 286,298 | | | | Rock You Like A Hurricane | | - Easy - 4 Star - 42,898 | | - 5 Star - 61,458 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 68,280 | | - 5 Star - 95,592 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 115,398 | | - 5 Star - 161,558 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 137,028 | | - 5 Star - 191,840 | | | | Same Old Song And Dance | | - Easy - 4 Star - 43,102 | | - 5 Star - 60,343 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 52,132 | | - 5 Star - 72,985 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 75,354 | | - 5 Star - 105,496 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 90,944 | | - 5 Star - 127,322 | | | | La Grange | | - Easy - 4 Star - 55,966 | | - 5 Star - 78,353 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 68,332 | | - 5 Star - 95,665 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 90,202 | | - 5 Star - 126,283 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 108,268 | | - 5 Star - 151,576 | | | | Welcome To The Jungle | | - Easy - 4 Star - 56,930 | | - 5 Star - 79,702 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 75,316 | | - 5 Star - 105,443 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 97,052 | | - 5 Star - 135,873 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 135,308 | | - 5 Star - 189,432 | | | | Tier 6 | | | | Black Magic Woman | | - Easy - 4 Star - 54,352 | | - 5 Star - 76,093 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 76,650 | | - 5 Star - 107,310 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 97,990 | | - 5 Star - 137,186 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 103,558 | | - 5 Star - 144,982 | | | | Cherub Rock | | - Easy - 4 Star - 55,034 | | - 5 Star - 77,048 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 105,716 | | - 5 Star - 148,003 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 164,598 | | - 5 Star - 230,438 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 207,546 | | - 5 Star - 290,565 | | | | Black Sunshine | | - Easy - 4 Star - 50,944 | | - 5 Star - 71,322 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 65,624 | | - 5 Star - 91,874 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 96,954 | | - 5 Star - 135,736 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 119,650 | | - 5 Star - 167,510 | | | | The Metal | | - Easy - 4 Star - 35,814 | | - 5 Star - 50,140 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 51,034 | | - 5 Star - 71,448 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 80,472 | | - 5 Star - 112,661 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 116,508 | | - 5 Star - 163,112 | | | | Pride And Joy | | - Easy - 4 Star - 53,404 | | - 5 Star - 74,766 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 79,476 | | - 5 Star - 111,267 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 122,294 | | - 5 Star - 171,212 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 147,322 | | - 5 Star - 206,251 | | | | Tier 7 | | | | Before I Forgot | | - Easy - 4 Star - 59,366 | | - 5 Star - 83,113 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 85,658 | | - 5 Star - 119,922 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 162,446 | | - 5 Star - 227,425 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 224,740 | | - 5 Star - 314,636 | | | | Stricken | | - Easy - 4 Star - 61,512 | | - 5 Star - 86,117 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 112,824 | | - 5 Star - 157,954 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 156,002 | | - 5 Star - 218,403 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 211,814 | | - 5 Star - 296,540 | | | | 3's And 7's | | - Easy - 4 Star - 53,616 | | - 5 Star - 75,063 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 86,442 | | - 5 Star - 121,019 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 134,074 | | - 5 Star - 187,704 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 164,476 | | - 5 Star - 230,267 | | | | Knights Of Cydonia | | - Easy - 4 Star - 74,002 | | - 5 Star - 103,603 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 112,406 | | - 5 Star - 157,369 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 178,794 | | - 5 Star - 250,312 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 213,726 | | - 5 Star - 299,217 | | | | Cult Of Personality | | - Easy - 4 Star - 56,410 | | - 5 Star - 78,974 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 79,750 | | - 5 Star - 111,650 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 107,496 | | - 5 Star - 150,495 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 138,734 | | - 5 Star - 194,228 | | | | Tier 8 | | | | Raining Blood | | - Easy - 4 Star - 65,618 | | - 5 Star - 91,726 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 88,702 | | - 5 Star - 124,183 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 126,018 | | - 5 Star - 176,426 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 162,294 | | - 5 Star - 227,212 | | | | Cliffs Of Dover | | - Easy - 4 Star - 43,936 | | - 5 Star - 61,511 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 69,188 | | - 5 Star - 96,864 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 101,700 | | - 5 Star - 142,380 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 133,808 | | - 5 Star - 187,322 | | | | The Number Of The Beast | | - Easy - 4 Star - 88,068 | | - 5 Star - 123,296 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 101,624 | | - 5 Star - 142,274 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 210,966 | | - 5 Star - 295,353 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 272,062 | | - 5 Star - 380,887 | | | | One | | - Easy - 4 Star - 82,790 | | - 5 Star - 115,906 | | - Med. - 4 Star - 157,480 | | - 5 Star - 220,472 | | - Hard - 4 Star - 240,892 | | - 5 Star - 337,249 | | - Exp. - 4 Star - 274,060 | | - 5 Star - 383,684 | | | | Bonus Songs | |__________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________________________________________________ (___ IX. Co-op Song List ____________________________________________(COSNG)_) | | | The Song List for Co-op Career. | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 8.1 - Getting A Band Together (GTBND) | | | | Heart - Barracuda | | The Killers - When You Were Young | | Rage Against The Machines - Bulls On Parade | | Foghat - Slow Ride | | | | Encore: Beastie Boys - Sabotage | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 8.2 - We Just Wanna Be Famous (WJWBF) | | | | Alice Cooper - School's Out | | Sonic Youth - Kool Thing | | AFI - Miss Murder | | The Who - The Seeker | | | | Encore: The Strokes - Reptilia | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 8.3 - Overnight Success (OVRNT) | | | | Black Sabbath - Paranoid | | Guns N' Roses - Welcome To The Jungle | | Sex Pistols - Anarchy In The UK | | Priestess - Lay Down | | | | Encore: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Suck My Kiss | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 8.4 - Getting The Band Back Together (GTBBT) | | | | Dead Kennedys - Holiday In Cambodia | | Santana - Black Magic Woman | | Aerosmith - Same Old Song And Dance | | Smashing Pumpkins - Cherub Rock | | | | Encore: Blue Oyster Cult - Cities On Flame With Rock And Roll | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 8.5 - Jailhouse Rock (JLHSE) | | | | Weezer - My Name Is Jonas | | White Zombie - Black Sunshine | | Queens Of The Stone Age - 3's & 7's | | Tenacious D - The Metal | | | | Encore: Bloc Party - Helicopter | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 8.6 - Battle For Your Souls... (BTFYS) | | | | Muse - Knights Of Cydonia | | Metallica - One | | Iron Maiden - Number Of The Beast | | Living Colour - Cult Of Personality | | | | Encore: Matchbook Romance - Monsters | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 8.7 - Unlocked Songs (UNSNG) | | | | Every Other Song Except For Paint It Black | |__________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________________________________________________ (___ X. FAQ/Questions _______________________________________________(F-A-Q)_) | | | If you want to ask a question, go to the Contact section and | | email me. Note: I've gotten a few emails about the Wii, PS3, or 360 | | versions, I'm not sure about these consoles because I only own a PS2 | | and the PS2 GH3. Also, read through these questions posted so no one | | has to go through the whole email thingy if the question's on here. | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Questions - | | | | Q: "I heard somewhere there was going to be a Velvet Revolver song in | | GH3?" | | A: Yes, but it's on the X-Box 360. But Slash recorded a little something | | for GH3 on all consoles. | | | | Q: "What are those lit up notes that look bigger than the rest?" | | A: Those are notes that you can use Hammer On or Pull Offs on. They | | appear close to other notes but are not chords. Check the HO, and PO | | Section of this FAQ for more. | | | | Q: "Will the GH2 or GH1 controllers work for GH3?" | | A: Yes. | | | | Q: "Why can't I play The Devil Went Down to Georgia on Quick Play or | | Multiplayer?" | | A: Just like Slash's and Tom's Boss Battle songs, you won't be able to | | play Lou's Boss Battle Song. | | | | Q: "How do I beat ____ on ____ mode?" | | A: Mainly, just practice the parts that you're bad at. You aren't | | required to use Ho's or Po's; and, working on strumming up and down | | if there are any fast parts. Save star power for when you need it, | | and do the tutorials again if you're bad at something. | | | | Q: "How do I use a bass guitar in career?" | | A: Bass guitars are only for Co-op Career and if you go to practice | | mode you can also choose to play bass there. | | | | Q: "I heard you can get Bret Micheals as your singer?" | | A: Yes, you can. There's a cheat code that you enter in order to get | | him but it's not in the PS2 version. | | | | Q: "After I beat career mode, and all the songs in it including bosses, | | it still shows up that I've only beaten 41 out of 42 songs?" | | A: If you don't sit through the credits, this will still show as 41. But | | you do wait and play the no rock meter or points song (TTFAF), it'll | | be 42 afterward. (blakfire07) | | | | Q: "Will perfecting a song give more money than 5-Starring a song?" | | A: No, but 5-Starring a song will give more money than 4-Starring one. | | | | Q: "Does the unlock songs code work in multiplayer, too?" | | A: I believe it does. | | | | Q: "One question, will the analog controller for the PS2 work for GH3?" | | A: Yes; Use the 4 R and L Buttons along with Circle or X (IDK). | |__________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________________________________________________ (___ XI. Cheats _____________________________________________________(CHEAT)_) | | | Cheats: | | G - Green; R - Red; Y - Yellow; B - Blue; O - Orange: | | To enter a cheat, go to Options, Cheats, and Enter Cheat; hold down | | the correct frets and strum. Ex - R BY, in other words, hold red and | | strum, then hold blue and yellow, and strum. | | | | Hyperspeed: O B O Y O B O Y | | Air Guitar: YB GY GY RB RB RY RY YB GY GY RB RB RY RY GY GY RY RY | | Performance Mode: RY RB RO RB RY GB RY RB | | Precision Mode: GR GR GR RY RY RB RB YB YO YO and repeat | | Unlock All Songs (Can't be turned off): YO RB RO GB RY YO RY RB GY | | GY YB YB YO YO YB Y R RY R Y O | | No Fail (No work in Career): GR B GR GY B GY RY O RY GY Y GY GR | | Huge Notes: G R G Y G B G O G B G Y G R G GR RY GR YB GR BO GR YB GR | | RY GR GY | | Easy Expert: GR GY YB RB BO YO RY RB | | | | Explinations: | | Hyperspeed: Makes the fret board move faster, but spreads out the | | notes; speed and note spread-out-ness, is determined by 1-5 settings.| | Air Guitar: Makes your guitar play an invisible guitar. | | Performance Mode: It doesn't show the fret board while playing a | | song, you can still fail the song though. | | Precision Mode: Makes you have to play the notes at the exact time | | that it would be played by the guitarist who made the song. | | No Fail: Doesn't work in career mode. You can't fail a song you play.| | Huge Notes (Large Gems): Makes the notes HUGE. | | Easy Expert: It makes the rock meter go down slower. | |__________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________________________________________________ (___ XII. Contact ___________________________________________________(CNTCT)_) | | | NOTE: Sorry, I won't be taking questions for a while. | | If you want to ask a question, or something, then just email me at: | | -------------------- | | with the subject of GH3 question, or GH3, or something. If it's | | something else, I won't even bother trying to figure out what it is | | you sent me. | |__________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________________________________________________ (___ XIII. Credits __________________________________________________(CRDTS)_) | | | Credits here: | | Okami5436 (Me) - creator of this guide | | Guitar Hero - for being awesome | | Companies that made GH - Thnx for making it | | Internet - for giving me some info | | The Many Tips and Questions I've Been Getting | | Everything Else - Wooh! | | | | If you have enjoyed this FAQ/Walkthrough, or just want to know | | something, then go to the Contact Section. Anyway, I hope to update | | this guide and make more in the future. | |__________________________________________________________________________|
| Aktuell | 0-9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
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Guitar Hero III - Legends of Rock :: F.A.Q. / Walkthrough
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