Und wieder ist es die norwegische Online-Mag ToTheGame, die brandneue Infos rund um Might & Magic IX veröffentlichen kann. Neben 12 (!!!) neuen Screenshots gibt es auch ein Interview mit 11 Fragen und Antworten. Hier ein kleiner Auszug:

» There is said to be eight classes to choose from. 4 of might and 4 of magic. How different will they all be?

In total there will be fourteen classes, 7 might and 7 magic. Most of which are an extension of the others. When you begin the game, you will have a choice between following the path of might and becoming a fighter, or following the path of magic and becoming an initiate. When it comes time for your first promotion, you will have another choice to face. If you had chosen the fighter, you would have to choose between being a mercenary, or a crusader. From there you would face another two choices to become your final class.

» You have in earlier interviews stated that the same skill will be different according to the classes, how will this work and to what extent?

The same skill working differently has been primarily focused on when the character reaches the level of Grandmaster. For instance, with the blade skill, the Paladin may get a bonus to hit or damage, whereas the Assassin would get the bonus of extra attacks, or an extra crit.

Es gibt ein paar interessante Details zu MM9, die ich in Kürze - nach den Feiertagen - hier nochmal zusammentragen werden.

Die Screens kann ich Euch nur ans Herz legen:

Link: Zu den neuen Screenshots
Link: Interview @ ToTheGame
Link: Screens @ ToTheGame

Quelle: Might & Magic - World