Ehemalige World of Warcraft-Entwickler haben mit den Red 5 Studios eine eigene Firma gegründet und planen ein neues MMO auf die Beine zu stellen. Allerdings soll sich dieser Titel deutlich von anderen Genrevertretern unterscheiden.
Welcome to Red 5. We are quietly at work, building the world"s best MMO team here in Southern California. Red 5"s founders share a history of making hit games for companies such as Blizzard Entertainment. After our most recent project, World of Warcraft, we decided that we wanted to take things in a new direction and push the limits of our creativity. We"re working on something a little different from most MMOs out there, and we are excited about where our passion for games will lead us.
Right now we are at a great place: the beginning. We"re building the team and the creative environment that will fuel great games.
Quelle: Offizielle Website
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