To enter a cheat-code, bring up your phone by pressing Up and then Up again, to access the keypad.
Spawn Burrito:
Call 826-555-0150 on your phone.
Spawn Double T:
Call 245-555-0125 on your phone.
Spawn Hakuchou:
Call 245-555-0199 on your phone.
Spawn Hexer:
Call 245-555-0150 on your phone.
Spawn Innovation:
Call 245-555-0100 on your phone.
Spawn Slamvan:
Call 826-555-0100 on your phone.
Unlock Sawed-off Shotgun in your safehouse:
Complete 10 gang wars.
Unlock Automatic Pistol in your safehouse:
Complete 20 gang wars.
Unlock Carbine Rifle in your safehouse:
Complete 30 gang wars.
Unlock Assault Shotgun in your safehouse:
Complete 40 gang wars.
Unlock Grenade Launcher in your safehouse:
Complete 50 gang wars.
| Aktuell | 0-9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
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Grand Theft Auto 4 - The Lost and Damned :: Cheats
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