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Advance Wars
Castlevania - Circle of the Moon
Crash Bandicoot - Fusion
CT Special Forces
Dead to Rights
Digimon Racing
Dr. Franken
Dr. Mario
Dragon Ball Z - Legendary Super Warriors
Dragon Ball Z - Supersonic Warrior
Garfield - The Search For Pooky
In einem Land vor unserer Zeit
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Kao the Kangaroo
Kong - King of Atlantis
Lego Insel
Mega Man and Bass
Megaman - Battle Network
Monster AG
Moorhuhn 3
No Rules - Get Phat
Ottifanten, Die
Planet der Affen
Planet Monsters
Pokemon Emerald
Pokemon Gelb
Pokemon Gold
Pokemon Rubin / Saphir
Power Rangers - Time Force
Rick Dangerous 2
Road Rash - Jailbreak
SpongeBob SquarePants - Battle for Bikini Bottom
SpongeBob SquarePants - Legend / Lost Spatula
SpongeBob und seine Freunde - Durch dick und dünn
Star Wars - Angriff der Klonkrieger
Star X
Super Mario Bros. Deluxe
Tetris Attack
Total Carnage
Turtles 3
Ultimate Doom
Vegas Games
Yu-Gi-Oh - Die heiligen Karten
Yu-Gi-Oh Dark Duel Stories
Yu-Gi-Oh! - Das dunkle Duell
Yu-Gi-Oh! Stairway to the Destined Duel
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Sacred Cards
Yu-Gi-Oh! Worldwide Edition
Yu-Gi-Oh! Worldwide Edition Stairway to the Dest.
Zelda - Links Awakening
53 Datensätze :: erstellt am 09.03.2025 01:42:06