Wie der Publisher Activision bekannt gegeben hat, wurde für die PC-Version des Shooters Call of Duty: Ghosts ein neuer Patch veröffentlicht. Dieses Update beinhaltet neben diversen Bugfixes u.a. auch Änderungen an der Waffen-Balance. So reichen bei einigen Waffen ab sofort je ein Kopf- und ein Körpertreffer nicht mehr aus, um einen Abschuss zu erlangen.
Hier die kompletten Patchnotes zum Update:
Weapon Balance
- Spawn system has an improved ability to select better spawns when valid spawn locations are limited.
- One shot to the body and one shot to the head is no longer a kill for ARs, SMGs and LMGs. Increases time to kill in this scenario
Additional Fixes
- Overall anti-cheat improvements.
- Replaced Hunted victor operations and requirements to work with Gun Game.
- Fixed 60 second match timer that could occur after playing a clan public playlist match then starting a Private Match with CODeSports disabled.
- Player class is now displayed in game above players' heads along with their gamertag.
- Kastet rounds now explode at any distance.
- Fixed an issue where players that exceeded 10 minutes in Chaos mode would get lulls
- Fixed drill not respawning at last place picked up after falling off the map while carrying it.
- Fixed Gargoyle getting stuck in the air.
- Fixed issue that allowed the player to use an IMS with a propane tank to teleport outside of the map.
- Challenge adjustments and fixes.
- Balancing updates.
- Various bug fixes to improve stability and performance.
- Kills are now correctly displayed on the Player Stats comparison screens
Insbesondere die vorgenommenen Verbesserungen an der Anti-Cheat-Software dürften viele Spieler freuen, sollte es damit doch deutlich fairer online zugehen!
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