Linda Currie von SirTech hat das Veröffentlichungsdatum für Wizardry 8 in Nordamerika bekannt gegeben: 15.11.2001, hier ein Auszug aus der Presserklärung:

Fans have long awaited information about the release date of Wizardry 8. "We remain completely committed to bringing Wizardry 8 to market and supporting the release so that our fans can experience the best role-playing has to offer," said Linda Currie, Project Leader.

"We have a game with such depth of content that trying to encompass its features in a press announcement is incredibly difficult," said Linda Currie. "Wizardry 8 truly is a game unlike any other."

Die gesamte Presseinfo findet Ihr über nachfolgenden Link:

Quelle: Wizardry8-Guide