Das Entwicklerteam von Gearbox hat aktuell via Steam ein weiteres Update für die PC-Version des RPG-Shooters Borderlands 2 veröffentlicht.
Behoben werden mit dem Patch einzelne Bugs, hier die offiziellen Patchnotes:
Borderlands 2 - Update 1.3.1 Patchnotes
- Added support for text input using the gamepad for Steam"s Big Picture mode.
- Fixed a bug causing players to sometimes get stuck in the "Whoops” mission of the Captain Scarlett DLC.
- Deathtrap can no longer restore an enemy"s shields, even though it was hilarious.
- Fixed a bug that caused off-hand weapons to sometimes deal improper damage while Gunzerking.
- Addressed an issue where shotguns did not receive full damage boosts from skills and gear.
Wann die Konsolenversionen des Updates erscheint, ist leider noch offen.
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