Title: 		Enclave
Platform:	Xbox
Developer: 	Conspiracy Entertainment and Starbreeze Studios
Released:	2002

What did I do? When did I do it?
8-12-02	Started FAQ.  Set an outline to go by. Finished sections 1,2,3,4,and 5.
	Worked on section 7 and 9.
8-14-02 Added more to section 6
8-15-02 Revised and added to section 7a. Completed section 6. Revised and added
	to section 9a. Added to section 11.
8-16-02 Added to section 11 (Keep the questions coming)
8-19-02 Began working on section 8. Added section 13.
8-22-02 Added to section 8.
8-26-02 Added to section 8.
8-27-02 Added to section 8.

Table of Contents
 1) About Myself
 2) Story (From Game Manual)
 3) Controls
 4) Tips
 5) Equipment
 6) Price List for Equipment (by character class)
 7) Path of Light: "Crossing the Outlands” (From Game Manual)
   a) Character Classes
 8) Guide to Light Campaign *(Incomplete)*
 9) Path of Dark "The Rift - and Beyond” (From Game Manual)
   a) Character Classes
10) Guide to Dark Campaign *(Coming Soon)*
11) Fequently Asked Questions
12) Cheats/Codes *(Coming Soon)*
13) Special Thanks

1) About Myself
This is my first time ever to write a guide. I have been using the site for the past 5 years
and have never contributed. If it weren"t for this website I would have gone crazy with
some of the games that I"ve played in the past. I would like to thank everyone that has
made contributions to gameFAQS because I know that information that can be found on
this website is very important to gamers and one of the reasons the site remains free for
all to use without paying service fee is because of those who do submit
guides/FAQS/reviews and such. So please take the time to help out with the site when
you get the chance. I decided to make a guide for this game because I think its a simple
game to write a guide and I have to start somewhere. There have been postings on the
message board requesting a guide and while some say everything you need to know can
be found on the board, I beg to differ. In this guide you will be able to get hints and tips
on how to make it through each level, how to strengthen and strategically use your
character, and where to find all the gold in each stage. I hope you enjoy the guide,
remember it is my first so there"s no guarantee that"s it"s going to be good. Please rate it. I
hope that it helps you because that is my intention of this guide, to offer help to those who
need it. If you need to contact me about anything you can email me at Htes1031@aol.com
I check my email several times each day, just make sure to make the subject Enclave so
that it is not mistaken for spam and deleted. I will reply to all those who send mail so that
they know their email was received. I will give acknoledgement to any information that
was provided from a source other than myself. I plan on updating a little bit everyday.
The guide will be finished once I"ve complete the game. If anyone wants to add anything
or has any comment or suggestion email me.

2) Story (From Game Manual)
The End was near. From all directions Vatar"s dark hordes closed in on the nearly
defeated army of Celenheim. But atop of one of the ridges a lone figure, clad in a
wizard"s robe, definatly faced the demon. He lifted the staff high in the air and slammed
it hard into the ground, unleashing the wrath of nature itself. Over a single night, the
world erupted. The skies grew black, the soil turned crimson with fire, blood, and chaos.
The Rift raced forth, ripping the earth"s crust asunder wherever it went, The demon was
believed to be gone forever, and so was the wizard. Light separated from dark, the world
had become divided. On one side of Light, the Enclave known as Celenheim, was now
protected from all sides by a wide rift, a bottomless abyss. On the other side, dark, twisted
forms struggled for survival, their hatred growing as they dwelled in the shadows. To the
people of Celenheim they became known as the Outlanders. In the darkness, their power
slowly grew, and they knew that one day their time would come. They would cross the
Rift and claim what they believed was rightfully theirs. The Rift is growing moree narrow
with every moment. The earth is healing. And soon, the outlanders will take to arms, to
crush the people of Celenheim once and for all.

3) Controls (The Basic Controller Configuration)
Left Thumbstick- Move your character forward and backward. Strafe left and right.
Right Thumbstick- Rotate your character"s view clockwise or counterclockwise.
(recommened for turning corners) You can also look up or down. Also used to aim.
Start- Pause Menu
A Button- Switch weapons
X Button- Switch item. When your character is equipped with a bow you can use this
button to switch arrow types
Y Button- Drink Potion
Left Trigger- Use item, Interact with environment (when you see the hand icon appear in
the secondary item window on your HUD), secondary function of weapon
Right Trigger- Attack
All buttons not mentioned above have no use

4) Tips
Taking corners- When I play, I have one thumb on each thumbstick. Left on left, right on
right. When taking corners you may first want to stand next to the wall but have your
character a few feet away then turn so that you get a view of the area you are entering.
Beware of enemies with bow and arrows as they seem to me to be one of the biggest
challenges in the game.
Jumping- When jumping up onto an object such as a crate or ledge, jump straight up and
then attempt to move yoru character forward. Remember that the longer you press in the
right stick the higher your character will jump.
Crouching- I have found crouching to come in handy at certain points in the game and I
will tell you when I use the crouch feature. You will need to use crouch to enter small
areas if you are a tall character such as the knight. It doesn"t hurt to experiment, you can
find areas in the game where you charater can attack and snipe with a bow and arrow if
you look hard enough.
Climbing- Unlike some games like Tomb Raider, the ladders in this game always look the
same. You can"t miss them. Walk up to the ladder and continue moving forward. Press up
on the left joystick to climb the ladder. Make sure when you get on the ladder that you are
centered so that you can get off at the top. To get off a ladded before reaching the top
simply jump and your character will leap off.
Swimming- Your character isn"t a fish so there is limited time that your character can
spend underwater. To exit water located on land (ex. a small pool or well of water) swim
to an edge and look for the secondary action ‘Hand" icon. Press the left trigger and your
character will leap up out of the water.
Interacting with the environment- When your character can interact with the environment
( ex. opening a door or chest, pulling a lever) the hand icon will appear in the secondary
item window on your HUD. Press the left trigger to interact with the object.
Checkpoints- Extremely rare in this game which adds to the difficulty (which is my
favorite aspect of the game). On certain levels players will be given the opportunity to
effectively ‘save" their progress at these checkpoints. Normally this will be before a boss
battle. If the player dies during the battle they will be resurrected and restart from the
checkpoint but the level status will be the same as it was when they died, gold that had
been picked up will not be their, and enemies killed will not reappear. The downside of
the checkpoints is that you have to pay gold to use them. If you finish the level without
dying then you get the money back. You only actually lose the gold if you die, and restart
at the checkpoint, but if you don"t have the amount of gold that the checkpoint requests
then you will not be able to activate it.
Collect all the gold you can find in each level. The more gold you possess the better
equipment you can buy. The better equipment you can buy, the easier the next level will
be, or should I say, the less difficult.
Certain character classes are better suited to certain levels than others. If you are having
trouble completing a level try switchign class. I haven"t used any of the characters other
than the knight so far, but it couldn"t hurt to try others because they all have their own
unique set of equipment that other classes don"t.
Money can"t be wasted in this game. When equipping yoru character don"t worry about
losing it, the amount of gold you have is just a limit to how much your character can
equip. You can unequip everything to get all yoru gold back. So don"t enter a level if you
have left over gold, find out if their is any extra equipment that you can spend it on. It can
only help you.

5) Equipment
Melee Weapons (swords,hammers, axes, maces, knives)- To swing these weapons simply
press the attack button. To access different kinds of swing press the left thumbstick in a
direction at the same time as you press the attack button. If you tap the attack button
repeatedly the character you are using will perform a deafult combo but if you combine
swings in different directions you can create some of your own custom combos.
Cross Bows- To aim at a target you must use the green dot. When an enemy is in sight a
green circle will appear around it. If you place the green dot on an enemy the dot turns
red. When the dot is red press the attack button to shoot and the arrow will hit the target.
If you hold the red dot on the character long enough the green circle around your target
will slowly turn shades from green to orange to red. When the circle is red you are locked
on yoru target and can shoot repeatedly at the target until you loose your lock, this woudl
be caused by your character or the target moving, out of aim so keep focused and make
sure that dot is within the circle to stay locked on. The secondary function of all
crossbows is reload. To switch between available types of arrows press the X button.
Long Bows- The long bow is more difficult but is more deadly. The aiming is pretty
much the same but when you want to attack their is a different approach. Instead of the
arrow taking off as soon as you press the attack button like it did with the crossbow, with
the long bow the longer you hold the attack button the further your character draws back
the string, causing a much more powerful strike to your target. The arrows to the long
bow travel rather slow so if you are aiming at a moving target be sure to ‘lead" a little bit.
The secondary function of both sniper and magic arrows is the ability to zoom in. There
are two levels of zoom that can be cycled through. To switch between available types of
arrows press the X button.
Magical Staffs- Offensive projectile weapons that draw ammunition from yoru characters
mana supply. The properties of each magical staff vary. Your character"s mana
replenishes slowly on its own, when yoru character is holding a magic staff. The
secondary function of each magic staff is a defensive arcane shield that protects the caster
from certain forms of attack. In addition ech magic staff has a ‘panis" style proximity
based energy attack that requires at leat half yoru mana bar to be full. These attacks are
very powerful and effect any creature close to the caster. To use these special casts press
both the attack and secondary action button together.
Shields- Certain character classes can use a shield in addition to a melee weapon. Raise
the shield by pressing the secondary action button. While activated shields provide
defense against incoming frontal attacks, thoguh the speed of the character is limited.
Potions- Press the Y button to dirnk a health potion. Your character will temporarily
become vulnerable but while drinking but when finished will be equipped with the
weapon you had equipped prior to taking the potion.
Keys and Quest Items- These itmes do not need ot be selected and will be used
automoatically as needed. Use the seconday action button when you see the appropriate
icon in the secondary action window.

6) Price List for Equipment (by character class)
Key- 	Kn=Knight	Hu=Huntress	Dr=Druid	Ha=Halfling	En=Engineer
	Wi=Wizard	As=Assassin	So=Sorceress	Go=Goblin	Bo=Bombardian
	Li=Lich		All=All characters listed in the key
	(The only thing you can purchase when using a special unlocked character, which
	are not listed in this key, are potions.)
Class(es)		Type		Item		         Gold
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	Sword			  50
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	Broad Sword		 100
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	Long Sword		 200
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	Scimitar		 300
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	Dwarven Blade	 	 400
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	Rune Blade		 500
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	Falcon			 650
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	Bastard Sword		 750
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	Emrick"s Bane		 900
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	Frost Sword	        1200
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	Mordessa		1200
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	Fireblade		1500
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	Bearded Axe		  50
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	Kama			 100
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	Short Axe		 200
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	Dwarven Axe		 300
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	Brute Axe		 400
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	Battle Axe		 500
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	War Axe			 650
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	Great Axe		 750
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	Shatter Axe		 900
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	Axe of Slaying		1500
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	Spiked Club		  50
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	War Hammer		 100
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	Morning Star		 200
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	Heavy Club		 300
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	Mace			 400
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	Maul			 500
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	Battle Hammer	 	 650
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	Chaos Hammer	 	 750
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	Heavy morning star	 900
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Heavy Melee	Hammer of the Sky	1500
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Shield		Wood Targa		  25
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Shield		Buckler		   	  50
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Shield		Spiked Shield		 100
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Shield		Brute Shield		 150
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Shield		Round Shield		 200
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Shield		Kite Shield		 250
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Shield		Blade Shield		 300
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Shield		Chaos Shield		 400
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Shield		Thorn Shield		 500
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Shield		Ancient Scutum	 	 900
Kn,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Shield		Enchanted Shield	1500
Kn,Hu,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Crossbow	Light Crossbow	  	  50
Kn,Hu,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Crossbow	Dwarven Crossbow	 150
Kn,Hu,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Crossbow	Heavy Crossbow           350
Kn,Hu,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Crossbow	Repeating Crossbow	 750
Kn,Hu,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Crossbow	The Redeemer		 900
Kn,Hu,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Xbow Ammo       20 Bolts		  10
Kn,Hu,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Xbow Ammo	40 Bolts		  20
Kn,Hu,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Xbow Ammo       60 Bolts		  30
Kn,Hu,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Xbow Ammo	120 Bolts		  60
Kn,Hu,Ha,En,Be,Go,Bo	Xbow Ammo       240 Bolts		 120
All 			Potion		1 Health Potion		 150
All			Potion		2 Health Potions	 300
All			Potion		3 Health Potions	 450
All			Potion		4 Health Potions	 600
All			Potion		5 Health Potions	 750
All			Armour		Light Armour		 500
All			Armour		Medium Armour           2500
All			Armour		Heavy Armour		4000
Hu,As			Long Bow	Shortbow		  25
Hu,As			Long Bow	Composite Bow		 150
Hu,As			Long Bow	Elven Highbow		 300
Hu,As			Long Bow	Precision Bow	 	 550
Hu,As			Long Bow	Etheral Bow		1000
Hu,As			LoBo Ammo       20 Burst Arrows	    	   5
Hu,As			LoBo Ammo       40 Burst Arrows	  	  10
Hu,As			LoBo Ammo       60 Burst Arrows	  	  15
Hu,As	      		LoBo Ammo	20 Burst Arrows	  	  30
Hu,As	        	LoBo Ammo       240 Burst Arrows          60
Hu,As			LoBo Ammo	10 Fire Arrows            15
Hu,As	        	LoBo Ammo	20 Fire Arrows 	  	  30
Hu,As                   LoBo Ammo	30 Fire Arrows 	  	  45
Hu,As                   LoBo Ammo	60 Fire Arrows 	  	  90
Hu,As           	LoBo Ammo  	120 Fire Arrows          140
Hu,As			LoBo Ammo	10 Flame Arrows		 200
Hu,As			LoBo Ammo	20 Flame Arrows		 400
Hu,As          		LoBo Ammo	30 Flame Arrows		 600
Hu,As                   LoBo Ammo	40 Flame Arrows		 800
Hu,As	      		LoBo Ammo	50 Flame Arrows         1000
Hu,As			LoBo Ammo       5 Grenade Arrows          30
Hu,As			LoBo Ammo	10 Grenade Arrows         60
Hu,As			LoBo Ammo	15 Grenade Arrows	  90
Hu,As			LoBo Ammo	20 Grenade Arrows     	 120
Hu,As			LoBo Ammo	25 Grenade Arrows     	 150
Hu,As			LoBo Ammo	5 Bomb Arrows		 200
Hu,As	        	LoBo Ammo	10 Bomb Arrows		 400
Hu,As			LoBo Ammo	15 Bomb Arrows		 600
Hu,As                   LoBo Ammo       20 Bomb Arrows	 	 800
Hu,As			LoBo Ammo	25 Bomb Arrows          1000
Hu,As			LoBo Ammo       5 Sniper Arrows 	  10
Hu,As	        	LoBo Ammo	10 Sniper Arrows	  20
Hu,As	        	LoBo Ammo	15 Sniper Arrows	  30
Hu,As                   LoBo Ammo	30 Sniper Arrows	  60
Hu,As                   LoBo Ammo	60 Sniper Arrows         120
Hu,As			LoBo Ammo	5 Magic Arrows		 150
Hu,As			LoBo Ammo	10 Magic Arrows		 300
Hu,As			LoBo Ammo	15 Magic Arrows		 600
Hu,As			LoBo Ammo	30 Magic Arrows		1200
Hu,As			LoBo Ammo	60 Magic Arrows		2400
Hu,Dr,Wi,As,So,Li	Light Melee	Short Dagger		  15
Hu,Dr,Wi,As,So,Li	Light Melee	Long Dagger		  50
Hu,Dr,Wi,As,So,Li	Light Melee	Curved Dagger	 	 150
Hu,Dr,Wi,As,So,Li	Light Melee	Ceremonial Dagger	 300
Hu,Dr,Wi,As,So,Li	Light Melee	Poisoned Dagger		 600
Dr,Wi,So,Li		Magic Staff	Astral Staff		 300
Dr,Wi,So,Li		Magic Staff	Midwinter Staff	 	 500
Dr,Wi,So,Li		Magic Staff	Tears of Corrosion	 750
Dr,Wi,So,Li		Magic Staff	Staff of Storms         1000
Dr,Wi,So,Li		Magic Staff	Darkness of Despair     1500
Dr,Wi,So,Li		Magic Staff	Psionic Domination      2000
Dr,Wi,So,Li		Magic Staff	The Incinerator         3000
Ha,As			Xbow Ammo	10 Poison Bolts	 	 100
Ha,As			Xbow Ammo	20 Poison Bolts	 	 200
Ha,As	        	Xbow Ammo	30 Poison Bolts	 	 300
Ha,As                   Xbow Ammo   	40 Poison Bolts	 	 400
Ha,As                   Xbow Ammo   	50 Poison Bolts          500
Ha,As			Xbow Ammo	10 Magic Bolts		 500
Ha,As			Xbow Ammo	20 Magic Bolts		1000
Ha,As			Xbow Ammo	30 Magic Bolts		1500
Ha,As			Xbow Ammo	40 Magic Bolts		2000
Ha,As			Xbow Ammo	50 Magic Bolts		2500
En,Bo			Explosives	2 Bombs 		  50
En,Bo			Explosives	4 Bombs 		 100
En,Bo			Explosives	6 Bombs	 	 	 150
En,Bo			Explosives	8 Bombs 		 200
En,Bo			Explosives	16 Bombs                 400
En,Bo			Explosives	2 Heavy Bombs	  	 200
En,Bo			Explosives	4 Heavy Bombs	  	 400
En,Bo			Explosives	6 Heavy Bombs	  	 600
En,Bo			Explosives	8 Heavy Bombs	  	 800
En,Bo			Explosives	16 Heavy Bombs		1600
En,Bo			Explosives	2 Grease Bombs 	  	  50
En,Bo			Explosives	4 Grease Bombs 		 100
En,Bo			Explosives	6 Grease Bombs 		 150
En,Bo			Explosives	8 Grease Bombs 		 200
En,Bo           	Explosives	16 Grease Bombs 	 400
En,Bo			Explosives	2 He Grease Bombs	 200
En,Bo			Explosives	4 He Grease Bombs	 400
En,Bo			Explosives	6 He Grease Bombs	 600
En,Bo			Exposives	8 He Grease Bombs	 800
En,Bo			Explosives	16 He Grease Bombs 	1600

7) Path of Light: "Crossing the Outlands” (From Game Manual)
Celenheim, a small anclave of hope in the midst of a large landmass of darkness and
doom, is struggling for survival. A party of men and women are assembled and sent out
on a perilous journey in hope of saving Celenheim from the ultimate destruction. The
journey will take them across the hostile lands, in search of the peopel of Meckelon, their
ancient ancestors they were separated from long ago. Perhaps they will find the aid they
are so desperately seeking...

 7a) Character Classes
	Knight- The knights are very strong warriors, revered for their valor in combat.
	Huntress- The huntresses are agile, and very nimble with the bow.
	Wizard- The wizards are powerful wielders of elemental magic.
	Druid- The Druids draw magical power from earth and spirit.
	Engineer- The engineers are very skilled in the use of bombs and traps.
	Halfling- The halfings are very fast and dexterious warriors.
	Earth Golem- A powerful, magic elemental creature.

8) Guide to Light Campaign *(Incomplete)*

Light Introduction

Iellon Outpost

Level 1- Imprisoned
Preferred Character - Knight (no other choices)
Reward - 50 Gold

Iellon Dungeon
You have attempted to protect kinsmen in your village against tax collectors.
Just being thrown into prison for these rebellious crimes against Celenheim,
you awaken from unconsciousness.

You must find a way out of the cell.
Obtain A Weapon
Defeat the Enemies
Escape the Dungeon

After the cut scene, leave your cell and move slightly to the right where you'll
see a sword on the ground. Pick it up and ready it (instructions will appear on screen
how to do this.) Continue to the right up the stairs, but watch out for a ceiling
collapse. The controller will warn you by vibrating, jump back when this happens.
Jump over the blocks and move up the stairs where a gate blocks your way. There's a torch on
the ground. Get it and head back downstairs. The ceiling will collapse again, as
well as a wall on the left hand side. When you reach the bottom where your cell is the
wall on the right will collapse. Move toward the sewer grate and the wall near the switch
will also collapse revealing gold hidden inside.

Flip the sewer gate switch and jump up on the right hand hinge. This will lift
you even with the bricks sticking out from the wall. You can now jump up into the area
where the gold is (10/50.)

Enter the sewers. Go straight past the ladder and you'll come to a 3 way
junction. Head either right or left and go up the ladder to find another 10 gold (20/50.)

Go back down to the three way junction and head back the way you came until you
get to the ladder that's only 1/2 way reachable. Jump up and grab the ladder and
climb up.

At the top of the ladder there's a shield, grab it and press (X) immediately to
swap the torch for the shield. There are 2 Snotlings here so kill them and use the gear
mechanisms to raise the gates.

Head upstairs and a 3rd Snotling will run from you. Chase him and kill him.
Another ceiling collapse will kill a 4th beastie. There's a pot of gold here (25/50.) If
you try to continue up the stairs you'll see your way is blocked. Head back downstairs
and you'll find a door with some noisy Snotlings behind it. You can't unlock the door,
but if you backtrack slightly you'll find a wall has collapsed allowing entry into the
wine cellar.

Kill all three of the drunk Snotlings and you're rewarded with gold (30/50.) A
small flight of stairs leads up out of the room and there's a health potion there as well.
As you open the door be ready for a barrel to come tumbling at you.

Jump it and head to the landing where a bomb will be thrown at you. Keep moving
up the stairs and kill the mad bomber. There's another wall collapse at the top of
the stairs just before the door. Don't go through it just yet though. As you face the door,
look at the floor down on the left. See that little ledge? You can walk that ledge all the
way around to a secret area where you'll find some hidden gold (40/50.)

Now go back up to the door and go through. There's a Snotling here, kill him.
Over on the right you'll see a health potion sitting on a table, grab it. Keep going to
the right and you'll come to another Snotling. Kill him and he'll drop a gold. Add that to
the gold already there and you have (50/50)! Yay!

Go back to the entry way and turn right. There's a door on the left that you
can't open because you need a key. Go straight and turn right at the fire-place. There's a
Snotling here and a rusty key. Now go back to the door you couldn't open before and
you'll meet the Huntress. Congratulations! Level 1 is complete!


Level 2 - Protect the Outpost
Preferred Character - Knight (no other choices)
Reward - 100 Gold in the level + 25 for defending the castle.

Iellon Outpost
After fighting your way up to the surface, you face a threat far worse than
imprisonment. The outpost is under attack, and you are rallied to fight side
by side with your captors against the invaders.

Protect the Outpost
Defeat the Outlanders
Defeat Bor'Je

Oops, hey, you aren't done yet! The castle is still being attacked!

Grab the crossbow and bolts. Switch to that and go through the door. Kill the
Snotlings. One will drop gold (5/100) and another drops a health potion.

Watch out for flying rocks and fire arrows. Go around the door to the left for
another pot of gold (10/100.)

Back where you came in is a cannon, use it to blow open the outer doors. Go
through the outer doors and grab the gold on the right (15/100), pause for just a moment
because the inner doors are about to explode! An Orc will charge through, kill
him for more gold (20/100.)

As you enter the inner doors you'll see a fuse burning on the floor, it's
heading toward a big block with a skull painted on it. This is an explosive device so
move to the right and stay away from it. Kill the Snotling and the Orc and grab the health
potion. To the right of the inner doors is another 10 gold (30/100.)

Now, facing away from the entry doors there are 2 ways to go. Go right first.
There's a Goblin here, 15 gold (45/100) and a health potion. Now go back through the other
set of doors.

On the outside you'll see a second set of doors, don't go through them yet
because back behind the boxes is yet even more gold (55/100.) Now go through the doors
and you'll see an Orc. If you're careful he won't see you. Wait for him to walk away
then you can jump up and grab the gold (60/100.) Ready your crossbow and wait for him to
come around the corner again the snipe him. Around that corner are two more Orcs that
you might be able to sneak up on. With the crossbow see if you can get a head shot
on one more then the 3rd one will begin chasing you. Kill him as well. Two of the three
Orcs will drop gold so that brings you to (70/100.)

Follow the passage around through the door on the right (the door on the left is
nailed shut.) Kill the two Snotlings and the Orc that are up on the stairs then go back
down to the bottom for the gold beneath the stairs (80/100.)

Back upstairs there are 2 more Snotlings and an Orc. Kill the Snotling with the
crossbow first since he's the most dangerous. The other Snotling will drop gold and
there's some already here (90/100.)

Don't go through the doorway at the top right away because a box is being thrown
at you. Before you head out on the balcony the final gold is here to be collected
(100/100.) Now go out on the balcony and up some stairs. There's a door at the top and a
cut scene, then an Orc bombardier will drop down on you. Keep your shield up and
pointed at him. When he drops his guard smack him a good one. He'll drop a key which can
be used to unlock the doors that closed behind you.

Now it's time to head back down. A Snotling will break a window and attack you,
waste him with the crossbow. There's another one at the top of the stairs and a 3rd
near the bottom. Yes, I know, that door is still nailed shut. You don't need to go that
way. Follow the passage back the way you came and you'll see a door to the right. Move to
the right of the door, grab the health potion and wait a tic. The door will come crashing
in thanks to a battering ram and an Orc is right behind it. Kill him then get your
crossbow ready.

There are only 3 really dangerous things outside, a Snotling on the left
shooting fire arrows, one on the right shooting bursts of arrows and Bor'Je, the big dude
you're supposed to kill to complete the level in the center (under the catapult.) Snipe
them all with the crossbow and don't let Bor'Je get too close to complete the level.


Celadia Village

Level 3 - Escort Marcus
Preferred Character - Knight
Reward - 150 gold in the level + 150 gold reward for completion.

Celadia Village
At Queen Atlindel's request, you have been sent to Celadia Village to help
Merchant Marcus. Dreg'Atar Raiders have plundered his caravan, stolen his
treasury and account book.

Escort Marcus
Escort Marcus through the village, and help him gather his things.
The Account Book.
A key to the Town Gate.
Marcus must survive.

Your first items screen! First thing you'll see is that even though you've only
earned 175 gold so far, you actually have 300 gold in purchasing power. This is because
the sword, shield and crossbow you found all have monetary value. Unlike a role playing
game, you can re-sell your items for their full value. You cannot lose money so you
might as well get the best stuff you can!

Second, the health potions and arrows you picked up didn't carry over, you
weren't saving those for a rainy day were you? If you choose to buy arrows or potions on
the items screen, you will not end up burning your gold. They will miraculously re-
fill themselves at the start of each level. That way if you buy, say, 2 health
potions, you will always start each level with 2 health potions until you decide to
re-sell them.

So first let's get one of the better (100GP) weapons. It will only deduct 50GP
from your total because the sword you're using is already worth 50. I like the broadsword,
but hey, whatever floats your boat. Next get the spiked shield and 60 cross-bow bolts.
I know, I know, "what about the armor?" Trust me. You want decent weapons early on. If the
baddies get close enough for your armor to make a difference then it's already too late!
Enter the game.

Right from the start, behind those boxes on your right, is some gold (5/150.)
Move forward and talk to Marcus then immediately run up ahead and kill the Orc while
he is still talking. Wait for him to catch up and he'll come unlock his house and ask
you to check it out for him.

At the top of the stairs is a Goblin and Orc, kill them. As you face the stairs
there's a little balcony area to the right, go out there and grab some gold (15/150.)

Now go around the corner and kill the Orc by the fireplace then go into the last
room and jump up on the table and do a dance. Marcus will come in and be blocking
your way, but because you're on the table you can jump over him and run all the way
down to his front door which is being charged from the left by a Snotling and an Orc.
Kill them and wait for Marcus.

He'll move forward slightly and stop, warning of an ambush. 3 Goblins and an Orc
pop out. Kill them and you'll hear the clanging of a forge. On the roof of the forge
is a Snotling just itching to push some barrels at you. Use your crossbow to kill
him, the Orc running the forge and the last Snotling who will run out at you. The Orc in
the forge drops 5 gold (20/150) and when you climb the ladder there you'll find another
Snotling, health potion and10 gold (30/150.)

Exit the forge and turn right. Go down the steps and you'll catch a glimpse of
your first Nightcrawler. You'll have to kill it at the end of the level, but for now it's
harmless. At the bottom of the stairs is a landing with a Goblin. Kill him then follow the
water off to the left. There's 10 more gold here (40/150.) Keep following the water and
you'll see a plank that heads up. Go up and it will look pretty familiar. Yup. It's where
you came in. Head back to where Marcus cowarded out.

He'll move forward to the forge and says something about a key causing two Orcs
to take offense and charge in from the left. Kill them and Marcus will stop in
front of a door and ask you to find another way inside.

Go left past the locked door and you'll see another door on the left. Go through
it and up the stairs for 10 gold (50/150.) Kill the Orc and take the ladder to the roof.

As soon as you reach the roof someone will start shooting you from behind. Take
them out with the crossbow. Then go across the plank that's to the right of the
ladder. You'll find 5 gold (55/150) and a blue gem that's worth 50 gold (105/150)! What,
you thought they were going to make you collect 150 gold 5 pieces at a time?

Go back across the plank and over the plank on the other side. Kill the Snotling
and the Goblin and go through the door.

A trap door opens and you can see an Orc at the bottom. Snipe him and jump
through the trap door.

As you start downstairs an Orc attempts to show you the door. Tell him you don't
need any help and he'll drop a bag of gold (110/150.) At the bottom is the door where
Marcus is waiting, but don't open it yet! Go around to the left first and get the gold

Marcus will go get the key, heads outside and attracts the attention of a Goblin
(kill him) and then he stops under a hanging sign. He asks you to scout ahead, don't do
this! It's the level exit and there's still more gold to get.

Turn to your left and you'll see some gold and stairs. Jump the railing and get
the gold (125/150.) Go up the stairs and grab the health potion, then go back down to the
water. Turn right for 10 more gold (135/150) and follow the water around to an iron
gate. The gate swings open. Through there is the set of stairs that takes you to the forge
(the iron gate only swings one way so we couldn't open it from the other direction.)

Go past the forge stairs and go to the second landing. This will lead you to a
set of stairs and a wagon at the top. Go past the wagon and you'll see a door on the
left. Go through the door and an Orc bombardier attacks you. Kill him, if he didn't break
the stairs then smack them a good one. Behind the stairs is the final 15 gold for
this level (150/150.)

Go up the broken stairs for health and go back to meet Marcus.

Scout ahead and kill the Nightcrawler. Keep your shield up and facing him. His
claws are poisoned so don't take too long! You'll continue to take mini-1 point hits
the entire time you're fighting.


Deserted Temple

Level 4 - Deserted Temple
Preferred Character - Huntress
Reward - 200 gold in the level + 200 gold reward for completion.

A Long Lost Temple
The Dreg'Atar Raiders have taken refuge with Marcus' treasure in a deserted
temple not far from Celadia Village. You must find a way to enter the temple
and obtain the treasure.

The Deserted Temple
Find Merchant Marcus' treasure.
Marcus must survive.

This level is ideal for the Huntress and you have 600 gold to spend at the
store. First get the composite bow with 240 burst arrows, 120 fire arrows, 25 grenade
arrows and 30 sniper arrows. Short dagger for the rare melee attacks.

Using the bow, the left trigger will nock additional arrows (burst and fire
arrows only)! The (X) button changes arrow type from burst to fire to grenade to sniper.
The right trigger controls the bowstring. Squeeze the trigger to draw the bow and release
to fire. When entering a new area your bow should already be drawn so there is no delay
when you attack.

Go around to the right of the temple and kill the Goblin. Shoot out the windows
and kill everyone inside. The guys on the far wall are hard to hit and that's why you
bought sniper arrows. Equip them (looks like an arrow-head instead of a full arrow) and
the left-trigger will zoom. There are two levels of zoom. See if you can hit one in the
eye! 380 points of damage and an instant kill!

Don't go inside yet, there are goodies hidden behind 2 of the tombstones and the
big mausoleum.

Inside you find the first puzzle. Tilt the camera up so you can see the floor.
The small blocks make up a lock that corresponds to the larger blocks. Step on the large
blocks in order (left to right) to make small blocks release. When you're done step on the
white block to open the door (if you step on it before-hand it will actually do damage to you.)

Before you step on the white block you might want to nock 8 burst arrows because
when the door opens there will be an Orc you can kill right away with a quick
trigger finger. Immediately step off the block to make the doors close because another
Orc and a Sorceress are going to run through. Switch to the grenade arrows and open the
door. Take them both out with one head shot each.

Now when you go through the inner doors take a careful look at the floor. The
switches on the floor release a burst of arrows. It's important to know where the safe
path is because you'll be running for your life at the end of the level.

Inside you'll see another Orc on the platform upstairs and a Druid hung up
crucifix style on a large cross. Kill the Orc and release the Druid. She'll run outside
to join Marcus. There's a health potion on the floor to the right of the cross and another
one upstairs where you killed the Orc.

On the other side of the cross are some stairs going down, but before you take
them you'll have to eliminate an assassin perched up at the top of the wooden support
pillar. It's hard to hit him with burst arrows, but any of the others work pretty well.

Get 8 fire arrows ready, burst arrows aren't going to do it. As you head part
way down the stairs you'll be charged by a Berserker. Wait for him to get close and hit
him with all 8 fire arrows. Instant kill.

Go downstairs and jump the coffin for gold (5/200.) There's an Orc on the other
side of some boxes and he hasn't seen you. Stick a sniper arrow in his ear for an
instant kill.

There's a cubicle shaped key on the floor and more gold on the right (10/200)
and 2 chests. Use the left trigger to open the chests and get more gold (15/200.)

Back upstairs to the big door and open it with the cubicle key.

Nock another 8 fire arrows for the Berserker at the bottom of the stairs.
There's also a healing pool that has some gold in it and a rusty key. There should also be
some gold from the Orc you ear-ectomied (30/200.) To the left of the healing fountain,
behind the boxes, is some more gold (40/200.)

Around the corner to the left is a bridge, don't cross it! Shoot one of the
Goblins first and make him cross it. The center of the bridge collapses. Kill the other Goblin,
jump the bridge (tilt the camera up if you're having trouble) and go left.

Kill the Goblin and assassin and get the gold (45/200.) At the back of this dead
end the wall on the right is weak. You should be able to shoot it out without too much
trouble. This will let you get the jump on another assassin and Goblin. Jump down and
open the chest for more gold (55/200.)

Forget the big coffin for now. Move around it and to the left and kill an Orc.
He drops gold and there's another 5 on the floor already (65/200.) There's also a chest
that you use the rusty key on. It contains a map that unlocks the first bonus area. The
stairs here are the way out and back up to the bridge so now you can go back to the big

Looking at the coffin, there's a pot of gold on the right and left, 2 chests on
the right and Marcus' chest on the left. Here's the secret. If you don't attack the skeletons
at the back of the room they won't attack you! If you don't move to the back of the room the
giant instant kill spikes will NOT pop out of the floor! Simple?

Get the gold, open the chests and open the coffin. Get all the good stuff
(200/200.) Then after the cut scene run like heck out of the temple. Don't stop to fight,
just run for it. In the courtyard there's one Orc, kill him and talk to Marcus.
The level is complete!


Bonus Level - Light Survival Easy
Preferred Character - Druid
Reward - 100 Gold

OK, at this point you have two choices, the next stage of the game (The Divided
City) or the bonus area you unlocked by getting the map on the last level (Forbidden
Atgard.) I firmly believe that more gold is a good thing so we'll look at the bonus level

You have 1000 gold to spend and It might be a good idea to try out the Druid and
get a feel for how she controls before you actually go into a level with her. Her
poisonous staff "Tears of Corrosion" is available. Take that and a health potion and you should
be good to go. Kill 5 enemies to complete. (Actually every time I unlock a new character I come
back and take them through Light Survival to get an idea how they control and what their
equipment can do.)

Bonus Level - Light Survival Medium
Preferred Character - Knight
Reward - 200 Gold

Use the Knight for this one. Upgrade to a 200 GP weapon and a shield increase
could be good too. With the morning star the assassins go down with one strike. The
brute shield offers good protection as well and you should even have enough gold left
over for some armor. Kill 9 enemies and you unlock...

Bonus Level - Light Survival Hard
Preferred Character - Halfling
Reward - 300 Gold

I'll be honest with you; I've not been able to complete this with the initial
three characters. The Knight comes close, but not close enough. The Huntress is also
close, but the lack of a shield and armor does her in. The Druid's staves either don't
recharge fast enough or (in the case of the Astral Staff) are mostly ineffectual because
of the location. So now it's off to the Divided City with our fresh 300 gold and we'll
be back for light survival hard with the Halfling.

Once you get the Halfling you'll have an additional 800 gold to play with here;
300 from LS Easy and Medium and 500 from the Divided City. Take the Halfling, dwarven
crossbow, all the poison bolts you can carry, 2 health potions and the light
armor. You can bring other things if you want, but you should be moving and shooting poison
bolts 100% of the time on this level. It's really easy this way.


Level 5 - Divided City
Preferred Character - Druid
Reward - 250 gold in the level + 250 gold reward for completion.

OK, so back to the quest. I like the Druid for this level for reasons which will
become apparent soon enough. For equipment, go with the Tears of Corrosion and the
Astral Staff. Pick up a health potion as well (although there are plenty enough of
those on this level.)

You start this level by being charged by an Orc. Drop him to his knees with the
Tears of Corrosion and grab the gold (5/250.)

Swing around to the left and push a big explosive cart down a hill, this will
blow up killing some more baddies and leaving you 10 gold (15/250.)

Back to the right a Goblin jumps from the bushes straight into your line of

If you take the next corner very carefully you'll see an Orc Deathcrafter on
patrol. Wait for him to be out of sight and kill the Goblin. Run around behind the
Deathcrafter and you can take him fairly easily with the ToC. There's also some gold on his
patrol path as well (25/250.)

Don't go to the left just yet, go straight and you'll run into an ambush by a
Goblin, Orc and Deathcrafter. Slay them and you'll get your first glimpse of the rift,
another health potion and more gold (30/250.)

Now go back to that left hand passage. The Halfling will cry out for help and
you need to move forward to get the Orc to chase you instead. Kill the Orc and jump up into
his little hidey-hole to get another health potion. Then follow the Halfling back to the big
door at the start of the level and let her open it.

Go through the door the Halfling unlocks and kill the Goblin warrior. Take the
stairs to find 10 gold (40/250) and a mostly oblivious Orc commander.

The dirty windows on your left will shortly be shot out by an assassin stalker.
Kill her and you'll find a health potion in the next room.

At the end of this hall you'll come to a blind corner to the left with an Orc
Deathcrafter on the other side w/ a crossbow. Kill him and take the stairs down. The second
flight of steps is breakable so break them and get the 10 gold hidden inside (50/250.)

At the bottom of the stairs, go right for some more gold (55/250.) A Berserker
will break a door down and fall to his death! DOH! Oooh... pretty emerald... so pretty...
Yeah, I know, don't get hyp-mo-tized just yet. We'll come back for it on the other side.

Turn around and go through the first door on your left. Down some steps and
around a corner and you'll see 2 Goblins perched on a catapult about to be launched by a
Berserker. If you're supremely talented you can kill both of the Goblins before
they're airborne. If not... well, only one makes it across. Kill him and the Berserker
on the other side. There's another 5 gold on your right behind the box (60/250.)

Go back the way you came and you'll catch a Goblin by surprise. Keep going
through the door (which falls flat) and you'll see a door and window right in front of
you. The window breaks and an assassin sneaker attacks! Kill her and enter her home for
more gold (65/250.) To the left of her fire-place is a footstool, jump on it, then to
the fireplace then to the stove-pipe and then up into the rafters. There's more health here.
When you grab it an Orc enters but it's really no challenge from this vantage point.

Go down and around the corner and straight. Look around. Familiar? Yup. It's the
same place where you saved the Halfling. Now that you're oriented, go back and to the
left. You can hear some Goblins above you and if you point the camera up you can even
shoot the floor they're standing on. Doing this makes it collapse dropping them
at your feet. Kill them and you get, you guessed it, yet another health potion.

Around the corner, kill the Goblin with the crossbow and continue. If you look
up you can see the barrels they gleefully would have dropped on your pretty little

Continuing along you'll reach a crane crossing the rift and it explodes as you
approach. Jump on the crane arm and cross the rift. A Sorceress composes the only
welcoming committee and she's no match for the Tears of Corrosion. Don't leave this area
just yet. You can climb the wall on the right. Jump up, duck under the low over-hang and
viola! You'll find 5 gold (70/250) and a sapphire (120/250.) The easiest way down is to
jump back across the rift and down on to the boxes below then re-cross the rift on
the crane to continue on.

Around the next corner is an Orc and three Goblins. The Orc drops some gold
(125/250! W00t! 1/2 way there!)

Go up the stairs and you'll see a door on your right. Follow it and a Goblin
drops out of the sky. Kill him and you'll see some gold and a diagonal support pillar.
Grab the gold (130/250) and walk up the diagonal pillar for more (135/250) and a health.
Drop down and go through the open door for the emerald you saw earlier (235/250.)

Back out the way you came and the wood wall above you is torn down. Kill the
baddies. Around to the right is a locked door, but as soon as you try to open it a
crossbow pokes out. Love that collision detection, eh! Your corrosive bolts bounce right off
the door so switch to the Astral Staff (what, you thought I had you bring it just for fun?)
and kill the assassin right through the door!

Down in the water is another 5 gold (240/250) and a health potion. Come back up
and go around to the right. If you're going the right way you'll hear the bridge behind you
being blown up then some breaking glass behind you. Don't worry, everything is
mostly dead. At the end you'll find the penultimate gold for this level (245/250) and
the catapult area from before.

Head back, jump the water and go left, all the way to the end. Turn right and
kill a sleeping Orc (awww, they're so cute when they're asleep! WHACK! AHAHAHA!) Turn
right and you'll see the gate that clears this level. As you walk down that
final passage, use the Astral Staff to summon your stone gnome helper
(there had to be another reason, yes?) This will draw enemy fire away from you and allow you
to kill everything (heck, he might even do some damage on his own.) If nothing else you still
have plenty of health potions. Kill the Goblins and the Berserker, there are two additional
health potions here plus the final gold (250/250.) Touch the door to complete the level!


Level 6 - Outland Wastes
Preferred Character - Druid
Reward - 300 gold + 300 gold reward for completion.

So why the Druid? Others prefer the Huntress for this level and I've done it
both ways, but I find it's easier with the Druid (the lava-men drop much easier
with the Midwinter Frost staff than anything the Huntress packs.) The Tears of
Corrosion (ToC) work on most enemies and the Midwinter Frost (MF) is excellent
on the lava-men.

With 2100 gold to spend you can easily afford both staves along with the light
armor and two health potions. Heck you can even spring for a long dagger,
although you won't need it and it will only get in your way as you swap between
the ToC and MF.

This level has one of the most stunning openings I've ever seen. Bubbling lava
surrounds a rickety old rope bridge. Switch to the MF and move forward along the
bridge. Two lava-men will jump out at you. After you kill them switch to the ToC
and finish crossing the bridge.

As you near the end of the bridge a rock will fall down and you'll be attacked
by a Goblin and an Orc. Sometimes the rock will kill the Orc for you and
sometimes it won't. The Goblin will drop a health potion.

Move forward and the gate will swing open and a few Goblins and an Orc will run
out. The Orc drops the first gold of the level (5/300.) You may or may not be
able to snipe a Deathcrafter without actually going through the gate.

Before you move through the gate you'll need to switch to the MF and head off to
the left. Two more lava-men will get in your way but there's 15 gold down by the
lavas edge (20/300.)

Switch back to the Toc and head back through the gate, but dodge the boulders
that come rolling down from the left. An Orc here will drop some gold and more
is sitting on the ground (30/300.)

Way in front of you is a watch tower with a crossbow wielding Goblin Fanatic.
Kill him and get the Health Potion. Up on the tower is another pot of gold but
to get it you have to collapse the tower. Shoot the support where it joins the
right hand leg of the tower and the whole thing will crumble down. (35/300.)

Now, backtrack to the gate and on the left hand side again are two more lava men
and another 15 gold (50/300.)

To the left of where the tower used to be is a narrow valley, there's a big
boulder perched up on the left hand side. As soon as you enter the valley the
boulder will come rolling down and a Goblin and Orc will come rushing out. You
can ignore the Goblin, he gets squished by the rock. Focus on the Orc.

At the top of both hills is an Orc Bombardier. Kill them for another 10 gold
each (60/300.) Having a hard time finding your way up? The one on the left is
easy. On the back side, near the lava, the slope isn't as steep and you can
climb right up it. On the right it's a little trickier. You need to get as close
to the lava as you dare, face away from the lava and jump up and to the left.
Now you can walk right up the slope.

Once you have all the gold and items, we can go on. There's a passageway beneath
the right hand hill and a bridge leading through the lava. When you first
approach the bridge two lava men jump out (do I need to keep telling you to use
the MF on them? Nah, didn't think so.) So kill them and jump across the lava on
to the bridge. You cannot walk across that first gap (all the others are safe

As you move down the bridge you'll be attacked by a Goblin and Orc. Let them run
up to you and kill them because if you run to meet them you'll have to fight two
lava-men as well. So off the Goblin and Orc then move forward and kill the two
lava men. Soon you'll see a big gear mechanism. You can't do anything with it
just yet. Move right and kill two more lava-men and you'll reach a big door with
a health potion on the left.

As soon as you open the door immediately jump up on the roof to your right. This
will effectively immunize you from attack. Well, except for that Goblin in front
of you with the crossbow. Whack him and take out the two on the ground. Yes, one
of them drops gold, but let's kill all the baddies first, yes?

Move forward off the roof and turn around. Grab the gold (70/300) and more
beasties will pop out. Kill the Goblin directly across from you and the
Deathcrafter that popped out. Move forward to the tree and 3 more goblins jump
out. Kill them too. An Orc might be smart enough to jump up where the first gold
in this area was, kill him and get a health potion. There's one more Orc hiding
in the alcove on the other side. Once they're all dead you can jump down and
safely collect all the gold (95/300.)

Move up the stairs and approach the stilt house. An Orc and Deathcrafter will
get the jump on you. Kill them for gold (100/300) and a health potion.

Move to the cave on the left and a Goblin runs out (105/300.) Up on a deck is an
Orc. Kill him and slowly approach the corner. On the right are two boulders that
look like they could fall right off that platform. Shoot it and they will. In
the confusion climb the ladder and get your gold (120/300) then kill the Orcs on
the ground and get that gold as well (125/300.)

Jump down and move forward to the giant arch-way. Some lava-men will jump out,
kill them and walk up on the bridge. Turn and look to the right. Yup. You have
to kill that thing to finish this level, but not just yet. You can't go forward
here so go back to the house on stilts.

Go up the gangplank and kill the Deathcrafter around the corner, get the health
and kill the Goblin that's there too. There's another 10 gold here (135/300.)

Around the next corner you'll hear cries for help. Battle rages upstairs and
you're being attacked by a Goblin here, the controller begins vibrating and this
is the first instance of slowdown I saw in the game. Kill the Goblin, get the
gold (145/300) and climb the ladder to where the Engineer is being attacked by
an Orc Destructor. Kill the Orc and get the gold (155/300) and follow the
Engineer back to that gear mechanism you saw earlier.

The Engineer turns the crank and makes a hidden platform rise from the lava.
Cross it and you'll see the slope that all the reviewers whined about being
unfair because they were too dumb to see the boulders all fall to the left. Go
up the right-hand side, pause about 1/2 way and you're completely safe.

At the top is an Orc and a Goblin in a tower. If he tries to get cute by jumping
down behind the fence you can still kill him by shooting his feet under the
fence-line. When the door opens a Deathcrafter will run out (160/300.)

On the other side of the gate is a Goblin (165/300) and a watch tower just like
the one you destroyed before. Take this one out the same way and another gold
will drop down (170/300.)

Cross the bridge and you'll come to a big iron paddle-wheel running on lava!
Amazing! A Goblin on the roof shouldn't pose any trouble. Now, as for the
building itself, it just looks like a trap. I've never, not once, ever
considered going through the front door but I tried it just for this FAQ and
it's completely safe. If you're still not comfortable with that there's a path
on the left hand side that will lead you around to a back door.

Enter the building and you'll find an emerald by the forge (270/300), two pots
of gold (280/300) and the Frost Sword. Make sure you have your Tears of
Corrosion readied before you grab the Frost Sword then move immediately into the
back corner of the building. The rear door opens and a Deathcrafter charges you.
He can be killed before he even gets the door fully closed.

Switch to the Frost Sword so you can get some practice before the boss fight.
Exit the rear door of the building and move right, you'll be attacked by lava-
men. One swipe with the Frost Sword makes them solidify, a second swipe sends
them flying and they explode when they hit something. This is how you'll take
down the boss, you don't have to attack him directly.

Move forward and you'll come to a gate shaped like a sword. Move close and it
will open automatically (it will not do so unless you have the Frost Sword.)
Once the gate fully opens you can actually climb up the right-hand side of the
portal and jump up on the gate door itself. You'll find 10 gold suspended in
mid-air (290/300.)

Exit this gate area and move downhill to your left (as you exited the gate.)
There's another gate here just like the last one, but you'll have to kill two
lava-men to get to it. Once that is done you can open the gate, climb the right
hand side just like before and get the final ten gold on the level (300/300.)

So now you have two choices, climb the ladder here or go back to the first gate.
Both paths take you to the boss, but the first gate you opened has a checkpoint
area. The checkpoint looks like a giant scale, you can jump on it to use it. If
you die once then you'll re-spawn at the checkpoint and complete the level with
250 gold. Die again and you'll drop to 200 gold. Either way you, if you want to
get all 300 gold you have to kill the boss without dying. If you lose any gold
you'll have to replay the level anyway so I didn't bother with the checkpoint.

Whichever way you decide you move down the path to face your destiny! Use the
Frost Sword to kill the lava-men and smack them into the feet of the boss. Make
sure you give yourself enough room or you'll be hurt by the explosion as well.
The boss will darken with each hit until he's a solid mass of unmoving carbon.
Walk over and tap him lightly with your sword and he will crumble before you.


Level 7 - Harbor of Ark Amar
Preferred Character - Druid
Reward - 350 gold + 350 gold reward for completion.

This is another level that most folks prefer the Huntress for, but now with 2700
gold the Druid is more or less unstoppable, providing you know how to use her.
First choose the Astral Staff (AS), I know, I know, it's the weakest one, but
trust me on this. Then pick the Darkness of Despair (DoD). Assuming you leave
all your other equipment the same you enter the game with an extra 100 gold.

After a cut scene you can talk to the Goblin in the cage (who's actually pretty
funny) then go upstairs and leave the boat.

Ready the DoD and head around the building on the left. There's a Snotling here,
but the DoD will drop him almost instantly. Continue along past the cannons
(more on those later) until you reach the waters edge. Here there's a ledge on
the left that you can follow.

Go all the way around the building until you reach a door then go inside.
There's 10 gold right in front of you (10/350). Around the boxes is a ruby
(160/350) and a 1/2 way open crate holds a map for the new bonus area and
another 5 gold (165/350).

Now go back up the way you came and go up the stairs into the building. When you
go through the door you'll see some crates piled up in the back, behind them is
more gold (175/350). Then you can climb the ladder to the next level.

On your right is a door that leads to a balcony area, there's a Snotling here.
Kill him and get the health potion then go back inside and up the ladder.

At the next landing you can go outside and kill an Orc Deathcrafter. Head out
the door and to the left, this will let you sneak up behind him. Shoot him in
the back 3 times with the DoD and he's done for. Go back inside and up the next
2 ladders.

Here you'll find 10 more gold (185/350) and the final ladder takes you to the
top of the light-house for the last 20 gold in this building (205/350.)

This last ladder is too high to just fall down without taking damage so here's
the secret to climbing DOWN ladders... Position yourself at the top of the
ladder just like you had climbed up it (facing away from the ladder with your
heels right at the top of it.) Walk backwards and you'll start to fall. Press up
on the stick to grab the ladder and begin a safe climb down. The other ladders
are short enough that you can fall their entire length without damage so just
jump on down until you're at the bottom.

As you exit the light-house, you'll see a bridge on your left. Start crossing
the bridge and a Deathcrafter rushes you. Kill him. Now down on the left you'll
see a little camp-fire. The Snotling on watch duty will attack you so you can
kill him, there's another one down below with a crossbow so get him from a
distance as well. There's a third Snotling sleeping down there, but the DoD has
a quirk. You can't kill anything that's unaware of you so the sleeping Snotling
is safe (for now.)

Advance and go down the steps on the left and he wakes up. Now you can kill him.
He drops a potion and the other one dropped some gold (210/350.) Duck for cover
immediately because an Assassin fires at you from the next bridge. Most times
she'll get so frustrated she jumps in the water and drowns so you won't have to
worry for long.

As you come up the stairs and around the crates a surprise Snotling jumps up
from the left, no problem there. When you're done switch to the AS and go across
the second bridge.

At the end here is another Assassin. Here's the trick for dealing with the non-
suicidal ones. Summon the Earth Golem and they will be so busy attacking it they
completely forget about you! While the Assassin has her back to you begin
summoning the Earth Golem. You can walk while the spell is working so move
toward the Assassin. If you time it just right she'll turn around right into the
Golem! Kill her and duck behind the boxes on the left.

If you move forward slightly you'll hear a shot fired at you. Duck behind the
next box and you'll have a clear view of the building in front of you. An Orc is
patrolling the lower level and an Assassin is on the upper level. Both are in
the range of the DoD from here so switch to it and kill them. Now jump up on the
box behind you and jump forward onto the box you hid behind. Turn around and get
the gold on top of the boxes (215/350.)

Go forward and up the stairs to where the Assassin was hiding. There's a health
potion here. Go back down and head to the right, there are some stairs with
crates on the left. A Snotling will jump the crates and drop 5 gold when he dies

Don't go around the corner to the right just yet! There's another Assassin
around the corner. You know what to do, switch to the AS and start summoning
another Golem. Then go around the corner and the Assassin starts plugging the
Golem right away. Kill her and head down to the little dock area down on the
left. There's a health potion here as well as 10 gold (230/350.)

Go back up the stone stairs and you'll see a wooden staircase in front of you.
Go up the wooden staircase and you'll come to a door that rattles, but does not
open. This is where the Log-Book is, but you need a key to open the door. Go
right past the door and you'll see some gold at the end of the walk-way
(235/350). Get it and jump just as you do because the walk-way will collapse
under your weight and you might as well have a little fun with it.

Turn around and you'll see a set of stairs that lead down under the walk-way you
just came from. There are two Deathcrafters down here so get rid of them. Down
at the bottom is another corner that goes to the left and, you guessed it,
another Golem opportunity. So summon him and take the corner and blow away the

On the right is a precarious stack of crates and another Assassin who will knock
a crate over and jump down to attack you. Lather, rinse, repeat. It's possible
to get a two-for here with your Golem.

The crates on the left lead up to a landing where you can get another health
potion and if you look straight ahead, down by the water, you'll see a Berserker
Brute and a Deathcrafter. You won't be able to hit them from this distance with
the DoD because they aren't aware of you, so we need to fix that! Switch to the
AS and shoot an owl down at them. This will get their attention and they'll try
to attack you. The DoD will cut them down before they even get 1/2 way to you.

Go down to their campfire and look to your left. There's a Sorceress here and
you can kill her from a distance with the DoD. Yes, she drops a sapphire, no you
don't want to run over and get it just yet. Honest.

If you look down over the edge by the water you'll see a crate with 10 gold.
Jump down into the crate to get it (250/350.) Now go back up the stairs and to
the right where the Sorceress dropped the sapphire. There's an Assassin around
that corner, but you know how to do this by now, right? Once she's dead, go get
the sapphire (300/350.) Go all the way to the end of this dock and there's
another gold hidden behind a crate (305/350.)

Now come back and go up the set of stairs on your right. Turn right and go until
you reach the wall and a large crate on your left. If you stand on the crate and
look behind you there's another crate with the lid slightly off. Jump on the lid
to tilt it and open the crate. Inside the crate is another 10 gold. (315/350).

In the first building around the corner from that crate you jumped off of is a
ladder. Climb it and you'll see two walk ways where you can go forward or left.
Go forward first. A Deathcrafter charges you so take away his credit card. In
the room he came from you'll see some crates on the back left. Jump up those for
ten gold (325/350).

In the center of this room is a hole with a ladder leading down. At the bottom
is an Assassin. Kill her and she drops a health potion. So go get it, then climb
back up the ladder to where you came from.

Now go back to the junction where you could either go straight or left, now
we're going the other way. A Berserker Brute will charge you, but he's easy
enough to deal with. At the end of this hall you'll come to a room and spy a
door on the left. That's where you need to go next, but not just yet. First
climb up the barrels in the center of the room and get the gold (330/350). From
here you can jump up into the rafters for a health potion. Now drop back down
and go through the door.

There's a long hallway here, populated with an Orc and a Snotling. Beyond them
is a rusty key and ten gold (340/350.) Go through the door at the end and it
will bring you to a balcony looking out at that first set of wooden stairs where
the locked door was. Now you have the key so go unlock the door.

One Berserker Brute later and you have the log-book and another health.

Now all you have to do is get back. Oh, remember those cannons at the start?
Yean, now people are shooting at you. Don't worry, you'll have plenty of warning
and the bridges will never collapse completely. Go slow and stick to the left.
When you hear a boom and a whistle of incoming artillery either stop moving,
move backwards or both. You may have to jump a gap and a crate will explode
uncovering gold about 2/3rds the way through (345/350).

When you get close to the light-house you'll see two Deathcrafters manning the
cannons. Kill them and one of them drops the final gold (350/350)! Oh, once
they're dead the shooting stops too. Go back to the Ship Captain and deliver the
log book! Level complete!


Bonus Level - Naglagard
Preferred Character - Engineer (No Other Choice)
Reward - Maximum of 1000 gold

So now you're 700 GP richer and have two places to go. Mekelon and the Ancestors
or the bonus level of Naglagard.

Naglagard is easy and it has a nice pay-off of 1000 GP so we'll do it first.
This is an arcade style game that would have been a classic years and years ago.
You have no choice but to use the Engineer and fire the cannon down at a horde
of Goblins that obligingly come at you more or less one at a time. You get 10 GP
for each Goblin killed so if you get 100 of them you get the maximum pay-out of
1000 GP. Simple?

Well, there is a secret to it. The Goblins die with one hit, it's true. But the
Berserkers you encounter later take two. Shoot the cannon so the shell explodes
in front of them and they will be blown back by the blast. If you shoot behind
them in error it's possible to blow them forward to your battlement and they'll
be inside your arc of fire. If your castle is reached by the beasties three
times then your game is over. The game continues until your castle falls. I
killed 172 of the little buggers but you can never earn more than 1000 GP.


Level 8 - The Ancestors
Preferred Character - Druid
Reward - 400 gold + 400 gold reward for completion.

First, drop the Astral Staff. It's not needed for this level. Now you have enough gold
for Medium Armor. Because most of the enemies on this level are heavily armored, some
armor of your own will come in handy. You could try using a melee character on this level,
but again, without heavy armor you probably won't survive. Make sure you have the Darkness
of Despair because it will be invaluable here.

After entering the game you find yourself at a boat dock facing a beach. Proceed along the
boat dock and a Goblin Warrior and Fanatic will jump you. Each drops five gold (10/400.)
The Goblins seem to have a hard time swimming with all that armor, if you can lead them
into the water they will die quickly.

There's a large rock in front of you, swing around it to the left for more gold (15/400.)

Head to your right, up the beach, and kill another Goblin Fanatic. Then head down to the
waters edge and keep moving forward past the two giant pillars. After the second pillar
turn to your left and you should be able to catch another Goblin unawares (20/400) and there
is more gold just sitting here as well (25/400.)

Now you can go up the slope. Don't go through the doors just yet as another Goblin is off on
the left. Also on the left is a large boulder and on the far side of the boulder is another
15 gold (40/400.)

Now you can go through the doors. In order to gain an audience you have to prove worthy in
battle. Go right, past two more guards, and enter the arena.

The first round won't start until you enter the pool in the center so do that and three
Nightcrawlers are released. Kill them and treasure will appear on the squares that surround
the pool. The second round won't begin until you take a treasure (at which point all the other
treasures vanish.) Take a moment in the pool to recover your magic and your health and grab
the sapphire (90/400) to start the next round. Why not the health potion or the arrows? Well,
you want all the gold for this level, don't you?

Next is an Ancestor Footman. Kill him and among your treasure choices is a pot of gold

The final battle is with an Ancestor Commander. The treasure here will stay put so you can
collect all of it (295/400.) You can use the rusty key to re-open the entrance door for the
arena. Go out, past the guards and to the right and up a flight of stone steps.

Don't go through the doors yet, see that ledge on the right? Sure looks like you can walk
and that and you can! Follow it all the way around for an easy 20 gold (315/400.) On the way
make sure to look down at the guards by the Arena, there's 5 gold right over their heads on
a hanging sign (320/400.)

Now go through the set of doors upstairs. Go straight across the courtyard and through the
center set of doors to meet Alecto. After a cut scene the palace is invaded!

As you leave Alecto's chamber you face two Berserkers and a Goblin w/ a crossbow. Kill the
Goblin first (325/400) then the Berserkers (330/400.)

In order to proceed logically here, it's best to face the doors that lead to Alecto's chamber.
From here there are doors to the right and left. We want to go right first to get the canister
for the air ship.

Go through the doors on the right. The doors in front of you lead to the airship and we don't
need to go there yet, so turn to your right and head through the second set of doors.

Just open the doors a crack and you get one free shot on an Orc (335/400.) Turn left and you'll
see an Ancestor battling another Orc and a Goblin. A second Goblin is flown in via air support

Yes, it is possible to keep the Ancestor alive and have him follow you around like a love-sick

Go through the doors at the end of this grassy area and this will bring you to the upper level
above the arena. An Ancestor calls for help and is cut down by three Goblins. Hey, at least he
drops a gas canister. The Goblins leave behind ten gold (355/400) and a health potion.

Now we need to go back through the doors on the other side of Alecto's chamber so circle back
around, I'll wait...

Ok, as soon as you go through the first set of doors (the ones on the left of Alecto's chamber)
you get attacked from the right by an Orc Destructor (360/400.)

Again, the doors right in front of you go to the airship area, turn left and go through the
second set of doors for the fiercest battle on this level. Several Orcs, Goblin Fanatics and one
Berserker are running around in-between a large number of columns waiting to do all manner of
nasty things to your personage. Assuming you survive you gain a health potion and much gold

At the end of this room is another set of doors, if you barely open then you'll see a long slope
headed down and an Orc Bombardier at the bottom. Snipe him and enter the room. Turn immediately
to the left to kill the Fanatic with the cross-bow (385/400.)

At the bottom of the slope is the gold the Orc left (390/400) as well as another Fanatic
(395/400) and Orc Destructor on the opposite side. Once you finish them you can fill the gas
can and go through the door at the bottom.

Turn left and go up the stairs. Many beasties will attempt to halt your progress. Kill them and
the Berserker will drop the remaining gold for this level (400/400.) Go through the doors at the
top of the stairs and either right or left door to get to the doors that lead to the airship.
Go upstairs, board the air-ship and this level is completed!

9) Path of Dark "The Rift - and Beyond” (From Game Manual)
Summoned before the dark, mysterious leader of Ark Moor, a tough trial awaits. Trust is
not given easily. It is said that Mordessa intends to bring back the ancient demon Vatar
from the very depths of the Underworld, and lay claim to the magic lands of Celenheim
she hungers for. Her servants are sent out to retrieve an artifact of forbidden knowledge
that has been hidden from mankind, the Tome of Souls. With this, and what its content
holds, she"ll have the key to the Underworld itself, and to powers those of mortals...

 9a) Character Classes
	Berserker- The berserker's brute force in combat is nearly unmatched.
	Assassin- The assassins rely on skillful marksmanship and quickness.
	Sorceress- The sorceresses are powerful wielders of destructive magic.
	Lich- The lick is a king of the undead, wielding arcane magic.
	Bombardier- The bombardiers are the most crazy, deranged fanatics in the world.
	Goblin- The goblin's sneer viciousness makes up for their lack of size.
	Stone Gnome- The stone gnome is born out of lava and is small but powerful.

10) Guide to Dark Campaign *(Coming Soon)*

11) Fequently Asked Questions
	Have questions??? Email me at Htes1031@aol.com with FAQ as the subject

Q) In the room that floods... in Sanctuary in the light campaign... it kills me every time
and I don't see a solution.
A) When you enter the room, there is large machinery in the center with oen valve on each
side in the back. To turn on the device you must simply walk up to, and touch, a valve.
To drain the water you swim over and touch the other valve. It doesn's matter which valve
you touch first/last but if you wish to obtain all the gold in the level you should turn
on the device by touching the left valve, start heading to the ride side and get the gem
at the uppper right of the room, then swim down and hit the other valve, then immediately
start heading up for air as the water drains. If you started with full health then you
should be able to activate the device, get the gem, and drain the water with half of your
health still remaining.

Q) Very early on, in the beginning of the 2nd level of the "Light", you join with the first
playable character besides yourself. After killing a few enemies with the just aquired
bow and arrow, I am bombarded bya cannon or something for a moment. It appears then that
I am stuck. There are two wooden gates blocking my path, one boarded up tightly. Next to
the less boarded gate is what appears to be a handle, but when I try to push it it falls
to the ground and looks like a big hammer, but I cannot pick it up. Anyways, what is the
signifigance if any to the "handle/ hammer" and you do I gat through/ over the gate(s)?
A) Once you have killed the enemies in the area outside the buildings you see two gates.
The one with the handle is the one you must go through. When you pulled the handle it fell
off. IThis usually means that you need to find another way to get inside. Well if you turn
around after you pull the handle you will notice a cannon pointing right at the gate.
MMMhhmmm how conveniant. Go behind it and press the action button when you see the hand
icon appear in the secondary item window. Then aim with your left thumb stick and fire with
attack button. The gate is now blown to bits and you can enter the building.

Q) I'm having trouble fighting the final demon.  So I use the harpoon on the huge eye?
A) In the last level when you first start out you need to go thorugh the portal to get to
the harpoon then attack the eye until it stops shining the light on the door. Once it does,
go through the door and you will be in an enclosed room and cannot exit until you kill all
the enemies in there. Then, exit through the door opposite the one you entered. Find and go
through another portal and start firing another harpoon at another eye. The eye will stop
shining on the heart. Then turn the harpoon around until you are aimed at te heart.
Continue to fire at the heart until it explodes and stops shining on the door. Now go
through the door.  In here you will battle Vatar. He can now be injured. Good luck, its a
tough fight!

12) Cheats/Codes *(Coming Soon)*

13) Special Thanks

I'd like to thank www.gamefaqs.com for allowing me to post my faq on their site.
I'd like to give thanks to DrennPersonThing, robertkinder, and jordanlund for their
appreciation of this faq and their encouragement for me to finish it.
I have to give a huge thanks to jordanlund because he helps out with the walkthrough part
of the faq and with both of us working together I believe that people reading the faq
will get the help they need with the game.