Dagger Games hat für das Rollenspiel Dimensity einen neuen Patch auf die v1.2 veröffentlicht. Das rund 51 MiB grosse Update soll für mehr Stabilität und Performance sorgen beseitigt eine Reihe von Bugs, die bei Spielern zu Abstürzen geführt hatten.
Hier die komplette ChangeLog:
Dimensity Patch 1.2 release notes:Zum Download gelangt Ihr über den nachfolgenden Link:
* Single Player
1. Improved game performance.
2. Fixed issues and game crashes.
3. Fixed compatibility issues.
* Multiplayer
1. Improved Multiplayer stability and performance.
2. Resolved an issue with big packets that caused the game to wait for the other peers.
Dimensity Patch 1.1 release notes:
* Single Player
1. Improved overall game performance.
2. Fixed issue with loading music tracks. While loading a track there was a freeze for a short period of time.
3. Fixed memory issues and game crashes.
4. Resolved some interface issues when changing focus from different windows.
5. General fixes concerning compatibility issues.
6. Faster loading and starting of the game.
* Multiplayer
1. Improved Multiplayer stability and performance.
2. Fixed issues that caused crashes.
3. Improved connectivity with Internet games.
4. Fixed problems with Internet games from computers behind NAT devices.
Quelle: Zum Patch-Download
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