Das Entwicklerteam von Vigil Games arbeitet aktuell nach eigenen Angaben an den ersten Patches für Darksiders II, insbesondere um Bugs in den Konsolenversionen zu beheben. Aber auch für die PC-Version wird es ein Update geben, der zusätzliche, Einstellungsmöglichkeiten, verbesserte V-Sync-Optionen und eine optimierte Shadow Map-Auflösung mit sich bringen soll. Ein Veröffentlichungstermin wurde aber noch nicht genannt.
Hier die offizielle Ankündigung:
Your feedback is incredibly important to us, so we have been working around the clock to address issues that some of you have been having, as well as adding features you have requested. The team is prioritizing finding solutions to these issues.
We are working on fixes for a number of bugs which can potentially block progression that have come to our attention, while also exploring adding additional features you have been asking for. This work includes vsync updates, improved shadow map resolution, X-axis options and additional keyboard mapping options (amongst other community requests). We hope to roll out a number of patches to address these issues in the weeks to come.
A small number of our players on Xbox 360 and PS3 have informed us that they encountered bugs, which can potentially block progression while playing the game. We are investigating and working on fixes for the issues that we are aware of and hope to release them as soon as we can. We have prioritized addressing these issues but please be aware the approval process for patches can take a little while. We would like to thank you for your patience.
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