Ohne vorherige Ankündigung seitens Crytek/em> hat Fileplanet.com dieser Tage eine Open-Beta für den Shooter Crysis angepriesen. Doch nur wenige Fans konnten in den Genuss der Beta kommen, woraufhin es erhebliche Kritik aus der Community gab.

Die nur auf Fileplanet verfügbare Beta war eigentlich nur für das interne Family & Friends-Programm gedacht, bei dem ausgewählte User die Beta vorab testen dürfen. Zusätzlich wurden Betakeys an Mitglieder des kostzenpflichtigen Founder's Club herausgegeben.

Dass das auf wenig Gegenliebe bei den Fans stösst, ist sicherlich nachvollziehbar. Daraufhin hat Crytek heute einen offiziellen Brief an die Community veröffentlicht:

Greetings Community!

Today we would like to take the time to clarify some hot topics that appeared on many forums of your Fan & Community Sites. It is mainly related to the Beta and should address the biggest concerns of our community. We hope that people take the time to read through this whole email.

Now let"s get started with the first topic…

Missing public announcement
As many of you may have recognized, there was no public announcement from either EA or Crytek regarding the Crysis MP Beta. The reason for this was that this batch 1 of the Beta is an internal test only and is not the actual start. The official Beta for Fileplanet subscribers is almost ready and there will be a huge global announcement with lots of information included. Additionally this announcement is just the beginning of an upcoming community focus - so expect a lot more information in form of screenshots, videos, reports, events and much more to be ready for you!

Batch 1 - Friends & Family internal test
Quite a few of you wonder why you haven"t had any chance to sign-up for the first batch of the Beta. This was due to this first batch being available for a pre-selected group only. The members of this group are people who have been invited by EA and/or Crytek to join the Beta program of Crysis. There has been a very limited number of available keys for them. Additionally Fileplanet gave a few of their Founder"s Club Members the chance to sign-up for this event as well.

This is our final test to verify the stability before the initial Beta begins. It is an important test for EA and Crytek since we can see how everything works under real life conditions. This internal test is not directly related to the rest of the Beta. Therefore we did not plan to official announce it.

Payment required to access the Beta? No!

We have read a lot of posts about people who mentioned that you need to pay additional money to be able to join the Beta. Just let me get this straight - this is definitely not the case. When you have a subscriber account you will be able to sign-up for one of the upcoming batches.

The payment many of you have been discussing about was related to the Founder"s Club membership of Fileplanet which was needed to get one of the very few places in the first batch. Founder"s Club membership is not necessary to take part in the upcoming batches.

Crysis Beta leaked information
On behalf of Crytek and EA we ask you to not post any content if you signed up for the Beta. It is a closed event and is covered by a NDA you have accepted during the sign-up process. Posting screenshots, videos or other internal information from the Beta is a violation of the NDA and will cause in an immediate and permanent ban from the Beta program.

As a Fan & Community Site we ask you to monitor your forums and chime in when necessary. Also please do not post any news on your site that includes internal information from the Beta. Even though the interest from the public audience in such an event is greater than expected, we still do not want to see internal information on a public forum or web site.

The whole Community Team has tons of exclusive information and content available for the Crysis community during the whole Beta program. So be prepared for some exciting weeks and please respect the rules of the NDA.

So that"s it from our side. Thanks a lot for giving us the opportunity to write this email to you. We hope the hot topics got clarified now. J
Stay tuned as we will have more exiting news prepared for you!

Crysis Dev Team
Hoffentlich kommt nun wieder Ruhe in die Fangemeinde!

Quelle: CrysisNews.de