Wie der Spielentwickler Blizzard im offiziellen Battle.net-Forum bekannt gegeben hat, wurden mehrere tausend Accounts von Spielern gebannt, da diese offensichtlich illegale Bot-Programme nutzen. Genaue Zahlen nannte Community-Managerin Lylirra jedoch nicht, hier Ihre Nachricht:
We've recently issued account bans to several thousand Diablo III players who were found to be using botting programs while playing. In addition to undermining the spirit of fair play, botting, hacking, and other forms of cheating can also cause technical problems with the game as well as contribute to performance issues with the Battle.net service. To learn more about our exploitation policy for Diablo III and how it may affect your gameplay, please visit our official support site.
As always, maintaining a stable, safe, and enjoyable online environment for legitimate players is very important to us, and we'll be continuing to keep watch on Battle.net and take action as needed. In the meantime, if you wish to report the possible use of botting programs to Blizzard, please see this thread for more information. (We will also be adding the ability for players to report this kind of behavior directly through the game client in a future patch.)
Nicht nur, dass Bots die Idee vom fairen Spiel untergraben, können diese Methoden auch zu technischen Problemen mit dem Spiel und zu Performance-Problemen des Battle.net-Services führen. Daher bittet man die Community, verdächtige Mitspieler an Blizzard zu melden - hierzu wird mit einem der künftigen Patches ein entsprechendes Feature ins Spiel implementieren.
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