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 _____ ___    _   _  _ ___ ___ ___  ___ __  __ ___ ___  ___ 
|_   _| _   /_ | | / __| __/ _ | _   /  | __| _ / __| Convoy no Nazo
  | | |   / / _ | .` __  _| (_) |   / |/| | _||   /__  FAQ/Walkthrough
  |_| |_|_/_/ __|_|___/_| ___/|_|__|  |_|___|_|_|___/ by Seth0708

The infamous Transformers: Convoy no Nazo. It reminds me of the title of
another game I wrote a guide for once called "Scourge of Worlds." Unlike many
notorious games, however, the rumors here are true. Although I would not go as
far as to say this game is terrible, it certainly is very difficult.

In Transformers: Convoy no Nazio you take on the role of Ultra Magnus (or
Rodimus Prime if you've unlocked him, see the Secrets section) and must journey
through ten stages of Decepticons, ending with a final battle against, oddly,
Trypticon (you fight Megatron before this).

Despite the legends of this game's difficulty, every stage except nine is
linear. The difficulty comes in that there are numerous enemies that shoot even
more numerous projectiles and that you can only take a single hit before dying.
As such, this guide is rather straightforward in describing what must be done,
but ultimately your ability to dodge attacks (the crux of the game) comes down
to practice.
|    _                 | TTTTT H  H EEEE   BBBB   AA  SSSS I  CCC SSSS
|  _| |_           B/ |   T   H  H E      B   B A  A S    I C    S
| |_   _|       A/ / |   T   HHHH EEE    BBBB  AAAA SSSS I C    SSSS
|   |_|   == ==  /    |   T   H  H E      B   B A  A    S I C       S
|______________________|   T   H  H EEEE   BBBB  A  A SSSS I  CCC SSSS

() Controls
Directional Pad                              A-Button
 Moves left and right                         Jump in robot mode
 Press down to transform into vehicle mode    Shoot to the right in vehicle mode
 Press up to transform back to robot mode    B-Button
Start                                         Shoot in robot mode
 Pause the game                               Shoot to the left in vehicle mode

() Power-Ups
As can be expected, various power-ups are dropped by the enemies that infest
the levels of the game. Each power-up takes the form of a different letter or
number. The "P" upgrades your basic shot to fire at multiple angles. The "B"
creates a barrier around you that allows you to take additional hits before
dying. The "1" gives you an extra life. The "F" allows you to fly by holding
down the A-Button. Finally, the "D" will cancel out any P, B, or F power-ups
you have previously acquired.

M .M.@. U        W W W  A  L   K K TTT H H RR   O  U U  GGG H H
MM MMM M#        W W W A A L   K K  T  H H R R O O U U G    H H
nM  8  @i        W W W AAA L   KK   T  HHH RR  O O U U G RG HHH
 MMX9n#M         W W W A A L   K K  T  H H R R O O U U G  G H H
 WBQMEWQ          W W  A A LLL K K  T  H H R R  O   U   GRG H H

() Stage 1
   Like most of Transformers: Convoy no Nazo's stages, the first is a linear
   jaunt. Run right at full speed, jumping the tanks on the ground when they
   appear, and you should be able to outrun the bullets fired by the jets. If
   you're looking for the Rodimus Prime letter, it is held by the jet enemy
   immediately behind the single orange jet enemy in this stage. Destroy him
   and claim the letter, then continue right. You'll eventually come to the
   boss, a glowing orb in a "moon." Shoot it a few times and claim victory.

() Stage 2
   Again, this stage just has you run to the right, although now you have to
   jump a little. There are less jets, but now there are stationary artillery
   enemies that fire at you. The Rodimus Prime letter is held by a jet you'll
   find above the second group of floating grey bricks about mid-way through
   the stage, just before the orange "warp zone" jet. From there keep moving
   to the right to reach the boss. Instead of one moon, you now face two. A
   few hits to each will destroy them and, compared to the stage itself, they
   should not be much of a problem.

() Stage 3
   Stage three has you climb upwards, avoiding cannons along the edges of the
   platforms. These cannons fire at timed intervals once you get in range, so
   wait for them to fire, then leap past them to avoid getting hit. There are
   also some flying enemies that block the path up that you can't really hit
   without a weapon power-up (the P). If you have one you can just shoot them,
   but if not you have to time your jumps perfectly to get between them (which
   is very hard to do). Thankfully there's no Rodimus Prime letter here to
   collect, so you just have to worry about surviving. The boss is at the top,
   a giant Decepticon insignia. While this may sound really lame, he's
   actually pretty tough. You need to initially land on the leftmost platform
   as you fall on to the screen, then carefully avoid the sinusoidally-
   moving projectile as you jump to the middle and then rightmost platform.
   Fire a few shots into the center of his head (where it is flashing) to
   destroy it and move on.

() Stage 4
   This one does something a little different. You need to go to the right as
   in stages one and two, but now you'll need to transform in order to keep
   going. Jump from ledge to ledge until you reach a structure. You need to
   transform into vehicle mode to fit inside. Drop in and shoot the enemy
   waiting for you, then transform back (or not, if you prefer vehicle mode)
   and keep going, firing as you do to hit enemies as they appear. The first
   jet you see inside here is carrying the Rodimus Prime letter for this
   stage, so be sure to get it. When you emerge into the open again, you know
   you're near the end. The boss here is Nemesis, although it seems to have
   gotten a lot smaller since its last appearance in Beast Wars. You fight it
   on three floating platforms as you did the Decepticon insignia, although
   the Nemesis understandably has a better firing range. It will fire
   directly ahead, at an upward angle, or at a downward angle. When it fires,
   leap across and start shooting at the weapons cannon below its "snout."
   Note the timing of its shots so you can avoid getting hit (if you're on
   the rightmost platform especially). It does not take many hits to send the
   capital ship back to the bottom of the sea.

() Stage 5
   You're now in an asteroid field where you need to make some crazy jumps.
   The moving platforms can help fascilitate these leaps, although a good
   number can be made with simple running starts. At least the enemies are
   relatively light here. The Rodimus Prime letter is being held by the first
   jet after the first "asteroid base" (where the metalic structure is built
   into an asteroid). The various ships and asteroid bases you jump between
   will launch projectiles at you, but if you keep moving you can generally
   avoid the bigger one that are launched from the ships. The boss appears to
   be Menasor (or maybe Skywarp, but with a car on his shoulder). He fights
   identically to the Nemesis, so it's really just a repeat of the boss
   battle from the previous stage.

() Stage 6
   Stage six is basically stage three in reverse; instead of going up, you
   need to go down. The same basic strategies apply, except there is less
   room for slip up as the ground you're falling to can be unknown. Like the
   former stage, there is no Rodimus Prime letter to be found. The boss is a
   repeat of stage three as well, so just shoot the Decepticon insignia in
   the center of its head as before. All-in-all, a rather lazily designed

() Stage 7
   Stage seven looks suspiciously like stage one, except now everything is
   covered in snow. The stage plays the same as the first stage, with one
   notable exception: enemies will burst from the ground as you make your way
   right to block your path. These enemies would appear to be Predacons (from
   the G1 show, not Beast Wars), which is a nice touch since the only other
   basic enemy that looks anything like something from the show are the jets
   (who are probably based on Thundercracker). The Rodimus Prime letter is
   held by the third silver jet (ignore the orange ones). This enemy is some
   ways into the level, after the second Predacon. This is pretty close to
   the boss, who is either Devastator or Bruticus by my estimate. Regardless,
   he fights like the Nemesis. His projectiles come faster and are larger
   than the previous bosses, however, so be extra careful. His weak point is
   the top of his head. He goes down, like the others, in a rather minimal
   amount of hits.

() Stage 8
   Another stage that forces you to go downwards, but at least it offers a
   change of scenery. Drop down past the first opening on the left and into
   the next "room" where you will find another opening on your left. Exit off
   the side of the screen to come to a room with the Rodimus Prime letter for
   this stage. Destroy the enemy hovering near the top of the screen by
   turning into vehicle mode and firing upwards at it. Once it is destroyed,
   Megatron's mug will appear to taunt you before sending you back into the
   level proper. Once there, continue downwards until you fall of the bottom
   of the screen. The boss, for a third go-around, is the Decepticon insignia.
   By now you should have him down, so take him out and move on the most
   notorious level of the game.

() Stage 9
   The most infamous stage of Transformers: Convy no Nazo. In reality this
   stage is reminiscent of the "castle mazes" of Super Mario Bros, although
   I think the fact that no such stage appears anywhere else in the game
   throws people off. The path is simple enough, but hard to describe, so I
   have provided a map here at GameFAQs for you to use to get through. (Hit
   back and load it up in another window or tab from the main page for this
   game.) You need to kill the three enemies where the R is on the map to
   claim a "key" that lets you exit the stage. The Rodimus Prime letter,
   meanwhile, is held by the only jet enemy in the level. He's flying around
   a little ways to the right of where you claimed the key. Once you make it
   through the maze you face Megatron. Megatron is identical to the boss in
   stage seven, so use the same tactics to take him down.

() Stage 10
   You've made it to the final stage. Are you ready? Sadly it's just stage
   eight in reverse, so now you have to make your way back up and out. At the
   top waits Trypticon. Trypticon is just like Megatron, except his bullets
   are a little bigger and come at you a little faster. Move to the rightmost
   platform, but hold back left as far as you can while you shoot him in the
   head. His projectiles are harder to dodge, so you need as much extra
   wiggle room as you can get. Once you take out the Decepticon mobile
   fortress, and assuming you got all the Rodimus Prime letters, you can now
   play through the game as Rodimus Prime. He's identical to Ultra Magnus, so
   this is fun for about twenty seconds.

BM tVQb8.B        S    E    C    R  R E      T   S
H   M$   t        SSSS EEE  C    RRR  EEE    T   SSSS
BM :i@: @U           S E    C    R  R E      T      S
 i#9''07@         SSSS EEEE  CCC R  R EEEE   T   SSSS

() Continue Code
To continue from the stage you've died on, press and hold Start, A, and B. Let
go once the music stops playing and begin again from where you left off.

() Rodimus Prime
In order to unlock Rodimus Prime, you need to collect seven letters scattered
throughout the game that spell out R-O-D-I-M-U-S. These letters are held by
normal-looking enemies in stages one, two, four, five, seven, and nine, with
another letter hidden in a secret room in stage eight. If you collect all
seven letters and beat the game, you can play as Rodimus Prime on a second
playthrough, although he plays identically to Ultra Magnus.

() Warp Zones
There are two "warp zones" at two different points in Transformers: Convoy no
Nazo. The first appears in stage two, while the second is in stage seven.
In both cases, while you are rushing through the level you will eventually
encounter an orange jet enemy, obviously different from the others in its
coloration. Shoot it twice to destroy it and open a portal that allows you to
skip two stages ahead of the current stage. (The orange jet in stage one does
not open a warp zone and is probably just a graphical error left in the game.) 
Also watch for a cameo from the Autobot Bumblebee when you use the warp.

  X .. X
 cM.  .YM          SSS PP  EEE  CC I  A  L     TTT H H  A  N  N K K SSS
XM8;8oW;MM         S   P P E   C   I A A L      T  H H A A N  N K K S
@M  MM  ;@         SSS PP  EE  C   I AAA L      T  HHH AAA NN N KK  SSS
zBWMWMMWMz           S P   E   C   I A A L      T  H H A A N NN K K   S
  A WMW X          SSS P   EEE  CC I A A LLL    T  H H A A N  N K K SSS

As always, a special thanks goes out to GameFAQs for posting this and my other

This also seems an oportune time to mention the people responsible for the
creation of Transformers in the first place. Without them, this guide would not
exist, and more importantly neither would the magnificent Transformers
continuum of shows, comics, and toys would not exist.

Special thanks also goes to Jonathan Matthews Software, whose program I used to
create the title ASCII image at the top of this guide. Without them, my guides
would be far less pretty.

I would also like to thank mystring and his youtube run of Transformers: Convy
no Nazio (found here- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wl2k37U3vcs). Without it
I would not have known the path through the maze on stage nine nor the location
of the Rodimus Prime letters.

This guide has been constructed as part of the NES Completion Project begun by
Andrew Schultz (website- http://faqs.retronintendo.com/). Encompassing multiple
contributers to GameFAQs, this project sets out to have a completed guide for
every NES game accessible via the GameFAQs website. You can join the project by
going to the FAQ Contributors - General message board on GameFAQs and finding
the NEs Completion Project topic.

 :bb..W$v  C     O   O P   P  Y Y  R   R I G     H  H   T   S
MMM    MMW C     O   O PPPP    Y   RRRR  I G  GG HHHH   T    SSSS
QMM    MMU C     O   O P       Y   R   R I G   G H  H   T        S
  'i  x'   CCCCC  OOO  P       Y   R   R I  GGG  H  H   T   SSSSS

Super Mario Bros. is (c) Nintendo
Transformers: Convoy no Nazo is (c) Takara