Das Entwicklerteam von Crytek hat einen weiteren Patch auf die Version 1.3 für den Shooter Crysis 3 veröffentlicht - sowohl für die PC-, die PS3- und die XBox360-Version. Neben der Beseitigung diverser Bugfixes wurden konsolenspezifische Änderungen vorgenommen. Hier die komplette Changelog:
MultiplatformLeider scheint das Update bei einzelnen Spielern zu Performance-Problemen zu führen. Crytek arbeitet aber bereits nach eigenen Aussagen mit Hochdruck an einer Lösung.
- Reduction in bandwidth usage
- Fixed issue where other player's weapons may not be visible when joining the game
- The "Scout" perk now saves progress correctly
- Fix for rip & throw items occasionally entering a state where players cannot interact with them
- Fix for Relay not capturing correct if the carrier is within the cap zone when the friendly relay is returned
- End of round audio now works correctly
- Fix for nanovisor becoming locked in some cases
- Fixed crashes/freezes of the game after the boss fight (some save games still might not be functioning 100% so a restart of the last level might be required)
- Fixed issue with boss not being triggered correctly and thus not appearing at all (some save games still might not be functioning 100% so a restart of the last level might be required)
- Fixed extended magazine attachment of the SCAR to not lose 10 clips anymore after each death of the player
- Fixed secret email not unlocking properly after collecting all Intel in the levels
- Fix for after match award dogtags failing to unlock
PC Exclusive
- Option to turn off squad & clan support when balancing
- Anti cheat improvements
- Ability to customize ADS sensitivity through console commands
- Fixes for weapon customization when bound to a non-default key
- Fix for vsync not applying on first boot of the game (even if on in menus)
- Fix drawnear fov being reset every player spawn
- AMD feature updates for Eyefinity, DBT and HD3D support
- Improvements made regarding the SLI performance issues
- Additional Fix for Limit number of muted DX debug runtime error to bare minimum to help tracking issues early
XB360 Exclusive
- Minimised risk of crash when transitioning from SP to MP when in a party with active VOIP
- Fix for aim assist not working correctly in some areas of maps
- Fix for an issue that could cause host migration failures
- Potential fixes for issues related to audio stuttering
- Dog tags now unlocking properly
PS3 Exclusive
- Fix for aim assist not working correctly in some areas of maps
- Fix for an issue that could cause host migration failures
- Dog tags now unlocking properly
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