Die Entwickler von Treyarch haben einen weiteren Patch für den Shooter Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 für PS4 und XBox One veröffentlicht. Mit der Version 1.04 kommen Balancing-Anpassungen, neue Waffen, Maps, Spezialisten etc. und vor allem mit den Call of Duty Points Mikrotransaktionen. Die CoDP können gegen Echtgeld erworben werden, um damit seltene Supply-Drops für den Multiplayer resp. Vials of Liquid Divinium in der Zombies-Variante zu kaufen. Auch zusätzliche Charakter-Slots sowie kosmetische Items können erworben werden. Jeder Spieler erhält beim nächsten Einloggen 200 CoDP geschenkt, die sonst USD 2,00 kosten würden.
Hier ein Auszug aus den umfangreichen Patchnotes:
- Quick Join option added to the Multiplayer Main Menu. This allows Players to party-up with any eligible Players on their Friends List who are currently playing Black Ops 3
- Multiplayer Music option in the Audio menu now allows players to preview music samples and change the music heard when playing Multiplayer
- Custom Games functionality has been expanded. Support has been added for official Custom Game Variants as well as saving Custom Games
- Fixed an error that would occasionally occur when returning to the Multiplayer Lobby after completing a match or entering/exiting the Arena Lobby
General gameplay
- XP earn rate increased for Team Deathmatch, Search & Destroy, Capture the Flag, Safeguard, Demolition, and Free-For-All
- Increased rate at which Cryptokeys are earned
- Players no longer get points for killing teammates with the Satellite Drone in Uplink, when Friendly-Fire is enabled in Custom Games
- Players will no longer spawn at the same point in Free-For-All if there are more than 8 players in a Custom Match
- Fixed an issue where the tinted full screen effect would remain after the player had exited the Hardened Sentry
- Improved the Dart Scorestreak"s ability to lock onto enemy targets
- Fixed a start spawn issue with Free-For-All where waiting to select a class could spawn the Player behind other Players
- Improved enemy spawns during Gun Game and Free-For-All
- Players who join a Free-For-All or Gun Game match in-progress will not have a loss recorded if they do not place in the Top 3
- Addressed an issue where Players would get disconnected from Gun Game if they joined a match in-progress
- Players will now be kicked for inactivity if idling in Gun Game
Die kompletten Patchnotes könnt Ihr über den Link am Ende der News nachlesen.
Ein Termin für die PC-Version des Patches v1.04 wurde noch nicht genannt, nur dass dieser nachgereicht wird!
Quelle: Offizielle Call of Duty - Black Ops 3 PS4 Patchnotes
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