Für den Survival-Shooter Fortnite wurde heute ein neues Update eingespielt, woraufhin Epic Games die Server um 10:00 Uhr temporäre für 2,5 Stunden runterfahren musste. Mit dem Patch auf die Version 13.30 wird u.a. der Battle-Royale-Modus einigen Änderungen unterzogen. Aber auch eine Vielzahl weiterer Änderungen und Neuerungen und Bugfixes beinhaltet das Update, wie Ihr den Patchnotes am Ende des Textes entnehmen könnt. Leider hält sich Epic Games mit Details zum Battle-Royale-Modus sehr zurück, lediglich die Details zu den Bugfixes hat das Entwicklerteam konkret benannt. Bisher bekannt ist, dass mit dem Update v13.30 zu Fortnite die Whirlpools zurückkehren und sich die Versorgungspakete bei The Authority nun ordnungsgemäß öffnen lassen sollten. Und auch das Gleiten sollte nun funktionieren wie versprochen.

Ab dem 28.07.2020 werden sogenannte Unterfangen spielbar sein. Jedes Unterfangen einer Saison wird dabei in einer saisonabhängigen Zone stattfinden, das ersten in der Zone Verwüstetes Ödland. In diesen Zone gelten eigene saisonale Level und Heldengrundwerte unabhängig vom eigenen Stärkelevel, die nach den Saisons immer wieder zurückgesetzt werden. Eine Bsonderheit der Unterfangen-Zonen ist, dass man keine Waffen herstellen kann. Die Spieler müssen somit Items und Waffen aufsammeln oder an Verkaufsautomaten erwerben. Ferner können gefundene Ressourcen gegen seltene Waffen eingetauscht werden und an Reparaturbanken können Waffen auch repariert werden. Zusätzlich werden in den ersten 50 Unterfangen-Level Belohnungen freigeschaltet, darunter Gutscheine für Waffenforschung, Vorteilswechsler und Superverbesserer sowie bei Erreichen von höheren Leveln winken zusätzliche Vorteil-Plus, Weiterentwicklungsmaterialien und andere netten Gimmicks.

Hier die gesamten Patchnotes zum Nachlesen:

Patch Notes

Battle Royale

  1. More LTMs like Payback!, Catch!, and One Shot are coming.

  2. There are new challenges for group where everyone can work towards the challenge.

  3. All the cars on the map have been recalled by the No Sweat Agency.

  4. Whirlpools are reenabled.

  5. Supply drops at the authority will now open when searched.

  6. Floating rings will now be available on low settings on PC and Mobile.

  7. Black triangles will no longer appear behind a player when turning around in the storm.

  8. Gliding in the authority will now work properly.

  9. The Controller Bind for placing a marker on the map is now the A/X button.


  1. You can now choose to sign in with your Apple ID on iOS/iPadOS devices.

  2. The HUD Layout Tool has new features like Multiple HUDs, duplicate buttons, and much more customization to when buttons show.

  3. Social Player names are no longer are cut off in the voice chat social menu.

  4. The Map now takes up the full screen.

  5. There is a new launch when ready setting.

  6. The hamburger menu button is now smaller.



Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue where dropped items would remain in Featured Islands after players returned to the Hub and then came back in.


  1. The use button once again shows for entering the B.R.U.T.E with touch input.

  2. The honk button now shows for the ATK for touch input.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue where a player could never respawn or spectate if the game started at the same time as they were respawning.

  2. Fixed an issue where the storm FX permanently remained on-screen when the storm circle finished outside of the minigame volume.


Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue which allowed players to place Player Spawns upside down, allowing them to spawn upside down.

  2. Fixed an issue where the Cannon could destroy structures on islands configured not to allow structure damage.

  3. Fixed an issue where the Air Strike consumable would not properly bombard the targeted location.


  1. The mobile button "Creative Deselect” now shows.

  2. The toggle Phase and other creative buttons that were removed were added back to touch input.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue where selecting multiple props removed them from their grid snap.
  2. Fixed an issue where setting an island snapshot could disable jumping and flight.
  3. Fixed an issue where the Trap device blueprints would flicker wildly while being placed.
  4. Fixed an issue where the props did not stay resized after being multi-selected.
  5. Fixed an issue where a device would be removed after selecting its copy from the Quick Bar when its maximum instances had been reached.
  6. Fixed an issue where asset icons were dark when copied from placed objects.


Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue where the red flower prop from Sweaty Sands Duplex had too much health.
  2. Fixed an issue where some walls from Sweaty Sands Wall Gallery A were giving the wrong harvested material.
  3. Fixed an issue where part of the fog machine didn"t render from certain perspectives.
  4. Fixed an issue with the Knepley"s Pawn sign collision.
  5. Fixed an issue where tire piles appeared abnormally large from a distance.
  6. Fixed an issue where the Yacht Prefab and Gallery pieces were missing proper textures.


Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue where Arabic user-generated text was not displayed correctly on some devices.
  2. Fixed an issue where moving between adjacent Damage Volume devices resulted in no damage being taken.
  3. Fixed an issue where the Beacon setting on the Objective Device was not functional.
  4. Fixed an issue where Creatures and Sentries could not detect idle players.
  5. Fixed an issue where the Trigger Device setting Trigger by Items did not register who had thrown an item.
  6. Fixed an issue where the Baller cord would return, despite being attached, when reaching a certain distance.

Save the World

  1. Read about upcoming things in STW in the blog.

  2. Repeatedly raising and lowering the shield during the "Goin Constructor" ability will no longer prevent other guns and abilities from functioning.

  3. Ammo will no longer be consumed when a weapon is dropped and picked up.

Weitere Informationen findet Ihr über den nachstehenden Link auf reddit.com:

Quelle: Fortnite Update v13.30 Patchnotes @ reddit.com