Wild ARMs XF - Walkthrough v0.7 @ Cheats & more! - CheatsCorner.de


PSP - Spiele :: Wild ARMs XF :: Walkthrough v0.7

| Hits: 3141 | Aufgenommen am 28.03.2008 | Aktualisiert am 28.03.2008 | Verfasser: Troy de Haan (Traz) |
    |                  *                          *                     |
    :               *    Introducing the PSP TRPG:   *                  :
    |  *                                                             *  |
    :                --- WILD ARMS XF: Walkthrough ---                  :
    |                                                                   |
    :   *                                         Version 0.7       *   :
    |        *                                                 *        |

Wild ARMs: XF Walkthrough 
Written by Traz (Trazmann@gmail.com) 
Copyright: Troy de Haan 

=== === === === === === == ||                   || == === === === === === ===
 +   +   +   +   +   +     || TABLE OF CONTENTS ||     +   +   +   +   +   +
=== === === === === === == ||                   || == === === === === === ===

--- 1. Introduction                                         (000A)

--- 2. Frequently Asked Questions                           (000B)

--- 3. Hints And Tips                                       (000C)

--- 4. Walkthrough (ACT 1)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.0 ~ Prologue                  (0000)
 . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4.1 ~ Act 1-1                   (0001)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 ~ Act 1-2                   (0002)
 . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4.3 ~ Act 1-3                   (0003) 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 ~ Free Battle #1            (0004)
 . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4.5 ~ Free Battle #2            (0005)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6 ~ Act 1-4a                  (0006)
 . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4.7 ~ Act 1-4b                  (0007)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8 ~ Free Battle #3            (0008) 
 . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4.9 ~ Drifter Search #1-3       (0009)
. . . . . . . . . . . . .  4.10 ~ Act 1-5                   (0010)
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.11 ~ Free Battle #4            (0011)
. . . . . . . . . . . . .  4.12 ~ Drifter Search #4-6       (0012)
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.13 ~ Free Battle #5-6          (0013)
. . . . . . . . . . . . .  4.14 ~ Act 1-6                   (0014)
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.15 ~ Free Battle #7-8          (0015)
. . . . . . . . . . . . .  4.16 ~ Drifter Search #7-8       (0016)
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.17 ~ Act 1-7a                  (0017)
. . . . . . . . . . . . .  4.18 ~ Act 1-7b                  (0018)
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.19 ~ Mandatory Training #1     (0019)
. . . . . . . . . . . . .  4.20 ~ Free Battle #9            (0020)
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.21 ~ Drifter Search #9         (0021)
. . . . . . . . . . . . .  4.22 ~ Act 1-8                   (0022)
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.23 ~ Free Battle #10           (0023)
. . . . . . . . . . . . .  4.24 ~ Drifter Search #10        (0024)
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.25 ~ Act 1-9a                  (0025)
. . . . . . . . . . . . .  4.26 ~ Act 1-9b                  (0026)
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.27 ~ Synthesis Me #1           (0027)
. . . . . . . . . . . . .  4.28 ~ Mandatory Training #2     (0028)
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.29 ~ Act 1-10                  (0029)
. . . . . . . . . . . . .  4.30 ~ Free Battle #11           (0030)
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.31 ~ Drifter Search #11        (0031)
. . . . . . . . . . . . .  4.32 ~ Act 1-11a                 (0032)
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.33 ~ Act 1-11b                 (0033)
. . . . . . . . . . . . .  4.34 ~ Act 1-11c                 (0034)
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.35 ~ Act 1-11d                 (0035)
. . . . . . . . . . . . .  4.36 ~ Act 1-11e                 (0036)
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.37 ~ Free Battle #12-13        (0037)
. . . . . . . . . . . . .  4.38 ~ Drifter Search #12-13     (0038)
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.39 ~ Act 1-12                  (0039)
. . . . . . . . . . . . .  4.40 ~ Free Battle #14           (0040)
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.41 ~ Drifter Search #14        (0041)
. . . . . . . . . . . . .  4.42 ~ Act 1-13                  (0042)


--- 5. Walkthrough (ACT 2) ~ TBA

--- 6. Walkthrough (ACT 3) ~ TBA

--- 7. Walkthrough (ACT 4) ~ TBA

--- 8. Walkthrough (FINAL ACT) ~ TBA

--- 9. Excavator Item Discoveries
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.0 ~ Act 1                     (00X0)
 . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9.1 ~ Act 2 ~ TBA
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2 ~ Act 3 ~ TBA
 . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9.3 ~ Act 4 ~ TBA
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.4 ~ Final Act ~ TBA
     |                 I N T R O D U C T I O N   (000A)                 |
Welcome to my battle walkthrough for Wild ARMs Crossfire. The point of this 
guide is to walk you through each of the missions in this game, not detail 
plot points and ruin the story for you. Thusly you won't find story updates 
and whatnot throughout this walkthrough, just long-winded advice to get you 
through each mission, without having to resort to 'retreat/get-out-as-fast-as-
you-can' tactics. Some missions are tough, and the game may want you to avoid 
engaging the enemy. Such missions have a general strategy that you can 
implement which will allow you to wipe out every single enemy, offering 
maximum Gella/EXP gain. If you'd like to help you can email me typos/
corrections/suggestions/etc and I'll credit you for any worthwhile information.

This guide offers a turn-by-turn walkthrough of each battle, and therefore 
relies heavily on your utilizing the same Classes as me for your characters, 
as their RFX stat determines how fast they are, and therefore some characters 
will get two turns in before the enemy; if they were slower due to a different 
Class than mine parts of the advice in this strategy will conflict.

Note that I make no promise to complete this guide promptly. I like to take my 
sweet-time with RPGs of any kind, but I'll update the walkthrough when I can. 
Complaints can be directed to the neighbourhood brick wall. Thanks for your 
time, and enjoy. 

     |    F R E Q U E N T L Y  A S K E D  Q U E S T I O N S   (000B)    |

+--+ How can I tell which magic spell I should use on certain enemies? +--+

Pay attention to the screen that comes up when you choose your spell and select
an enemy (before confirming said action) and it shall tell you how much damage
the spell will do. Simply choose spells of other elements (Fire/Freeze/etc) and
see if a certain one will do more damage. That"s the slightly long method. When
you are on the map and click X on a foe twice, their stats will come up. Look
at their elemental weaknesses there (four icons representing the four elements
will have +/- indicating a strength or weakness). It"s not rocket science.

+--+ CSP? EXP? GPS? +--+
 ~ CSP: Class Skill Points - Earn enough of these and you will increase your 
current Class Level (up to 7) and earn Skills as you do so. Once you have 
maxed out your current Class, you will gain a special ability which cannot be 
equipped with another Class like a regular 'Skill'. 
~ EXP: Short for Experience Points. Any RPG fan would know this. Gain enough 
EXP and you'll advance in level (up to 99). 
~ GPS: Global Positioning System. Nothing to do with Wild ARMs XF whatsoever. 

+--+ What is 'VP' and why do my characters 'randomly' lose HP? +--+ 
VP stands for 'Vitality Points', and there's nothing random about that HP loss 
at all. As your character moves/performs an action/waits, they use up a small 
amount of VP. Throughout the course of a long mission, your character just 
might run out of VP, and once that occurs said character will start losing 10% 
of their maximum HP per following turn. However, once they only have 1 HP 
left, they won't lose any more; hence you cannot die from having no VP left. 

+--+ So Poison is similar then? Drops your HP until you have 1 HP left? +--+ 
No, the negative-status Poison will kill you eventually. 

+--+ Why does 'Skill Execution' pop up in battle from time to time? +--+ 
This occurs when an inherent Skill of a particular Class takes effect. For 
example, a Gadgeteer has a Skill known as 'Item Effect', which makes certain 
item 1.5 times more effective (so a Heal Berry that usually recovers 100 HP 
will heal 150 HP instead and a Potion Berry will recover 300 HP rather than 
200 HP) and should you use a healing item that 'Skill Execution' message will 
pop up. It's nothing to be alarmed by.  

+--+ Which Class should I use for *insert-Act-here*? +--+ 
If said Act has not been covered by the Walkthrough yet, you're best off 
seeking help at the Wild ARMs XF Forum at Gamefaqs. I aim for balance in my 
teams, and thusly I will always advise the most effective team where a 
reasonable balance is concerned, that will get you through each mission 
without a character ever dying. 

+--+ Critical Steal? +--+ 
When an enemy that can steal items from you (such as a Harpy) attempts to do 
so, the 'critical hit' animation (a zoomed-in affect with the camera) may 
randomly go off, though this means nothing. They don't get more than one item 
or anything like that; it's just an odd little flaw. 

+--+ When will this Walkthrough/FAQ be completed? +--+ 
Not for a long time. I'll generally update the thing every two days when 
possible, or whenever I complete a new Act mission (which usually has a new 
Free Battle/Drifter Search in between). Then you have to add the time it takes 
for Gamefaqs to process the new file. 

+--+ Can other questions be submitted for this section? +--+ 
Only if they are in relation to parts of the game where the current stage of 
the Walkthrough is at. I'm at the same stage in my own game that I am with this
guide, and as such it would be a waste of time asking anything about a stage of
the game that I am not up to. You'll get the quickest response to any problems
you are having at the Wild ARMs XF Forum at Gamefaqs, anyhow.

     |                H I N T S  A N D  T I P S   (000C)                |

1.]  In the early stages of the game, always stick your group close together, 
and work on wiping out one enemy at a time. When you are stronger and more 
capable, it may be safer to split into two teams, but it's generally advisable 
that no novice to TRPGs do so. In 'Free Battle', it's less of an issue and 
splitting off to kill enemies that may be on two sides of the map is generally 
a good thing to do. 
2.]  Again, early on in the game there is no real need to waste your money on 
the more expensive 'Potion Berry' items. A Gadgeteer can recover 150 HP with a 
Heal Berry (50 HP less than a regular Potion Berry) and most characters will 
seldom lose more HP than that until later on in the game. At the very least, 
save your money by purchasing the cheaper alternative until post-Act 1-8. 
3.]  If you are surrounded by enemies, or your character is in range to attack 
many of them, always target the foe which is up next in the Turn-Order. Always 
check this line-up by pressing 'Start' and having a look by scrolling over the 
names there; it'll take to the highlighted name on the map so you know who it 
is. Naturally, if there is a wounded unit you should finish it off first if 
you are able. 
4.]  Always take the time to engage in Free Battle so you can train your 
characters between Act missions. They don't take very long to complete if you 
know what you're doing, and they can be rewarding and fun if you don't play 
them excessively (a few rounds between 'event' battles is not excessive). This 
Walkthrough will be a waste of time for you if you like rushing through an RPG;
that's not what I'm about.
5.]  If you move a character and they have nothing to do for their turn (for 
example they are out of attack range) don't just 'Wait'. Have them use a 
support ability (Rush/Encourage/etc) on nearby characters so you increase your 
EXP/CSP Bonus rate for the end of the mission. Unless I advise otherwise or 
you are low on MP, this is a good tactic to make a habit of.

6.]  Never use a Lucky Card or a Potential Egg on a single character, always
use Mystic so that you can target your entire party so that they all can reap
in the benefits for the cost of just one of said items. As for Gella Cards, you
should save them early on in the game until specified missions or quests.
Have some worthy 'Hints And Tips' to contribute? Feel free to send them into 
me via email and should I use them, you'll receive the credit. I'm looking to 
add basic stuff here, and more in-depth information will be placed elsewhere.

     |                       W A L K T H R O U G H                      |


| Prologue - (0000) | 

Pre-mission Advice: 
N/A. Your characters are already equipped with 4 Heal Berries each (not that 
you'll need them) and there is no need to waste space by equipping an Antidote 
just yet. You can also check out the battle-map and get a look at the enemies 
you'll be facing shortly if you'd like.

You cannot use 'Originals' in this battle, so worry not about that feature. 
Also, ignore Rupert's presence throughout the mission.

The first mission of any SRPG is usually child's-play, and Wild ARMs XF is no 
exception. Begin by making yourself familiar with the controls, and reading up 
on your characters' abilities/weapons/etc. Once you are ready to get on with 
business, move Clarissa as far forward and to the left as she can go, and you 
will be able to attack a distant enemy. You may miss, but give it a try anyhow 
as there is no penalty. Whatever the result, when you are done you will now 
control Felius. Move him ahead of Clarissa though stay close. The general rule 
of any SRPG is to work together, wiping out one enemy at a time. He won't be 
able to attack indirectly, so just finish up his turn and wait.

When Clarissa is next able to move, the enemy that you may have wounded will 
have been lured close to you. Since there is no risk, move her straight ahead 
as far as she can go and target this enemy. If you had injured the foe before, 
you will wipe it out with her attack. Now Felius should finish the enemy unit 
off if it's still alive, otherwise move him ahead as far as he can go, to the 
right of Clarissa. Our plan is to lure down the next Strider-class unit, so 
when you control Clarissa again, move her forward and to Felius's right. When 
it is Felius's turn, he will have two possible opponents.

Wipe out the weaker unit first (the Strider) as Feluis will take him out in 
one hit. Have Clarissa now move in front of the Secutor and attack him. Worry 
not about being close enough for a counterattack on the next turn. You may be 
lucky and get to use her twice in a row, so fire again, though move her to the 
left of the foe (stand directly next to him). Now position Felius directly 
behind the unit, so he faces up with Clarissa. Attack the Secutor and Felius 
will perform a Formation Art. No further strategy is needed, so finish off the 
Secutor and then wipe out the remaining Elementalist.


| Act 1-1 - Trader's Road - (0001) | 

Pre-mission Advice: 
In town, purchase a Revive Fruit for a future mission (just in case). Don't 
bother with stat-ailment curatives just yet, though if you want to spend more 
of your money, purchase plenty of Heal Berries. At this point, Potion Berries 
are not worth the extra money. Me? I purchased 7 Heal Berries to bring my 
grand-total to 20 (as there was no need to use one in the previous mission for 
minor wounds). Also don't even consider changing classes, as that is 
unnecessary right now.

You can now use Originals, and are aided by a third party-member. There are a 
couple of ways to approach this mission, and I will take the direct approach. 
Start by moving Clarissa as far forward as she can go, and you will be able to 
attack an enemy unit (McQuaid). You might miss, but try anyway. For Felius, 
move him as far forward as he can go and wait. When you control the White Dog, 
move it right in front of Felius. When you control Clarissa once more, move 
her forward and attack the (hopefully) wounded McQuaid. Next, for the purpose 
of a Formation Art, move Felius straight ahead (to McQuaid's left) and attack. 
Try using his 'Shockwave' Original so you hit both enemies. Clarissa should 
have another turn, so line her up with McQuaid and Felius and attack; so she 
performs a Formation Art of her own. If the enemy is not dead yet, finish him 
off with the White Dog's turn.

As Felius should be near a wounded Cordell (the second Fantastica unit) have 
him move ahead (closer to the last unit standing at the end of the map) and 
finish it off with another Shockwave. If you missed, use Clarissa to finish 
him off.  Now advance with all your units on the remaining Fantastica unit at 
the end of the map, and use all of your combined might to finish him off with 
ease, at your leisure. Feel free to try out Clarissa's 'Sacrifice' Original if 
she is in the right position. She will be at no risk of dying at this point if 
you have followed this strategy. 
| Act 1-2 - Windhalt Gatehouse - (0002) | 

Pre-mission Advice: 
The key to completing this mission with ease (rather than hit-and-run/hide 
tactics) lies in preparation and naturally, teamwork. Therefore, make sure 
Clarissa is equipped with four Heal Berries (nothing else, item-wise).

Do NOT use any Original abilities until stated to do so in this strategy, 
otherwise you will not be able to complete this mission in the 'easy' (though 
more time-consuming - however still a lot more fun) non-EXP-wasting manner; as 
opposed to the inanely simple manner.

I have found the easiest way to completing this mission lies in wiping out 
Glenn, the level 12 Secutor. If you have played this mission before, and think 
"He's too powerful and my characters always miss when fighting him!" you are 
going about it the wrong way. On the contrary he is very easy to defeat. 
Anyhow, begin this mission by moving Clarissa two spaces ahead; one forward 
and one to the right, so you can safely target the semi-distant Gadgeteer. 
You'll probably miss, but give it a shot. Worry not about his weak magic 
counter-attack. When you control the dog, move him ahead and next to Clarissa 
(there's no need to go further than that). This position will save Clarissa 
from getting hit by an attack from the Fantastica that advanced toward the 

Now position Clarissa with a one-space gap between the Gadgeteer, and fire. 
Again, you may miss. You'll probably get to control her again before the dog, 
so try and hit him once more. When you do control the dog once more, position 
him so that you can perform a Formation Art with the aid of Clarissa. When you 
next control Clarissa, finish off the Gadgeteer with a Formation Art of her 
own. Now you can use Felius, so move him to the side of the nearby Fantastica 
and attack (save your MP/Originals for later). Next move the dog behind the 
same enemy, and line up with Felius to perform a Formation Art. You'll most 
likely wipe her out.

Now you control the newest character in your ranks, an Arcanist. Notice the 
approaching female Gadgeteer, so we want to move this Arcanist close to her 
but out of range. For now just move her to Felius's right; which is to the 
right of that boulder you'll see. You will now notice that the powerful level 
12 Secutor has decided to head toward your party. Fear not. Have Clarissa move 
in ahead to target that female Gadgeteer on the mountain, as we'll want to 
lure the Secutor up there. Now move Felius up next to Clarissa to offer his 
aid, and attack the (hopefully) wounded female unit. Move Clarissa behind 
Felius, and take this time to use a Heal Berry (3 left). The Secutor will 
probably move ahead and attack the dog, so get the animal out of there and 
head up the mountain to attack and try to finish off the Gadgeteer.

Worried about the Secutor now? Worry not. You should now control the Arcanist 
again, so move her up the mountain as far as she can go (towards the treasure 
chest) and use her 'Replica' Original ability and select the Hex in front of 
the Secutor. Well done. He has fallen into your trap. Anyhow, Felius should be 
up next, so if the Gadgeteer is still alive finish her off, otherwise move him 
toward the ground and use his 'Upper Hand' Original ability on Glenn (the 
Secutor). Anyhow, Clarissa should be in the perfect position to use her 
'Sacrifice' Original ability on Glenn. Do so without fear. Glenn should now 
use his turn to wipe out the Replica. At this point, the dog is of no help 
against Glenn, so have him Wait whenever he gets a turn until the Secutor is 

Using the Arcanist again, have her create another Replica, though this time 
place it in front of Clarissa (so the Secutor has to move closer). As 
Clarissa, move her back a step just for the sake of it, and use her turn to 
use a Heal Berry (2 left). If you haven't already, move Felius to the ground 
(the lowest Hex) and take advantage of his 'Upper Hand' Original again on 
Glenn. The Secutor will move again, and naturally target the Replica once 
more. After that it shall be Clarissa's turn, and as she is at full health use 
another Sacrifice Original on the level 12 enemy. As the Arcanist, call forth 
yet another Replica and place it in front of Glenn. Don't even think of using 
her Lightning just yet. From here on, continue using Felius's Upper Hand 
Original, and then have Clarissa use another Heal Berry (1 left). Ah, 
predictability. Glenn will wipe out your Replica once again, and not come 
after your other units. Clarissa should receive another turn, so use her 
Sacrifice Original. The Secutor is nearly dead. Great.

Felius - Upper Hand. Arcanist - Replica. Glenn - Heal Berry. Okay, do not 
panic. Clarissa should be up again, so have her use another Heal Berry of her 
own (none left). Felius will be up again, so use his Upper Hand (no pun 
intended). Glenn will now destroy the Replica. Now it is the Arcanist's turn 
once more, and now it is safe to use her Lighting Original (as the Secutor is 
nearly dead). Clarissa should then use Sacrifice on Glenn once more. Don't 
worry about having no Heal Berries left. Have Felius use another Upper Hand, 
and Glenn shall be a few HP away from Oblivion. Finish him off with Clarissa's 
Sacrifice Original. The strong foe will finally perish. Now you can safely 
head for the bridge's control Crystal with the Arcanist and use her Lightning 
to activate it. If you don't have enough MP, you have not followed this 
strategy correctly.

Optionally you can wait until you have wiped out the last remaining unit with 
Felius and the dog (as they should have enough HP to safely engage the unit in 
battle. Use this time to move the Arcanist into position, and have Clarissa 
open the nearby chest for a Heal Berry (not that she can use it). Just be 
careful that Clarissa doesn't come close to dying from Skill Executions while 
you try to defeat that final enemy.  

| Act 1-3 - Poliasha - (0003) | 

Pre-mission Advice:  
Now it is finally worthwhile to change your characters' Classes. Make Clarissa 
a Gadgeteer (so she is useful as a healer) and then equip her corresponding 
weapon and armour (you will not need to purchase them, they should have been 
won in previous battles) and do not forget to equip her previous Skill, the 
Dandelion Shot OC, as that way you can take advantage of the abilities of that 
Class (with the exception of Howling Shot as that requires the Dandelion Class 
weapon). Now make Felius a Secutor and again equip his new weapons and his 
Halberdier OC Skill. In town, use your money to stock up on Heal Berries if 
you need to, but don't bother with Potion Berries or elemental Gems yet. When 
you get Labyrinthia, change her Class to an Elementalist, and equip her 
weapons as well as her Arcanist OC Skill. Item-wise, make sure everyone has 
Heal Berries equipped (Clarissa as a Gadgeteer can have 7 attached).

Be careful with using 'Mystic' with Heal Items, as the large area-of-effect 
may include the enemy, and yes if this happens they will also be healed; 
something that doesn't occur too often with RPGs. Be sure to target the right 
Hex location that will cover your allies and not foes as well.

Like the previous mission, there is a cowardly (and EXP sacrificing) manner to 
complete this battle, but we'll ignore those parameters. If you have followed 
the Pre-mission Advice, you'll have no trouble dispatching those tough-looking 
level 20 foes (and the two much weaker enemies). Begin by moving all four of 
your characters as far forward as they can go, heading near those stone 
pillars, though have Labyrinthia Warp there so she is in range to attack 
quicker. Once you control Clarissa again, see that Hex in the middle of the 
two pillars? That's for Felius to occupy, so move her directly one space 
behind that location. Next move Felius to the aforementioned Hex in front of 
Clarissa, effectively blocking the path so that the enemies can only attack 
him, one at a time. He cannot attack anyone directly just now, so have him use 
his Halberdier 'Upper Hand' ability on the closest enemy (by selecting 
left/right from the Secutor ability menu).

Clarissa should be up again, so have her use her Dandelion Shot 'Sacrifice' 
ability on the unit Felius wounded. Controlling Tony again, have him move on 
top of the elevated land straight ahead of him and make him wait up there out 
of reach. We'll use him soon.  Have Labyrinthia finish off the wounded Secutor 
with the Elementalist 'Crush' magic. Clarissa should now use a Heal Berry. The 
remaining 2 Secutors will move forward, and one of them will attack the 
stationary Felius. When it's his turn, you can risk attacking the unit in 
front of him with his 'Hard Smash' ability, but I suggest using 'Smart Drive' 
as it cannot miss. Clarissa is up again, so use her Sacrifice ability on the 
slightly-wounded unit. Labyrinthia can now finish this Secutor off with her 
'Crush' ability. Continue to have Tony wait in his safe-haven. It's now time 
for Clarissa to use Mystic and a Heal Berry, making sure the target area does 
not include the enemy (though hits Felius and herself).

As Felius, play it safe and use Smart Drive. The Female Gadgeteer will 
probably run down to try and double-team Felius with an indirect attack, but 
if you've been following this strategy to the letter you have nothing to fear. 
Clarissa should now use Sacrifice on the last Secutor. When you can use 
Labyrinthia again, have her finish the unit off with 'Fire' (this enemy is 
weak against this type of magic, make sure you always check which element does 
the most damage before actually using it). Now that all the Secutor's have 
been defeated, have Tony move behind the Gadgeteer and attack. You may miss, 
but it's of no consequence now. The battle was yours long ago. Have Felius 
move behind the enemy female so he can perform a Formation Art with Tony. Have 
Clarissa use Mystic again with a Heal Berry so that the green Hex area-of-
effect targets both herself and Felius (but not the enemy).
Clarissa should be able to move again, but have her wait behind Felius and do 
not use Sacrifice this time. We'll finish this enemy Gadgeteer off without 
that. Have Felius use Upper Hand, and then have Tony finish off this level 20 
foe. Should he miss, finish the enemy off with Labyrinthia, otherwise have the 
Elementalist/Arcanist Warp as far forward as she can; landing her near Tony. 
Now concentrate on moving all of your characters toward the remaining two 
enemies; but be wary of going too far or you'll end the mission (the last two 
lines of horizontal Hex will transport an ally to safety, which is not 

Clarissa should place herself near the low-level female Fantastica; in the 
little corner which is two spaces away. Don't worry about the enemy being too 
high to reach. As Felius and Labyrinthia have battled most of the enemies so 
far, we'll leave these last two enemies to Clarissa and Tony, to make the EXP 
bonus more balanced.  Clarissa (when she is in her desirable location) should 
get to move before the enemy, so use her Sacrifice ability on the closest 
Gadgeteer; killing her in one hit. Now move Tony up onto the raised elevation 
as he can jump up there, and head toward the last enemy on the map; who should 
now promptly target the dog. Use a Heal Berry on Clarissa when you control her 
again. You may be lucky and get to use her again right away, so kill the last 
unit with Sacrifice; or wait and have Tony wipe her out. 
| Optional Quest - Free Battle #1 - Bandit's Forest - (0004) | 

Pre-mission Advice: 
Taking a break from the storyline battles, it's now time to decide if you want 
to spend time training your characters, reaching higher levels and gaining 
Class Skills. It's highly advisable that you do so, and if you have been 
following this guide you should have no trouble getting your characters to 
level 8 (10 if you have the time). You'll gain some minor Class Skills along 
the way, and gain plenty of Gella and experience points. Stock up on Heal 
Berries before each battle, and replay this stage as much as you like.

Don't bring any Potion Berries into this stage, and perhaps even Revive Fruits 
(though one or two of your characters can and will die from time to time 
thanks to a certain enemy with an instant-death attack). Your items can be 
stolen, and it costs a lot of money for these particular things.

Your enemies are randomly determined for this Free Battle stage, but there are 
only two enemy types. You should also take this time to learn the fundamentals 
of Wild ARMs XF's battle system, and improve your teamwork skills and find out 
the best combinations, the best abilities to use at the right times, and so 
on. You'll become an expert in no time.

~~~ Gremalkin (Dubious Leopard): 
This foe can't really hurt you too much, but it does have a slightly annoying 
attack called 'Kirlian Buster' which causes a status-ailment known as Max-HP 
Down. It doesn't work too often, and isn't really worth worrying about, so 
forget about Nectars. This enemy also counters direct attacks with an ability 
that sucks health from your character and heals itself. Therefore, Clarissa 
and Tony should never attack a wounded Gremalkin with regular attacks as it 
heals more damage than you generally inflict.
Suggested attacks per character: 
- Clarissa (Gadgeteer): Direct attack (when the enemy is at full health). 
Otherwise Formation Art only. 
- Felius (Secutor): Hard Smash. 
- Labyrinthia (Elementalist): Any elemental magic (all does the same damage). 
- Tony (Crossbreed): Direct attack (when the enemy is at full health). 
Otherwise Formation Art only. 
~~~ Harpy (Avian Bandits): 
The more dangerous (and annoying) foe by far. A Harpy is able to bring 
instant-death to a character of yours, and though it rarely works, it will 
succeed from time to time. It can also drain HP/MP from you, and it also 
steals your items. Its movement range is insanely large, and it retreats quite 
often, which is highly annoying as you lose the EXP/Gella it brings. 'Steal 
Sanity' can also inflict a character with either Confusion (lose control of a 
character for a short period) and Steal Energy can cause Misery (unable to use 
Originals). A Harpy is also nearly impossible to hit with direct attacks. 

Suggested attacks per character: 
- Clarissa (Gadgeteer): Encourage allies, or Formation Art direct attack. (If 
it's the last enemy on the map, Sacrifice). 
- Felius (Secutor): Upper Hand 
- Labyrinthia (Elementalist): Any elemental magic (all does the same damage). 
Creating a Replica nearby also helps. 
- Tony (Crossbreed): Formation Art direct attack.
The possible enemy lineups I faced were:
- Gremalkin X3 (Few dozen Gella, 6 or so EXP) 
- Gremalkin X2 + Harpy X2 (1000+ Gella, 40+ EXP) 
- Gremalkin X1 + Harpy X3 
- Gremalkin X3 + Harpy X2 
- Gremalkin X2 + Harpy X3

Note that Gremalkins offer very little EXP and Gella, so should you encounter 
only Gremalkins, you are better off Loading your game and trying for a better 
random lineup. Also note that you would have a much easier time wiping out 
Harpies by making all three of your human units Secutors, and gang up on them 
with Upper Hand. I didn't do this solely because I was busy training my 
perspective characters' Class Skills. 
| Optional Quest - Free Battle #2 - Promise Hill - (0005) | 

Pre-mission Advice: 
When you move to this location on the map and your characters converse for a 
short moment, you will then have access to this second 'Free Battle'. If you 
have already spent a lot of time training your characters and their Classes in 
the previous Free Battle, you may wish to skip this one or just give it a 
quick play-through if you are a perfectionist such as myself who must complete 
every aspect of a game. Anyhow, stock up on Heal Berries as usual and perhaps 
give Felius and Clarissa a Revive Fruit each; though it's no big deal if a 
character dies in a Free Battle.

You only face one kind of enemy in this mission, but it can Confuse your 
characters frequently which does get annoying if things get out of hand. You 
can counter this by equipping your characters with Pinwheels, though I never 
did and managed to get through this stage several times without them, waiting 
for the negative status to heal itself.
~~~ Ascomoid (Mutant Shroom): 
This enemy attacks from a large distance away initially, utilizing 'Luminous 
Moss', an attack which can and will frequently Confuse your characters. This 
does get very annoying, fast. If a semi-wounded character is near they will 
use a direct attack which does small damage. Once they are wounded to a 
significant degree, they will use 'Countdown', where the end result is an 
explosion; however it will take several turns to actuate, where you have 
plenty of time to destroy it beforehand.

Suggested attacks per character:

- Clarissa (Gadgeteer): Sacrifice/Regular attacks (have the 'Dandelion EQ' 
Skill equipped as it halves the damage Clarissa takes when using Sacrifice). 
- Felius (Secutor): Upper Hand 
- Labyrinthia (Elementalist): Fire (enemy is very weak against Fire). Creating 
a Replica nearby also helps. 
- Tony (Crossbreed): Direct attacks. 
The possible enemy lineups I faced were:

- Ascomoid X3 
- Ascomoid X5 (700+ Gella, 50+ EXP) 
| Act 1-4a - Creedmore Prison: Rear Entrance - (0006) | 

Party Update: 
By now you should be well familiar with the gameplay of Wild ARMs XF, and 
therefore confident enough to choose your own Classes and equip the right 
Skills. However, I'd highly advise that you stick to what I have suggested so 
far, otherwise you may end up with a slower/faster character which would 
conflict with my turn-by-turn strategies.  For the record, my party were all 
evenly balanced at this point, at level 11, and took advantage of multi-class 
status (i.e. Clarissa was a Gadgeteer for me with the Dandelion Shot OC Skill 
attached, hence she could use the abilities of either Class).

Pre-mission Advice:  
The first in a two-part mission, this is a fun arc in the game. You won't need 
to worry about items or attacking in the first mission, but stock up on Heal 
Berries nonetheless. For the sake of the coming strategy, make sure Clarissa 
and Labyrinthia are both of the Gadgeteer Class (making sure the latter has 
her Arcanist OC Skill equipped), and keep Felius as a Secutor. To deviate from 
this path may void the strategy.

To make things easier to follow, you'll note that there are 9 houses on the 
map which each hold a prisoner that must be rescued. Clarissa will handle 
those on the immediate left, Labyrinthia will take care of the 3 in the 
middle, and Felius those on the right. Knowing this, there is less chance that 
you'll get confused when following the steps below. As your lineup, choose 
Clarissa/Felius/Labyrinthia, and Tony can sit this one out. I will show you 
what to do, turn by turn with plot points.

Clarissa - Move to the doorway of the left-most house near her (Fellman 
rescued, 8 left). 
Labyrinthia - Move straight ahead to the middle house's nearby doorway (Krelia 
rescued, 7 left). 
Felius - Head to the right-most house's doorway. (Brown rescued, 6 left). 
Clarissa - Sticking to the right side of the house she's standing at, move 
ahead as far as she can go. 
Labyrinthia - Move two steps ahead, so she lines up with Clarissa; there's no 
need to go further. 
The guard in the far upper corner of the map will now move. 
Clarissa - Move one step forward. The nearby guard will not see you. 
Felius - Move as far forward as you can go, heading toward the next right-most 
The lower guard will move further into her corner, away from Clarissa, but not 
Clarissa - Move down, heading toward the door of the next house on the left, 
but make sure you're in the gap where the guard will not see you. Rotate the 
map to see better if you need to. Wait there. 
Labyrinthia - Position her in front of the door of the middle house (McCullum 
rescued, 5 left). 
Felius - You may be tempted to go for that door which is in reach. Instead 
head toward the top of the map (the nearby gap), as we'll have Felius move 
toward the further house on the right first. 
Clarissa - Have her wait in her current position. 
Labyrinthia - Where she is now, have her Warp to the opposite side of the 
house, placing her near the last one in her charge. 
Felius - Have him move to the top of the map, but snaking along the right side 
of the nearby house. 
The lower guard will move now, seeing no one. 
Clarissa - She is now safe to position herself at the door of the mid-left 
house, but aim for the left-most Hex just for the sake of it, so she is 
further up the map (Weyland rescued, 4 left). 
Clarissa - She can move again, so head for the gap ahead, placing her in 
between the two plants. 
Labyrinthia - Continue to wait in her current position. 
Felius - Move all the way ahead, sadly one Hex away from the door. 
Clarissa - Move one space ahead, so you are still safe out of view and wait. 
Labyrinthia - Wait. 
Felius - Move one space ahead to the door (Jonah rescued, 3 left) 
Clarissa - Continue to wait. 
Labyrinthia - Continue to wait. 
Clarissa - Continue to wait (getting repetitive, but you're nearly done). 
Felius - Move into the gap behind him, so he is close to the mid-right house, 
which we skipped earlier. 
A guard will move, but Felius will be safely hidden away. 
Clarissa - Wait. 
Labyrinthia - Wait. 
Felius - Move to the door of the mid-right house (Alison rescued, 2 left). 

Clarissa - Snake along the right of the house on the left yet to be rescued as 
far as you can go. 
Labyrinthia - Move in front of the door of the last house in the middle 
section (Ellen rescued, 1 left). 
Clarissa - Move further ahead but safe from the nearby guard's view. 
Felius/Labyrinthia - Wait in current positions from now on. 
Clarissa - The guard is still nearby, so wait again. The guard will promptly 
move, so once you control Clarissa again move her to the final door (Brandon 
rescued, 0 left). 

| Act 1-4b - Creedmore Prison: Front Entrance -(0007) | 
Pre-mission Advice: 
Change Labyrinthia back to an Elementalist (retaining her Arcanist OC Skill) 
and make sure everyone is equipped with plenty of Heal Berries (7 for 
Clarissa, or you may have trouble with this strategy). Also, make Levin a 
Gadgeteer and equip his Martial Mage OC/EQ skills since you have the space, 
and then equip his Gadgeteer Weapon/armour plus a few Heal Berries just in 
case. You should have the Dandelion Shot EQ Skill and a Brooch equipped on 
Clarissa so her Sacrifice doesn't harm her as much. 
The 'Warden' Nanasato (Secutor) is the 'boss' of this mission, and we will be 
defeating her and every other enemy on this map for maximum rewards. 
Start off by having Clarissa move in front of the nearby Fantastica, but make 
sure you face her directly and there are three empty Hexes between and use a 
regular attack. As Levin, head towards the same foe, though since he cannot 
reach (indirectly or otherwise) use his 'Blast' magic on the Fantastica behind 
him. Felius should position himself behind Labyrinthia and attack Grinne 
(Excavator) with Upper Hand from a distance. As Labyrinthia, move next to Tony 
and create a Replica in front of him. Tony should go over and finish off the 
wounded Excavator near Felius.

Controlling Clarissa again, use Sacrifice on the Fantastica in front of her, 
which should kill the foe. Move Levin ahead towards the Warden (the same 
direction he's been heading). Clarissa is up once more, but don't move her. 
Use Mystic with a Heal Berry and make sure the target area includes herself 
and the wounded elderly villager nearby (Brown). Levin should move one space 
ahead and use Blast on the Fantastica behind him. Labyrinthia should use Crush 
on the Fantastica behind her Replica (Miranda) Just have the Replica wait or 
move it around endlessly. Having control of Felius at last, move him and 
finish off Miranda with Upper Hand.
Clarissa should use a Heal Berry on the villager Fellman (whom the warden 
wounded). Levin can make himself useful once more with a dose of Blast on the 
nearby Fantastica. Clarissa gets another turn, so take this time to use a Heal 
Berry on Brown (the elderly villager). Have Tony move behind the surviving 
nearby Fantastica and use a direct attack. Labyrinthia can assist the dog by 
wiping out that very Fantastica with Vortex. Levin can now finish off his own 
Fantastica nuisance with Blast. Use Clarissa's Sacrifice Skill on Nanasato 
(Secutor Warden). Ignoring the Replica, have Felius move next to Labyrinthia 
and use Upper Hand on Excavator Maron.
As Clarissa, have her use a Heal Berry and wait right where she is. Make 
Labyrinthia Warp as close to Nanasato as possible, and then have Levin head 
toward the treasure chest you must have noticed by now. Clarissa can again use 
Sacrifice on the Secutor Warden, and then Tony can finish off the severely 
wounded Excavator near him. If he missed, or you want the treasure, have 
Labyrinthia use Freeze on the Warden (which won't kill her; because we don't 
want that yet). Have Clarissa use Mystic with a Heal Berry to target herself 
and Brown.
Felius can stay where he is, and use MP Burst for the sake of it. Clarissa 
gets another turn, so slap a little Sacrifice on Nanasato. Levin can now move 
over and attack/open the treasure chest for a free Heal Berry (I felt somewhat 
cheated as well). Labyrinthia can finally finish off the 'Boss' or wait until 
there are no enemies left on the map and then kill her. You receive a decent 
amount of EXP and CSP thanks to a nice bonus rate per character when the 
mission concludes. Well done.

| Optional Quest - Free Battle #3 - Creedmore Prison - (0008) | 

Pre-mission Advice: 
Your characters can be affected by the negative status effects Confuse and 
Disease, which can be countered with Pinwheels and Medicine respectively; but 
like the previous 'Free Battles' I never bothered. Disease will prevent the 
character affected from being able to use restorative items, so if any I'd 
worry about that a little more than confusion. The battles are short and 
unimportant, so it's up to you.

The map is quite large and the enemies usually start off far away, so if you 
hang back it might take a turn or two for them to reach you, during such time 
you could cast various 'buffs' on your characters. The chances of confusion 
afflicting your characters are very high if you spread out. Sticking together 
and throwing a Replica into the mix when possible early on will help. The only 
enemies you will face in this battle are Harpies and Ascomoids; foes you have 
faced and are familiar with from the previous Free Battles. Review the 
information written about them above, should you need to.

The possible enemy lineups I faced were:

- Ascomoid X1 + Harpy X2 
- Ascomoid X2 + Harpy X2 
- Ascomoid X1 + Harpy X3 (2000 Gella, 75+ EXP) 

| Optional Quests - Drifter Item Search #1-3 - Bandit's Forest/Promise Hill/ |
| Creedmore Prison - (0009)                                                  |

Pre-mission Advice: 
I hired two Drifters, and here's what my plan was:

Male Secutor - I plan to train this character until he learns the Secutor OC 
Skill, and then make him a Gadgeteer to get that Classes own OC Skill, and 
then revert back to a Secutor and equip the Gadgeteer OC Skill so I have a 
strong fighter who can also heal nearby characters (Mystic For-The-Win). When 
you are purchasing this Drifter the stats are random, so keep scrolling along 
until the HP stat is 170+ along with an Atk (Attack) stat of 70+. If you are 
unlucky it may take a while, but keep scrolling until you meet said criteria. 
Choose the highest level possible (it will cost more, but it's worth it) which 
for me was level 12.

Female Gadgeteer - Once this character has learned the Gadgeteer OC Skill, I 
plan on changing her to an Elementalist so she can use more powerful magic 
along with being able to mass-heal allies with Mystic. It won't take long to 
learn the Gadgeteer OC Skill, so do that first. When creating this unit make 
sure the HP Stat is 140 (give or take) and 70+ Mag (Magic) shall be fine. 
Again choose the highest level possible.

It's now time to use our new Drifters to go on a 'Search' at the three 
available locations where you could engage in 'Free Battle'. You won't be 
doing any fighting, though. You could enhance your results by hiring extra 
Drifters, but since you won't really have the time to train them, I'd suggest 
not bothering. As I had enough funds, and for the purpose of a quicker 
Walkthrough, I always applied 'Force Wait' to my Searches so they were 
concluded instantly. I'll now produce my various results for each of the 
Search locations.

Search Location - Bandit's Forest:

Again, I use two Drifters only in all of my Search missions. The possible 
rewards I came across at the Bandit's Forest were:

- Mantrap Vine (Common Item, used for Synthesis - an unavailable feature at 
- Tabanga Branch (Semi-rare Item, used for Synthesis). 
- Heal Berry (Rare item, though not a valued prize by now).

15 Searches at 300 Gella each (200 per search for 'Force Wait'). 
Results: 4,500 Gella = 88 Mantrap Vines + 30 Tabanga Branches + Heal Berries 

This bunch of Searches would have only cost 1,500 Gella without Force Wait. 

Search Location - Promise Hill:

Slightly better rewards at this location, though you rarely receive the semi-
decent spoils. The possible rewards I came across at Promise Hill were:

- Iron Ore (Common Item, used for Synthesis). 
- Elesium (Semi-rare Item, used for Synthesis). 
- Break Gem (Rare Item, in terms of how often you'll get any). 
- Cyclone Gem (Rare Item).

15 Searches at 300 Gella each (200 per search for 'Force Wait'). 
Results: 4,500 Gella = 99 Iron Ore + 18 Elesium + Elemental Gems (few). 

Search Location - Creedmore Prison:
Offers the best rewards by far at this point in the game, and I actually had 
the most luck with my Searches here, so hopefully you will too. The possible 
rewards I came across at Creedmore Prison were:

- Tatzelwurm Horn (Common Item, used for Synthesis). 
- Kalivos Claw (Semi-rare Item, used for Synthesis). 
- Gella Card (Rare Item, though I received a decent amount). 
- Lucky Card (Rare Item, I only received one out of 15 Searches).

15 Searches at 300 Gella each (200 per search for 'Force Wait'). 
Results: 4,500 Gella = 99 Tatzelwurm Horns + 21 Kalivos Claws + Gella/Lucky 

Note that Gella Cards can be sold for 1,500 Gella so you may want to start 
this optional 'Search' quest at this location, and use them to fund further 
expeditions if you are low on funds, otherwise fight several Free Battles here 
at Creedmore Prison as you can generally attain 2,000+ Gella per victory. 
These various Search rewards will come in handy in the future, so it's in your 
best interest to do them. 

| Act 1-5 - Rusty Docks - (0010) | 

Party Update: 
Clarissa (Gadgeteer) - Dandelion Shot OC + Soul Survivor + Dandelion Shot EQ 
(Strahl Gewer/Brooch Equipped). 
Felius (Secutor) - Halberdier OC + Overflow + Crisis AIM Up. 
Labyrinthia (Elementalist) - Arcanist OC + Zone Effect + Arcanist EQ (Ribbon 
Drifter 1 (Male Secutor) - Gadgeteer OC + Fantastica OC (Strong attacker with 
healer/support  capabilities). 
Drifter 2 (Female Elementalist) - Gadgeteer OC + Fantastica OC.

Pre-mission Advice:  
As you'll see above, by now you should have your party at level 10 as a 
minimum (mine are level 12), so they each have four Skill slots. You can 
deviate from the suggestion, but only for the last two Skill slots; otherwise 
go your own way and cease using this strategy to avoid possible conflictions. 
Anyhow, make sure you have an adequate supply of Heal Berries, but also 
purchase a Fire Gem for each of your human characters (5) and equip one on 
each unit (even your two Elementalists). You should have plenty of funds via 
training your characters in Free Battles.

To avoid confusion, line up your units (see the numbers 1-6 when choosing your 
battle characters?) like this:
Clarissa (1) - Felius (2) - Labyrinthia (3) - Tony (4) - Male Secutor (5) - 
Female Elementalist (6).
Start by moving Clarissa one space diagonally forward, so she can target the 
distant Lantern with her Fire Gem. Move your Drifter Elementalist up next to 
Felius, and have your other Drifter (Secutor) head toward the other nearby 
Lantern (below the one Clarissa lit with her Fire Gem). Felius should head 
toward that Jelly Blob which is on land, but don't use your Fire Gem. You can 
use Upper Hand, but it will do very small damage. Tony can head toward Felius 
(whenever I say this, I mean move the maximum distance possible). Have 
Labyrinthia Warp as far ahead as she can go (the elevated stone).
Clarissa should head toward the Jelly Blob as well (don't go into the water 
though) and then use Encourage on Felius. Now have Felius move as far ahead as 
he can go, advancing toward the Gremalkin's on the other side of the map. Move 
your female Drifter (Elementalist) toward that Jelly Blob and use Rush on 
Labyrinthia; or just wait if you lack that ability. Move your other Drifter 
(Secutor) in range of that Lantern and use his Fire Gem on it. Have Clarissa 
move next to Felius and behind the Jelly Blob. Tony should move behind 
Clarissa and just wait. Labyrinthia can now Warp ahead (2 spaces behind 
Felius). Speaking of Felius, move him as far toward those Gremalkin's as you 
can. Have the Drifter Elementalist use her 'Fire' magic on the nearby Jelly 
Blob, the move the Secutor Drifter near her.

Move Clarissa toward that Gremalkin which is high up in the mountain. The 
female Drifter (Elementalist) gets another turn, so position her next to Tony 
and use Rush on Labyrinthia again (if you have it). Have Tony aid Clarissa by 
following her up the mountain after that Gremalkin. Use Clarissa to perform a 
direct attack on that Gremalkin, and don't worry about its weak counter-
attack. Have Labyrinthia move in front of Felius and use Crush on the 
Gremalkin in range (all magic does the same damage); or wait if you couldn't 
cast Rush on her. Now move Felius near that same Gremalkin and use Upper Hand 
on it. Have the male Drifter (Secutor) wait where he is. Clarissa can now use 
Sacrifice on her mountain-bound foe. Have the female Drifter move closer to 
the other Drifter (Secutor). Tony should finish off the Gremalkin if 
Clarissa's Sacrifice didn't kill it, otherwise head down toward Felius. Have 
Felius finish off the wounded Gremalkin nearby with Smart Drive or a regular 
attack, and then Labyrinthia should move ahead so she lines up with the next 
unlit Lantern.

Have Clarissa move back down to lower ground and use a Heal Berry on herself. 
Move the female Drifter closer to the other Drifter, while he in turn moves 
away from her and heads toward that Jelly Blob which is in the water. Felius 
can now go after the last Gremalkin on the map, and use Upper Hand against it. 
Clarissa should move in front of Tony (behind Labyrinthia), while the dog goes 
toward Felius. Have Labyrinthia use her Fire magic on that nearby Lantern. 
Move the Elementalist Drifter towards the other Drifter again. Have Tony 
position himself next to Felius and attack the Gremalkin; or wait nearby if he 
cannot reach. Clarissa should hold her current position, and the male Drifter 
should do the same. Make Labyrinthia Warp into the water, so she lines up with 
the last unlit Lantern. Felius can now finish off that Gremalkin with a 
regular attack, and then move the female Drifter closer to her generic 

Continue to have Clarissa wait, and then have Labyrinthia move a space ahead 
and target the last unlit Lantern with her Fire Gem (her regular magic won't 
reach).  The Jelly Blobs will now head for dry land. Have your Drifters both 
wait where they are, and then do the same with Felius/Tony/Clarissa. 
Labyrinthia should now Warp back to dry land (behind Clarissa). Clarissa can 
now use Encourage on Laby. Move Tony back a space from where he is, and then 
have the Elementalist Drifter use her Fire magic on the nearby Jelly Blob. 
Labyrinthia is up once more, so move her closer to that soon-to-surface Jelly 
Blob. The Drifters are now useless, so have them wait where they are for the 
rest of the mission (have them use various 'Buffs' on each other if you want 

Move Clarissa closer to Labyrinthia. Felius/Tony/Clarissa/Labyrinthia - have 
them all wait a turn. When Clarissa gets her next turn use Sacrifice on the 
Jelly Blob which is now on dry land. Felius/Tony - you're cramping that Jelly-
Blob-in-the-water's style, so move them back a step each (away from the foe). 
Use Labyrinthia's Fire magic on the other Jelly Blob which is now out of 
water. Have Clarissa use a Heal Berry, make Felius wait where he is, and when 
you control Clarissa again make her wait as well. Position Tony so that he 
performs a Formation Art with Felius. Labyrinthia should Warp near that Jelly 
Blob with Felius and Tony. Clarissa has to wait yet another turn, and then use 
Felius to perform his own Formation Art with Tony. If this causes the Jelly 
Blob to duplicate, that's great; we'll finish them off with Laby. Have Tony 
attack that Jelly Blob again if it didn't duplicate.

Clarissa must wait once more. Labyrinthia can now finish off the wounded Jelly 
Blob with Fire (if there is a duplicate, use her magic on it for her next 
turn). Felius/Tony must wait around for the rest of the mission. Clarissa has 
to wait again, so take this time to use a Heal Berry as her health would be 
declining by now due to depleted VP. Once that last Jelly Blob does surface, 
have Clarissa finish it off with Sacrifice. Now reap the spoils of victory... 
Nearly 300 EXP (!) and close to 20 CSP... 

| Optional Quest - Free Battle #4 - Rusty Docks - (0011) | 

Pre-mission Advice: 
The only enemy you face in this Free Battle is the foe you faced in the 
previous mission, the Jelly Blob. If you want to make this level proceed 
quicker, you could make all your human characters Elementalists (or give them 
that particular Skill OC) so they can all summon Fire magic, but I didn't 
bother. Fire Gems aren't worth it either. Anyhow, all you need before facing 
random encounters here are Heal Berries for Clarissa.

You've faced Jelly Blobs in the last Act mission, but I'll detail them a bit 
more and offer some facts about this Free Battle. Firstly, your best bet (just 
like before) is to wipe out all the land-bound Jelly Blobs and then light the 
Lanterns with Fire so you draw the remaining foes out of the water. You 
probably won't want to spend much time training here, as this whole process 
can become boring/annoying rather quickly.

~~~ Jelly Blob (Shapeless Mass): 
This enemy is very slow, so the bulk of your characters will usually get two 
turns before a Jelly Blob gets to do anything; though unless a character is 
right next to them they will remain stationary. Their 'Boing' attack can do 
semi-moderate damage to weak/low-HP characters; though it's a mostly weak 
attack unless you are fairly damaged. Should you land a critical hit with a 
direct attack a Jelly Blob will try to use 'Floop' which splits the foe in 
two; effectively duplicating itself. It hardly ever works though, but if it 
does it's actually a good thing as it means more EXP/Gella for you when they 
are dead.

Suggested attacks per character:

- Clarissa (Gadgeteer): Sacrifice. 
- Felius (Secutor): Upper Hand (just to raise the CSP bonus) 
- Labyrinthia (Elementalist): Fire. 
- Tony (Crossbreed): Direct attacks or do nothing. 
- Drifter 1 (Male Secutor): Cast Rush on Labyrinthia/Drifter Elementalist 
- Drifter 2 (Female Elementalist): Fire. 
The possible enemy lineups I faced were:

- Jelly Blob X3 
- Jelly Blob X5 (1000+ Gella, 100+ EXP)

Another strategy to note is to wipe out all the land-bound Jelly Blobs (as 
usual) and then have all six of your characters go into the water after the 
single foe which is hiding there (don't light the Lanterns; and if there are 
two Jelly Blob's in the water don't bother). Surround it with everyone, and 
from then on use direct attacks until it is dead. This will take some time, 
and no matter how powerful you may be, you'll only inflict 1-HP-damage to this 
enemy. Anyhow, at the end of the mission the EXP (80-100) Bonus per character 
will range from double to triple; throw a Lucky Card into the mix for even 
better results. A character could net them self 400-odd EXP to this effect. 
You could apply this strategy to Original abilities as well to increase the 
CSP rate instead; but the results don't seem as rewarding. 

| Optional Quests - Drifter Item Search #4-6 - Rusty Docks/ |
| Windhalt Gatehouse/Trader's Road - (0012)                 |

Pre-mission Advice: 
I still only implemented my two current Drifters, and there's no real need to 
purchase more at this point of time, but feel free to do so if you want 
enhanced (though more costly) Search results.

As I had the funds (and you really should too, otherwise you are 
slacking off in the training department) I applied 'Force Wait' for all of my 
Searches. Note that the Synthesis items you find were also available at 
Promise Hill, so there's no real point in investing any of your Gella, unless 
you want some more Elesium and really desire a few elemental Gems (which are 
not worth it at all). For completion purposes of this Walkthrough I'll provide 
the stats though.

Search Location - Rusty Docks:

If you've already done plenty of Drifter Searches at Promise Hill, there's no 
real point engaging in this particular Search quest. The possible rewards I 
came across at Rusty Docks were:

- Iron Ore (Common Item, used for Synthesis). 
- Elesium (Semi-rare Item, used for Synthesis). 
- Fire Gem (Rare item). 
- Freeze Gem (Rare item).

15 Searches at 300 Gella each (200 per search for 'Force Wait'). 
Results: 4,500 Gella = 90~ Iron Ore + 25 Elesium + 2 Fire Gems + 5 Freeze 

Search Location - Windhalt Gatehouse:

You'll receive familiar Synthesis-related items at this location (Creedmore 
Prison equivalent), however you could always use more of the higher-rank type 
(which is rarer) and this place also offers useful Potential Eggs (increases 
your CSP Bonus rate by 1.0). The possible rewards I came across at Windhalt 
Gatehouse were:
- Tatzelwurm Horn (Common Item, used for Synthesis). 
- Kalivos Claw (Semi-rare Item, used for Synthesis). 
- Potential Egg (Rare Item). 
- Lucky Card (Rare Item).

15 Searches at 300 Gella each (200 per search for 'Force Wait'). 
Results: 4,500 Gella = 90~ Tatzelwurm Horns + 24 Kalivos Claws + 2 Potential 
Eggs + 1 Lucky Card.

If you are the patient type, you could simply keep reloading your game after 
each Search which failed to reward you with a Potential Egg, but such a thing 
would become tiresome rather quickly. 

Search Location - Trader's Road:

The most useless in terms of the non-Synthesis item reward. You will receive 
Antidotes here, as well as the same Synthesis materials you could get at 
Bandit's Forest. If you have the funds, be sure to spend some time with 
Drifter Searches here anyhow, so you increase your stockpile of Tabanga 
Branches. The possible rewards I came across at Trader's Road were:

- Mantrap Vine (Common Item, used for Synthesis). 
- Tabanga Branch (Semi-rare Item, used for Synthesis). 
- Antidote (Rare item).

15 Searches at 300 Gella each (200 per search for 'Force Wait'). 
Results: 4,500 Gella = 90~ Mantrap Vines + 23 Tabanga Branches + 4 Antidotes. 

| Optional Quests - Free Battle #5-6 - Windhalt Gatehouse/ |
| Trader's Road - (0013)                                   |

Pre-mission Advice: 
Finally being allowed to access Free Battles at Windhalt Gatehouse and 
Trader's Road, you should definitely take the time to fight a few random 
encounters, as after all those Drifter Searches you are probably running low 
on Gella.

Free Battle Location - Windhalt Gatehouse:

You will face Gremalkins and Ascomoids at this location, so by now you'll be 
quite familiar with these foes and should have no trouble completing this Free 
Battle in a timely manner. As a priority, you should wipe out the Ascomoids 
first, as you don't want them having plenty of chances to Confuse your 
characters. Fire magic will wipe out most of an Ascomoids' HP, and Gremalkin's 
are easy to gang up on with your two Secutors (Felius and the generic 

The possible enemy lineups I faced were:

- Ascomoid X1 + Gremalkin X2 
- Ascomoid X1 + Gremalkin X3 
- Ascomoid X3 + Gremalkin X1 
- Ascomoid X2 + Gremalkin X3 (600+ Gella, 60+ EXP) 

Free Battle Location - Trader's Road:

This Free Battle is somewhat of a disappointment, as you only face one type of 
enemy; the lowly Gremalkin. For completion's sake, give it a go at least once 
anyway. The only benefit of this one is that it has a nice and small, tight 
battlefield. Split your party into two or three teams and quickly exterminate 
the beasts with your many acquired abilities and Formation Arts.

The possible enemy lineups I faced were:

- Gremalkin X 3 (250+ Gella, 25+ EXP)

Note that these two optional missions offer very little Gella/EXP in 
comparison to other stages, so should you still be rather low in level or 
funds, replay Rusty Docks for decent Experience Points, or Creedmore Prison 
for abundant Gella.

| Act 1-6 - Fallen Fowl Swamp - (0014) | 
|------------------ -------------------|

Pre-mission Advice:  
By now, your Gella coffers should be above 20,000, as it is not very hard to 
get such an amount via training at the various Free Battle locations 
(especially Creedmore Prison) plus your characters should be around level 12 
by now (mine are level 14). Purchase a Freeze Gem (if you don't have one) and 
equip it on Clarissa. For this battle, change Clarissa's Class to Secutor, and 
equip her Dandelion Shot OC/EQ + Gadgeteer Item Range (if you have it) Skills, 
and make sure she has her Dandelion weapon/armour equipped, along with a 
Buckler. The only other class change that is required is to make your female 
Drifter a Gadgeteer (equipping her Elementalist OC/EQ Skills, plus whatever 
you want for the forth slot) and equip her Elementalist weapon and Gadgeteer 
armour. Make sure everyone has Heal Berries equipped, but there is no need to 
equip Antidotes; despite the in-game advice.

To avoid confusion, line up your units like this: 
Clarissa (1) - Felius (2) - Tony (3) - Labyrinthia (4) - Female Gadgeteer (5) 
- Male Secutor (6).

Start off by moving for female Drifter (Gadgeteer) toward the wooden 'bridge' 
as far as she can go, and then have Clarissa do the same. Move your male 
Drifter as far as he can go near that bridge as well, and then move Felius 
behind Clarissa. Tony should move behind the female Drifter. Labyrinthia can 
warm herself up by Warping near that enemy Elementalist who has taken up 
residence on that nearby island in the swamp, but position her on the left on 
said island; don't line up with the distant Geomancer. Have your female 
Drifter move as far ahead as she can go again, and then have Clarissa do the 
same; ending up on the next wooden bridge. Move your male Drifter behind your 
female Drifter, and cast Rush on her.

Have Felius move behind Clarissa, and then move Tony to that gap which is on 
the sides of both Drifters. Controlling your female Drifter again (Gadgeteer) 
move her as far ahead as she can go and use her Vortex magic on that other 
Elementalist who has set up shop on an island in the middle of the swamp; 
which will kill him in one blast. Clarissa should head toward the enemy 
Geomancer, and target said foe with your Freeze Gem I told you to equip her 
with. Labyrinthia can now use Vortex on the Elementalist she Warped near which 
will kill him instantly. Move your generic Secutor behind your female Drifter 
and cast Rush on Clarissa, and then have Felius move behind Clarissa. Have 
your generic Gadgeteer move as far ahead as she can go, landing on the left 
Hex, and use Freeze on the Geomancer (as you are still affected by Rush).

Clarissa can now move up next to this enemy Geomancer, and use Howling Shot on 
him (Sacrifice is not worth the very minute extra damage it does). Move your 
male Drifter (Secutor) behind your female Drifter and cast Rush on her again. 
The Geomancer will now use his 'Lock Out' ability on your generic Gadgeteer. 
Worry not. Now move Tony behind Felius, and then have Labyrinthia Warp over to 
Clarissa's side. Felius should now move next to your female Drifter and user 
Upper Hand on the Geomancer. Speaking of your female Drifter, she cannot move 
anywhere yet, so just cast Freeze on the Geomancer for a little comeback. 
Clarissa is now free to finish off the aforementioned foe with a regular 
attack (or if that won't be enough to kill him, use Howling Shot instead). 
Have your generic Secutor move in front of Clarissa, and then cast Rush on 

Tony should move to the sides of Felius and your female Drifter, who then 
can't move for her turn again, so just wait. Have Labyrinthia walk over behind 
the male Drifter (due to the direction he's facing) and then Warp over to that 
island with the treasure chest. Felius should now move to where Laby was just 
standing. Move Clarissa as far ahead as she can go, and then have your male 
Drifter do the same (ending up to Clarissa's left) and then cast Rush on her. 
Your female Drifter (Gadgeteer) can move again at last, so position her behind 
Felius. Felius should move as far ahead as he can go, waiting near that enemy 
Elementalist, and then have Tony move in front of your female Drifter. 
Clarissa should move ahead of Felius and use Howling Shot on that 
Elementalist. Labyrinthia can now attack/open that treasure chest for a Revive 
Fruit, however if she is injured use a Heal Berry instead. Trust me on this 

Controlling your male Drifter, move ahead and finish off that Elementalist 
with a regular attack, and then move your other generic Drifter behind Felius. 
Tony should move behind Clarissa, while she moves as close to that enemy 
female Elementalist on the left of the plateau and uses Sacrifice (thanks to 
Rush). Have Felius move to the left of your male Drifter (Clarissa will be one 
Hex-gap ahead). Move your female Drifter next to Felius and your generic 
Secutor, and then use Mystic with a Heal Berry, making sure the target area 
includes Clarissa and your generic Secutor. Now that your male Drifter is 
healthy, move to the other side of your female Drifter and cast Rush on her as 
thanks. Labyrinthia should open the chest now or use a Heal Berry (if you 
opened the chest already). Have Clarissa finish off that wounded Elementalist 
with Sacrifice. Move your female Drifter over near the corner (where all the 
enemies have gathered) however save the actual corner Hex for Felius, and cast 
Crush on the last female Elementalist.

Now have Felius move to the aforementioned corner Hex and finish off the 
female Elementalist with Upper Hand. Tony should move to the left of your 
female Drifter, and then have your male Drifter cast Rush on Clarissa. 
Labyrinthia is sadly stuck in the role of decoy, so use a Heal Berry again, or 
Warp far away from enemy fire (excuse the pun, if they've been hitting you 
with Fire). Have Clarissa move behind Felius and use a Heal Berry, and then 
have your female Drifter use Crush on the 'Boss', the stronger Elementalist. 
Felius can help out by using Upper Hand on the same foe (El Jackson). Now make 
your male Drifter cast invoke on Tony, and then move the Crossbreed dog up 
onto the plateau and attack the boss Elementalist.

Clarissa can now finish off El Jackson with Sacrifice, and then have your 
female Drifter use Fire magic on the last enemy unit. Labyrinthia now takes 
another beating if she is still on her treasure island, and if so get your 
revenge by killing the pesky enemy Elementalist with her Fire magic, otherwise 
just wait and finish the enemy off with someone else. 

| Optional Quests - Free Battle #7-8 - Fallen Fowl Swamp/ |
| Path to the Shrine - (0015)                             | 

Pre-mission Advice: 
If you can spare the funds, equip a Revive Fruit on your each of your human 
characters (besides Labyrinthia) as you will be battling Harpies again, which 
can kill you in one hit on rare occasion. I didn't worry about it though, as 
very rarely did a character of mine die (and even then there are no 
penalties). Change your female Drifter back to an Elementalist (we had her as 
a Gadgeteer in the last Act) and equip her Gadgeteer /Fantastica OC Skills 
plus your weapon/armour. Keep Clarissa as a Secutor until she has learned the 
'Wait and Heal VP' Skill, and then change her Class back to Gadgeteer (with 
Dandelion OC/EQ + Soul Survivor - which nullifies instant death attacks - or 
Wait and Heal VP). 
Free Battle Location - Fallen Fowl Swamp:

You will only face Harpy foes in this Free Battle, and you can review more 
detailed information about them much further above. You will be dealing with 
very fast Harpies here, and they will usually move before you at the start of 
the mission, possibly killing someone with Asphyxiate or using Confuse if they 
are close enough. Don't worry about the fairly large battlefield or the 
generally spread-out enemies, as they'll reach your party pretty quickly on 
their own. Always make sure you focus on one foe at a time, as a wounded Harpy 
tends to retreat more often than not (costing you EXP/Gella). Labyrinthia 
should use Replica whenever she can't use her magic to distract the Harpies. 
Some characters may easily get a 1.5/2.0 EXP Bonus rate without even using a 
Lucky Card, which is a very nice amount. 
The possible enemy lineups I faced were:

- Harpy X3 
- Harpy X5 (3000~ Gella, 100 EXP)

As you can see, this is a great location to earn some extra funds, and train 
your characters to a decent well-rounded level, such as 13 at this stage (mine 
were on the verge of 15). 
Free Battle Location - Path to the Shrine: 
This time you will be facing three types of monsters in this Free Battle, all 
of which are familiar. The one sore point of this location is that the 
battlefield is very long, and some of the slower foes will take some time to 
get in range of your attacks, even while you hasten toward them. Some are also 
generated high above in the mountain, and seem reluctant to come down. The 
previous Free Battle location should be the superior choice for training, 
however give this one a shot or two just for completion's sake. The general 
strategy is to head toward your foes as a group, using your Class abilities 
when you get the chance (and casting Rush from time to time). If an enemy is 
high up in the mountain, try to lure them closer or have Felius use Upper Hand 
and Labyrinthia Warp to a lower point in the mountain, and then even higher 
when she gets another turn. 
The possible enemy lineups I faced were:

- Gremalkin X1 + Ascomoid X1 + Harpy X1 
- Gremalkin X1 + Ascomoid X2 + Harpy X1 
- Gremalkin X2 + Ascomoid X2 + Harpy X1 (1500+ Gella, 105 EXP) 
| Optional Quests - Drifter Item Search #7-8 - Fallen Fowl Swamp/ |
| Path to the Shrine - (0016)                                     |

Pre-mission Advice: 
As usual, I only used two Drifters, and again you shouldn't really bother 
wasting your money on more generic characters, as they tend to become a waste 
of space and somewhat hard to manage. 
The Synthesis item materials that you can get here have already appeared in 
two previous Drifter Search missions for each type, so there is really no 
worthy gain to 'investing' a lot of funds into these ones. Just do them a 
couple of time anyhow, if only to increase your amount of Tabanga 

Search Location - Fallen Fowl Swamp:
The 'bonus item', Revive Fruit, may make this Search seem appealing, but given 
how few you'll probably receive, don't spend too much time with this one. The 
possible rewards I came across at Fallen Fowl Swamp were:

- Mantrap Vine (Common Item, used for Synthesis). 
- Tabanga Branch (Semi-rare Item, used for Synthesis). 
- Revive Fruit (Rare item).

15 Searches at 300 Gella each (200 per search for 'Force Wait'). 
Results: 4,500 Gella = 90~ Mantrap Vines + 20 Tabanga Branches + 5 Revive 
Search Location - Path to the Shrine:
There are two 'bonus' items that you can find at this location, both of which 
will be new to you at this stage of the game. Exploder Gems are one such type, 
which are multi-target Non-elemental magic Gems. The other is Chakrams, which 
are useless at the moment. Neither is worth much in the way of Gella. 
- Iron Ore (Common Item, used for Synthesis). 
- Elesium (Semi-rare Item, used for Synthesis). 
- Chakram (Rare item). 
- Exploder Gem (Rare item).

15 Searches at 300 Gella each (200 per search for 'Force Wait'). 
Results: 4,500 Gella = 90~ Iron Ore + 27 Elesium + 2 Chakrams + 2 Exploder 
| Act 1-7a - Guardian Shrine - (0017) | 

Pre-mission Advice: 
Nope, no need to change any of our units' Class, nor do we need to waste any 
Gella on elemental Gems. Just top everyone off with Heal Berries (even though 
only Clarissa will use them) and you are good to go. As I mentioned before, my 
characters were level 14 at this point, but level 12 would be fine as well. 
Training is too much fun and rewarding to pass over this early in the game, so 
it's far from difficult to get to where I was at. Head to Poliasha if you need 
more items, as you have another event battle to face after this one, and while 
you can save in between this time, you are cut off from the rest of the map 
and cannot enter towns/etc.
Whoa, only 99 turns? Bah, a few over 60 is all that will pass before this 
mission is complete, and we shall be wiping out every single enemy for maximum 
EXP gain as always. FYI, you cannot engage in Free Battle/Drifter Search here.
To avoid confusion, line up your units like this: 
Clarissa (1) - Tony (2) - Labyrinthia (3) - Felius (4) - Male Secutor (5) - 
Female Elementalist (6).
Move Clarissa toward the middle path as far as she can go, and then have your 
female Drifter (Elementalist) move ahead toward the right path, ending up on 
that elevated Hex tile so she can then cast Rush on Labyrinthia. Now have your 
male Drifter (Secutor) move ahead to the left path (aiming for the middle 
Hex).  Felius can now move behind your female Drifter (due to the way she is 
facing), and have Tony move to the right side of your male Drifter. Move 
Labyrinthia to Clarissa's right (elevated tile) and Warp as far ahead, near 
the treasure chest. Clarissa should move all the way forward and wait, and 
then continue to move your female Drifter to the right. Now have your male 
Drifter move further ahead on the left path (lining up with the distant enemy 
Elementalist), and then have Felius move further ahead on the right path.  
Clarissa must now move in front of Labyrinthia, and then attack/open the 
treasure chest for a Katzbalger; which is a stronger sword for a Secutor. Laby 
should now move as far forward as she can go and target the Sentinel with 
Freeze (thanks to Rush). Tony can now move in front of your Male Drifter, and 
then have your generic Elementalist move in front of Felius. Your male Drifter 
(Secutor) should now move ahead and target the Elementalist in range with 
Smart Drive (100% success rate) to kill him in one hit. Clarissa should now 
move ahead to Labyrinthia's left and use Encourage on her. Laby can now use 
Freeze on the Sentinel again. Felius should move in front of your female 
Drifter. That is all. Clarissa can now use her Sacrifice ability on the 
Sentinel for a worthy beating. Have Tony move all the way ahead and target the 
Elementalist who is on level ground, and then move your female Drifter to 
Felius's right and cast Invoke on him (if a Secutor has advanced on Felius, 
instead target the foe with Vortex).
Controlling your male Drifter now, leave the wounded enemy for Tony and move 
up behind the Elementalist who is on elevated land and kill him with Smart 
Drive (use Hard Smash if you are too weak to wipe the foe out in one hit). 
Labyrinthia can use Freeze on the Sentinel once more, and then have Felius 
move over to that Secutor who lines up with your female Drifter (he has higher 
HP than the rest) and use Hard Smash (he may have moved and recently been 
attacked with your female Drifter's magic, if so just kill him from where you 
are). Clarissa should now use a Heal Berry, and then have your female Drifter 
cast Vortex on the wounded Secutor (she may not get a turn right now if she 
didn't originally cast Invoke on Felius). Now move your generic Secutor a Hex 
down and use Smart Drive on the Elementalist with FULL HP (your female Drifter 
may get a turn now, if so move next to/behind Felius and use Invoke), and then 
have Tony finish off the wounded and final Elementalist who is left. Clarissa 
can now use Sacrifice on the Sentinel again. Felius should move to that 
elevated area of stone and target the Secutor there with Hard Smash (don't 
worry if you miss).
Labyrinthia can use another blast of Freeze on the Sentinel, and then have 
your female Drifter use her own Freeze magic on the stronger Secutor who is on 
the right. Have your male Drifter just wait where he is. Make Clarissa use a 
Heal Berry, and then have Felius use Hard Smash and kill the last Secutor. If 
there is still an enemy Secutor remaining, have your female Elementalist wipe 
him out with her magic. Clarissa now gets another turn to use Sacrifice on the 
Sentinel, and then have your male Drifter do nothing. Labyrinthia has the 
honour of finishing off the 'powerful' Sentinel with a final blast of her 
Freeze magic. Nearly 200 EXP (+9 CSP) for a simple mission, and most of your 
characters' EXP Bonus rate will be close to double; and with almost 40 turns 
to spare.
| Act 1-7b - Path to the Shrine - (0018) | 

Pre-mission Advice: 
The half-wit Levin has foolishly cut himself off from the rest of the party, 
so we'll need to prepare a good set-up to keep the little runt alive. Thusly, 
make sure you change his Class to that of a Secutor, and equip his Martial 
Mage OC Skill and equip your new Katzbalger (stronger Secutor sword) and your 
Secutor Buckler/armour. Also make Clarissa a Secutor again, and equip her 
Dandelion Shot OC/EQ + Decelerate Skills (+ Strahl Gewer/Buckler/Brooch). As 
always, make sure everyone has plenty of Heal Berries just to be safe.
This is the only mission where I noticed some random differences on multiple 
replays, mostly with enemy magic and how they choose randomly; so you may 
sometimes be hit with an element that your character is weak against, while 
other times it will do close to no damage thanks to your stronger elemental 
defences. Also, the Secutor who hounds Levin frequently misses with his 
powerful attacks, but there is a slight chance he may get to kill Levin, but 
it's quite rare if you follow the below strategy. If you do fail it on your 
first attempt, you should easily nail it the next time. It's a rather short 
battle, anyhow.
To avoid confusion, line up your units like this:
Clarissa (1) - Female Elementalist (2) - Male Secutor (3) - Labyrinthia (4) - 
Felius (5) - Levin (6).
Start by moving your female Drifter (Elementalist) two Hexes in front of 
Labyrinthia, and then cast Rush on her. Move Levin all the way ahead and then 
one Hex to the left, and use Blast on the in-range Excavator. Clarissa should 
move toward the broken pillar, so that you can target the Secutor which is on 
her side of the map. Your male Drifter (Secutor) should move onto that 
elevated stone (in the direction of the enemies on the left of the map) and 
cast Invoke on Felius, who should then move next to your male Drifter and use 
Upper Hand on the enemy Secutor in range. Labyrinthia must head toward 
Clarissa (to her Clarissa's left and behind your female Drifter) and then Warp 
over right behind the enemy Elementalist who is straight ahead.
Your female Drifter should now use Freeze on the nearby Secutor, and then have 
Clarissa use Howling Shot on the same enemy. Use your male Drifter's Hard 
Smash ability on the enemy Secutor next to him. Levin should now move all the 
way up and use Hard Smash on that Secutor who has come toward him. Felius 
should move back a step and use Upper Hand to finish off the Secutor in range. 
Now Labyrinthia may take a significant magic-slap, or a weak attack (random) 
but move her next to the pillar where she's in range to target the male 
Fantastica with Fire (however make sure that nearby Secutor will not be able 
to target her, aiming for a step away from the blue-lit hex of his movement 
area). Your female Drifter should move up behind Felius and use a Mystic Heal 
Berry that targets Felius and your male Drifter.
Have Clarissa finish off the nearby Secutor with Howling Shot, and have your 
male Drifter move a space ahead and use Hard Smash on the Secutor nearby. Make 
Levin target that Secutor again with Hard Smash. Have Felius move a space 
ahead and use Upper Hand on the nearby Secutor (which should kill him). Have 
Clarissa move ahead and cast Encourage on your female Drifter, and then have 
your female Drifter use Fire on the Secutor that is in range.  If Labyrinthia 
is not badly wounded (and Levin has 70+ HP), kill that Elementalist with 
Vortex; otherwise move close to that Secutor and use a Heal Berry. Now use 
your male Drifter to finish off that Secutor in range with Smart Drive. Levin 
should now use go kill that Elementalist with Hard Smash (or if he's already 
dead, use a Heal Berry), and then have your female Drifter move onto that 
elevated stone near Felius and your generic Secutor, and use Mystic with a 
Heal Berry that targets Clarissa and your male Drifter.
Felius should now move ahead and attack that pesky Excavator with Hard Smash, 
but don't worry if he misses. Move Clarissa ahead so she can target both of 
your Drifters with Encourage, and then have your male Drifter go finish off 
that Excavator with Smart Drive; if the foe is still alive, use your female 
Drifter finish him off with her magic, otherwise just wait. Labyrinthia should 
now finish off that strong Secutor with Vortex, and then have Levin move over 
and kill that slightly wounded Excavator with Smart Drive. Nearly 200 EXP, and 
Levin should have an EXP Bonus of around 2.0.

| Mandatory Training #1 - (0019)        | 
Pre-mission Advice: 
I should have done this before, but previously I simply informed you about the 
level my characters were at, and what yours should be. Anyhow, first and 
foremost, make these alterations to Clarissa and Levin: 
Clarissa - Change back to Gadgeteer (equip Dandelion OC/EQ Skills + Soul 
Survivor or Wait and Heal VP) and equip her Dandelion weapon/armour. 
Levin - Change to a Martial Mage until he learns the 'Skip Enemies' Skill and 
reaches level 10 (thanks to the last mission, he should be level 8 at the 
moment); all other Martial Mage Skills are pretty useless and not worth 
learning when there are better ones to attain. 2-3 battles at Fallen Fowl 
Swamp should be enough to get Levin to level 10. 
Male Drifter (Secutor) - Once he has learned the Secutor EQ Skill, make him a 
Fantastica (equip Secutor OC/EQ + Weapon Block) and equip the powerful 
Katzbalger sword plus a Buckler and a Vest. He'll be a bit weaker than usual, 
but thanks to your above Skills and equipment (and Levin) it won't be too 
When I say 'mandatory', I don't mean that the game forces you; I mean that I 
require you to do it. Should you fall behind where my characters are at 
level/Class-wise, my strategies will occasionally conflict, possible costing 
you a victory. Ignore this advice at your own peril, and don't complain to me 
should you ever lose. We won't be using Tony anymore, so always use your six 
human characters in battle (2 of which are your Drifters). 
Engage in Free Battle three times at Fallen Fowl Swamp, and that should be 
enough to meet the above requirements I put to you. Use your usual tactics 
against the Harpies, ganging up on them, and Levin can either attack from a 
distance with Blast (if he cannot reach a foe directly) or use Smart Drive. 
Magic/Upper Hand/Sacrifice shall do the rest. Use Rush on your magic-wielders 
whenever you get the chance to make them more useful. To this effect, you'll 
blast your way through this mandatory training session. 
Once Levin has learned the 'Skip Enemies' Skill as a Martial Mage, change him 
back to a Secutor (note that he must also be level 10 or higher) and equip 
your Martial Mage OC/EQ and the Skip Enemies Skill, plus also his Short 
Sword/Buckler/Coat. Fight another battle or two here if you have fallen behind 
so badly that your male Drifter has not learned the Secutor EQ Skill yet. I 
never power-level through RPGs of any kind, so there's no reason you shouldn't 
be where I'm at in terms of level/Class advancement. 
| Optional Quest - Free Battle #9 - West Wind Guidepost - (0020) | 

Pre-mission Advice: 
Unfortunately, I was hoping to name our army the Black Hand of Bane, but you 
don't get that choice. Anyhow, we face a new monster at last! And don't they 
look lovely? Orcs! They can put you to sleep, so in case this annoys you be 
sure to equip your Mystic-wielding characters with two Breath Mints before 
each time you fight here, just in case. By now your male Drifter will have 
changed to a Fantastica, and Clarissa has reverted to a Gadgeteer, whilst 
Levin is our newest Secutor with Martial Mage abilities. 
Generally, you should move everyone down the mountain, heading towards the 
right path when you get down to the next level; rather than crossing that 
bridge and going down the next set of descending stairs near there. While you 
are moving down, your female Drifter should be casting Rush on Labyrinthia and 
have Laby then move all the way she can, and Warp below, while everyone else 
walks down as far as they can go (and make your male Fantastica cast Rush on 
Clarissa). The bulky Orcs should start moving towards you, but you are well 
protected from them up above. To this effect, you should continue snaking 
along the mountain, and target them with your magic as you advance (thanks to 
Rush) and have Clarissa use Sacrifice when she gets the chance, while Felius 
uses Upper Hand and Levin heads further toward them (using Blast if it will 
reach). Gang up on your foes, and you'll get a lot of training done here in a 
short amount of time. 
~~~ Orc (Brutal Swine): 
Fresh from Draenor (just kidding) these Orcs are very strong in terms of HP 
and their ATK (Attack) stat is over 400... Despite these worrisome statistics, 
not once did my characters ever get hit by a direct attack from these foes. 
Orcs are very slow, and have poor movement range plus they cannot easily 
target your characters if they are on a high level. If you are nearby and not 
too high up though, their 'Slumber Fog' has a very high indirect range, and 
its success rate seems to be 50/50. These behemoths also have a decent 
counterattack, but I always used magic and Original abilities so it was never 
a factor.
Suggested attacks per character:

- Clarissa (Gadgeteer): Sacrifice. 
- Felius (Secutor): Upper Hand (indirect) and Hard Smash (direct attack). 
- Labyrinthia (Elementalist): Any of her magic spells. 
- Levin (Secutor): Graviton/Blast when they are distant otherwise Hard Smash. 
- Drifter 1 (Male Fantastica): Hard Smash or re-Rush magic-wielders. 
- Drifter 2 (Female Elementalist): Any of her magic spells. 
The possible enemy lineups I faced were:

- Orc X3 
- Orc X5 (1600+ Gella, 165 EXP)

Also, the person who dealt the final death-blow to the most enemies mostly 
always gets a 2.0 EXP Bonus; hence they'd net over 300 EXP quite often. Take 
this time to get your characters to level 14/15 (except for Levin). 
| Optional Quest - Drifter Item Search #9 - West Wind Guidepost - (0021) | 
Pre-mission Advice: 
This marks the ninth Drifter Search location, and the Synthesis materials have 
appeared before, meaning you can find each type at three areas thus far. You 
should still give it a few goes though, just to increase the higher-ranking 
Synthesis item type.

Search Location - West Wind Guidepost:

You can also find Potential Eggs and Gella Cards here, so it is worthwhile to 
spend some time doing Searches here. Your best bet is to try about 10 Searches 
in a row, and if you don't get a few of either type, reset and try again. 
Having multiple Save Files makes the process easier. The possible rewards I 
came across at West Wind Guidepost were:

- Tatzelwurm Horn (Common Item, used for Synthesis). 
- Kalivos Claw (Semi-rare Item, used for Synthesis). 
- Potential Egg (Rare item). 
- Gella Card (Rare item).

15 Searches at 300 Gella each (200 per search for 'Force Wait'). 
Results: 4,500 Gella = 90~ Tatzelwurm Horns + 22 Kalivos Claws + 5 Potential 
Eggs + 3 Gella Cards. 

| Act 1-8 - Fort Molasar - (0022) | 
Pre-mission Advice: 
There is no need to change your Class for this mission, as your male Drifter 
is already a Fantastica. If she has it, equip Clarissa's Wait and Heal VP 
Skill. Give everyone plenty of Heal Berries as we always do, and equip your 
female Drifter with a Nectar as well. That's all we'll require for this 
mission, don't let the in-game advice make you paranoid. This mission is quite 
simple, it's just very drawn out. 
By now you should have several Potential Eggs, so you can optionally equip one 
on Clarissa, so she can cast it on everyone at the start of the mission using 
her Mystic ability, so everyone earns extra CSP. If you wish to do this, 
ignore my strategy for everyone's first turn and just wait (except for 
Clarissa, have her move in range so she can target everyone with Mystic and a 
Potential Egg. Afterwards (to avoid confusion) move her back to her original 
location, and begin following the guide when she gets her next turn. It's a 
little unorthodox, but well worth it.

To avoid confusion, line up your units like this:
Clarissa (1) - Male Fantastica (2) - Felius (3) - Female Elementalist (4) - 
Labyrinthia (5) - Levin (6).
Start things out by moving Clarissa all the way to the right (near the Block 
pillar) and then have Levin move all the way over so that he's near those 
'stairs'. Move your male Drifter (Fantastica) over next to Levin's left side, 
and then have your female Drifter move over near Levin and your generic 
Fantastica. Felius should move ahead next to Clarissa (to her right), and then 
have Labyrinthia Warp to that gap near your female Drifter and Levin. Clarissa 
can now move toward the stairs as well (between Levin and that rock) and then 
move your female Drifter do the same though position her in front of Clarissa 
and cast Rush on Labyrinthia. Levin should now move onto the first left-most 
step, and have your male Drifter occupy the right-most step. Felius should 
move to Clarissa's left, and then position Clarissa on the middle left-most 
Labyrinthia can now walk in front of Felius and then Warp as far ahead near 
that enemy Fantastica (landing on that elevated Hex). Move Levin to Laby's 
left and use Blast on that Fantastica. Have your female Drifter go up next to 
Clarissa and cast Rush on her, and then move your male Drifter to Levin's 
left. Clarissa should move as far ahead as she can go, onto the next level 
(with the Sentinel further ahead) and target the female Fantastica with 
Sacrifice. Felius can now move up next to your female Drifter, and then have 
Labyrinthia move as far forward as she can go and kill the female Sentinel 
with Vortex. Now move Levin up to the middle Hex next to (in essence) 
Labyrinthia, and then have your female Drifter go as far ahead as she can 
walk, following your other characters. 
Clarissa must now move in front of Labyrinthia and use a Heal Berry, and then 
have your male Drifter move behind Laby. Felius can now move up onto the 
higher level with everyone else. Clarissa gets another turn, so walk her ahead 
and go to the furthest Hex in the middle line and attack the Crate in range. 
Move Levin ahead ending up on the left side of the walkway. Your female 
Drifter should move between Felius and your male Drifter, and then cast Rush 
on Labyrinthia. Now have Laby move to Levin's left and target the distant 
Sentinel with Vortex (killing her in one hit). Your male Drifter must now move 
ahead (middle Hex) and cast Rush on Clarissa. Clarissa should then begin 
heading toward the next Sentinel you can see, and destroy that Crate in range 
for good measure. Have Levin move next to Clarissa, and use Blast on the 
middle Crate near the Block pillar. 
Have Felius move as far ahead as he can go (middle Hex) and then have your 
female Drifter do the same though end up on the left Hex side, and cast Rush 
on Labyrinthia. Your male Drifter should move up behind that nearby Crate and 
cast Rush on Clarissa. Move Labyrinthia all the way ahead and then Warp left 
of Clarissa (all the way) so only the chasm separates her from that Sentinel. 
Clarissa should now head a Hex away from that Block and destroy the Crate on 
the right. Levin must now move to the spot where the Crate just was. Your 
female Drifter can now move all the way ahead again, and then have Felius do 
the same, ending up a space in front of her. Clarissa should now just move a 
space to the left of the Block pillar and just wait. Move your male Drifter a 
Hex-gap from that Block. Labyrinthia can now severely wound that Sentinel in 
range with her Fire magic. Have your female Drifter move ahead behind that 
Crate, and then have Clarissa wait where she is. 
Felius can now move as far ahead toward the Block pillar, and then move your 
male Drifter a space ahead and 'attack' that Block to knock it down into the 
hole, creating a bridge. Clarissa should move as far forward as she can go and 
target the enemy Gadgeteer with a regular attack. Have Levin move to the left 
side of Clarissa and cast Blast on that Gadgeteer, and then have your female 
Drifter move towards your generic Fantastica. Your male Drifter should now 
head to Clarissa's right and use Rush on her, and then have Labyrinthia finish 
off that Sentinel with Fire. Clarissa must now move behind the enemy Gadgeteer 
and kill him with her Sacrifice ability. Felius can now position himself a 
Hex-gap from that Block, so the female Drifter can go there. Have Levin move 
toward the Sentinel as close as he can get and then use Blast on the foe. Now 
move your female Drifter up behind that Block and cast Rush on your male 
Clarissa can now move next to Levin (to his right) and use a Heal Berry, and 
then have your male Drifter position himself behind Levin and then cast Slow 
Down on the Sentinel nearby. Levin can now use Graviton on that Sentinel, and 
then have Felius move all the way ahead. Labyrinthia should now Warp behind 
your female Drifter, who should then move to Felius's right and use Rush on 
Laby. Clarissa is now able to kill the Sentinel with Sacrifice. Now Levin 
should move all the way to the right, and then have your male Drifter do the 
same (ending up near Levin). Clarissa is up again, so move to Levin's left and 
use a Heal Berry. Felius can now head all the way right near those elevated 
steps. Have your female Drifter move behind Felius and in front of your male 
Drifter, and then use Mystic with a Nectar to target everyone (except 
Speaking of Laby, have her walk all the way forward and then Warp to the Hex 
above Felius. Levin can now move to that Hex in front of Labyrinthia (though 
next to Felius) and use Blast on the enemy Gadgeteer nearby. Have your male 
Drifter move in front of Levin and then cast Rush on your female Drifter. 
Clarissa should now move to the right of Labyrinthia and cast Encourage on 
Felius and Laby. Have Felius head up behind that Gadgeteer and use Smart 
Drive. Now make Labyrinthia move to that elevated Hex above your male Drifter 
and target the distant Fantastica high above with Vortex. Your female Drifter 
can now head behind that wounded Gadgeteer and kill the foe with Fire. Now 
have Levin move up above that wounded Fantastica and kill him with a regular 
attack. Clarissa can now move behind Labyrinthia and use Encourage on 
Laby/male Drifter/Felius. Felius must now move toward the enemy Fantastica 
(and Levin) and use Upper Hand on him. 
Have your male Drifter head near that enemy Fantastica and cast Rush on 
Labyrinthia from a distance. Laby should now move up to the next level, and 
then Warp to the right of that treasure chest up above. Your female Drifter 
should now move ahead and finish off that Fantastica with Crush. Felius must 
move behind that 'boss' Secutor and use Hard Smash on him, and then have your 
male Drifter move a space ahead and use his own Hard Smash ability on the 
enemy Secutor. Levin can now join in, so use his Hard Smash ability as well on 
Magnus (the boss). Clarissa should move ahead and target that Secutor with 
Howling Shot. Labyrinthia can now attack/open the treasure chest for a Gella 
Card, and then have your female Drifter use Crush on the boss Secutor. Levin 
should again use Hard Smash on Magnus, and then have your male Drifter finish 
off said Secutor. If the foe is still alive, have Felius kill him with Upper 
Hand. 310 EXP for a simple mission and Levin should have an EXP Bonus rate of 
at least 2.5 (he became level 12 for me here).

| Optional Quest - Free Battle #10 - Fort Molasar - (0023) | 

Pre-mission Advice: 
While the Free Battle location may be optional, I require you to do at least 3 
of them, so you acquire the minimum 10 CSP needed to learn some new Class OCs, 
as I'll list below. Many of the changes we are about to make are only 
temporary, so we can nab certain useful new OC's that become available with 
the four new Classes we gained access to after completing the previous Act 
mission. At this point in my game, Felius was maxed-out in his Secutor Class 
(meaning he had learned all the Skills) and Labyrinthia was maxed-out in her 
Elementalist Class, and Clarissa was coincidentally 10 CSP away from being a 
maxed-out Gadgeteer; we also need 10 CSP to learn a few new OCs. Make the 
following changes to your characters: 
Clarissa - Sacred Slayer (learn the OC only, then change back to Gadgeteer 
with the Dandelion Shot OC and Sacred Slayer OC equipped). 
Felius - Geomancer (learn the OC only, then change back to Secutor with the 
Halberdier OC and Geomancer OC equipped). 
Labyrinthia - Sacred Slayer (learn the OC only, then change back to 
Elementalist with Arcanist OC and Sacred Slayer OC equipped). 
Levin - Sentinel (learn the OC only, then change back to Secutor with the 
Martial Mage OC and Sentinel OC equipped). 
Male Drifter - As is. This Fantastica is getting closer to acquiring the CSP 
Up Skill, so leave him in this Class for now. 
Female Drifter - Excavator (learn the OC only, then change back to 
Elementalist with the Gadgeteer OC and Excavator OC equipped).

New weapons and amour are now available, though Port Atraige specializes in 
weapons with higher ATK (Attack) and armour with higher DEF (Defence), whilst 
Poliasha stocks weapons with a higher AIM and armour with higher EVA 
(Evasion). Hanigar sells both types, though, so you may as well go there. If 
you generally use Original abilities to attack that have a 100% success rate 
or seem to have a high percentage with regular attacks, go for high ATK 
weapons and always aim for armour with high DEF rather than EVA, because 
though Evasion would be ideal per se, high defence is consistent. Magic-users 
should go for weapons with higher MAG (not ATK/AIM) because they shouldn't be 
used as direct attackers anyway, and again armour with high DEF. 
Head into Hanigar to two 'Elder Records' for Labyrinthia and your female 
Drifter, along with 3 Shields (improved DEF); as you will generally benefit 
more from extra Defence, as while a higher Evasion could prevent an attack 
slightly more often, a better DEF is consistent. You should also stock up on 
Heal Berries and perhaps a few Potion Berries for your non-Gadgeteers or those 
who lack the Item Effect Skill. Get new weapons for your other characters and 
new armour for everyone. Then equip everyone with their new gear (those that 
can use them, anyhow). Also, previous Free Battle locations now have more 
enemies (greater Gella/EXP gains abound). 
This Free Battle is drawn out, so you may wish to only play it once for the 
sake of it, and then train in Fallen Fowl Swamp for the last two rounds of 
Free Battle required to get 10 CSP (or more if needed). Anyhow, move your 
female Drifter ahead and up that mountain (Excavators have high 'Climb') and 
then have your male Drifter move ahead as far as he can go and use Rush on 
Felius. Clarissa should just move forward and use Encourage on your male 
Drifter. Felius can now move ahead onto the first raised step, so he can use 
'Replace' on your female Drifter to get propelled onto the higher elevation. 
Levin can just move next to your female Drifter (as she is now where Felius 
just stood). Labyrinthia should follow everyone else and Heal when she can; 
though you won't get much of a chance to do much with her, but she'll earn CSP 
Your male Drifter should use Rush on your female Drifter and then switch 
between using Hard Smash on foes and re-Rushing Felius and your generic 
Excavator. Your female Drifter can use her magic to attack your foes, and 
Clarissa should just move always ahead healing/attacking when she gets the 
chance. Levin must always move forward and use Blast (indirect) or Heavy 
Strike for a direct attack. Felius can use Hard Smash or use Replace on 
distant enemies to bring them amongst your other characters so you can 
surround them easier and quicker. Use magic/direct attacks to destroy Crates 
that get in your way, and your male Drifter can move that Block pillar in the 
middle of the map so everyone can progress further. 
Always stick to two groups, a forward-attack-party and Clarissa/Labyrinthia 
brining up the rear. When an enemy is wounded, you can generally move your 
further-ahead characters on, and let those in the rear finish them off. I 
noticed that on completion of this Free Battle, at least two of my characters 
always got around a 2.5 Bonus EXP rate; without the use of Lucky Cards. If you 
play this stage once and don't want to play it again due to the scope of the 
map, have your final two Free Battle sessions at Fallen Fowl Swamp, and use 
Mystic with a Potential Egg to target all six of your characters so you get 
plenty of CSP if you have fallen badly behind and need extra time to fulfill 
my above requests regarding Class changes and so on. 
The possible enemy lineups I faced were:

- Ascomoid X1 + Gremalkin X1 + Orc X1 
- Ascomoid X1 + Gremalkin X2 + Orc X1 
- Ascomoid X1 + Gremalkin X1 + Orc X2 (1300~ Gella, 132 EXP) 
| Optional Quest - Drifter Item Search #10 - Fort Molasar - (0024) | 
Pre-mission Advice: 
You already received your first Item Scope after completing Act 1-4, and you 
can get your second one at Promise Hill. Have an Excavator (or a character 
with that OC) use Detect on or very near the highest elevated Hex on the map 
(near the middle) which is not hard to notice. You will now receiver the 
previously 'higher Rank' (Rank 2) Synthesis material predominately, and have 
slightly better luck at getting the rare items such as Gella Cards/Lucky 
Now that you have an extra item scope, you should spent a fair amount of time 
getting a few extra Lucky Cards and Gella Cards from this location, and then 
review the previous Drifter Search locations and track down a few extra 
Potential Eggs as well. If you have a total of 5+ of each, that should be 
fine. Try and make sure you have at least two of each before any Act battle, 
as they offer the best results and make the Lucky Card/etc bonus more worthy. 
Search Location - Fort Molasar: 
The possible rewards I came across at Fort Molasar were: 
- Kalivos Claw (Common Item, used for Synthesis). 
- Tatzelwurm Horn (Semi-rare Item, used for Synthesis). 
- Lucky Card (Rare item). 
- Gella Card (Rare item).

15 Searches at 300 Gella each (200 per search for 'Force Wait'). 
Results: 4,500 Gella = 90~ Kalivos Claws + 20~ Tatzelwurm Horns + 4 Lucky 
Cards + 3 Gella Cards. 
| Act 1-9a - Hanigar Ore Mine Zone 4: Rescue - (0025) | 
Pre-mission Advice: 
The following two missions are a lot of fun and are quite short, but you 
cannot save your game in between. You are restricted to using only Clarissa 
and Levin in this mission, so make them both Excavators (even if you already 
have the Excavator OC) and equip whatever Skills/Items/etc that you want 
(though you don't need to). 
Begin by having Levin move as far up those steps as you can (right Hex) and 
use Detect. Clarissa can now walk up to stand on that bag of treasure (Heal 
Berry). Levin should now move up to that door (stand directly next to it) and 
use Detect again. Clarissa must now head up those stairs to the left (right 
Hex). Levin must wait where he is for now, and then have Clarissa move 
straight ahead and use Detect. Continue to make Levin wait where he is and 
then move Clarissa onto that treasure she discovered (Revive Fruit) and use 
Detect yet again. Levin can finally position himself on that bag of treasure 
(Antidote), and then Clarissa must move onto that other bag of treasure that 
she recently located (Lift Key). 
Levin now has to move all the way to the left (opposite that door) and then 
have Clarissa move back to the right to that elevated level (left Hex). Levin 
can now head up those nearby stairs (right Hex). Clarissa should move to the 
right, though aim for the elevated level furthest to the right (directly above 
level-ground) and use Detect. Levin must move all the way straight ahead, and 
then Clarissa can move onto that treasure (Quickshot). Levin should now move 
up to the Hex next to Clarissa's right (slightly behind her) and then get 
Clarissa to move toward the lift (left Hex near the wall) and use Detect. 
Levin can head to Clarissa's right, and then move Clarissa next to the 'Step 
Switch' and use Detect again. Levin should move onto the treasure near him 
(Iron Ore) and have Clarissa move onto the treasure nearby as well (Pinwheel). 
Levin can finally move onto the wooden lift, and then have Clarissa position 
herself on the Step Switch. Levin should now move next to the Step Switch on 
the high level and wait, and then have Clarissa move onto the wooden lift when 
she can. Once she is on it and Levin positions himself on the Step Switch, 
Clarissa will be delivered to the higher level and the mission will conclude. 

| Act 1-9b - Hanigar Ore Mine Zone 4: Retreat - (0026) | 
Pre-mission Advice: 
Clarissa - Revert back to a Sacred Slayer (with Dandelion Shot OC/EQ + any 
other single Skill) and equip Strahl Gewer + Rose Corsage. 
Felius - Change to Halberdier Class (with Wait and Heal VP/Blood Heat/
Weapon Block/ATK +25%) and equip Bullova + Hard Guard. 
Levin - Change back to Secutor (with Sentinel OC + Gadgeteer OC) and equip 
Katzbalger + Shield + Chrome Vest. Equip Heal Berries as well. 
You can equip Felius's Halberdier weapon which has a slightly higher AIM if 
you want, but his attacks never missed for me with his stronger weapon. 
Have Levin move one Hex to his right, and then move Felius to Levin's left. 
Clarissa should move behind Levin and wait. Levin can now move to the side of 
that enemy Secutor and use Heavy Strike. Position Felius to the side of that 
enemy Secutor and finish him off with a dose of Upper Hand. Clarissa should 
use Sacrifice on that nearby Elementalist ('Give Up' and return to the Tactics 
Screen if his 'Magic Block' skill goes off; there's no penalty for doing so). 
Move Levin to the right of that Fantastica and kill him with Heavy Strike. 
Felius can move behind Levin and then have Clarissa head directly ahead the 
way she is facing and use Heal. Felius can now move ahead (toward those 
cowering enemies in the distant left-corner) and then have Clarissa position 
herself to the right of Felius. 
Move Levin behind Felius, and then have Felius move ahead again. Clarissa 
should head towards Felius, but leave that spot directly behind him for Levin. 
Felius should move directly ahead (not moving to the left) and wait. Levin can 
now move as far ahead as he can go and wait. When Clarissa is up again move 
her down toward the others. Felius should stay where he is and use Upper Hand 
on that enemy Secutor. Levin can now move down and kill that Secutor with 
Heavy Strike, and then have Clarissa move in front of Levin and Felius and use 
Heal if anyone is injured. Move Felius down so that Clarissa is above him on 
her right, and then have Levin move in front of Felius (in the direction he is 
facing). Clarissa should move to Felius's left (the Hex is slightly behind 
him) and use Encourage. Keep Felius where he is and use Upper Hand on the 
enemy Secutor who is in range. 
Levin should kill that wounded Secutor with his Heavy Strike ability, and then 
make Felius go behind the 'boss' Secutor (Mathis) and use a direct attack on 
him. Clarissa should select Sacrifice (SINGLE) and target the boss. Levin 
can't really do much, so have him move near Clarissa and target her with 
Mystic and a Heal Berry (but position him so he can line up with Felius for a 
Formation Art; but don't target the boss with your Mystic ability). Felius can 
use a direct attack on that Secutor again, and then have Clarissa use 
Sacrifice on the foe again. Levin can now heal Clarissa again with Mystic and 
a Heal Berry, and then have Felius use a direct attack again on Mathis. 
Clarissa should deal another dose of Sacrifice on the boss, and if required 
use Felius to attack him once more. If he's still alive, continue to attack 
with Felius, heal Clarissa with Levin and have Clarissa use Sacrifice. Her 
'Fragile' ability can also help out greatly. Anyhow, you get nearly 250 EXP 
for everyone (and around 2.0 EXP Bonus for the characters who participated in 
this battle).

| Synthesize Me #1 - (0027) | 
Pre-mission Advice: 
We are finally able to make use of the 'Synthesis' aspect of Wild ARMs XF's 
gameplay. If you have been following this Walkthrough, you will have more than 
enough Synthesis materials from your Drifter Search exploits. Now you can 
purchase enhanced weapons and armour, so your toil was well worth it. It's 
also worthwhile to purchase weapons for your physical fighters that have 
better AIM, as they are still stronger than any of the current regular 
weapons, plus we are getting to a point in the game where the chances of your 
characters 'missing' an enemy with a direct attack (even certain abilities) 
are higher. Below I shall list what you must purchase.

When you revist Toco in Hanigar (the Elder's daughter) she will give you a
Dragon Fossil for your exploits. This Rank 8 Synthesis material is of no use to
you at the moment, but be sure to get your reward anyhow.

^ *  Credit to Gary M. for reminding me to add this to the guide.

~ Rapier +1 X3 (Felius/Levin/Male Drifter). 
~ Battle Axe +1 X2 (Levin/Male Drifter) - For future use, don't equip yet. 
~ Bullova +1 X1 (Felius) - Until he learns 'Halberdier EQ'. 
~ Elder Record +1 X2 (Labyrinthia/Female Drifter). 
~ Shield +1 X3 (Felius/Levin/Male Drifter). 
~ Rose Corsage +1 X (Clarissa). 
~ Chrome Vest +1 X3 (Levin/Male Drifter/Spare). 
~ Hard Guard +1 X1 (Felius). 
~ Cuirass +1 (Spare). 
~ Phantom Ring +1 X 2 (Labyrinthia/Female Drifter). 
Buy/Synthesize any items that you may need for the above improved 
weapons/armour. After all the Drifter Search quests you'd have completed, 
you'll have plenty of materials left. Don't forget to equip your new gear on 
your corresponding characters. If you ever need Potion Berries, Synthesize 
them at a cheaper rate and use your current Heal Berries (two Heal Berries 
will net you one Potion Berry). However, I wouldn't say Antidotes +1/Medicines 
+1 are worth it. 
|----------------------------- --| 
| Mandatory Training #2 - (0028) | 
Pre-mission Advice: 
After Synthesizing all of those new weapons and such, your Gella supplies have 
probably run rather low; or been depleted entirely. Hence, it's time to engage 
in a Free Battle, but we'll employ a faster route to plenty of Gella. Make the 
following changes to your party: 
Labyrinthia - Excavator (with Elementalist OC/EQ + MAG +25%). 
Female Drifter - Excavator (with Elementalist OC/EQ + Magic Block). 
Then equip these two characters with an Elder Record +1 and a Phantom Ring +1 
each. You could optionally make things a little easier by also making Levin an 
Excavator (with Martial Mage OC/EQ + Weapon Block) and give him your best 
Martial Mage weapon and Excavator armour. When an Excavator deals the final 
blow to an enemy, you gain extra Gella, so should you use your Excavators to 
kill wounded Harpies at Fallen Fowl Swamp, you'll get around 7,000 Gella per 
round (with 5 Harpies). 
Save your game before entering Fallen Fowl Swamp each time, and if you go into 
battle and there are only 3/4 Harpies, Load your game and try again until 
there are 5 (so you get more worthwhile results and can do fewer Free Battles 
overall). Also, as I needed Felius to learn his 'Halberdier EQ' Skill, I gave 
a Potential Egg to Clarissa for two round of Free Battle here, and had her use 
Mystic with a Potential Egg to target every character at the start of the 
match. You should do this as well, as some of your characters may be nearly 
maxed-out in their Class. 
Strategy (Fallen Fowl Swamp): 
Have your female Drifter move in front of your male Drifter so she is a Hex-
gap ahead of him, and then have Levin move toward the (hopefully) nearby Harpy 
in range and use Blast. Your male Drifter should move in front of your female 
Drifter and use Rush on Labyrinthia. If a Harpy is close enough, have Felius 
use Upper Hand or move closer and wait. Clarissa can move forward and then 
make Labyrinthia should get in range and use her magic on a nearby Harpy. Your 
female Drifter should use her own magic to finish off said Harpy. From then 
on, apply this general tactic to wipe out the remaining Harpies, making sure 
that only your Excavators kill them (while your other characters wound them). 
Make sure you frequently cast Rush on these magic-wielders. 
After three battles defeating 5 Harpies in each of them, you will gain over 
20,000 Gella when you use an Excavator to deal the final blow. My human 
characters were all level 17 (except Levin who was level 15) so at the very 
least if you have fallen behind fight another couple of battles against these 
Harpies so that your characters are level 16 (14 for Levin) as you could use 
the extra Gella anyhow, and the amounts you receive here are very plentiful.

* Credit to Daniel Lim for the above Gella-raising suggestion. 
| Act 1-10 - Rainy Pass - (0029) | 
Party Update: 
Change everyone to the following Classes: 
Clarissa - Sacred Slayer (with Dandelion Shot OC/EQ + Item Carry Up (or Item 
Effect Up) and equip Strahl Gewer/Rose Corsage +1. 
Felius - Sentinel (with Secutor OC/EQ + ATK +25%) and equip Rapier +1/Shield 
+1/Cuirass +1. 
Labyrinthia - Elementalist (with Arcanist OC + Sacred Slayer OC) and equip 
Elder Record +1/Phantom Ring +1. 
Levin - Secutor (with Martial Mage OC + Sentinel OC) and equip Rapier 
+1/Shield +1/Chrome Vest +1. 
Male Drifter - Secutor (with Fantastica OC + Arts Support + CSP Up) and equip 
Rapier +1/Shield +1/Chrome Vest +1. 
Female Drifter - Elementalist (with Gadgeteer OC + Fantastica OC) and equip 
Elder Record +1/Phantom Ring +1. 
If you don't have some of the Skills I required you to equip, head back to 
Fallen Fowl Swamp and review the above strategy (utilizing a Potential Egg or 
two with Mystic for quicker results). 
Pre-mission Advice: 
Felius and Levin are both 'unavailable' for this mission, so we'll use Tony 
again, and have an empty slot. Hiring an extra Drifter to fill the void is 
unnecessary, as you really only need three characters anyway (hell, it's 
possible to complete with just two). 
To avoid confusion, line up your units like this: 
Clarissa (1) - Labyrinthia (2) - Female Drifter (3) - Empty (4) - Male Drifter 
(5) - Tony (6). 
Don't worry about that treasure chest (Flail) as it's a worthless weapon 
compared to others available, and you can get it in the impending Free Battle 
anyhow. The goal is to only kill four enemies (after which the battle ends 
immediately) but we're going to kill Rupert anyway just to prove how easy it 
is to do so. If you don't want to do this for Cool Points (and a slightly 
higher EXP Bonus rate) just kill the first four enemies you come across. Equip 
your female Drifter with a Lucky card that she can cast on everyone with 
Mystic if your characters are still below the levels I told you my characters 
were at above (they'll get over 1000 EXP as a result). 
Move your female Drifter ahead (single Hex near that boulder/rock) and then 
move your male Drifter below her (stay on the current level he's already on). 
Clarissa can now move behind your female Drifter, and then position Tony to 
the right of your female Drifter. Labyrinthia should move behind Clarissa 
(left of your male Drifter). Now have your female Drifter head between Tony 
and that tree. Your male Drifter should now go in front of Clarissa (next to 
Tony), and then have Clarissa move in front of him. Tony can now position 
himself in front of that tree (lining up with the characters behind it). 
Labyrinthia should Warp to the left of Tony (not behind him) and then have 
your female Drifter move behind Tony. Now it's time to have your male Drifter 
go to that Hex right of Clarissa (Hex-gap behind your female Drifter). 
Clarissa must now move in front of your male Drifter and use Encourage on him 
and your generic Elementalist. Your female Drifter can now move to the right 
of Labyrinthia (ahead of her, though lining up with her) and use Rush on her. 
Now it's your male Drifter's turn to move ahead, so place him to the left of 
Labyrinthia and cast Rush on your female Drifter. Tony should move to the 
right of your female Drifter (not behind her) and then move Labyrinthia so 
that she is to the right (though in front of) your female Drifter and right 
near Tony, and then use Vortex on the nearby Sentinel, almost killing the foe. 
Clarissa should move ahead to the right of your male Drifter, and then move 
your female Drifter so that she is in front of Tony and finish off that 
wounded Sentinel with Vortex (3 kills left). 
Your male Drifter should now head in front of Labyrinthia and cast Rush on 
Clarissa, and then have Tony move straight ahead (not going to the left or 
right Hex). Labyrinthia should walk ahead to be behind your male Drifter and 
then use Lightning on Rupert. Yes, it can reach. Now have your female Drifter 
move behind Tony and cast Rush on Labyrinthia. Clarissa must move behind Laby 
and your male Drifter so that she can use Encourage on both of them. Your male 
Drifter should move next to your female Drifter and Tony (left side) and cast 
Rush on your generic Elementalist. Labyrinthia can move to the Hex to the 
right and slightly ahead of that tree nearby, and use Lightning on Rupert 
again. Your male Drifter gets another turn, so have him move as far ahead as 
he can go (onto the level with that enemy Fantastica) and wait. Now your 
female Drifter can move ahead, so she's lined up with Tony and then cast Fire 
on that Secutor in range. Tony can now move next to your male Drifter and 
attack that Fantastica. 
Clarissa must now position herself next to Labyrinthia (behind) and use 
Encourage on her, and then Laby should move one Hex to the next elevation and 
target Rupert with Lightning once more. Move your male Drifter behind that 
enemy Fantastica and use a regular attack (we don't want to kill him). 
Clarissa can move straight ahead (not to the left or right Hex) near your 
female Drifter and use Encourage on her. Now that your generic Elementalist 
gets a turn, move her straight ahead so you are near Tony and against the wall 
then cast Crush on the uninjured Secutor above your male Drifter. Have Tony 
move behind that Secutor and finish him off (2 kills left). Make Labyrinthia 
use her Lightning on Rupert again, and then move your male Drifter above one 
Hex and use Smart Drive on that Excavator (we don't want him badly injured).  
Have Clarissa move up to the left of that enemy Fantastica and just wait, and 
then use Tony to go kill the last wounded Secutor (1 kill left). If that 
Secutor's Weapon Block Skill saved him, have your female Drifter kill him with 
Crush, otherwise just move ahead. Labyrinthia should Lightning on Rupert yet 
again, and then have Tony move back down near that wounded Fantastica. 
Clarissa should use Sacrifice (single) on Rupert, and then your male Drifter 
must move behind Rupert and slap him with Hard Smash. Labyrinthia should use 
Freeze on that Fantastica above just for the hell of it. Unfortunately for me, 
Rupert died from a counter-attack here, but the idea was to hit Rupert and any 
surrounding wounded unit with 'expanded' Sacrifice, potentially killing more 
than the four required to win the mission. Anyhow, you get over 500 EXP here 
which should increase with EXP Bonus rates. 
| Optional Quest - Free Battle #11 - Rainy Pass - (0030) | 

Pre-mission Advice: 
As Labyrinthia should be maxed-out as an Elementalist, it's time to train her 
'Sacred Slayer' Class whilst we are away from event battles; so make her one 
accordingly, and equip Elementalist OC/EQ + MAG +25%, and her Elementalist 
weapon and armour. This way she can earn some CSP rather than wasting it. 
Also, be sure to equip Felius and Levin with their weapons/armour/items, as 
since they were not in the last mission their gear was taken off them. 
If you didn't get it in the last event battle, you can go after that treasure 
chest right down the bottom of the mountain if you want that Flail (Sentinel 
Weapon - you can already get something stronger via Synthesis). 
There is a new type of enemy in this Free Battle location; however it is quite 
rare to come across it. You also face Harpies/Gremalkins/Jelly Blobs, so use 
your normal tactics to defeat them for some extra EXP and Gella. 
~~~ Not-Have (Smoky Specimen): 
A very strange monster, this creature only has 1 HP and has no regular attacks 
or magic. They use 'Countdown' for five turns and then actuate 'Eternal 
Reoccurrence', which takes you back to the Tactics Screen. If that happens, 
you can only start over (the enemies won't change though). You can Load your 
last save file if you want to 'retreat', though. Magic is very effective 
against these foes, as is generally any attack if you can get close to them. 
Clarissa's Strahl Gewer works well from a distance.
Suggested attacks per character:

- Clarissa (Sacred Slayer): Regular attack from her Strahl Gewer. 
- Felius (Sentinel): Upper Hand (indirect). 
- Labyrinthia (Sacred Slayer): Any of her magic spells. 
- Levin (Secutor): Blast. 
- Drifter 1 (Secutor): Use Rush on magic-wielders. 
- Drifter 2 (Female Elementalist): Any of her magic spells. 
The possible enemy lineups I faced were:

- Harpy X3 + Gremalkin X1 
- Harpy X4 (3,300~ Gella, 110+ EXP) 
- Harpy X3 + Jelly Blob X1 
- Not-Have X1 
- Not-Have X2 (2,700+ Gella, 27~ EXP)

Coming across a pair of 'Not-Haves' is rather rare, but if you kill them with 
an Excavator you'll get over 5,000 Gella for a dead-simple kill (no pun 
intended). A good idea is to save your game right before entering battle (with 
Clarissa as an Excavator) and then enter Rainy Pass just with Clarissa, saving 
yourself filling out the whole line-up. Then if you come up against Harpies or 
whatever, simply reload your game and try again. Should you finally come 
across a Not-Have or two, 'Give Up' to return to the Tactics Screen and add 
your other characters, with no penalty (the Not-Haves will still be your foes 
to defeat as well). 
| Optional Quest - Drifter Item Search #11 - Rainy Pass - (0031) | 
Pre-mission Advice: 
Now that you have two Item Scopes, I'm just going to list basic information 
below and not approximate results as to how many Synthesis materials I ended 
up with.  
There's no real reason to spend much time here, unless you would like to 
slightly restock your Elesium/Iron Ore supplies from your recent Synthesis 
spree. You also receive Freeze Gems and Fire Gems here; which aren't special. 
Search Location - Rainy Pass: 
The possible rewards I came across at Rainy Pass were: 
- Iron Ore (Rank 1 Synthesis material). 
- Elesium (Rank 2 Synthesis material). 
- Freeze Gem (Rare item). 
- Fire Gem (Rare item). 

| Act 1-11a - Starlit Path: Room 1 - (0032) | 
Pre-mission Advice: 
You only require two characters to complete this very short mission, one to 
stand on a switch on one side of the room, while the other heads to the other 
side and uses a Slingshot (or similar) to fire on the Attack Switch that 
lights up when someone is on that other switch. To make the strategy easier to 
follow, just use Felius and Levin. Change them both into Excavators, as we 
need at least one of them to be such a Class for this mission, and they'll 
each need the abilities of an Excavator in the next mission, so make the 
change for both of them before this mission. Give them both Slingshots as well 
(even though Felius won't need it for this battle). 
To avoid confusion, line up your units like this: 
- / (1) - Felius  (2) - / (3) - Levin (4) - / (5) - / (6). 
Act 1-11 is comprised of 5 small missions, and you cannot save in-between any 
of them (not that you'd need to anyway), nor will you face any enemies until 
the fifth and final stage. 
Move Levin straight forward (not to the left or right) and then have Felius 
head toward that Step Switch on the left. Levin should now just wait where he 
is, and then move Felius onto that Step Switch. Levin can now finish the 
mission by using an indirect attack from his Slingshot (or use Blast) on that 
lit-up 'Attack Switch'. All your other characters who didn't participate in 
this battle still receive EXP. 
| Act 1-11b - Starlit Path: Room 2 - (0033) | 
Pre-mission Advice: 
Make sure Levin and Felius remain Excavators until directed otherwise (with 
Slingshots equipped) and also give Levin his Martial Mage OC Skill. 
Start things out by having Levin move onto the crystal Hex in front of him and 
cast Blast on that Attack Switch which is in range, and then have Felius move 
to the left (one Hex) and hit that Attack Switch on his side with his 
Slingshot. Levin can now move into that room on the left all the way ahead 
(though stay against the wall) and cast Blast on that Attack Switch which is 
surrounded by Crates. Felius should position himself behind those crystal 
blocks for now. Levin can now move up between that orange-lit Attack Switch 
and that crystal block, and then attack said Attack Switch. 
Felius is now able to move all the way ahead (snaking the wall) and attack the 
Crate which is in range (which is blocking the Attack Switch there). Levin 
should now wait where he is, and then have Felius climb up to that elevation 
above the raised crystal block and fire on the Attack Switch below. When you 
control Levin again, have him move above onto that Warp Point, and then have 
Felius use 'Wait' as he's already standing on the Warp Point on his side. 
| Act 1-11c - Starlit Path: Room 3 - (0034) | 
Pre-mission Advice: 
Maintain your current setup where Classes/Weapons/etc are concerned. The 
mission you are about to do is very short. 
Have Levin move straight ahead (not to the left or right) and then have Felius 
move onto that nearby Step Switch. Levin is now able to move all the way ahead 
and hit that Attack Switch (with Blast or a regular attack). Felius will then 
be able to move over next to the Attack Switch on his side and hit it. Levin 
should now move onto the Warp Point near him, and then have Felius do the same 
on his side. 
| Act 1-11d - Starlit Path: Room 4 - (0035) | 
Pre-mission Advice: 
This forth-in-a-row mission is the longest of them all (per se) but it is by 
no means difficult. Just follow the strategy carefully so you don't make a 
mistake (not that starting over would be the end of the world). Note that the 
different-looking 'Yellow Tiles' are all Warp Points that transport you around 
the map. 
Have Levin move all the way left onto the Warp Point there and attack that 
Crate in front of the Hex he's standing on, and then have Felius move all the 
way right (Warp Point) and attack the Crate in front of the Hex he's standing 
on. Levin should now move to the next Warp Point ahead and then attack that 
Crate to the lower-right (near that stone tablet). Felius can then move to the 
next Warp Point on his side and attack that Crate to his left (and slightly 
Levin should then move to the Crate blocking the path and destroy it, and then 
have Felius move to the Warp Point ahead (upper right) and attack the Crate 
ahead and to his left. Levin can now move forward to the next Warp Point on 
his side and attack the Crate ahead on the right. Levin will get another turn 
so move him to the left, and attack that Crate in the lower-left area just for 
good measure. Felius can now head all the way to the right and attack the 
Crate to the lower-right for good measure as well. Levin should move below to 
that Warp Point and then attack the Crate behind him (the left one). 
Felius must now move down to the next Warp Point on his side and attack the 
Crate directly behind him. Levin can then move next to that Crate which is 
blocking his path and destroy it, and then have Felius do the same thing on 
his side of the map. Finally, Levin should move onto the last (Red) Warp 
Point, and then Felius must do the same on his side. You get an insane EXP 
Bonus rate (4.0-4.5) for destroying all of those Crates, as well. 
| Act 1-11e - Starlit Path: Room 5 - (0036) | 
Pre-mission Advice: 
Ah, we face some (weak) enemies at long last. These foes are hardly worth 
bothering with, though make the following changes to Levin and Felius: 
Felius - Secutor (Halberdier OC + Sentinel OC) - Rapier +1/Shield +1/Chrome 
Vest +1. 
Levin - Secutor (Martial Mage OC + Sentinel OC) - Same weapon/armour as 
Levin can start things out by moving ahead and to the left (so that hole is
still in front of you) and then have Felius move ahead and to the right to a
similar location though on his side of the map. Levin must then move ahead some
more so that he is near that treasure chest and can target that Fairylight with
Heavy Strike (which will kill it in one blow). Felius should then move around
to the right side of that nearby Fairylight and kill it with a dose of his own
Heavy Strike ability. 
Levin can now move next to that treasure chest and kill the Fairylight there 
with Heavy Strike, and then have Felius move behind the Fairylight on the 
right and kill it; using Heavy Strike again. Levin can now attack/open that 
treasure chest (Cuirass). Felius should now kill the last Fairylight on his 
side of the map with Heavy Strike, and then have Levin conclude the mission by 
felling the remaining Fairylight with his own Heavy Strike. 
| Optional Quest - Free Battle #12-13 - Starlit Path/Rhino River - (0037) | 

Pre-mission Advice: 
Change Felius back to a Sentinel (with Secutor OC/EQ + ATK +25%) and equip his 
Secutor Weapon/Shield and Cuirass +1. Also note that Clarissa and Labyrinthia 
will need to have their gear and items equipped again as they were not present 
in the lineup for the last few missions (though the Drifters were, for some 
Free Battle Location - Starlit Path: 
You faced Fairylights in the last mission with Felius and Levin, though this 
time they are impervious to physical attacks unless you cast Invoke on them. 
There is also a new enemy, which is somewhat of a cousin to Fairylights. Magic 
is very strong against them, as are Secutor/Sentinel abilities when Invoke is 
used on said characters. You can generally kill a few of them right on your 
first few turns, as they are positioned quite close to you. 
~~~ Fairylight (Wicked Spirit): 
Nowhere near as annoying as a Harpy, though impossible to hit with a direct 
attack (without Invoke). When out of reach, this foe uses 'Silent Stare', 
which is a fancy way of just using 'Wait'. It has an attack that does very 
small physical damage to you, but its ability 'Follow Around' severely 
decreases (50%) your MAG (Magic) stat; and hence is a bane to spell-wielders. 
Even though you could hit them with direct attacks in the last battle, 
strangely you can't anymore without Invoke. 
~~~ Ignus Fatuus (Phantom Soul): 
This foe has all the same abilities as a Fairylight, along with 'Electrigger', 
which does heavy damage to mechanical units; which means it can't even really 
scratch you. It's somewhat rare to come across, though.

Suggested attacks per character (for either foe):

- Clarissa (Sacred Slayer): Sanctify (wounded foes) or Sacrifice. 
- Felius (Sentinel): Heavy Strike (when Invoke is cast on him). 
- Labyrinthia (Sacred Slayer): Any of her magic spells. 
- Levin (Secutor): Blast. 
- Drifter 1 (Secutor): Invoke Felius, then use Rush on magic-wielders. 
- Drifter 2 (Female Elementalist): Any of her magic spells. 
The possible enemy lineups I faced were: 
- Fairylight X3 
- Fairylight X5 (1,400+ Gella, 150 EXP) 
- Fairylight X4 + Ignus Fatuus X2 (3,500~ Gella, 290+ EXP) 
As you can see, EXP is abundant here from an enemies you can wipe out in just 
2-3 turns from each of your characters. Hence, this is a great location to 
catch up if your levels are low (plus use Mystic with a Lucky Card on all your 
characters when you come up against Ignus Fatuus enemies). Note that all of my 
characters were level 18 at this point (16 for Levin). 
Free Battle Location - Rhino River: 
You face a new enemy here (the only type at this location) and it can cast 
Petrify on your characters, which turns them to stone, where they will die if 
hit with a physical attack. You can cure this condition with a Pygmalion 
(hence a Gadgeteer) or let it cure naturally which can take a few turns. 
Luckily, the enemies are too stupid to try and attack you until everyone in 
range has been turned to stone; meaning if you stick together they'll never 
get the chance. The attack rarely works, so you have nothing to worry about. 
~ Rhinoceros (One-Eyed Beast): 
This creature has a basic attack and counterattack, plus it can cast Petrify 
from a huge distance away. It's also basically impervious to physical attacks 
(even with Amplifier) so magic is the go to kill it. 
Suggested attacks per character:

- Clarissa (Sacred Slayer): Sacrifice (expanded when possible). 
- Felius (Sentinel): Act as a 'wall' for other characters. 
- Labyrinthia (Sacred Slayer): Any of her magic spells. 
- Levin (Secutor): Blast. 
- Drifter 1 (Secutor): Cast Rush on magic-wielders and Clarissa. 
- Drifter 2 (Female Elementalist): Any of her magic spells. 
The possible enemy lineups I faced were: 
- Rhinoceros X3 
- Rhinoceros X5 (2,300~ Gella, 230+ EXP) 
When you come up against 5 of these foes (with 3 of them across the river and 
two Rhinos up above on the high mountain) have everyone go after the ones up 
in the mountain as traipsing across that large river will take forever due to 
the movement penalty, and a Rhinoceros can easily snipe you with Petrify from 
far away. Once you have killed the Rhinos above, head back down the mountain 
and the others should be pretty close to you by then. Labyrinthia and your 
female Drifter (Elementalist) can stand on those lower rocks to stay out of 
reach and still use magic from a safe distance. Be sure to stick together, 
though Petrify often misses, and you don't even have to worry about curing the 
odd 1-2 characters who might get Stoned anyhow as you can easily finish off 
the remaining Rhinos without them.
| Optional Quest - Drifter Item Search #12-13 - Starlit Path/Rhino River - |
| (0038)                                                                   | 
Pre-mission Advice: 
Spend a few rounds here if you need some more Kalivos Claws or Tatzelwurm 
Horns (I already had 99 of each) otherwise get a few extra Potential Eggs and 
Lucky Cards. Having three separate save files allows you to try a quick little 
strategy. Engage in 10 Drifter Searches, then mark down how many Potential 
Eggs/Lucky Cards you got, save your game, and then do it two more times for 
the other two save files you have. Reload the file that got you the most of 
both items. Duplicate this strategy at Rhino Rive if you want some Gella Cards 
as well (or return to a previous location that has them). 
Search Location - Starlit Path: 
The possible rewards I came across at Starlit Path were: 
- Tatzelwurm Horn (Rank 1 Synthesis material). 
- Kalivos Claw (Rank 2 Synthesis material). 
- Potential Egg(Rare item). 
- Lucky Card (Rare item). 
Search Location - Rhino River:

You receive the exact same items here as you did at Starlit Path, except swap 
Lucky Cards for Gella Cards. 
The possible rewards I came across at Rhino River were: 
- Tatzelwurm Horn (Rank 1 Synthesis material). 
- Kalivos Claw (Rank 2 Synthesis material). 
- Potential Egg(Rare item). 
- Gella Card (Rare item). 

| Act 1-12 - Deserters' Camp - (0039) | 
Pre-mission Advice: 
As our Classes may be all over the place from the past mission and Free 
Battles, make sure the following changes are in place: 
Clarissa - Sacred Slayer (with Dandelion Shot OC/EQ + Item Carry Up (or Item 
Effect Up) and equip Strahl Gewer/Rose Corsage +1. 
Felius - Geomancer (with Sentinel OC + Secutor EQ + ATK +25%) and equip Rapier 
+1/Shield +1/Chrome Vest +1. 
Labyrinthia - Elementalist (with Arcanist OC + Sacred Slayer OC) and equip 
Elder Record +1/Phantom Ring +1. 
Levin - Secutor (with Martial Mage OC + Sentinel OC) and equip Rapier 
+1/Shield +1/Chrome Vest +1. 
Male Drifter - Secutor (with Fantastica OC + Arts Support + CSP Up) and equip 
Rapier +1/Shield +1/Chrome Vest +1. 
Female Drifter - Elementalist (with Gadgeteer OC + Fantastica OC) and equip 
Elder Record +1/Phantom Ring +1. 
To avoid confusion, line up your units like this: 
- Clarissa (1) - Male Drifter  (2) - Female Drifter  (3) - Levin (4) - Felius 
(5) - Labyrinthia (6). 
If your characters are still not up to level 18 (16 for Levin) be sure to give 
your female Drifter a Lucky Card so she can use Mystic to target all of your 
characters before you start following my strategy, as this will net you close 
to 2,000 EXP at the end of the mission (even more for the odd few characters 
who get higher EXP Bonus rates). I had no need to use one, though I probably 
should have anyway.  
Start this mission by moving Levin to the Hex in between Felius and your 
female Drifter, and then have your generic Elementalist move ahead (aim for 
the Hex in the middle, going from the left; hence Hex 3 from left). Your male 
Drifter should now go to where your female Drifter was just standing and cast 
Rush on her. Clarissa can move between your female Drifter and that elevated 
Hex, and use Encourage on her (Elementalist). Noting those coloured ley point 
around the map as you control Felius, have him move to the Hex which is to the 
left of your female Drifter (Hex 2 going from the left). Labyrinthia should 
Warp to that Hex which will put you to the sides of both Clarissa and your 
generic Elementalist, and then have said female Drifter move two Hexes in 
front of Felius and kill that Paigoel in range with Vortex. 
Levin must move so that he's next to Clarissa's back, and then have your male 
Drifter position himself in front of where Levin's facing and cast Rush on 
Labyrinthia. Clarissa should now move to your female Drifter's right and cast 
expanded Heal so it targets them both. Move Felius all the way ahead (Hex 2 
from the left) and then have your female Drifter position herself in front of 
Felius and kill the next Paigoel with Vortex. Labyrinthia should move to the 
elevated Hex near her and kill the Paigoel in range with her own Vortex magic. 
Have Levin move ahead (Hex 3 from the left) and then have your male Drifter 
move to the right of Levin and cast Rush on Labyrinthia. Clarissa should head 
next to Laby and use Encourage on her, and then have your female Drifter move 
ahead so she is near the flowing river. 
Labyrinthia can now walk ahead snaking the hole near the river, and then Warp 
to the other side, two Hexes ahead of that elevated Hex (so the Paigoel will 
be to your left). Felius should then go to the elevated Hex next to that tree 
stump, and use Replace on that Paigoel in range (it'll be selected 
automatically). Levin can now go target that very foe with Heavy Strike, which 
will knock it into the river, killing it instantly. Your male Drifter should 
move so he's facing the front of your female Drifter and cast Rush on her, and 
then have said generic Elementalist move ahead and to the right, so you are 
right next to the flowing river and can target the next Paigoel with fire 
(killing it instantly). Clarissa and then Levin should both wait where they 
are, and then have Labyrinthia Warp ahead as close to that treasure chest as 
she can get. Felius should then move ahead near those blue ley points (so you 
line up with your male Drifter across the river). Your generic Secutor can 
then cast Rush on Felius as he'll be close enough, and then have your female 
Drifter wait where she is, and have Levin/Clarissa do the same for their next 

Decision time - if you want that treasure (useless Power Charm) have 
Felius wait where he is otherwise move onto the centre blue ley point and cast 
Replace on that Paigoel to kill it instantly. If you made Felius wait, have 
Labyrinthia Warp next to that treasure chest, and then have the following folk
'Wait' as there turns come up: Male Drifter/Female Drifter/Levin/Clarissa/
Levin/Female Drifter/Male Drifter. Now Labyrinthia can attack/open that
treasure chest for a Power Charm (you can already synthesis a better +1 version
though), and then have Felius move to the centre blue ley point and cast 
Replace on the last Paigoel. 
| Optional Quest - Free Battle #14 - Deserters' Camp - (0040) | 

Pre-mission Advice: 
Change Felius back into a Sentinel (Halberdier OC/Secutor EQ+ ATK +25%) and 
Labyrinthia into a Sacred Slayer (Elementalist OC/EQ + MAG +25%) and equip 
their best weapon/armour/items, but also give Felius a Revive Fruit before 
each bout of training here just to be safe. 
You dealt with Paigoels in the last mission, and thusly they still infest this 
location. Generally they are weak, but when they occupy the ley point which 
empowers them, they become slightly stronger (they are only a threat if there 
element is one a character of yours is weak against). It is best to split your 
party into two for this mission (Clarissa/Labyrinthia as one party and 
Felius/Male Drifter/Female Drifter/Levin as the other group). Usually one side 
of the map will have 2-3 Paigoels and there will be a lone foe on the other 
side of the river, hence you should have the smaller group (Clarissa/Laby) go 
after the single enemy, abusing Turn Shift so they reach it very quickly (stop 
once Clarissa has 50 MP or less). Your larger party should advance toward the 
remaining enemies once you are ready. 
~~~ Paigoel (Ghostly Goblin): 
There is nothing special about this creature stat-wise, other than its 
slightly-high MAG (Magic) stat which allows its spells to do small-medium 
damage. They have an elemental breath attack (either Earth/Ice/Fire/Wind) so 
pay special attention to their element, as they are weak against its opposite. 
At the same time, if one of your characters was very weak against Fire and you 
came across a Paigoel of that element, it can do around 120 HP damage to said 
character (more if you are under-leveled). Be sure to attack a Paigoel with 
magic of its opposing element (i.e. Fire VS Ice and vice-versa). 
Suggested attacks per character:

- Clarissa (Sacred Slayer): Sacrifice or regular attack. 
- Felius (Sentinel): Upper Hand (indirect) or Heavy Strike (direct). 
- Labyrinthia (Sacred Slayer): Opposing magic element spell. 
- Levin (Secutor): Blast (indirect) or Heavy Strike (direct). 
- Drifter 1 (Secutor): Cast Rush on female Drifter then Hard Smash on foe. 
- Drifter 2 (Female Elementalist): Opposing magic element spell. 
The possible enemy lineups I faced were: 
- Paigoel X2 
- Paigoel X3 
- Paigoel X4 (2,000~ Gella, 200~ EXP) 
Note that the Sacred Slayer's Turn Shift ability is very easy to exploit, 
though it will deplete your MP very quickly. With Clarissa and Labyrinthia 
working together (always moving as far from each other as possible but still 
being able to target the other with Turn Shift) they can constantly keep 
moving and swapping turns until they run out of MP; though you shouldn't let 
this happen. Keep doing it until Clarissa has 50 MP or so left, and then walk 
as normal from there. If a Paigoel is close, you'll get to kill it before it 
gets a turn. If it's at the back of the map, Clarissa will run out of MP by 
then so make sure she has at least 50 MP or so in case she needs to use 
another ability or Heal. The other party can easily handle the other Paigoels 
by working together, using Heavy Strike to knock them into the river when 
| Optional Quest - Drifter Item Search #14 - Deserters' Camp - 0041) | 
Pre-mission Advice: 
The 'special' item you can get here is Nectar, so this place is not really 
worth bothering with, unless you don't have 99 Tabanga Branches and 99 Mantrap 
Vines. If so, engage in Drifter Search here until you do (this took me about 7 
turns to do so). 
Search Location - Deserters' Camp: 
The possible rewards I came across at Deserters' Camp were: 
- Mantrap Vine (Rank 1 Synthesis material). 
- Tabanga Branch (Rank 2 Synthesis material). 
- Nectar (Rare item). 
| Act 1-13 - Dead Plateau - (0042) | 
Pre-mission Advice: 
Equip a single Pygmalion on Clarissa and your female Drifter just in case, 
even though I didn't get Petrified at all on this stage (but there's a chance 
you might, so precautions never hurt). Again, since some of our Classes might 
be a bit different, make sure the following changes are in place: 
Clarissa - Sacred Slayer (with Dandelion Shot OC/EQ + Item Range and equip 
Strahl Gewer/Rose Corsage +1. 
Felius - Sentinel (with Halberdier OC + Secutor EQ + ATK +25%) and equip 
Francesca +1/Shield +1/Chrome Vest +1. 
Labyrinthia - Elementalist (with Arcanist OC + Sacred Slayer OC) and equip 
Elder Record +1/Phantom Ring +1. 
Levin - Secutor (with Martial Mage OC + Sentinel OC) and equip Francesca 
+1/Shield +1/Chrome Vest +1. 
Male Drifter - Secutor (with Fantastica OC + Arts Support + CSP Up) and equip 
Rapier +1/Shield +1/Chrome Vest +1. 
Female Drifter - Elementalist (with Gadgeteer OC + Fantastica OC) and equip 
Elder Record +1/Phantom Ring +1. 
To avoid confusion, line up your units like this: 
- Felius (1) - Clarissa  (2) - Male Drifter  (3) - Female Drifter (4) - 
Labyrinthia (5) - Levin (6). 
We're going to give the treasure chest on this mission a miss for now. As you 
receive 1,150 EXP for this battle, you really should use a Lucky Card if your 
characters aren't level 18 (16 for Levin). You may have trouble if Labyrinthia 
is not already level 18 before you attempt this mission, so fair warning. Also,
the initial Rhinos you face are much weaker than what you've faced at Rhino
River, so you should be familiar with them.
Begin by moving Levin all the way ahead (the way he's facing) and then have 
your female Drifter do the same thing. Now move Clarissa all the way ahead as 
well (the way she's facing) and use Encourage on your female Drifter, and then 
have your male Drifter move ahead all the way and cast Rush on Labyrinthia. 
Laby should then move all the way ahead as well, and then Warp to the elevated 
Hex ahead of Clarissa (which lines up with the way Felius is facing). Felius 
must also move ahead the way he's facing. As your female Drifter, see that 
boulder to the left? Move to the Hex just below and to the right of it, and 
then cast Rush on Levin. Levin should then move below that boulder (next to 
your female Drifter) and use Amplifier. Your male Drifter can then move to the 
Hex behind the one Levin's standing on (lining up with that boulder) and cast 
Rush on your female Drifter. 
Have Clarissa head over next to Labyrinthia (the Hex which is closer to your 
female Drifter) and use Encourage on her (Laby). Labyrinthia should then move 
one Hex ahead of that elevated one in front of her and kill the Rhinoceros on 
the right with Crush (all elemental magic does the same damage; if it doesn't 
kill it she is under-leveled - she should be level 18). Your female Drifter 
can then move to the above-right (so you line up with the Rhino above) and 
kill said Rhino with Crush, and then have Levin move near that Rhino near him 
on the right and kill it with Blast. Felius can then move ahead all the way 
(near Clarissa) and then have your male Drifter move to the elevated Hex 
behind Levin and cast Invoke on him. Clarissa must then move to the elevated 
Hex next to Labyrinthia and use Encourage on her. Laby can then move to the 
Hex which is a Hex-gap above your female Drifter and use Heal on herself.  
Move your female Drifter to the Hex right of the one your male Drifter is 
standing on and target the Gremalkin near Clarissa with Crush. Levin should 
then head to the left (as close to that Rhino as possible) and use Blast on 
the Rhino near there. Labyrinthia must target that wounded Gremalkin with 
Lightning, and after that your male Drifter might get Petrified (mine did not 
after two attempts. Anyhow, move Felius in front of Clarissa and kill that 
Gremalkin with a regular attack. Your male Drifter (if he's not Petrified) 
should then go target that other Gremalkin with Hard Drive, then have Clarissa 
move near Labyrinthia and Encourage her. Levin must now kill that Rhino nearby 
with a regular attack, and then have your female Drifter use Mystic with a 
Pygmalion on your male Drifter is necessary otherwise move as close to that 
distant treasure chest and cast Rush on Labyrinthia. 
Laby can then move straight ahead (the way she's facing) and use Crush on the 
Rhino on the right, and then have your male Drifter kill that Gremalkin with 
Hard Smash. Levin should line up with your male Drifter and kill the nearby 
Rhino with a regular attack (Formation Art). Felius can move toward the last 
Rhino and wait, and then have your female Drifter use Crush on the too-close-
for-comfort Rhino. Clarissa must then move between Felius/Labyrinthia/Female 
Drifter and Encourage the lot of them. Labyrinthia can then head to the Hex on 
the other sides of the Rhino and your female Drifter, and then finish off said 
Rhino with Crush. Now have your generic Elementalist move toward the last 
enemy on the map and cast Rush on Clarissa. 
Your male Drifter should move toward the final enemy unit as well, and then 
have Levin wait where he is. Clarissa can then move near that 'Tarasque' and 
use Sacrifice on the beast, and then have Labyrinthia cast Crush on the same 
foe. Your female Drifter should also cast Crush on the Tarasque, and then have 
your generic Secutor cast Invoke on Felius. Levin should wait when he gets 
another turn, and then have Felius use a regular attack on that final enemy 
unit which should kill it. If not, have Clarissa do the honors with a final 
burst of Sacrifice (even though she's already wounded from the last effort). 


     |        E X C A V A T O R  I T E M  D I S C O V E R I E S         |

One of the Skills of an Excavator is that it can randomly discover items in 
battle, and this feature can be put to great advantage in the numerous 'Free 
Battle' locations that you gain access to within the game. These particular 
items (not including 'rare' items you may find with the Detect ability) can 
range from nothing special (for example a Heal Berry) to quite useful (such as 
a Gella Card which can double your money earned for defeating a monster; or 
sold for 1,500 Gella). Such items are not specific to any Free Battle 
location, but they do differ between Acts (i.e. Act 1/Act 2/Act 3/Act 4/etc). 
I've documented all of these items that I came across while searching around 
aimlessly, so I'll list them here and then offer a few notes on this aspect of 
the game.

~ Antidote/Medicine/Breath Mint/Pinwheel/Pygmalion/Nectar 
~ Heal Berry/Potion Berry 
~ Revive Fruit 
~ Break Gem/Freeze Gem/Fire Gem/Cyclone Gem (elemental) 
~ Exploder Gem (non-elemental) 
~ Potential Egg/Gella Card/Lucky Card 
~ Chakram (Rank 1 'Toss' Item)
~ Ring Edge (Rank 2 'Toss' Item)
~ Large Moon (Rank 3 'Toss' Item) 
~ Flying Saucer (Rank 4 'Toss' Item) 
~ Dark Nebula (Rank 5 'Toss' Item) 
~ Circle Zapper (Rank 6 'Toss' Item) 
~ Angel Halo (Rank 7 'Toss' Item) 
~ Buzzsaw (Rank 8 'Toss' Item) 
Note 1: 
A worthy strategy is to have a team of six characters all become Excavators 
(equip their most powerful OCs and Skills so they can still defeat enemies) 
and have them all line up from one vertical Hex to the sixth vertical Hex along
the map, and proceed turn after turn moving one space ahead. You don't need to
waste MP by using 'Detect', as after your character performs an action they may
randomly discover an item (whether they use an item/ability/attack or simply
just 'Wait'). Once you reach the opposite side of the map, have everyone move
over to their next unexplored vertical Hex starting point, and start heading
back down the map one Hex at a time. This may be tedious, but when you have
done the whole map you'll have received potentially more than a dozen items,
such as high-ranking 'Toss' items and Lucky/Gella Cards or Potential Eggs. You
should also be killing off the enemies as they come near you, making sure you
leave at least one alive so you don't end the mission. 
Note 2: 
A Replica can also 'Discover' items when Labyrinthia is an Excavator, so 
essentially you could have seven characters early on in the game helping you 
search every Hex of the map even quicker. This whole process can become very 
tedious, but the results will start becoming worth it sooner or later if you 
would like to exploit this system to its full potential. 
Please drop me a line if you come across any other 'random' item discoveries
for the first Act of the game. I'll continue to list the items that can be
found in other Acts, though they will be added much later in the future.


Copyright (c)2008 @ Troy de Haan (Traz).