Gamespy konnte auf der Game Developers Conference in San Jose mit Peter Molyneux ein sehr interessantes Interview führen, welches sich um Black & White 2 + 3, die Konsolenumsetzungen von Black & White sowie Project Ego dreht.

The Black and White Studios team is composed in thirds: one-third of people are from Lionhead, one-third from within the industry and another third "new blood." The team started working on Black & White 2 for the PC about three months before Creature Isle came out. "This game will be far, far more than Black & White," Molyneux said. "There are refinements and new concepts. We've thrown some things out and enhanced others."

Molyneux explains that this new incarnation of the game will have the world at war. As the god figure, you will either encourage the war or try to pacify it and help make peace. Your creature will now be able to use things, such as weapons, and even wear clothes. Some of the original Black & White mechanics won't exist in the new game. For example, the Citadel won't play much of a role anymore. Since the world will be at war, there will be little time for dancing.

Neben den Arbeiten am Teil 2 soll in Kürze bereits ein Team eine neue Engine für Teil 3 erstellen. PM spricht übrigens von 5 Teilen der Black & White - Reihe, es kommt also noch einiges auf uns zu.
