Das Entwicklerteam von Riot Games wird morgen ein neues Update auf die Live-Server von League of Legends aufspielen. Der Patch auf die Version 8.5 beinhaltet wieder eine Reihe von Balance-Änderungen, integriert mit Kai'Sa (Die Tochter der Leere) aber auch einen neuen Champion ins Spiel! Diese kann sich mit Hilfe ihrer Ultimate-Fähigkeit für einige wenige Sekunden unverwundbar machen und als Marksman hohen Schaden aus der hinteren Reihe anrichten.
Um unter den raubtierhaften Wesen der Leere zu überleben, musste Kai'Sa selbst zu einem werden. Kai'Sa war jahrelang ohne jegliche Hoffnung auf Rettung in der Leere gestrandet und es ist allein ihrem eisernen Willen und einer symbiotischen zweiten Haut eines Geschöpfs der Leere zu verdanken, dass sie noch am Leben ist. Jetzt erhebt sich die Tochter der Leere, eine erstklassige Jägerin, die zwischen zwei Welten steht: jene, die sie hervorgebracht, und jene, die sie geformt hat.
Kai'Sa verwendet bei Ihren Angriffen Plasma-Fernkampf-Geschosse ein, die zusätzlichen magischen Schaden verursachen, der sich auch noch kontinuierlich steigert.
Nachstehend der aktuelle Stand der Patch-Notes zum Nachlesen:
Patch 8.5 Balance-Änderungen: HeldenDie Patchnotes spiegeln den aktuellen Stand auf den Testservern wieder, laut Riot Games können sich einzelne Werte mit dem finalen Release noch ändern.
- Conquering Sands (Q): Sand soldier damage decreased to 60/80/100/120/140 from 70/95/120/145/170
- Winds of War (Q): Cooldown increased to 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 seconds from 10/9/8/7/6 seconds
- Winds of War (Q): Cost increased to 70/85/100/115/130 from 70/75/80/85/90
- Whisper (P): Passive AD increased to 4-44% from 2-40%
- Dancing Grenade (Q): AD ratio increased to 40/47.5/55/62.5/70%
- Deadly Flourish (W): W now roots off all damage Jhin deals
- Umbra Blades (P): Healing based on level changed to 15-40 based on level from 10/18/26
- Umbra Blades (P): Passive cooldown reduction on basic attack when attacking champions increased to 2 seconds from 1
- Paranoia (R): Enemy vision reduction duration increased to 6 seconds from 4 seconds
- Reckless Swing (E): Cooldown decreased to 11/10/9/8/7 seconds from 12/11/10/9/8 seconds
- Reckless Swing (E): AD ratio increased to 50% from 40%
- Ragnarok (R): Active duration increased to 7 seconds from 6 seconds
- Ragnarok (R): Bonus AD increased to 15/20/25 + 30% of total AD from 40/60/80
- Unseen Predator (P): Ferocity falloff timer increased to 8 seconds from 6 seconds
- Savagery (Q):Damage increased to 30/60/90/120/150 (+1/1.05/1.1/1.15/1.2 total AD) from 20/50/80/110/140 (+1.1 TAD)
- Thrill of the Hunt (R): Rengar's true vision now lingers until the end of his leap
- Spell Flux (E): Damage increased to 70/90/110/130/150 from 50/75/100/125/150
- Spell Flux (E): Spell Flux now only deals 50% damage upon spreading
- Realm Warp (R): Cooldown increased from 120 seconds to 180 seconds
- AD per level increased to 3.5 from 2.8
- Fracture (E): Stun durection decreased to 1.25 seconds from 1.5 seconds
- Death's Hand (Q): Cooldown lowered to 5.5/4.75/4/3.25/2.5 from 7.5/6.25/5/3.75/2.5
- Visions of Empire (W): Radius increased to 325 units from 265
- Attack range decreased to 525 units from 550
- Draw A Bead (P): Attack range and cast range of Explosive Charge increased to 0-136 from 0-119
- Rocket Jump (W): Damage increased to 85/135/185/235/285 from 60/110/160/210/260
- Contaminate (E): Base damage increased to 20/30/40/50/60 from 20/25/30/35/40
- Majestic Roar (E): Knockback speed increased, decrease to the duration of the effect.
Patch 8.5 Balance-Änderungen: Items
- Attack range increased to 550 from 525
- Paddle Star (Q): Damage increased to 50/75/100/125/150 + 60% AP from 45/60/75/90/105 + 20% AP
- Paddle Star (Q): No longer deals More Sparkles! damage to the first target hit
- Paddle Star (Q): Gains base damage based on Zoe's level: 7/8/10/12/14/16/18/20/22/24/26/29/32/35/38/42/46/50
- Paddle Star (Q): Deals 20% reduced damage to enemies not directly hit
- Spell Thief (W): Bubble pickup range increased from 525 to 550
- Spell Thief (W): Damaged increased to 75/120/165/210/255 + 75% AP from 70/115/160/205/250 + 60% AP
Hextech GLP-800Shurelya's Reverie - Returning
- Damage increased to 100-200 from 75-150
- Slow increased to 65% from 40%
Warmog's Armor
- Cost: 2100g
- Recipe: Kindlegem + Aether Wisp + 450g
- 40 AP
- 200 health
- 10% CDR
- 8% movement speed
- Unique Active: Grants yourself and nearby allies 40% bonus movement speed for 3 seconds (60 second cooldown).
Ancient Coin
- Warmog's Heart health threshold increased to 3000 max health from 2750 max health.
- No longer grants Bandit
- New effect: "Before quest completion, killing multiple minions or monsters temporarily disables Favor and gold generation. Disable time increases based on recent minion kills and resets at the shop."
Nomad's Medallion
- Gold per tribute increased to 20 from 15.
- New effect: "Before quest completion, killing multiple minions or monsters temporarily disables Tribute and gold generation. Disable time increases based on recent minion kills and resets at the shop."
Remnant of the Ascended
- Gold per coin increased to 45 from 40.
- Expected coun drop rate decreased to 8.5 per 10 minutes from 9 per 10 minutes.
- New effect: "Before quest completion, killing multiple minions or monsters temporarily disables Favor and gold generation. Disable time increases based on recent minion kills and resets at the shop."
- No longer grants Bandit.
Remnant of the Aspect
- Gold per coin increased to 45 from 40.
- No longer grants Bandit.
Remnant of the Watchers
- Gold per 10 seconds increased to 4 from 2
Spellthief's Edge
- Gold per tribute increased to 20 from 15.
- No longer grants Bandit.
Targon's Brace
- New effect: "Before quest completion, killing multiple minions or monsters temporarily disables Tribute and gold generation. Disable time increases based on recent minion kills and resets at the shop."
Patch 8.5 Balance-Änderungen: Runen
- Gold per 10 seconds increased to 4 from 2
Fleet FootworkPress the Attack
- Now notes healing for ranged attack on minion is 30% effective.
- Vulnerable damage increased to 8-12% from 4-12%
Patch 8.5 Balance-Änderungen: Sonstige Änderungen
- Cooldown increased to 35s from 20s
Cloud Drake buffTower reward
- Cloud drake's buff changed to 2/4/6% movespeed, tripled when out of combat, from 25/50/75 out of combat movespeed.
Manaflow Band
- First tower kill gold decreased to 200 from 300
- Now has an indicator on the buff bar when it's on cooldown
Quelle: Statusmeldung @ offizielle League of Legends Website
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